I finished the first 3 dragon quests and just started 4 it's shit. the random encounter rate is way too high and the battles are way too slow. it looks like complete puke because the ds is a piece of shit even the nes versions of the first 3 dragon quests look better than this. i think i'll just skip this game is the ps2 version of dragon quest 5 any good? because i'm not playing any more games on that piece of shit ds with a screen so small you can barely make out anything that's going on and the thing is so uncomfortable to hold it hurts my hands after just 10mins using it. fuck the ds.
I finished the first 3 dragon quests and just started 4 it's shit...
I want to fuck Meena.
Honestly I don't play anymore games with random encounters. It's one of the worst featutes a game can have and there's nothing tjat can justify spending time in a game that has random encounters
AVGN did it better.
Why not just be yourself instead of trying to be le edgy game reviewer on Yea Forums?
Lmao u used some cheap emulator to playa the first 3 do the same with 4,5,6 and cry when u play 7 on the 3ds
>too weak for sofia's game
what did you play 1-3 on?
Isn't she the slut that likes old men?
it's supposed to be bad, that's why it's good
>the ds is a piece of shit even the nes versions of the first 3 dragon quests look better than this
You do know 4 is on the NES too, right?
git gud, scrub
i don't give a fuck. just tell me if dragon quest 5 on ps2 is worth playing or not. you faggots love the ds and say dragon quest 5 on the ds is the best version but why?
Here's your (You).
Just get a N3DS XL is the console is too small for your fat hands
answer the question retard
epic gamer moment right here
>I finished the first 3 dragon quests
How can anyone play 1 and 2 and actually complete them? So tedious, so boring. 95% of the games is grinding.
By having good taste.
But you can increase battle speed in the options.
The Translated rom was a little fucky rom me personally, all the text was layered wrong.
If you can fix that issue - then it's worth playing
1 is fun with save states
I usually play male Hero but god damn DQIV makes me consider breaking my tradition lmao
>1 is fun
95% of the game is fighting monsters that give like 5 xp and 5 gold until you can spam heal on the final boss. It's barely even a game.
>dq4 ds
lol its the worst localization ever
they cut like 60% of the dialog because they didn't want to translate party chat
also it seems like you hate the game for the wrong reasons and should drop the series to be honest
PS2 DQV is the best version of it.
>5 xp and 5 gold
You clearly aren't playing right.