>Peace Walker
>Death Stranding
>trusting nu-Kojima
faggots all of you
>Peace Walker
>Death Stranding
>trusting nu-Kojima
faggots all of you
Other urls found in this thread:
It's funny because those three games are all shit for entirely different reasons. Let's hope Kojima comes up with a whole new one for Death Stranding.
MGS V was suppose to be the best game in the series and one of the best games ever made and it ended up being bland forgettable shit
I still can't get over how disappointing it was, at least it stopped me from being blindly hyped up for vidya afterwards
MGS 4 was much more disappointing, so I suspect you're 20 years old at most.
>Kojima starts making actual videogames instead of shitty, clunky movies
>MGS redditors throw an autistic fit of rage
MGS V with a closed level design could have been god tier.
I'm 25 next month user and I didn't buy a PS3 until years later so I wasn't as disappointed with 4 since I knew what to expect
yeah because MGSIV wasn't a movie
>4 years have passed
>people in MGS threads keep writing this over and over again periodically every 50 posts unironically pretending they made a powerful statement
MGSV being trash is the gift that keeps on giving.
The MGS community is by far the worst cancer that Yea Forums has suffered from.
Seeing it die a slow, painful death over the past 4 years has been glorious.
And even better considering the franchise is now dead and these are the last memories MGSfags will have of their beloved franchise.
Good thing Death Stranding fell for the open world meme too, then.
I envy you.
Sadly the odds are that Death Stranding is going to be not that good.
Name one game director/developer that had a few amazing games, then released a long line of shit, and then somehow defied expectations and released a game that was really good again.
Pro tip: You can't.
No it wasn't, aside from the first, terrible level where you can't do shit and is plagued with garbage cutscenes, the rest of the game ignores the plot, and most of what there is is relegated to casette tapes, so it can be easily ignored.
>No it wasn't
denial at it's finest
none of those are shit, you're just a faggot loser
The series died in 08, my man. It's been over a decade since it was alive.
I legitimately think you're confused and I'm not doing an ironic bit here. He said MGS IV (4), not MGS V (5)
Oh, thought you meant MGSV.
Yes, 4 was a garbage movie.
MGSV fortunately fixed that.
>>Peace Walker
Your taste is awful
4 was good
>Peace walker: shit
>when hideo was in charge we got great games that are generation defining
>Kojima takes over
>nothing but over the top trash
yeah by adding a garbage story and open-world with awful bases you infiltrate 500 times
honestly how do you go from camp omega to that shallow shit
MGSV is unironically my GOTY 2015
No, by removing the story.
The obsession MGS has with storytelling is it's biggest flaw.
MGSV is the first time Kojima has realized he's making videogames, and not shitty movies.
>played TPP only
>everyone in Yea Forums praising GZ and the map
>pirate it
>it's literally an oversized discarded Call of Duty multiplayer map
>only thing new I noticed was cameras, which were like 3 of them
MGSV is what me realize that Yea Forums's opinions don't matter.
What went wrong?
Nothing it's perfect
80 minute cutscenes
>MGS thread
Redditors detected.
Report, sage, hide.
They shut down the multiplayer.
I'd smoke a joint with Kojima.
>Nah, I don't really think about whether it's good or not. I just enjoy the story. You're not that invested into a game, are you, user?
You're literally just a brainlet. If you value an empty open-world with tiny bases with barely any variation or level design over Omega, then you should fuck off back to CoD.
they forgot to put a game inside their movie
They are the best anons I know. youtu.be
Thing is, what's there to Omega?
There's nothing, it's literally yet another base.
There has to be another motive unrelated to quality here, probably why I never see anyone explain why this shitty map is supposed to be good.
>it's literally an oversized discarded Call of Duty multiplayer map
That people played GZ when the MGSV hype was still a thing.
So they were still happy, and they associate that mood with quality.
Yea Forums is a very simple place to disect, nobody here has any in depth opinions, it's all based on what they are feeling currently.
Compare it to any area in TPP. Use your peanut brain and try to find an area in TPP that comes close to being as good as Camp Omega.
> Gameplay itself not interesting enough (it was less interesting than #3)
> Story was way to complicated and up it's own ass
> Levels themselves could have been bigger
Kojima tends to focus on too many details in the wrong places. IMO Snake Eater was the very best of the series, but PS1 MGS will always have a very special place in my heart.
>it's good
In what regard?
There's literally nothing to Camp Omega.
It wasn't challenging, it wasn't visually impressive, it wasn't interesting to explore because there was literally nothing.
It was just a generic military base straight out of COD.
and what makes TPP better?
Call of Duty isn't open world you fucking mongoloid
It isn't.
That's the thing, there's nothing special in any of them.
GZ just feels like another level of TPP, is just closed instead of being in a bigger map.
And even then MGSV already limits the area you can run around on in missions.
you mean they designed a military base to look like a military base?
what the fuck were they thinking?
>GZ just feels like another level of TPP
No it doesn't you ignoramus.
Don't even bother.
The kid is retarded.
But it does, except for the main mission where you have to literally take the 7 prisoners to a helicopter, that was stupid.
Kojima has been shit since MGS2;
>Kojima received much fan mail; one letter from a girl stated she did not want to play a game with an old man. Kojima took this into consideration; he and his team designed Raiden to be more appealing to women.[6] Designer Yoji Shinkawa said he and the other character designers took much inspiration for Raiden's appearance from the bishōnen archetype.[6]
Yes, it's boring.
Why base yourself on reality?
mgs4 wasn't shit
especially when compared to what happened to rest of series
>why would a game based in a realistic world use realistic settings
Why is Kojima so revered anyway?
Why make any choice that results in a more boring game?
Camp Omega is crap for the same reason the maps in MGSV are crap, the obsession with realism.
I don't want a boring, generic military base, I don't want Afghanistan with it's miles and miles of nothingness, I don't want realism because it brings nothing good.
here we fuckin go
old good new bad squad
even though 4 was always hated
Your bait is wearing thin now. Time to stop.
>I dont like realistic settings because my half-second attention span doesn't allow it
You are begging me to stop while not having offered a single defense towards this map.
Which confirms my hypothesis that your opinion on GZ is not related to the game itself.
Hell, these opinions never appeared in Yea Forums up until 2016.
Listen user, at the end of the day we all want Daddy Kojima to to treat us out on some dinner and then bend us over in his obscure films dungeon.
Snake Eater is the only good MGS game.
Mgs4 started the swing towards all the bullshit in PE and V.
>I like boring, empty maps because it's just like real life
I assume you quit the game when Sahelanthropus appeared, then.
You've been moving goalposts since the start. The original point was that Omega had much more work put into it than any single area in TPP. You sidestepped that, and now you're going on about muh realism.
I'm sure if that much work was put into it, it would show somewhere.
Again, show me a single area in TPP that is as intricate as GZ. I'll wait.
>tfw you are the only one who unironically likes mgs4
Intricate in what sense?
The only thing Camp Omega has are cameras, and there's like 3 of them.
The peak of MGSV in general is in FOBs, they are the only part of MGSV that's actually challenging.
TPP has cameras too at large outposts.
>Kojima starts making actual videogames
REALLY? What's the name of the new project? I can wait to finish this shitty movie to start a real game!
the gameplay segments are good
they were just too many 30 minutes cutscenes taking away from that
Stop replying to him.
Open world tends to do that to a game. Wide as and ocean, deep as a puddle.
There's nothing that points at DS being a movie.
Remember when people also thought MGSV would be story focused?
It's obvious Kojima likes making trailers, but I have faith that he hasn't left the path to redemption after so many years of plot focused trash.
Intracate only compared to the tiny shallow bases from TPP. Only thing that comes remotely close is the mansion.
MGS4 was pure kino, fuck you
No, as I said, the FOBs are the best, it's MGSV at it's peak.
Mostly because they have no reason to not be ruthless with you in that mode.
Also, people don't praise GZ "compared to MGSV", I see people say that GZ is one of the best MGS games of the franchise, as if it was its own thing and not just a cut level that people, somehow, paid $40 for.
For all it's flaws, at least MGS4 was memorable and memeworthy. In time MGS4 will be like the Star Wars prequels, and will be remembered more fondly for what it tried to do and how it is still memorable despite it's flaws. MGSV will be remembered as the soulless cashgrab it was, like the Star Wars sequels.
> at least MGS4 was memorable
Yeah, for how fucking awful it was.
MGS4 is a game that would have benefited from being unfinished like MGSV, it would have spared us of the fucking horrible ending that ruined the entire franchise and also ruined PW and MGSV's potential plots when they turned the MGS3 codec team into the illuminati.
MGS4 is a game that not only falls apart the moment you start thinking about the plot, but also induces anger.
>I see people say that GZ is one of the best MGS games of the franchise
I've never seen this.
Cutscenes were too long and codecs weren't long or varied enough. Aside from that, it was perfectly fine, just not quite as good as it's predecessors.
If further MGS games are made then MGSV will also be loved for being one of the "real" Kojima MGS games and Yea Forums will whine that the series went to shit after it. That's why mgs4 gets praised now.
It's hilarious how xbox and nintendo shills are so desperate to bash Kojimbo and somehow pretend how he was always shit, despite him having literally never made a bad game. Death Stranding will be amazing, and there's nothing you xbox and nintendo shits can do about it.
>will be remembered more fondly for what it tried to do and how it is still memorable despite it's flaws
No, the prequels will always be absolute garbage, and they didn't try to do anything, they were nothing but 2 hour long advertisements for toys.
George Lucas made those movies to make merchandise out of them.
Don't listen to these faggots, they're literally only salty because the story is even more batshit than it usually is, but that's exactly why I love it so much
i love the prequels
so i disagree!
>In time MGS4 will be like the Star Wars prequels, and will be remembered more fondly for what it tried to do and how it is still memorable despite it's flaws
What you mean with this is that people will relax over being rightfully angry at a thing that was fucking terrible and will have a more moderate opinion of it.
This isn't because of the quality of 4 or MGSV, it happens to absolutely everything, and it will eventually happen to MGSV too.
t. disney kike shill
The opposite, MGS4 is trash because it tries to explain the retardation of MGS2.
It tries to make sense of everything while adding terrible crap like MGS3's codec team being the patriots.
Not to mention that Liquid's plan made no sense
>haha, I'm pretending to be someone else so now I can fool the illuminati into letting me destroy them
Nothing in MGS4 makes any sense.
The thing Kojima is best at is making trailers and generating hype and has coasted his entire career off of it
MGS4 got 10/10 reviews across the board when it first came out. Stay mad, anti-sony shill
Oh no, i'm not saying the sequels are any better, they are just like the prequels, except they don't even try to do anything new.
If there's something good to say about the prequels is just that, that it didn't try to copy the movies that came before.
nobody knows
Just like MGSV.
Why start the clock there?
That's what I meant by batshit, it doesn't make any sense and it doesn't fucking need to either, I think if it did manage to it wouldn't even be half as good. Not to mention it has the most kino ending I've ever seen in any form of media
Revenge of the Sith is unironically second best Star Wars movie after Empire Strikes Back.
kys yourself zoomer
>Played 75 hours into MGSV when it first came out
Hated it
>Played it last week and have 70 hours in right now
Love it
Once you get over that the game isn’t meant to explain much in the story and is more ambiguous with its cutscenes, also cringey as fuck ones too, you start to enjoy it more.
Venom ain’t too bad.
Jesus fucking christ metal gear solid fans suck
If you are not with me, then you are my enemy.
Fuck, it must be awful working for him. Being on eggshells constantly around the 'great director' Kojima, listening to him meander on about his retarded ideas such as 'Heartman: the man who's heart stops everyday, 60 times a day'. Absolute mind-numbing drivel. And you can't speak up and tell him that his ideas are completely retarded because he has a cabal of yes-men following him everywhere he goes, constantly praising him, telling him how much of a 'visionary' he is and what a mastermind director he is and how amazing his little games are. Feeding his megalomaniacal ego. He's fucking delusional.
this is obsessive and pathetic
He might be the only person I'd smoke a joint with
this is incisive and damning
As corny and cheesy as the lines were, the fact that you are repeating them now and remember them after 15 years means they were kino. Just think of all the other 10/10 meme dialogue from RotS, like "I am the Senate!" or "From my point of view the Jedi are evil" or "My allegiance is to the republic, to democracy!" or the Darth Plagueis monologue.
Now can you name a single meme-worthy or memorable piece of dialogue from the soulless sequel trilogy? I thought not.
all i can remember from the sequels is the coolest looking character throwing a bitch fit
and the "oh my lightsaber skills" mary sue
>As corny and cheesy as the lines were, the fact that you are repeating them now and remember them after 15 years means they were kino.
No, it means they're mockable because the movie is garbage with awful writing. By this logic, The Room is "kino".
>Now can you name a single meme-worthy or memorable piece of dialogue from the soulless sequel trilogy? I thought not.
"It's true... All of it"
This doesn't mean anything. The prequels and sequels are equally shit. Don't think you're superior for being a prequelfaggot.
prequels are better than the sequels
I felt 4 at least tied up most of the plot points nicely, even if there was some kojima sperg in order to get there. I felt Snake's, Raiden's, and Big bosses stories ended appropriately and satisfyingly.
>all i can remember from the sequels is the coolest looking character throwing a bitch fit
And his costume design was 100% stolen from Bioware. They couldn't even come up with something original for the life of them.
AotC and TPM are shit, but RotS is legit kino. Every scene with Palpatine is unironically 10/10 and he was a better villain than Snoke could ever be, that's why abrahams is bringing him back for Episode IX
This is droll and plaintive
Name one good Konami game from last gen (or this gen) that isn't a Metal Gear sequel or spinoff. Like it or not, he was the only game designer keeping them relevant.
Bioware? sauce?
I enjoyed 4, peacewalker and ground zeroes though
MGSV was the best Kojima ever made, suck it nerds.
>ageism posts
Typical 2019 Yea Forums
Kojima objectively hasn't made a single bad game.
That was pretty Pepega of you, user. I suggest you go play some PogChamp games such as Fortnite, that way you can Jebaited some fools.
>hello fellow kids
this is really pathetic
We have to talk to you that way so you can understand us, since you're clearly no older than 15.
Not any of them, but i just wanted to drop by and say you both are pathetic.
Less talking about yourselves and bring out actual points on why the game sucks.
maybe i should dumb down my speech for YOU since YOU have dementia
darth revan bro
Doing the same thing right now. Game is comfy af.
post tits
>no u
Wow, really original. Go back to instagram since you cant take any shit here
Who are you quoting? Are you losing your ability to read and comprehend language as well, buddy?
>I have to dumb my speech to talk down to you
>No, I have to dumb down MY speech to talk down to YOU! Suck it, boomer!
How is that not a "no u"? Cant wait for summer to end so children like you can get off this site.
I can't wait for the year to be over so you'll kick the bucket and die you old faggot.
Peace Walker and V were good games.
I cant wait for the year to be over so you can start to learn algebra you infant.
>garbage story
The entire series has a godawful story, retarded manchild. Hamfisted themes and long cutscenes don't make a story good.
Did you really start to learn algebra when you were 15? That's a little late.
Unironically the best in the series gameplay wise.
Don't bother, it's just an opinion hypefags parrot on Yea Forums to cope with their inevitable disappointment
>no older than 15
That means you can be LESS than 15. Given that you can't read for shit, I'll bump it down to 12.
It's okay, you were just a little behind the other kids. We'll call it at that.
this is cringe and bluepilled
>this retard thinks the outposts in V are bases and compares Camp Omega with them
This is based and kojimapilled
>says I'm behind
>lacks basic reading comprehension
Remember that those exact critics also rated the other MGS games 10/10
I'm only hype for the soundtrack desu
Forssell did a great job on MGSV
Why are Yea Forums pretending MGS4 was a bad game? Dunkey made a video about it?
Same desu
>Original Soundtrack has only 5 good songs
>you have to buy the Extended one to listen to most of the good tracks from the game
Online was kino af though.
>good soundtrack
It was trash. OooooooooOOOOOOooooo OOoooooOOOoooOOOooOOOOO
contrarianism to a fault
yeah this is what's gonna keep its legacy afloat for decades. Even as a diehard MGS fan V is top 3 in the series no doubt. MGS is best when the story stays out of the way.
You didnt even listen to it.
It has some nice tracks, though.
Pretty good for having hired a relatively unknown composer.
3 and V are the best games.
after replaying 2 recently I'd have to agree with this statement. V will age like a fine wine.
>50+ minute long cutscenes
>barely any gameplay
>chapter 2
>one asspull after another
>actual mc now is a secret joke character that does poopoo and peepee jokes
>he also cucks you
>Raiden is now a naruto shipuden edgelord nothing personel kud teleports behind you guy
>does not continue the story and themes of mgs2
>Kojima let his 11 year old son write the backstories for the bosses
Kill yourself.
No you
Did you even HEAR the soundtrack to MGS5? Get some fucking taste, pleb
i agree op, his games were only good when i was a naive child who could waste his whole summer on one game at a time. now that i am an adult, i hate video games
have sex
I hate video games as well.
When you account for both Peace Walker and MGSV, you'll notice that Kojima is a literal hack writer.
tfw you can't present an argument