FFlogs now has the same amount of traffic as WoWlogs. Savage isn't even out yet

>FFlogs now has the same amount of traffic as WoWlogs. Savage isn't even out yet

>Shadowbringers is currently the highest rated PS4 AND PC game of 2019

>FFXIV continues to grow while BfA keeps bleeding subs

>FFXIV now does almost everything aside from PvP better than WoW

How do we recover from this, WoWbros...

Attached: pqtl99s14ac31.jpg (928x649, 166K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Is SAM a good class?

Every job you like is shit

>not even a quarter of wow's peak

mmos are dead

Not really. Although it doesn't really matter unless you're going to be a meta tranny. just play what you enjoy

Post you're waiuf and user will tell you what job to main.

It must be rough to be a blizzdrone these days

Jobs you like are shit and jobs you don't like are good


Attached: cat.webm (490x538, 2.95M)

Good. WoW's appeal to normalfags and ADHD children destroyed the genre.

If you're good at it, yeah.

>tfw switch to gunbreaker after playing warrior since 2.0
>really like gunbreaker, think it’s a lot of fun to play
>have to get lumped in with all the braindead fotm fuckheads who make up 2/3 of the tank population and don’t know what a cooldown is

>video preview image
Big fucking yikes.

Just imagine going through the MSQ as a catslut. What a way to ruin a moment.

it was never good

>inb4 HRT-addled zoomers try to post twitch numbers as if that means anything

You're a fucking retard for even caring.

Attached: 3.jpg (850x1200, 214K)

Pvp is pretty much the only reason I play wow anyway.

>my friend who convinced me to play the ass end of legion(was mildly enjoyable) and beginning of bfa after quitting in cata keeps trying to say im going to come back
>when actually been thinking of picking ff14 back up after quitting during the post ARR MQ fetch quest slog before getting to HW

Attached: mmo expert.png (479x480, 219K)

I main a Lightforged Draenei Discipline Priest in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth.
Is this game worth getting into?

Fuck off we're full

>People care about parsing
>People care about parsing in fucking NORMAL and release EXs
Why, though?

What is the best datacenter?
Which world is the Yea Forums guild on?

Attached: 2.jpg (1920x1080, 135K)

Why do you keep posting this? We don't know who that guy is.


how does one play through the story of FFXIV?
I don't think my style of being totally alone and just doing solo quests was the "right" way to do an mmo. Either way, I ended up not renewing my subscription, although I've been thinking about picking it back up again.

I only reached level 30-something in two classes.



>made my fem midlander too cute
>can't play for longer than a few hours without loading mods in and turning her into a degenerate fuckslut in my small Mist house

Attached: 1561698973264.jpg (750x750, 49K)

>not wanting to see how you're doing vs other people in the same job after major job changes
Really makes you fucking think.

feral druid
outlaw rogue

>how does one play through the story of FFXIV?
>I don't think my style of being totally alone and just doing solo quests was the "right" way to do an mmo
That's how you do XIV's story pretty much, unless you happen to have a friend going through it with you. The story is basically a single player RPG with multiplayer dungeons and boss fights. When you get to endgame you'll play it more like an MMO.

>not making the ugliest old highlander you possibly can like an absolute chad
apply yourself

Sure. It's not like Destro locks that gets fucked in the ass over and over so badly that people start not even wanting them in "hard" dungeons.

Attached: wow thats super cool sure worth sticking with destro lock after Pandaria.jpg (262x146, 15K)

Are warlocks the new shamans?
These past few expacs it feels like they've become Blizzard's new punching bag.

y'know, I should really get to endgame in some MMO or other. Just to see what it's like.
>unless you happen to have a friend going through it with you
h-haha my friends are normies

traffic is not people actually participating in content
don't forget

Attached: logs.png (1432x946, 132K)

Someone must have had it out for them after Pandaria and the Warlock green fire questline.

>FFXIV now does almost everything aside from PvP better than WoW
Wow still has the better dungeons, since you know, they are actual dungeons. Wow has also better quests and better open world content.

I'm happy that there's an mmo that people enjoy for once but I really wish it'd die, since it would no doubt kill squeenix and allow their IPs to be bought by a less incompetent publisher
>Monkeys paw is koei tecmo buys everything

careful user you might get a death threat for that

I hope JP gets involved in parsing and have their clear rates reduce by retards greeding extra CGDs.

primal- -> ultros