Pirating games is illegal so why do you do it?
Pirating games is illegal so why do you do it?
Because I can
Same reason people talk shit on the internet and not real life. No balls, but wanna pretend they got balls.
What good is law if it is not enforced?
I believe this is true. The people who pirate games online would not steal a physical game from the store.
because it's a victimless crime
because my dick is big and yours is small
>Can't afford it
>Don't give a fuck why I'm stealing it
>Devs told me to pirate it because they can't sell it in my country or a grey market is stealing from them
Pick any of them
the law also says that pictures of cartoon children shouldn't make my peepee hard but they do anyway
Mom told me i was hardcore
I'm right though. You wouldn't steal from the store because you're a coward.
Been fucking with Retroarch leading up to the Steam release and finally getting my Roms in order.
Any major tricks I wouldn't know about it without fucking with it or watching a short tutorial?
I can't get my PS1/PS2/PSP games to show up in the collection but I assume it's some sort of format issue and I'll be damned if I'm tracking down another copy of those when I can still run my current ones.
user you have to download the .bin file
I'm poor.
I've done both though
Because it's free.
But why? It's illegal.
who cares
My Symphony of the Night has a .bin and a .cue file, scanned both and neither are doing shit.
Can still play it though. Never heard of PS2 or PSP using .bin files so I"m lost there.
there's a global .bin file used on the ps1 and ps2. the retroarch website has information about it
Try before you buy. No demo? Bet your ass I'll pirate it. If your game is shit, you don't get my money, easy as that.
I don't really care that it's illegal, I just like having free games.
Retroarch's in menu detection is fucked. Just use Load Content. I'd assume it's a non matching hash or whatever, which makes it useless when tons of my roms have mods of some sort on them.
how well does dos emulate on the vita?
A *private copy" is legal.
Jesus just going into the docs section hit me with a ton of information. None of it solved my problem yet but least I know where to go to solve other problems.
Yeah, that's what I figured. I started using it because it was the recommended way to play Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 randomizers so I'm already stuck going through Load Content or the recent list. I honestly don't care that much either since I only have a total of 10 or so PS1/PS2/PSP games set up on my drive currently. Least some of my games look pretty and the fact they show up properly means I probably have the right hash for the achievements.
Are you still there? Are you able to at least load your games but they aren't showing in the UI or are you unable to load them at all?
Being a poorfag is the only excuse I can think of.
Can load everything fine, aren't showing up in the UI.
Which ultimately is trivial and probably due to hash mismatches.
I don't anymore because apparently there's enough quality free games. Otherwise it's because there are no demos now and everything stays in perpetual half-finished state even after release.
Because it's easy and nobody gives a shit. Why do you? What's with all these constant anti-piracy threads during the last year or so? Is it just for cheap replies, or is there something more sinister going on?
Eh. I could get Princess maker 2 to run through retroarch, but I can't remap controls and there's no sound at all. Thought that was just due to retroarch being shit, but I tried it on a different emu on android and i still couldn't hear anything. Same file works fine through dosbox on pc though
Because games have retarded prices where I live and I'm not spending a quarter of my salary in vidya.
>right hash for the achievements
Motherfuckers. Half way through a game I find a widescreen mod, hash is now wrong and there go the achievements.
because i can
You know how some countries allows you to sell sex, but you're not allowed to buy sex?
Where I live the law is that you may download files, but you may not distribute files. This is backwards af, as sharing a single txt file would violate it.
Which also makes hit and run torrents more likely.
Because i can
being as much of a faggot as you is illegal in many countries too, what's your point?
Not in my country
Some games just aren't that accessible anymore with you having to buy decade old hardware which only gives money to 3rd party sellers anyway. Plus only a handful of games ever get re-released/remade so your only options are to purchase often time expensive hardware or just pirate it with the added bonuses that emulators have. This argument doesn't really apply to current games though.
Why would you pirate and play a shitty game made for feminists?