good game, but not the best Zelda game
Decent game, I hope the sequel improves on the flaws
Very good game.
What is the best Zelda game?
botw unless you're a contrarian
it's hip to like twilight princess now, but it used to be windwaker
for me, its TP
LTTP comes close at second though
>botw unless you're a contrarian
Are you stupid? MM and OoT are universally agreed to be the best. If anything, it's contrarian to think BotW is the best Zelda game. And no BotW isn't the best Zelda game, zoomerscum.
9/10 you forgot the soundtrack.
Great but flawed game, can easily be improved in the sequel if Nintendo doesn't fuck up
My top 3 are Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and A Link Between Worlds
This is false. Nobody says this. OoT was considered the most important Zelda game before BotW.
Nobody but über contrarians and 2011 hipsters think MM is the best.
>This is false. Nobody says this
Metacritics, pretty much every best of list on YT. OoT still is the most important Zelda game, BotWcucks are delusional.
If you use top 10 lists on youtube as your basis for your argument, then please just do us all a favour and stop posting.
Amateur reviews on metacritic are also worthless. They're constantly brigaded.
Link's Awakening and maybe ZeldaNES & A Link to the the Past are better than Breath of the Wild.
Ocarina of Time is good but it's zoomercore to think it's amazing.
As opposed to what? Literal whos on Yea Forums? OoT is still the best and thinking otherwise is contrarian.
If anything is zoomercore it's thinking that BotW is the best.
I see MM get brought up as a favorite a lot on here.
It's a solid 7/10.
Too bad you have to buy a shitty 300$ console to play it as intended.
Wind Waker will always be the superior Zelda.
I wonder why.
for 3D it's Ocarina and will probably remain so for all time because Nintendo have no idea what they're doing and make each new entry worse. BotW was the first good 3D Zelda since the Gamecube launched and it's still worse than both OoT and Majora.
For 2D there's a lot of legitimate picks but my personal favorite is Link Between Worlds, the wall entering mechanic is fucking brilliant and the game clearly has the best puzzles of the series. The only flaws in my opinion are the butt ugly visuals and that the dark world is a chore to navigate.
I'd also accept Zelda 1 for the pure freedom of exploration it has or Oracle of Seasons for having a charming world with a ton of content and great dungeons (along with the best world changing mechanic yet seen in the series)
retard fag zoomer kys
Because people like it?
I'm buying a Switch when the new model comes out with the better battery. I can't wait to finally play this game.