Tell me Captain, if the Federation is so great why are there no good Star Trek games?

>tell me Captain, if the Federation is so great why are there no good Star Trek games?

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We have this thread everyday. There are plenty of good Star Trek games

There is FTL which kinda is Star Trek for gameplay purposes.

It's because the Federation sucks

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Because kids let the proper genre die. Trek was perfect for adventure games and there were two good)(not great) ones released. The genre needed to grow a little more and it would have nailed it.

Telltale type shit was never even close to replacing it.

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Pre prophet bullshit Dukat was a fucking godlike character

I am starting DS9 right now. Seems comfy thus far.

Been watching the original series, a little over halfway through the 1st season. I noticed that TNG, DS9, and Voyager overlap at times. Should I watch it in that order or just go linearly from TNG to DS9 to Voyager?

It will keep getting better as it goes

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literally ruined because he was getting more popular than the good guys

It will keep getting better until it hits a wall and gets really bad.

They don't overlap in any meaningful way 2bh, just small cameos and an occasional reference

This is achievable natty with just 6 months of ss + gopad

I want to play Starfleet Command III multiplayer again but nobody else does

The timeline of TNG never overlaps with Voyager.
Nobody watches Deep Sleep 9, so just skip it.

Quark is the best character that deserved a better show

This post was not made in good faith.

I hated DS9 and I really couldn't get into it.
The world building was fun, but it feels like nothing of note really ever happens.

dukat meme

>unannounced boarding party materializes on your fucking command bridge brandishing firearms and your head of security doesn't even open fire right away

the federation is so fucking inept jesus christ

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no, just Worf

only thing I remember about him being a captain is when he broke a really really good ship too

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Bridge Crew for VR is pretty good

Based and Klingon pilled.

Was DS9 your first Trek series? A lot more major events happen in it than in any other iteration.

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There are two kinds of Star Trek fans: those who like DS9 and those who are wrong
On the one hand I have not updated this phrase since high school to incorporate STD or abramsshit but on the other hand anyone who likes that faggot shit isn't a Star Trek fan

I can never watch scenes like this without laughing. The fighting is so cheesy.

Jonathan Fraking Ripped

This would've never happened under Tasha Yar.

The first season or two of DS9 was pretty slow. Once the Dominion showed up though it was as kino as star trek tv has ever been.

Worf was treated much better in DS9

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Easy on the cakes, Frakes

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I just can't get into it.
Everytime I try, I stop at season 1

anyone else thin that the phasers seem like a pretty inefficient weapon?

My first Trek was TNG.
I loved TNG so much that I went to DS9. My problem was comparing the two shows. It's not fair because they are both quite different from each other.

It gets so much better. You have to stick with it user.

Was Babylon 5 any good

I know bro.
If a show doesn't hook me at the beginning, I kind of just drop off.

Kind of like those people that drop off in Breaking Bad. We all know that Breaking Bad is Amazing, but that 3rd season is a bit slow and some people fall off.

Yes. It does suffer from the CG being dated, and a rough season 1. Once it gets going though it's well worth watching. Plus the Starfury is the raddest starfighter ever made. It's so great even NASA wanted to make one.

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More security.
More security.

The Ferengi are so underused. They're barely ever explored despite one of them turning into a main character

Yeah but hes actually space rambo though.
Guy would be on par with a fucking space marine.

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>O'Brien's shoulder
What a subtle recurring gag.

It's weird that he's in the very first episode and then vanishes only to become an actual recurring character past season 2

Shit im just done with TNG and not sure what to expect with DS9 after all the glory of these past two series

Star Trek is just scooby doo with some babby's first philosophical ruminations sprinkled in. I dont think you could make a good game out of it


It's weird that someone can become immune to phasers and transporters.

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Why not just kill him by using the transport and not have it make a copy?

We can still all agree TOS >>> *

I enjoyed that flash Star Trek game. Broken Mirror I think.
Just colonized planets and made megabux

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So name them if there’s plenty

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you have 2 or so seasons of TNG on a station until the Dominion get introduced
then DS9 actually starts and you start to learn more about the Dominion until things get to a cold war then some political instability for all major powers and the Dominion War kicks off

>Good Star Trek games? Pure fiction.

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The only episode I remember was episode where they took in the Irish folk and put them in the shuttle bay and they turned it into a farm. The daughter was incredibly hot and gave me a redhead fetish at a pretty early age because of it.

It's a slow burn until Season 4.

>forgetting the kino game

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I still don't understand what they were even thinking. The Bajorans are all insufferable pricks and the spoonheads have so much personality they practically steal the show every time they're on. What did they expect would happen?

>Q, a member of the Q Continuum
>Omnipotent, immortal and an all-around swell guy

>and a rough season 1

What? Season 1 of B5 was great. It's the last season that was rough.

The ST universe is amazingly well crafted, which for games presents a problem of focusing on enough of it that it's as interesting as the series and films, but not so much that it takes realizing 52 detailed large levels set on 23 different planets, space stations and ships. So either go the ship route like Bridge Commander or a "ST themed" genre game like Elite Force or Klingon Honor Guard until ST becomes so popular again some publisher and studio can make something (even) more ambitious.

I recently tried out "Star Trek" and it was one of the worst things I'd ever played, couldn't stand it for more than 4 hours or so.

Q was annoying, but that exactly what he's supposed to be.
His dialog was beautifully written.

He looks so fucking young when rewatching TNG's pilot.

Ah, the show that gave me my shipfu ...

Seriously though; 1 was much better than people give it credit for, and 5 is most assuredly the roughest season.

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They should just focus on telling individual stories in a game.
People get so bogged down in this massive universe.
I want a game that just slows down and lives in it.

Mass Effect like Star Trek could be interesting though

They got a lot more "explored" in DS9, and frankly it was enough.

I was so disappointed when that turned out to be a Troi hallucination. I was so ready for the flagship of the Federation to have at least one literal dead body stuck in a wall someplace (other than that security girl that phased through the floor of course).

For me it's the Warlock class. Sadly only shows up in one movie and like an episode of the spinoff.

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>They should just focus on telling individual stories in a game.

this. i'd buy the fuck out of a really tight and focused star trek game that is centered around one interesting event -- like the tv show episodes.


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>I don't agree with him therefore I can't like anything he's ever done

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Yeah, nothing happened. Except, you know, a galactic war.

Get a blanket, a drink, get comfy and enjoy the show my man

Is TOS the greatest comedy of our time?

Wait a minute
are you saying this one star trek actor isn't a conservative, and dare I say it, anti-trump?

Holy shit Dukat is based

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But DS9 never was TNG on a station. It actually had characters and did things with them.

Is Trek worth watching? Seems like a gigantic time investment since each episode of TOS is like an hour and there are 30 or so episodes each season...

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Its a commitment but it's the single greatest television show I've ever watched, personally. I've seen TNG, DS9, and TOS primarily. So yeah, for me its worth it.

You know she was fucking soaking wet being picked up like that in real life

Put it on in the background at first. I promise eventually it will seep into you. Best part is, that no matter where you start, it's always a bit stinky at the beginning so you won't miss anything

Get an episode guide so you know which episode to watch and skip. Otherwise, watch one a day before bed or whatever and it makes for a pretty comfy experience.

There are, they're just bootlegs from way back when. Pretty sure none of them are "licensed".

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Shes even hotter than Seven of Nine in some episodes.

Start with TNG. It's much more modern and easier to digest than TOS. The first two seasons are subpar, but season 3 is when it really ramps up. You're right, it is a commitment, but much like the starships on the show: it is about the journey, not the destination. It may seem daunting at first, but after you finish watching "All good things..." you'll wish there was just ONE more season. After TNG, I recommend DS9. If you really enjoyed TNG and DS9, and don't mind a more dated, campier show, watch TOS. Voyager, Enterprise, and Discovery can all be skipped, and in fact I encourage it unless you really want to torture yourself.

If you do decide to watch Trek, I just have one favor: do NOT watch any of the films. They are all complete fucking garbage. Wrath of Khan is the only exception to the rule. Some people will tell you First Contact is good, but theyre wrong.

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>be B list celeb with all the money you could want and armed guards available at all times
>"take the guns from the peasants, fuck em ive got mine"
Literally every time. Every single time.

that's not wrong, considering how many episodes are wasted on uninteresting side characters like jadzia, the fucking klingons in her subplot were more interesting.
it's honestly tough to take the federation seriously when stuff like this happens, like really, how is the Federation not viewed as a bunch of pussies. unironically evil spock universe was better

>Klingon Honor Guard
I really liked klingon honor guard when I was a kid, you could throw the bat'leth.

>uninteresting side characters like jadzia
She was hot though.

Voyager was worth it for Jeri Ryan, not just because she is hot but 7 of 9 is hilarious.

Shit advice, TOS is better than anything afterwards

There's a good as Sins of a Solar Empire Star Trek mod, it legit improves on a already great game.

Nice opinion faggot

I just started watching TNG for the first time. I'm on episode 9. It's fucking kino, my dudes.

is that the one with the immigrants that try to seek asylum in Bajor because of some prophecy? and Kira just shits all over it, ironically enough?
Dukat was too based and redpilled, plus he was relatable and had recognizable flaws. the jews in charge(seriously) got butthurt that they people sympathized more with the "nazi" than their chosen people, the bajorans, so they turned him into a literal cartoon villain because there was no way for them to make the bajorans likeable.

Also stellaris I think

Um sweetie separate the art from the artist.

They were supposed to be the big bad guys in TNG, but they just didn't work out. Instead they were turned into a joke race of extremely greedy capitalists.

they look ridiculous, it doesn't matter what race they are, being a manlet is NEVER threatening


Deep Space 9 is so goddamn bad. Kys yourself my main man.

redpilled af

sci-fi needs more of this

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I still can't understand why they tried to make her be the sex appeal of the show, a vulcan character that shows the same amount of emotions as a doll.

Works for some I guess but fuck me it was wierd

Wow he had the GALL to criticize our leader? I'm literally shaking, bros.

the action sequences are always the worst part of any trek story and are why the abrams movies and STD suck ass

That's all sci-fi is these days.

The Defiant is such a snazzy ship.
>those poor Miranda class flanking it

Why couldn't they hire a good stunt coordinator? Actually never mind, there are multi million dollar hollywood films that COULD do good action but still don't, it would be crazy to expect that from star trek


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I can hear it in O'Brian's voice

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confirmed retard

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>ywn play red dead redemption 20 on the holodeck

it's not really that, it's that star trek isn't about action in the first place, there's a billion other sci-fi series out there that do it, star trek is about diplomacy and resolving conflict through it, all the best episodes are about it

Who kept putting Wesley in this hideous sweaters. Was it a prank?

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DS9 was all about characters and space politics, not exploration.

the writers hated that little shit, and tried to make sure he never got laid

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I'd say Voyager is worth watching once for the Doctor, Neelix and Tuvok's character-centered episodes, and of course Seven. It's a complete mess of a show but it had enough enjoyable elements sprinkled in to carry it.

yes it fucking is

I can hardly wait to get there since its the main reason I'm getting into the series. However TOS exceeded expectations and I'm happy to stick with it and the movies before indulging in TNG.

The Undiscovered Country is good
Search for Spock and Voyage Home are alright and worth a watch for being a direct continuation of Wrath of Kahn

Want to watch TNG but I've heard that seasons 1 and 2 would be better with an episode guide, is there a specific one people recommend or could I just use any.

thank mr skeltal.


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Why do people give ENT such a hard time? I watched it for the first time recently and besides the final episode being absolute ass I found it very enjoyable.

You nigger, I don't want du hast stuck in my head

People still can't get past the Rod Stewart intro


Listen to your Lexington and Mongol overlords and stop playing the outdated version.

Judgement Rites
A Final Unity
Klingon Academy
Birth of a Federation
most Starfleed Command games
the one with the Borg whose name I forget (Unreal Engine game)

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Now i want to replay Homeworld 2.

Birth of the Federation was close to being good but it still just felt like a Star Trek MoO mod. It also lagged to a fucking crawl after ~100 turns for some reason.

Where's my boi Buck Rodgers

I didn't like it at first but it grew on me.

>some dude gets triggered and posts twitter whos

and then /pol/tards act shocked when people call them out immediately


Where's Killjoys?

You're a better man than me. I can't even get through the first episode.

Where's Space 1999?

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>futurama not god tier
>lexx so low
>no planetes
i do not like this list sam i am

>TNG higher than TOS and DS9
I want TNG nostalgia circlejerk to end.

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DS9 sucks and TOS has the best crew chemistry but you can't honestly say the majority of the stories hold up.

incredible samefag

Non sequitur
Only Trump could go to North Korea

He sure achieved a lot, he got a handshake and uh.... thats it.

>lexx that low
come on now
it deserves low tier

That is correct.
SG1 Anyone?

Every single scene dedicated to those bug people is them complaining about the occupation and how they deserve special attention and how they're better than you because they're the chosen people by an entity the federation has proven isn't God. Yet still everybody in the show treats them like a strong free thinking people despite their cult running their government. FUCK. Deep Space Nine would have been so comfy if not for this and the two nigger writer episodes.

I was so shocked when I first saw the unedited version of the first episode. Totally did not see that coming.


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What is everyone's favourite ship design? For me, it's the Constellation Class.

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I like bab5 better than ds9 on the whole. since it has an overarcing plot they actually planned out.

Akira/NX-01 although Sovereign Class was ok too.

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Mmm, love me some double nacelles.


Gee Bill, FOUR nacelles?

The films weren't that bad, but as a whole they (were) only meant to serve as a gateway to the series of course.

Agreed that TNG is the best starting point, it was what got me hooked as a kid so I'm probably biased but I recently watched TOS and while I liked it a lot and it was very ambitious I still feel TNG was peak ST, though Voyager and DS9 are great too. Enterprise was so much the product of a confused time and it was too bogged down by that, and Discovery is sadly less interesting still, but it still has about 1 season to come into its own if it can despite a patchy start.

Don't be so quick to tell people not to watch Voyager though, if only for the Borg story arc which is among the best in all the series.


I only like TOS

>lexx not high
>space pirates in terrible

fuck you

Johnson committed 11 impeachable crimes, of course he was impeached.

No one cares, likes or wants you here, you unbelievable faggot

*blocks your path*
Sure are a lot of frackin' Trekkies on this board

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I didn't even know bucky o'hare had a TV show. The arcade game is fucking awesome.

Is that some Jan Hammer I'm hearing in the distance?

Even as a kid I thought it was retarded.

it's on stun setting nerd

If you're going to mention something like Bucky 0-Hare you should also include Wing Commander, seeing as how this is Yea Forums and all.

Galatica is one of the shows where the ending retroactively spoiled my entire memory of the show.
Not as bad as ME3s ending, but it was still pants on head retarded.

What's the D mean there?

>he doesn't know about Vulcan Love Slave II

>Federation spends a few years pooling its tech to build the first dedicated warship in its history
>it's the strongest ship by mass in the quadrant
That's the benefit of min/maxing science and then military might.

>Orion girl
>granny Kzin doctor
I'm looking forward to it.

Religious endings are always terrible.

>Star_Trek webm
>0 results

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one of these things is not like the others

>It's a Jake Sisko episode

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I love the Miranda class. When I tried Star Trek Online and realised that the starter ship you get is a Miranda I was so fucking pleased.

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That's the old Miranda, they recently updated the model to make it more accurate to the movies and added endgame varients.


>USS Flavortown

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Now there's a race I'd be proud to be enslaved by

You best not be talking shit about The Visitor

Sorry to say but Star Trek is complete ass.
Only ironic nerds who are actually bullied fatasses would ever like something as vapid and low quality as Star Trek.
This dumb ass chart doesn't even have the best sci-fi show of all time.

Nice. I've not played in years, is it worth going back?

Babylon 5:
S1 - introduction to characters and lore with non-related episodes
S2 - introduction of the bad guys and escalating tension
S3 - war happens and good guys get rekt
S4 - post-war resistance and twist where the good guys are now the bad guys
S5 - epilogue that explores the political shifts that resulted from the war

So obviously, season 1 and 5 are the least good. 1 is an intro that overstays its welcome, and 5 is honestly unneeded and could have been done in a final 2-part epilogue. But they are still pretty good.

Probably. If it's been years there should be a decent pack of new content.
One small touch I rather like is that as they've been getting more of the actual actors from the shows they've retroactively integrated them into previous missions.

There's also a mission where you play as Quark now.

Still better than Gundam's federation.

This is nothing. There's that episode where she is sick and in some kind of sauna and hole fuck her nipples are diamond hard and so was my dick the entire episode.

>People say season 2 is trash when it has some of the best episodes in the show
>Even season 1 has some amazing episodes

When will this meme end

That's not Jake, that's some cool old actor about a life story and not about fucking bajoran girls and muh mom

Alright, will download the patch and take a look. I just got into FFXIV so I doubt I'll have time to get into it seriously, but if nothing else I remember enjoying the ship to ship combat part of things.