Letssssssssssssssssssssssss racccceeeee
Letssssssssssssssssssssssss racccceeeee
lossssssssst again...
Glad you carried it over into this one. Real fucking cool of you to ruin this thread now too. That will surely get the mods to let us have these
>a thread actually talking about videogames gets raided and deleted
>off-topic shut stays untouched as usual
As if we needed any more proof that Yea Forums is Nintendogaf
Nice meta post faggot
Prove you're fassssssssssst enough to race me. Post me your besssssssssssst times.
How about you don't throw a bitchfit and contribute instead?
Let see how fast I can 404 this thread
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
How is it so difficult to give the raiders/spammers a 3 day vacation?
>links to /vg/
>dont click it
I keep failing the sewers shortcut.
Please teach me the secret to getting it every time, it ruins my time attacks.
Fine, but what about those?
This is not following the same format. You have nothing.
I found a weird exploit with Crunch where its easier while drifting, but hard to aim
It's okay because they're Nintendo games
I guess this thread won't 404 according to you, we'll see soon enough
It's all about the angle, speed almost doesn't matter. You have to jump off the half pipe at the last possible moment.
Who here /tiredofthegrind/
43:89 is not bad, but I would expect more from a speed character.
>mod says general discussion threads aren't allowed
>make a thread with a specific topic
>it gets deleted anyway
they really aren't even trying to hide it are they
Tropy failed to defeat me like all the resssst. Let's sssssseeeee your attempt. I'm waiting.
I hope every base character gets a retro skin at some point
And please God bring the crash one to the non Sony consoles
give me coco's bemused leaning victory animation and angry clackclack typing lose animation reee
And make them look like the real thing. Not the aberration that Retro Crash is so they could re-use his anims.
So how come Mario Maker 2 (A game that came out around the same time and has been out for a month now) gets to have threads right after the other but CTRNF isn't?
Mods, tranny criminals on discord are trying to get ctr moved to vide general while shilling their discord too
>4 more days
Just give me my goddamn Champion Kart already.
honestly everyone says /pol/ needs deleting but if any board needs to be deleted its /vg/ fuck them and fuck tripfags
Finally bought all the GP exclusive itens today, the grinding was killing me. Definitely not doing that for the next one
which one was the most overused online?
Ami. She was the first one that came out in the bundle, and she's Speed.
motorsport ami closely followed by motorsport megumi if only because ami was available first.
>He doesn't exclusively main Gangster Pinstripe.
>Painter Dingo
>Not using purple wheels or purple paint
What a waste
Just letting you know in advance, there will be spam in 4 minutes
This is my typical setup for Dingodile. I had just bought that kart and wanted to use it.
Dragon Minesssss, at noon. Meet me there. Prepare to lossssse.
>PSN sub ran out
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Comfy backup thread is already up
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
How did you know? Is it from the Discord again?
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
>Go off that jump in the right fork at the start of Sewer Speedway.
>Character acts like they crashed into something and comes to a dead stop in midair.
>Get a mask pit assist instead of just falling to the lower track.
the fuck
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Imagine being a butthurt NEET with literally nothing better to do with his pathetic life than backseat mod Yea Forums
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Where is his brother?
>new IP's
jesus fuck go away
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Well? Pleassssse keep bumping my thread!
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Please use /vg/ for recurring format threads.
Seriously this. It's almost jarring that he's not there
Why does Dingodile get the best skins?
As you needed any more proof that Discord was a mistake
and filtered. jesus christ if you hate crash so much then hate on the other threads all over the fucking place on Yea Forums
>this autistic meltdown
Crash doesn't deserve this treatment
Just imagine being so much of a faggot that you not only buy a fucking pass to spam a thread and force your shitty discord but not even knowing how to fucking sage.
Please go to Reddit for recurring format posts
>Reported several of the posts
>Still nothing
Mods taking their sweet time, as usual.
>Inb4 this thread gets deleted instead
Ooooooh dear... I'm sssssstill undefeated!
Perhapsssss I am a bit TOO fasssssst...
If only Joe was Accel.
Moe will be accel
we are going to lossssse our planet...and it will all be your fault
Which karts are you guys hoping for in the next GP?
Impossssssssible... That I was defeated by that fat neanderthal! *sigh*
Here'ssssssssss your key... Sssstill, I think you are not fassssst enough race Oxide. We're going to losssssse out thread, and it will all be YOUR FAULT.
Stop racing with N. Tropy.
Why does a komodo talk like a snake
have a .png for your worries
And start mating with N. Tropy.
Komodo dragons have forked tongues and use them the same as snek do.
I wasn't aware snakes could talk.
If we can't talk about the same game twice in X number of hours/days on Yea Forums, then why are there so many Smash Bros threads constantly up at once?
Because it's okay when it's smash, how many times to I gotta tell you
Because they aren’t getting 10 bucks for deleting those threads
imo, if you are gonna throw such a hissyfit, why even fucking bother?
By dumb chucklefucks who got easily baited? I sure am
I wish I could call a hitman on these people who voted for dragon mines
I'm in the top 2.4% for Nitro. I actually ranked lower just be doing nothing today due to more players getting online. Am I safe to leave it be for the next 3 days?
I've always had a discord account but I dislike discords for generals and for Yea Forums. Im not a traitor
Bone Machine is basically guaranteed and we already know about Probulot 2000. Not sure if there are any other existing karts that would fit the time travel aesthetic, but I'm sure they'll think of something.
Which one of you faggots called my mom a fucking armadillo??
So we got remakes of the original trilogy, and now CTR. What's next for Crash?
Don't say Crash Bash or Twinsanity remake.
>leading up to release and post-release they wound up being the comfiest threads on the entire fucking board
>suddenly disallowed because some retard is screeching at every opportunity trying to stir shit
let anons be comfy, dammit. most games suck ass and it was an uplifting feeling to have a sense of enlightenment and happiness come back to me in the form of a competent remake that wasn't fucked up. It's the type of excitement I haven't felt since I was a child, it's been so long that I forgot what it felt like.
Fuck you for trying to take that joy away from me and like-minded anons.
Ps4? If so, definitely fine
an actual new game would b enice
>all those deleted posts
retro cortex is best skin for non faggots, it's settled and there is no debate
I am just playing online, not really trying. Just trying to get some coins. Not doing that badly. What gives? Has everyone else just given up until the next prix?
Wrath of Cortex, Huge Aventure, and N-Tranced trilogy done correctly instead of 1:1
Cortex castle can fuck off entirely. Not at all fun.
just learn how to airbrake
>racing autistic Princess Cocofag
>suddenly speed character passive kicks in and after my drift I jolt off to the side for no reason and fall off the track
Beenis please fix this shit
>Not Robot Cortex
He's the superior one
Literally all you've done in this thread is post memes lmao
Look at the posts dipshit
Why did my post get deleted? All I did was ask a relevant question in a totally normal fashion.
Who is this artist? I see them a lot
Ninabros are based btw
>Look up what Nitro Kart tracks didn't make it in
Who the fuck makes a kart racer with that few tracks besides squaresoft and chocobo racing?
>He doesn't have Platinum
you're too late the debate is settled, and retro cortex won
theres 33 tracks if you include twilight tour, so really it isnt that few
To be fair, the game changed hands and the development period wasn't as long as they were expecting so they hobbled together what little they had.
Did you know CNK was going to have an online multiplayer mode? Bits of it can still be accessed via hacking but it's otherwise not functional.
>so many CTR threads that Yea Forums is butthurt
Love it. Can't wait for the next GP
literally fuck off and kill yourself nigger, let people have an occasional thread about a game they like instead of being an asshole faggot
I'll let you do it on the right board
They need to fix a LOT of shit with how Speed characters and Balanced characters control.
You're not supposed to skate off to the side after a drift just because you picked Speed class, and Balanced characters are not supposed to have completely fucked deadzones that cause them to oversteer constantly into walls.
Twinsanity But given the BFBB:R treatment
Speed characters are supposed to be harder to control unless you have the advanced methods down.
Have we even seen gameplay of it yet?
>in second place
>get fucked by items
>first place shoots ahead never to be seen again
>immediately assfucked by everyone else's items and finish in 6th-8th
Every match. Why do everyone else's rockets have hyper tracking and mine just immediately explode into walls?
like cockwork
I feel the same for Tiny Arena. Its would probably be my favorite if a third of the track was gone or it was only two laps instead of three. It's just way too long and repetitive for me. Catching air most the track is pretty fun though. Slide Stadium is my all time least favorite.
Yeah. Sweet, I might do the Daily tomorrow just for kicks and extra Wumpa coins, but man feels good to take a break for now.
why wouldnt you use accelerate then
Think you're fast, eh?
Yes, because they have shit turning radius. Not because the game is pushing them off to the side after every drift unlike the original.
The challenge in Speed characters was that you couldn't make every corner in the game at full speed unless you altered how you approach them, that's already gone as everyone in this game can u-turn perfectly, including them.
We can't.
>tfw I just like the character but look like a tryhard for using him
I wouldn't have even bothered with the time trials if I didn't have to
>posts within 15 seconds of each other
Is it a mod or a bot? How sad.
Because Komodo Joe is fun and they need to consider a slight buff to Balanced character's straightline speed.
The only thing stopping me is the noxide time trials. Fuck that shit. I just don't have the free time to dedicate to it.
But I do.
Definitely a scriptkiddy.
Imagine how good Tiny's farts would sound in his Biker outfit
The N.O. Time trials are fucking murdering me. I think I'm going to have to start using an accelerator.
Coco is so cute
Giving your drift a 1 in 5 chance to randomly throw you off course and slam you into a fucking wall is not the same thing as more difficult handling
you fucking retard
>actually got btfo by a krunk player on oxide station because I couldn't stop chocking on the USF section
>snipes me with a nitro crate on the ramp after the space jump and knocks me down to 4th just to pour salt in the wound
do the easy ones first, then you can bang out those tough oxide times
>Go to Tiny Arena/Cortex Castle/Dragon Mines/any stage with sharp corners
>Speedlets switch to a class with better handling.
>Go to Roo Tubes
>They switch back to Speed
Absolutely shameless, stop being a Speedlet. Master u-turns already and become a true Speedchad who fears no corner.
Holy fuck that's adorable
I am having no issues on my end. Maybe you just suck at this game, asshole.
Every time I see this I just know they aren't making podium
pc when
Komodo Moe, Koala Kong, Rilla Roo, and Nina Cortex when?
Everyone should really have a grasp on U-Turning at this point
its him...
I miss the old UI
>make racing game
>make unbalanced classes so you see the same 2 characters forever
>races are decided within the first 30 seconds of the race due to items in said racing game being 100% worthless and the person that pulls ahead at the beginning has a near 100% win rate because no amount of items will ever counter even one mistake
gr8 game
Nintendogaf mate. FFXIV is getting the same treatment as CTR
Don’t use the Oxide time skin I guess
Fuck those guys, when are we going to get the real MVP of the franchise?
Raiders... ssso easily defeated by my idiot brother!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaa
Second place is the most dangerous position in a racing game.
There was this that was posted a few days ago which is apparently spoilers for the next GP, what happened with this anyways?
no fucking way
Its a ruse.
>twilight tour two times in a row
>lobby is all bandithots
He's in
best skins for best boy
>Wumpa Time & Weekend Bonus
>Electron Avenue in the rotation
>People vote for Twilight Tour
>Even though they literally just got DNF'd on Twilight Tour last race
>in a lobby right now where cortex castle for chosen
>2 people leave
Well, goddamnit
>Hit the crate that activates the wrecking ball in Barin Ruins
>See the 2nd-4th position icons flash red.
Seriously, why are the items in this game such absolute fucking dogshit. Why even include them, they're so weak they may as well not even be in the game at all.
>Twilight Tour twice in a row
>Tiger Temple twice in a row
I left both. I have no idea why people voted for them.
>tfw dabbed on waifufags on coco park with nash
get fuuuucked
Are platinum relics harder to get than noxide times? So far I only have 4 time trials left (hot air skyway, electron avenue, oxide station, underwater racing) and and most of them were pretty simple to beat (aside from fucking dragon mines.)
I managed to beat the first four plat relics but i'm honestly scared for the rest. Just getting gold in papu's pyramid and dragon mines were a nightmare.
>someone paid for this
why tho?
they're not really comparable challenges since 1 is an obstacle course and the other is purely just hauling ass.
Platinums basically require you hit all the boxes most of the time so that's where a lot of the pain comes from: plotting out a route and then executing it.
Personally I took longer with relics just because of retries, once you know how to haul ass, you're set for the entirety of the time trial challenges on every track unless you're looking to optimize already-solid times. With dragon mines being the 1 outlier.
>It's stuffed crust, you eat it backwards
What the fucking shit? Who the fuck does that?
The 90s were a different time, man.
I'd help all the trophy girls lose weight
>trying to grind Nitro points to at least get the cart
>still in silver
>rest of my challenges are either 'win races' or 'win a race with your thumb up your ass while in last place'
I'm not gonna make it
Tiny is absolutely based
It really fucking pisses me off about all these random as fuck invisible walls placed in places you figure you can jump over.
>land on one centimeter of railing after a big jump
>take off course by aku aku/uka uka
>Slightly bump the edge of an invisible corner
>Completely lose all speed and your reserves
I'd sacrifice a thousand babies to Mammon if it could bring him back into a game.
makes me think of Elton John in biker leather
Why do people like android alley so much
>that fucking elevated part after the last turn in android alley
Man, I miss the Papu Papu portrait of the PS, always looked like a weird smiling creature.
I don't know how anyone has fun with this game online, I honestly don't.
A twitter guy who mods the game posted that so it’s unlikely
It's fun when the track is not short and the winner is not decided by item RNGesus
At this point we deserve to be dragged to /vg/.
Is only game.
no, that came from there. it can stay there.
twinsanity is the only good crash game left.
the original game also had a shitload of cut content so i wouldnt make if beenox remade the entire thing with their own vision.
Making Isabella a mother
>GP countdown says it ends in 3 days
>the weeklies have 6 days left to be done
I'm confused.
Very soon
Gamescom next month
>the BFBB:R treatment
The what?
battle for bikini bottom
Battle for Bikini Bottom: Rehydrated
It's not though. I'm basically fucked out of the gate because the character (Ripper Roo) I want to play is not meta. I'm just so fucking sick and tired of seeing an Ami pull away from everyone in the first 15 seconds of the race and now it's a DNF for the next 7 people. This is every single fucking race, every single one. No amount of good play will change this because it's fundamentally impossible to catch 1st place racers who manage to pull away if they're even semi decent at the game and know one short cut. I got memed into playing this because people saying it's somehow "skill" based. It's not, it's more unbalanced than fucking Mario Kart at the moment. Once you're at a certain familiarity with the tracks and the short cuts class selection is the only thing affecting your victory or loss. And if you pull ahead and you leave bottles/TNT crates on all the shortcut routes and make your already dominating victory even more secure. This shit in ubalanced as fuck and unironically putting a kart racing game on a P2P connection was a retarded decision. Boy I love getting squashed or exploded by fucking nothing.
I wish less paintjobs colored the exhaust pipes. It looks dumb.
>Been waiting on a empty lobby for 20 minutes now
Is the Switch playerbase already dead?
so how do i get 101% in the adventure mode?
Gold/Platinum Relics
Gold relics.
Race Oxide before you do those optional challenges or you'll miss out on the hovercart
oh then I just need one more gold relic and then im set. its just N.gin labs
>when the game eats your powerslide input at a critical moment
>still no update for the offline coin situation
>the cup was basically focused all on grinding instead of racing with us having to do stupid shit like collect 100 crystals
>the next cup will be even worse because we'll have to do all that again but with baby characters
>spyro cup will probably introduce a 3rd currency to grind in the form of gems to unlock super special spyro themed stuff
They should just rename the game to Grind Team Racing and be done with it.
It's so fucking hard to grind for coins when
>people pick shit maps
>tryhards or orbs and timeclocks fucking everywhere
Was the latest patch supposed to fix the frequency of orbs and clocks? Cause I got hit by 4 orbs in the span of 30 seconds along with an additional 3 more active before the end of the race.
Weird, i don't have that problem on xbox
earlier tonight I had a clock activate and then two seconds later another one activated
I had already crossed the USF pad and the guy behind me hadn't yet so I lost because I wasn't lucky enough
good times
clocks should be removed from the game entirely desu
Are we 100%sure the next grand prix doesn't start immediately after this one ends? I can't see them just letting a month pass of nothing happening, this is a kart racer, as good as it is, they need to keep the momentum going ya know?
>win a race by a far margin
>leaderboard refreshes
>I'm 7th now, but still with the best time
>get 7th place coins
Why the fuck does this happen
They'll likely wait a week or two
>encounter people at the top of the boards
>make them ragequit
lmao get fucked
Daily reminder that Coco has proportionally larger breasts than Tawna
someone redpill me on Penta, why does he have Uka Uka and Aku Aku as masks??
A reference to how he was unfinished and broken in the original. Also the reason why he says “penguin yay 1”
In NTSC version of the original game, they forgot to finish the character. Mask data wasn't set properly, placeholder dialogue was used, and the character didn't have maxed-out stats as they had in the PAL and NTSC-J versions after they realized their mistake.
>durr I wanna play Dingo Canyon
Fuck off. I want coins.
>when you waste your daily bonus on stages like Crash Cove thanks to other faggots
This is why coin or bonus' need to be adjusted. Daily should be raised to x8 with weekend staying the same boosting it to x10 then applying the bonus to offline as well so everyone can just focus on racing.
>join lobby
>3+ votes for Crash Cove
>they're all actually trying to win and don't
I feel the game is too RNG heavy. Every match is either a complete stomp or an item barrage in 4th-8th place. One little fuck up and you might as well except your fate. Being able to block the clock and lightning orb with the shield kind of defeats the purpose of them.
Even the shit frame rate can be bad at times. The game can dip to 25~ fps when there's too much on screen, at least on PS4. I can't imagine how unfun the game is to casual players when every online race is 'keep USF or lose'. The grand prix track is basically a free win every time.
>pick Crash Cove
>dab on the entire lobby by making to the end first, then slamming the brakes and waiting for my desired position
>finish knowing with amigo satisfaction that they all know they only won because I allowed it
it's a special kind of power
Is Siivagunner in these very threads? Does he understand our plight?
So how DOES norms planet work? we know theres a shit ton of clocks, but what explains out of time and thunderstruck with all those massive vines? What even happened to fenomena in the first place? Does norm even have other beings like krunk and nash and geary on their planet?
The game's not RNG, it's very one sided for Speed/Acceleration classes and being in 1st place is the safest spot to be at all times because nothing any other players can do can let them catch you. Items play little to no roll because they're all shit outside the Masks
>Items play little to no roll because they're all shit outside the Masks
I swear the missile is the worst one. It misses more often than the damn bombs.
Everyone else using them? Missiles up your ass all day
You using them? Can't hit anything but walls
>shoot missile
>swerves into wall
>enemy shoots missile
>do a sick jump and u-turn into a bunch of crazy hops and shit
>it literally goes in circles and homes in for the kill
>Crates/Beakers are just traps, and even when placed at critical shortcuts, are more likely to be triggered by scrubs
>Missiles have terrible tracking, and will often just fly straight into a wall unless you're right behind your target
>Bombs are complete ass, and their "homing" hurts more than it helps
>Turbo is just a worse Mask
>Clocks screw everyone over equally, so if 1st has a Shield it's gg
>Orbs are even worse, since you have even less warning and 1st can outrun it
I can't believe I'm saying this, but Mario Kart has better item balance than this
Dude french lmao
As if it fucking matters when a missile hits.
>shoot someone
>they get sent flying forward faster and further
>Turbo is just a worse Mask
I'd say it's better since it gives you a boost you can maintain instead of just a short bout of invincibility. It can literally take you all the way to first on the right tracks.
>instead of just a short bout of invincibility
the masks increase your top speed even more plus it lasts longer than any boost with 10 wumpa
Post your main without actually posting him
>1st passes USF with shield/mask on
>clock hits everyone
>entire goddamn lobby has lost already
audible kek
>Play Tiny
>Can't see anything in front of you because his model is so fucking big
Tiny players are the biggest Chads.
We need edits of tiny as gaston
>implying you don't zoom the camera out
You can't fool me.
I'm actively worse at hitting tight corners and boxes when playing in the other camera orientation, I'd rather have a quarter of the screen blocked by Tiny.
Looks like fucking Simpleflips to be honest
Making items actually useful for catching up and buffing Turn/Balanced classes would do this game a lot of good. There's just no reason not to play Speed classes because once you secure a lead it's virtually IMPOSSIBLE for the other seven players to stop you.
Eat your wumpas. Missiles launch at a retarded crawl if you don't eat ten. I think it's bullshit to be honest.
Mine is Coco. Same VA as Jimmy and the furry body from that fly parody episode with the hamster
Mine is small norm. I was using kokoro for the kabuki theme (small norm kabuki)
Agent 9?
>Big C on his head
Not him but I thought it was Crunch, I mean it's there in big fucking letters.
>Post a character without actually posting it
>"Bro, I meant the title of the cereal, not the character"
And that's exactly what he did. The actual character was no posted, it doesn't matter how obvious or not is was the criteria was met. Perhaps next time be more specific about the rules if you don't like it.
my nigga
Speed champion alright
>started a couple weeks late
>will end up getting motorsport tawna and all the nitro girl bundles but will miss out on some tires, paint jobs, and maybe even dingodile's costume
>having a really close race with someone
>get BTFO (beenox'd the fuck out)
bit lazy for the author to make no changes to megumi's appearance
Nope, Megumi.
>really close race
>turning character blatantly trailing behind speed
he only finished the race 2 seconds ahead so it's likely that i could have won
as bullshit as these collision physics can be, I actually buy this one, looks to me like about a third of your kart hit the corner and I say fair enough
He was far enough ahead that you had no way to hit him with any weapons. You succeeding would have depended 100% on him fucking up 2 modest-difficulty turns and a simple straightaway.
Nah they confirmed everything is being added to the pit stop at a later date.
I doubt you would have passed him after the sharp turn section unless he fell off there or at the little bridge
"It just wasn't workin out babe"
All the GP exclusives are mine.
Now this weekend can be used to autistically thin out some of the remaining mainstsay goodies before Back N. Time releases.
Good job
I still have like 2 sets of twilight wheels to go
>My thread is still up
The victory wassssss mine from the beginning!
>tfw I don't give a shit about the ugly twilight tires and have a pile of coins ready
Haven't even unlocked Real Velo, Zem, Zam, or Krunk and I don't give a shit about them either
There needs to be a code to unlock him or something stupid. I went ahead and got him legit but I fucking hate that he's seen as some weird flex when I just like racing as him.
Why does he have like 7 voice actors though the hell is up with that
>be crash VA
Digital Tropy is the flex
Anyone who considers normal Tropy as a flex is fucking retarded
>Why does he have like 7 voice actors though
he only has two
I hope one day Beenox puts both Tropy and Digital Tropy into the store just so I can enjoy the reactions of the people who worked to unlock him.
>still no N.trance or big norm in the shop
I haven't seen N.Gin Labs in a goddamn eternity.
Just buy whoever is there. They're all cheap.
I doubt anyone would be autistic enough to check your trophies after a race and call you out on it
Even then, no one will notice if you're able to leave them in the dust
Gonna do my best to post a timeline soon.
I'll try to have it make sense.
I will ignore Warped due to how confusing it can be.
Hold on, you mean that if I don't buy that ugly shit I will lose the ability to do so forever? FUCK I WASTED COINS ON FUCKING GEARY AND THE OTHER FUCKCUNTS INSTEAD
They'll be back in the pit stop
As a completionist everything has to be mine, even the ugly shit, obviously I prioritize the limited options
Something about the Norms' golfer skins creeps me out.
Oh, well fuck me then. Why the fuck am I grinding so much for this shit?
>Constantly get 3rd or 4th
>I'll never understand how the fuck people are going so fast
>Go to time trials to get N. Tropy. Don't really care about his Digital skin, I just really like the character
>End up getting him without too much trouble, Blizzard Bluff's stupid ass jump being the only roadblock somehow
>Go online to play as him
>Suddenly start getting a few first place finishes
What the actual fuck is happening.
You have acquired gud
I wish that was the case. I don't feel like I'm doing anything different though. Twilight Tour for example I start the lap, drift, jump onto the shortcut yet other speed characters still pull ahead instantly and zip off and I'm still clueless to what the fuck they're doing differently.
I am stupidly happy right now, thank you user.
Don't even try it book worm, or you'll be the fattest pile of shit.
Was n-word really necessary addition to remake, during his first appearance?
The Beginning
The Aku-Uka Brothers are created, Aku aku coming into existance before Uka uka. An unknown amount of time passes, Aku aku seals Uka uka away in a Temple in Australia.
Many Eons Later
Neo Periwinkle Cortex is born in Peoria, Illinois to a family of circus clowns, unlike his family who enjoyed the spotlight and making people laugh, Cortex spent most of his time reading science books. Cortex was teased because of his hobby, to the point where at the age of 3, a group of evil clowns tattooed the letter 'N' on his forehead standing for 'Nerd', however the torment did not last long as an explosion, likely caused by Cortex, destroyed his entire family leaving Cortex to fend for himself, It was at this point in Cortex's life that he decided he would not rest until he had conquered the world.
School Life
At age 4 Cortex enrolled at Madame Amberly's Academy of Evil, it was here when Cortex met Nitrus Brio and N.Gin, Cortex and Brio falsely concluded that they would be revered for being the youngest graduates to ever attend the academy.
High School
At age 8 Cortex and Brio both enrolled in high school, Cortex's lifelong tradition of being bullied continued, before Cortex turned 9 years old, he created the first prototype of the Evolv-O-Ray, the first test subjects for the device were the only animals Cortex didn't loath or eat, his pet parrots Victor and Moritz. The experiment was going as planned, until a malfunction occurred, likely a result of a knife that missed Cortex but hit the machine, sending the parrots to the 10th Dimension. Later that year another explosion caused by Cortex happened obliterating the entire building as well as most of the town, Cortex and Brio were prepared for this and hid in an abandoned plutonium mine.
The Cortex Commandos
After the explosion Cortex and Brio went their separate ways on a rampage, calling themselves the 'Cortex Commandos', the destruction they caused was so great that they became international criminals.
Part 2 soon.
How do I shave some seconds off my time?
I'm starting to get a feel for the drifting, but damn, you gotta be turbo boosting literally all the time to just stay the pace with other racers.
Optimize your lines, same as any racing game.
Speed conservation? Better trajectories? Wumpa routing? Wumpa routing is actually marginally important.
>no one go fo mystery caves shortcut
>always 10-15 seconds away from 2nd place racer
Why? It's the easiest shortcut
>get clocked
>dumb_cunt attempts the fence shortcut on out of time
>crashes as expected
>dumb_cunt has left your game
>DNF on Roo Tubes
How do these people even breathe
>n.tropy player joins lobby
>30 seconds into race gets triple blasted by items from 3 different players all in a row
top kek
guilty of this, i go out of my way to item tropys right at the start of therace because if i dont then he fucking gets 20sec ahead of everyone and can never be caught up to again
literally me. I didn't really prioritize GP exclusive shit because I bought the game right when the GP began and wanted all the karts and characters. oh well
>4 players lobby
>Roo tubes
>3 of us racing as hard as we can
>on second lap orb and clock spam begins
>finish 1st and others 0.5 second apart
>4th player DNF on last place
>obviously it was him who spammed orb and clocks, because game gave it to him to catch us
>next game began
>that fag again on 8th place and do the same spam shit
>after 4 games he still with us
Fuck you faggot, just leave and learn how to play! Even with all power-ups in the world you will be on 8th place, nigger!
I was fighting this guy back and forth for 2nd place from the start but on the 2nd lap he fucked up the u-turn on the boost pad right before the bridge in electron avenue and immediately left lol
>ripto as acceleration
Why does HE get all the fuck luck?
Bold of you to assume he was playing to win
Which is better: Mashed Bandicoot or Ripto's Racist?
Haven't seen Ripto's Racist, is it as good as Mashed Bandicoot?
>I was only 9 years old
>I loved the Norms so much, I had all the merchandise and video games
>I pray to the Norms every night before bed, thanking them for the life I've been given
>"Norms are love" I say; "Norms are life"
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for the Norms
>I called him a cunt
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I'm crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it's really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It's Big Norm
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear "Look out buddy, here I come!"
>He grabs me with his powerful mime hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Big Norm
>He penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Big Norm
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Big Norm
>He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love
>My dad walks in
>Big Norm looks him straight in the eyes and says "Happy trails pal!"
>Big Norm leaves through my window
>Norms are love. Norms are life.
*Drops a crystal in front of you, but from your end it was thrown.*
>, I had all the merchandise and video games
All 1
>Niece refuses to race on Deep Sea Driving because she's scared of the sea monster.
Perhaps it's because there have been constant threads for ctr way before the game even came out.
Like with Smash and MM2?
Don't you read the bible like a good Christian?
Twinsanity remake and then Crash Bash
They call it out of time because you get dnf
Remakes at this point shouldn't be 1:1 that's for sure. Nitro Fueled has a good balance of new shit that brings it up to date with modern standards for content.
That said, new game please. Preferably a platformer with a similarly large roster because that shit has never been done since Rayman Legends and in this time you can actually make them play differently.
Well it was loyal to CTR, but not to CNK.
Cortex Chaos when?
Je suis Charlie >:(
>Both CTR threads still up
We can't stop winning Crashbros
Official reason is because it's a reference to his unfinished state in the original game, canonically he's both good and evil hence his evil smirking in one of his animations
I think the daily bonus should just be a set amount instead of a set time. So winning races gets you your earnings faster but you don't get more daily money than others
i like mashed but part two really brings it down a notch
>Race AI on Polar Pass
>Whoever starts in 2nd always drives into the seal without fail.
>mfw I stunlock an opponent or hit them into a pit
oh what fresh hell is this
Their species is supposed to be made of generic workers that can multiply to increase their productivity as slaves, but the Norms are breaking the mold. Breaking the 'norm'.
Complete conjecture btw. Just basing this off of the Norm statues at the end of Thunder Struck that slam their hammers in repetitive fashion.
Another reason to never to go to the ctr threads on /vg/
Mfw I come in 8th
Because you currently can get stuff for free and GP stuff at a discount? I personally don't really wanna pay 3000 for a flagpack when I can get them for 1750
Nitro Fueled sort of retconned Thunderstruck. In CNK, the hammer statues were Velo's species.
Not fast enough
Very nice
>Tfw no cutie sister to do goofy shit with
Why why why. Why even live anymore
> he pays money to use it
I don’t like the way most of these characters are considered evil, ripper roo isn’t that bad just unstable and Papu papu just. seems grump you
I used to do the mgs2 stupid high five shit Snake does with Otacon with my brother.
It was alright.
>biker crash is clearly in first place in front of me
>board says he's in second
>at the end of the race he's 5th despite passing the goal first
I shouldn't complain about getting first place but what the fuck is with this online
As coincidental as the situation may be, I'm pretty sure that's not the "Discord" the song is talking about. Definitely fits the situation though.
B-B-But the patch f-fixed it...
If that were the case, you would’ve put Roo for the Cocoa Puffs not Coco you dumb fuck.
Acceleration has bad handling when using USF, like in that turn in Hot Air Skyway.
It’ll never happen LOL
That butterfly survived being fucking chewed on?
By the way, where do you even see this?
Oxide’s 2nd defeat.
>Next GP is going to be so bad because of all the degenerate fetish fuel!
I might play with some of you cunts. How bad is Yea Forums at this game?
We're some of the best players in the entire world.
For Twilight Tour specifically I see a lot of players are incapable of keeping SF from the very first turbo pad to the second. This little area will give you like a 1-2 second lead. Speed/Accel also can't slide through the bends as easily as Balanced can, not to say they can't do it, it just takes more skill. Perfect boosts are also a requirement.
>Megumi is pretty much the only character that doesn't get butthurt about being in 2nd or 3rd on the podium.
What did they mean by this?
it's 50/50
you'll get DNF'd by some while the others can't even hold their boost properly.
hahahahaha sensing a patch incoming
>circle game is still relevant in 2019
living in the not-so-bad timeline
That if you robbed her she wouldn’t care.
>doesn't jump from the first ramp
>talks shit about saving secs as a fucking balanced character
Dude just stop posting already. You need to git gud first before trying to give advice.
jumping off the ramp is slower.
nobody said anything about saving time, just giving yourself a small lead.
go be retarded somewhere else.
>doesn't jump from the first ramp
I don't know which one you're talking about? I did jump from the turbo pad (which is actually slower, I needed to correct my position for a powerslide to the shortcut) and jumping from the second ramp is where you're most likely to lose SF.
>retard doesn't even know basic mechanics like jumping off ramps to get a slight boost to put you ahead
Just fuck off already
Watch the webm you dingus
>he can't perfect boost at the start
>tfw got one motorsport skin left to unlock and it's not in today's Pit Stop
the slight hang-time boost you'd get from jumping is not enough to compensate for the time you lose by being in the air. drifting off ramps is typically faster and better overall.
again, go be retarded somewhere else.
I like her attitude
It's part of the reason I use her
I swear I'm the only one online who starts off with a Perfect Boost because I always take off in the lead in every race.
You got like 4 or 5 days left. Save your money and don't shit your pants
>he jumps off every ramp like an idiot instead of drifting over small bumps or large ones that leave you up too long like the one at the end of TT
The whole reason being you're an accel subhuman with horrible taste in women to boot
Try it against a ghost on TT you subhuman monkey.
I've been playing this game years before you were even born faggot.
I'm wondering if some people fail them on purpose, because even though I always perfect boost into 1st at the start like you, I usually just get shot back down by the items from everyone just behind me anyway, and don't actually gain a real lead until the group breaks up a little more later in the race.
It's slower you dumb cuck
y so mad bruh
is only gaem
yes, being in the air while others pull off 2-3 more drift boosts is slower
you'll understand once you actually play online
Post your pb then
If I'm lucky enough I can escape the pack before the items start flying.
Depends on the track really, but some of them I can keep my my distance around corners so only orbs and clocks will affect me.
Because this retard crash main cuck keeps giving shit advice to new players while showing his actual lack of knowledge and skill
WR does it, are you gonna tell me that's also slow? You fucking mouthbreathing retard
I fuck up the boost or don't do it at all if the item crates are extremely close like on Papu Papu's Pyramid
>WR does it
could still be better, as is the case with all WR
not being a hoppy retard could probably help
>Retarded crash main thinks he can even come close to a WR on any track
Lmao look at this delusional cuck
Beat the WR then if you're so sure it's faster :)
where'd this crash main shit come from anyway
I don't even play balanced characters
Seems like there's one guy in these threads who gets a massive hate boner whenever he sees some other guys webms who always plays crash
>fuck up the first shortcut on twilight tour and fall back to 8th
>managed to get all the way back to 3rd as cortex with ghost love score blasting into my ears
>not a single orb or clock throughout the match, missed almost every item bix on lap 2, did it all by drifting
>with ghost love score blasting into my ears
That's pretty cringe.
Almost sounds like every race I do except without the music and orbs/clocks not appearing
>hates crash players in a crash game
I think he just hates that dude in particular
if you suck at them, here's an easy way to always get perfect boosts at the start of races
key ftw
So the twilight tour webm posted earlier in the thread forgoes the trick jump off both the turbo and the shortcut ramp. Idk what they're on about saying that you can lose sacred jumping off the shortcut ramp. The way I do it with a speed char you can trick jump and still squeeze in a perfect slide boost before the shortcut.
I wouldn't offer advice on balanced trajectories but squeezing in three (3) perfect boosts between the turbo ramp and the shortcut sounds wrong. If the world record does the trick jump I would still advise doing it. First ten seconds of any TT are usually rather unanimous.
Personally, I start after the second red light.
You can just start at the second light
Nvm it gets the turbo ramp hang time turbo and then avoids the shortcut stunt jump. Speed classes can land the shortcut stunt with sacred fire ez pz tho.
Yeah person who made that webm here, I played around with a speed camera for a little bit and found very little variation in losing SF regardless of trick jump or not. Just had to make sure you get perfect turbos as usual. 4 seconds off WR time so there's a bit more I could do with efficiency but I feel it's more to do with trajectories with USF rather than the initial pad. I was merely stating that in online I usually see people drop out of SF during/after the first shortcut.
I still think the difference at the second jump between a trick jump and sliding off of it is like ~.20 seconds at most, while sliding off lets me net some more perfect turbos over jumping off.
I play it like a rhythm game the whole countdown, lining up peak rev in between every beep.
Ripper Roo was technically fighting on the good guys side in Cortex Strikes Back. He was fighting for N. Brio.
The director from Twinsanity loves the game and said that if Activision wants to remake it he would gladly help them on whatever he can
Bless you user, do you have the picture of the original?
So were the Komodo brothers
As far as ripper roo, komodo bros. and tiny were concerned, they're just fighting crash because hes an enemy of the doctors, remember that every mutant from the original trilogy save for dingodile were officially going to be in crash 1 but the game needed to be pared down for space constraints. They dont know about the feud between the doctors which is why tiny is seen more with cortex nowadays.
Crazy idea time: a DMC-styled action spinoff starring Pura and Polar.
The 2 decide to take a vacation after helping Crash, Coco and Crunch on their adventures. Unfortunately for them, their R&R is interfering with Penta's plans to take over the island that the two are on. Now the two have to defeat his penguin army and save the island. Pura has fast, combo-oriented fire attacks and can climb walls, while Polar has strong, AOE-oriented ice attacks and can bash through walls. Baby T is a secret unlockable character that attacks with his tail and can walk over unwalkable ground.
Finally got the chance to pic up CTR on Monday after posting/lurking in these threads for the past 2 months. Hate the coin and nitro grind but the game is still very, very fun. Also, I'm only 1/3rd into the Gold Tier, so there's a likely chance I won't be getting Motorsport Tawna by the time the GP ends. I was bummed at first but then I took a bigger liking to Watermelon Tawna's design.
A quickie sketch.
>the shirt
Great art, Grape soda.
>getting the game right after the second to last weekend bonus
Yikes. Well good luck to ya.
How many hours until the next GP?
I mean, if you really want to get to 42k and get the skin (plus the tournament kart depending on what system you are playing on) you can go into a 3 lives limit battle against a hard AI with only missiles, idle it out and you'll win 14 nitro points per minute, for a total of 840 per hour. If you do all the challenges available until the end, you probably will get it no problem.
It's better to do Lab's Basement Crystal Challenge on Hard, you get 7 nitro points per minute but you also get 15 coins per round, so that's 900 an hour plus 420 nitro
>I was bummed at first but then I took a bigger liking to Watermelon Tawna's design.
I'm like the same way. Once the grand prix is over one of my mains is going to be Beach Megumi. Most of the bonus skins are boring for the nitro squad but their regular alt skins are really good.
Nintendo’s watching this thread right now
Pretty much on the same boat. I am just trying to get the characters and anything else I get will just be a bonus.
Make Pura a swordsman and you got yourself a deal my dude!
Is there a chart online anywhere of how much it would cost to buy everything on the shop?
Watermelon & Safari Tawna >Motorsport Tawna
Beach & Bubblegum Megumi > Motorsport Megumi
Honey Bee & Raccoon Ami > Motorsport Ami
Pop & Ocelot Liz > Motorsport Liza
Neon & Racer Isabella > Motorsport Isabella
While we're on the subject of skins, they better have some cool time related and Fake-version skins since the theme of the next GP is Fake Crash messing up history.
I want Fake Fake Crash
he's just real Crash
Tiger temple is top tier track, what the fuck are you chatting you fucking moron
>Tiny gets the cool biker outfit this GP
>Tiny gets the gladiator outfit next GP
He can't keep getting away with it!
don't get my hopes up
Discord links should be bannable too. People used to make threads advertising their streams here all the time but that stopped when the mods did something, so they can stop this.
I know it'll never happen but I want concept character skins and characters like Willie Wombat, Karmen Wombat, and Proto Cortex.
>Fake Crash messing up history
>We could have got some Salvador Dali esc landscape with all sorts of time shit going on or something
>We just get some prehistoric level
Dont get me wrong, Twilight tour is a great map, and I'm sure the new one will be great as well, but its a missed opportunity to say the least.
>Gladiator Tiny
Yes please! Do it Beenox!
>"I wanted to draw Willy and Karmen for some time, and then someone in chat send beta-Cortex bio, with the info he was supposed to kinda have a crush on Karmen and that was the reason he rejected Willy."
> books.google.com
how does crash travel between the islands in crash 1
Big jump
>all those ""wacky"" pop culture references for Willie's dialogue
I'm glad making Crash talk was thrown out early on.
Fingers crossed for a Captain Crunch skin.
Smashing Hng ngh
he says woah
MM2 threads are getting deleted as well.
That's adorable, had to help my nephew walk to the right in Rayman legends because there was a spider in the foreground
To be fair I expected the nitro challenge to be an actual game mode. This nitro point shit is worthless
I've had trouble with Tropy a few weeks ago, eventually unlocked him, and then have been playing nonstop online.
Now thanks to the grand prix, I've done that one Time Trial a day and have already beaten Oxide on all CTR tracks. Will probably finish the Nitro Kart tracks once the next grand prix has started and gives out nitro for time trials again.
after that only the platinum relic races left, which will probably be the biggest pain in the ass
this is the hardest thing i've ever done in a video game since capra demon (unironically)
truly the darks souls of kart racers
on the makers book of the first crash, the devs wanted him to be an heroic goof like Dudley Do Right with cheese lines and all that shit
Thats incredibly sad my man.
Capra demon is not hard and its not even a boss.
If you played this game before you´d knew getting platinum is not as hard thing its just time consuming.
Its "hard" in the remake but for the wrong fucking reasons, mainly the fucked up hitboxes/hit detection with walls and other obstacles that werent in the original and the jumping height/altitude which is WAY off than the original game.
t. Original connoiseur.
capra demon is pretty hard if you don't know about poise and keep getting fucked over by dog rng
and yeah i guess it was more "time consuming" than "hard"
The 7-nitro-per-minute trick doesn't work anymore. It seems that in the past few days they made it so that Battles and Crystal Challenges don't offer Nitro Points. Those techniques are only good for farming coins now.
>It seems that in the past few days they made it so that Battles and Crystal Challenges don't offer Nitro Points.
Horseshit. Unless it's ps4 online cause they still give you points on switch.
how is koala kong swoler than tiny
I still get points on Xbox, but one time the thing glitched and said no challenge unlocked but still added the points
Zero-sum neck game
Just to check, I just looked up videos of people doing challenge. PS4 users aren't getting nitro for crystal challenges or battles for the past 2 days.
Sounds like a bug. Cause you 100% still can on switch.
Koala Kong is smart enough to know how to maximize gains. He just has a speech impediment
Tiny is just dumb muscle
You only need gold relics for the trophy, but you'd miss out on the platinum paint job.
What? Literally just did all my challenges and the past few days, they're working. People are not realizing that if you go into pit stop it ticks it off and gives you the points
Wrong. Sometimes, and only sometimes it doesn't appear as "completed" on the reward screen, but you still get the challenge complete and nitro points given. Just need to check the challenge list.
Who here /champion in 3 days/?
I'm actually on Switch so not like I can get a trophy/achievements
but yeah, after that I need that platinum paint job and I'll have all non-pit stop content/GP stuff at least
>Glitched Pinstripe copied Megumi's victory dance in the podium
already have 20000 coins on me so i be ready when the next GP starts.
I don't like it that much. And it could be Electron Avenue or Deep Sea Dive or whatever I don't care, why vote for the same track twice in a row?
>onlinetards keep picking twilight tour because "muh new toy"
>i learnt how to USF the entire course with my bro Pinstripe just from having to play it so much
>mfw i can DNF people almost everytime
Feels good man
I do if there's a really good player in the lobby and I or he wants a rematch.
that reminds me
>first race on Twilight Tour
>I fuck up near the start and other dude wins the match easy
>Twilight Tour again
>I again fuck up near the start, but other dude loses fire towards the end and I win by literally 1 centisecond
>Twilight Tour again for some reason
>race going nicely, both of us racing head-to-head, start of 2 lap, I got 3 bombs but I'm not planning on using them unless he shoots first
>he shoots a missile when I'm slightly infront
>retaliate by shooting all those 3 bombs backwards, destroying the missile and hitting him
>get miles ahead of him thanks to USF
>some non-juiced warp orb catches up to him, see it hit him on the mini-map
>he ragequits
honestly made me laugh
I then proceeded to take it easy and fuck up a lot due to lack of actual competition, if he stayed he probably still could've won
I do though
I just hope the Nitro cast and Papu get more skins in general.
who's ready for the toddlerposting next week?
i'm not
I wish there was no baby Grand Prix I wish it was characters like brio koala Kong rilla roo nina And Komodo moe I really don’t want diaper fags ruining the game
those characters will most likely be in October, for the Halloween event