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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/rips off portal concept from Narbacular Drop and Prey >dumbed down the puzzles for retards >reddit humor >Glados is a lame Shodan rip off./

I'm sorry, are you saying playing a team-based game at a professional level takes no skill?

yes, csnigger.

alright, can't wait for you to solo your way to a major victory for an ez 1million jackpot

Schizo thread? Schizo thread.

quake doesnt take skill

Said literally no one.


>at a professional level

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Falseflag to make quakers look bad.

>This is Quake's legacy

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The international 2019 has a prize pool of over 30 million us dollars.
Why aren't you competing in it for the easiest money of your life?

It was the assfaggots of its time, but unlike those games it did take skill. Less individual skill than quake, but still a reasonable amount and more team skill.
>COD or fortnite
No. Console garbage has always been console garbage.

so you admit cs is inferior to quake and that it dumbed down fps? ebic.

>no money management
>no teamplay
>no communication
>no utility management
>barely any map awareness
>guns ridiculously easy to learn
quake is so fucking ez compared to cs all you need to do is strafejump and aim

>reading comprehension

t.never played quake.

Been playing Quake and UT since the 90s and you're right, they don't take skill. Yet zoomers still manage to completely suck at them because they don't have 1 click deaths like every nu-game on the market.

>barely any map awareness

csbabies still can't prove their game takes skill lmao.

i suppose

>oh wow I have to be in this part of the map for this exact time big boy armor spawns
>constant intel gathering about the enemy team's movements through peeking and sound cues that you need to let your team know and change your positions accordingly

fps games are the most brain dead shit
line the dot up with the pretty picture and click
actual toddler games

nice deflecting cscuck.

name a game that takes more skill than bejeweled

protip: you can't

hahaha they keep ignoring criticism again.

>need constant awareness of the exact position, health, armour, weapons and general ammo count of your enemy
>need to keep track of what timers they're aware of
>need to keep track of several timers yourself
>all in a breakneck pace where these factors are constantly changing and where an entire match lasts as long as some CS rounds
>they're in x location, do the exact entry we've practice for a thousand times

>plays quake and UT99 back in the 90's
>All kids in the city played it with THE PRODIGY backing it up
>Funky Shit was rule
Good times

WE need a good nigger to RIP her and shit some Porn asap, the Deviantart models has no bones


i was talking mainly about cuckstrike you SHIT

dude videogames are all easy just like press the buttons lmao

>need to keep track of timers
and suddenly WoW PvP is the ultimate esports

quake takes absolutely zero skill at all. the only time you ever have to use your brain is finding out and memorizing the weapon and armor spawns in the tiny map. The rest is just aim and bunny hopping like a little faggot which just takes time. I wonder why quake is dead.

boomers just can't accept the fact that their shit nostalgia game is dead, and quake is incredibly easy compared to csgo


in 30000 rounds and extensive tutoring beforehand you would not kill a single person in a high level game cs game (not even pro which is a whole another level)

Which shooter is that referencing?
I immediately think of assassin's creed but that can't be it as it doesn't fit.

WoW never had pvp e-sports, its just an failed excuse that blizzard used to get free money and puch it back then at WCG

PVP and arenas killed the game

mobas like league or dota

>being this new
Electionfags OUT

you could trivialize anything like that, brainlet

Honestly saving this many reaction images is way the fuck more embarrassing than anything they could be used for

wow esports literally died because it was too complex to spectate

so truly the patrician choice over mindless RTS, MOBA and FPS shit.

>shitposting this hard
Felplague arent you occupied fellating ion at MMO champions forums along with your friend schwarzkopf?

Just admit zoomers that cs is just as bad halo and cod. Your game was hated by the fps community and old Yea Forums,

in fatct, it EXISTS, but no one gives a fuck to animate them

Hey it's this guy again, reminder that he absolutely sucks at CS which is why he hates it.

It wasn't uncommon for good teams to go 100-0 during tbc-cata, can't really speak for later shit because they fucked the game so hard

that speaks of skill and skilled play is fun to watch.

sadly arena is far too deep in terms of teamplay, positioning, DRs, counterplay and cooldown usage to ever be understood by someone who doesn't play the game at a high level, let alone by someone who doesn't play the game at all.

Imagine quake, CS or overwatch but with 20 different mechanics and the only cameraview you get is thirdperson or a static cam of the teams.

Honestly I don't even understand how people watch MOBAs but at least they have pretty simple mechanics compared to high end wow arena

Why aren't you playing the lottery? That pot is way larger!

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probably a siegefag, god i fucking hate siege

>S-s-s-top calling my game casual you suck at it

is this nigger even real?

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Yea Forums literally hated old cs. you have no excuse csniggers.

You literally admitted to it during your raving the other day.

Nah, he's an autist that has posted these threads for the last few months. The one the other day was fascinating to watch him same fag for 12 hours.

Yes. proper high end play like vanishing blinds / shutting down feldoms is fucking huge, takes skill and goes unnoticed by spectators compared to even an average quake player's weekly shot montage or a silver cs player's lucky ace that fucking anyone can do

cs is unironically one of the worst "games" I've ever played. just a bunch of no-fun tryhards minmaxing their graphics and mouse/connection to click on pixels more proficiently. pathetic

A lot of people agreed with me in that thread.

Why do you retards always use tryhard as an insult because people are better than you?

Can we please ignore the CS and WoWnigger?
And gor the love of God jannies, nuke this shitposting thread, this is bad comedy.

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>csfags and quakefags at it again even though both are the worst the fps genre has to offer, being only relevant because muh skill

I'll never understand how you fags spend so much time arguing which game takes more skill in one of the easiest and simplest genres there is. The most important aspect in a FPS is the shooting, if it isn't fun and the guns aren't satisfying to shoot then why bother. The shooting itself is the weakest part in both game series thanks to a bunch of things like bulletsponge enemies or ridiculous recoil patterns. Their only saving grace is how much skill they take. It's why Quake dropped singleplayer entirely and CS only tried it once and failed, because without the skill aspect that's present the most in multiplayer, both games show how terrible they actually are.

Whatever you say schizo.


Old Yea Forums also hated WOW with the fury of thousand suns for being more casual than Ultima, EQ and SWG.
Now we have faggots like Felplague shitposting this garbage here and creating home threads

Did you get molested by a CS player or something?
What drives you to make and then constantly post the same shit in these threads?

idk who felplague is but it's nice you're not arguing any points I make

kys newfag cs 1.6 and older are baby first fps games.

>Quakefags getting uppity over their dead game

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literally every game that is currently an esport

Life is the most brain dead shit.
just breathe and eat.
actual toddler difficulty.

i'll animate some shit if you want. what's the format?

That doesn't answer my question.

imagine pretending you belong with quakefags, doomfags or unrealfags because you played beta cs.

Spider Solitaire.

imagine thinking you are better than halo, fortnite, cod, overwatch fags because you played cs.

I've never beaten it so I'll have to pass this over to someone who has

>2 (both likely you samefagging)
>a lot

ah im retarded it's all explained on the page.

Quake is so good that it's dead for years


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imagine thinking you're better than these because you played quake

is a retard though

Please seek mental help, this obsession isn't healthy.

quake is literally the most skillful game zoomie.

Please seek mental help.

>quake is literally the most skillful game zoomie.

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are boomers really this delusional?

csfags saying this after getting btfo so hard in that thread.

I really want to know what causes autistic obsession like this.
You see a few people on Yea Forums who are completely obsessed about one thing they hate and need to constantly make threads about it.

Individually? maybe

but it's the same as arguing javelin throw takes more skill than hockey, they aint the fucking same are they ya dumb cunt


This obsession isn't healthy my guy. You've made multiple threads doing the exact same thing.

>not having dedicated folders for different Yea Forums boards
newfag, stfu and lurk moar

truly a mark of a good game, i guess boomers are right after all

Why even bother with Quake when you have Unreal Tournaments?

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/rips off portal concept from Narbacular Drop and Prey >dumbed down the puzzles for retards >reddit humor >Glados is a lame Shodan rip off./
reminder that OP is the same person who made these threads and he does this for all valve games

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Fucking do it, even if it is a blowjob or pitfuck, and put it on paheal, sankaku or whatever the booru it is.

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The WoWfag known as Felplague says it isn't, and that WoW Arena PvP is Overly complicated than even fucking assfaggots or RTS.

get better material and DILATE fucking tranny

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because it means you're so pathetic and useless irl that this is your only way of gaining fulfillment. functioning people have their priorities straight and aren't smashing keyboards over a children's game

not really, at least games like halo aren't moronically 1-dimensional and add 3D movement, vehicles, dynamic environments with actual physics, different game types to the equation

So people should never improve at anything otherwise they're a tryhard.
Guess I should stop studying then. Don't want to try too hard. Gotta stay the same as everyone else.

CS is shit but arena shooter fags are literally 90% zoomer try hards

man it would be okay if it had custom maps/server browser and less shit netcode.

videogames aren't real life retard thanks for proving my point lmao

lol no wow arena never took off because its a convoluted autistic mess of dragged out fight with cooldown shuffling, characters constantly clipping into each other and of course pillarhugging. It just looks retarded to anyone who isn't the one playing, and most other people who dont take minigames seriously. At least with bgs its all very simple - bigger zerg wins. Arenatards also caused all class homoginization and for that they deserve gas chamber

Whoa, slow down there buddy I thinking you're being too tryhard with your argument.

>everything that i dont like is zoomer faggotry
are reseterafags, Yea Forumstards and reddit shitters that desperate

this is why Yea Forums is so shit nowadays.

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I do not see what a single thing you posted has to do with my post.

cstards don't belong on Yea Forums. Their game will be never respected here.

as I said, arena didn't take off because it's an absolute shitshow to spectate

anyone can watch cs, quake, sc2 or even mobas (and wow BGs) and have an overall idea of what the fuck is going on but the exciting intricate shit in arena goes right over their head unnoticed

also arena was fine before proper homogenization started taking off in cata and onwards and it's what pretty much destroyed arena. Private arena servers were tbc/wotlk/cata (mostly wotlk) for a reason

Attached: palalol.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

In the time you've taken to post in this thread, couldn't you have played a game of Quake?



csfags are in denial about their game being casual and hated.

Seriously what the fuck did CS do to this guy that he has to start shouting into the air about how shit CS is?

cool, I take it you've played several genres including WoW at a high level then?

took me a lot less time to get to global in CS than glad in WoW

Where the fuck are the oldfags in this thread? Csfags need to be put in their place.

the entire concept of arena is faulty. It shouldn't be a thing in an MMO. As a simple for fun game mode? Sure. But it should've never came at the expense of wpvp and bgs.

We got csfags and now WoWfags from mmo-champion shitpoting

OP, you need actual fucking help. You make these CS hate threads fucking WEEKLY and you talk to yourself. Seriously, look in the archives of your buzzwords, its fucking pathetic. Are you going to answer me why you do this, or are you gonna talk to yourself like you do every thread?

>it should've never came at the expense of wpvp and bgs.
It didn't, people just preferred it over them

why you people deny that cs was just as hated as halo here?

>CS was hated
yes, newfags have always existed on Yea Forums

yes, newfags loved casual strike.

>gave better pvp gear
>gave exclusive titles and mounts
>gave epeen points
dont lie to yourself. Blizzard abandoned all mass pvp in favor of arena

Se also posts these threads in /vr/ over and over, so thats a thing to think about.

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I play Quake 3 and CSS daily. Suck my footlong cock, schizo, your threads suck.

Wonder where his life went wrong to cause this.

Lol you're making this thread again, faggot? You have a serious problem.

wpvp was never done for gear and in TBC you only needed to do 10 games a week (not even win a single one) for every piece except for shoulders and weapon

Arena movies in wcm got popular around S2-S3 because people were fucking sick of watching green geared noobs get oneshot in BGs

Keep pretending cs is a boomer game, faggots.

worst taste, might aswell play CZ

rip user
i hope some day you can come back to society

they did have wpvp objectives in TBC but they were completely pointless because the gear they gave was shit + flying mounts making it impossible to hold a point for long
BG balance has been a complete mess for over a decade and its only became worse and worse with each expac since they balance pvp entirely around arena. To me it reached peak retardation in WoD when 5 people couldnt even kill a healer.

if this thread was full of oldfags you would agree with me. FUCKING ZOOMERS.

Shit, 5 couldn't beat a tree in Wrath unless they had a specific spec of DK, blood I think it was. We were damn near unkillable.

Pretend boomers are so pathetic.

one thing that stayed consistent over the years is rdruids being absolutely retarded spec

zoomers that love halo, cs and cod are even more pathetic.

kiss your sister?

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why do you spam this thread every day


look at the archives. oldfags hated cs.

thats illegal desu

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Funny, the same thing can apply to you, since you spam these retarded threads everyday. Why do you love CS cock so much?

you retards can't defend your casual game.

>duuuuude y tf wud u hav dat saved
Fucking redditors.

Zero arguments from csfags.
They can't prove why their game takes skill.

zoomies will never understand quake.

if you're a oldcodfag, csfag, quakefag or a just a fpsfaggot. Try out Battalion 1944, it's a competitive fps that challenges your skills with intense & fast paced combat, strafejumps, bhopping & much more

Attached: CkWG8Rw.jpg (992x556, 58K)

still no arguments.

kys shill.

You literally agreed with me about cs in a previous thread and now you turn against me.

based schizo oldfag


Don't forget his deleted fuckup


1944 is garbage, I refunded it on launch day.

t. Quake/UTfag


assblasted cs zoomers.

Great thread.

Can we all agree at least that cs is casual garbage that ruined gaming?

lmao seething schizo quakefag


But does the conch take skill?

Attached: Conch.jpg (640x479, 57K)

csfags know their game is shit.

Tick tock zoom zooms.


League of legends in worse than cs has ever been

>Implying most arena shooter fags aren't posers desperate for gamer cred

Their like FGC fags but at least 10x worse

Ok underage keep pretending cs was loved here or in the fps community.

Instead of posting the same shit for multiple hours couldn't you have played a bunch of games of Quake seeing as you love it so much?

Never said it was retard, in fact I recall many links here to old threads on forums tearing into cs.

I'll give Quake one thing, at least it has more depth than just aiming and shooting unlike cs

>my competitive game takes more skill than your competitive game!!11

Hmm, and here I was thinking that the skill required to win a competitive game was solely dependant on your opponent. A 3 year old can learn the rules of chess, I guess chess is a very easy game.

But Quake is dead user. Beside I think this schizo never played Quake in the first place

See Cs was never good.


CS: GO is not a real counter strike.

But what if my game was UT2k4?

Cs was never good.

That doesn't answer my question about why you couldn't have spent this time playing Quake.

it was but zoomers and jewery ruined it.

> doing well in CS completely random just like the selection of winning lottery numbers

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No your game doesn't have depth. Its just aiming and shooting. Oldfags despised your kind.

Can you please answer my question already?

You are the reason why they are halo threads now.
You people ignore history and think your shitty casuals zoomie games like cs are good.

You don't even know shit but here you are writing with your ass and thinking with your farts, pathetic phone poster.


Are you faggots going to ignore all the times that Yea Forums and older forums called your game casual? How people hated the kids that infested the cs playerbase?
Are you saying games like cod and halo are good now?


Quake has more depth and its and always will be better than casual strike. This is a fact.
Fuck off.

I accept your concession cscucks.

I would curbstomp anyone that plays CS



nigger what

Ebic csniggers waiting for the thread to die like the cowards they are.

Oldfags never forget.

CSfags will never recover after this.

based thread

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This kind of makes me want to play CS again.
But its too much effort.

Why do FPSfags think their genre takes any skill. Why not try playing a genre that actually requires you to think like RTS games?


Based schizo thread!

Literally no refutation of any point made.
Looks like i win again, better luck next time csbabies.

Quakeboomer here
CS is gay. DM, aim maps and awp_india are OK though.

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holy shit did someone disturb the tomb of quake and release all the quakefags on us?

What the fuck is this guy, man
It's like watching people talk to a brick wall with how much things go in a circle

I've genuinely never understood the appeal of Counter Strike. I could understand that some people like it, I like Chivalry, but I'm surprised that it's basically the most popular shooter there is.
This is especially bad with CSGO, but the idea of a game where your bullets never actually go towards your crosshair is downright idiotic. I'm used to running and gunning, meaning that no matter what I do I never hit anything. There are times when I just let loose upon a guy for five seconds, then he hits me once, and when the killcam pops up I've done 20 damage and him 120.
It seems like the only way to play is just to move as slowly as possible and peek around corners. I don't think that fits very well with the actual gameplay, where you can die in a split second and if you die you have to wait for the next round to return.
I'm just surprised it's as popular as it is.

CSfags aren't autistic I swear *plays 1000th round of de_dust2 in a row*

>it's another I pretend to have a undying hatred for older valve games because I'm behind a monitor episode
I bet you never say half this tripe to anyone outside of Yea Forums, hopefully one of these days you'll get ranged

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why do people play de_dust2 so much? I could never get it

its a well balanced map with a variety different possible encounters that take place at different ranges. the different weapon types coupled with varying ranges and cover allow for hundreds of different types of engagements on one map. its hard to get tired of it

>snowy de_dust because it's christmas

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why don't americans like cs?

>ITT: Boomers pretending to be above nu-fps players
When you look at it from any perspective, all fps is braindead normie tier trash because there's no actual difficulty, even R6:S tried to make their game hard but it's still the easiest shit ever. Quake and csgo are very good games, and if you try to pretend one is better or more difficult than the other, I instantly know your opinion is warped from all the paint chips you eat.

I swear Yea Forums attracts the most fucking obnoxious spastics across the entire site for some reason

a good detector for either a retarded demented boomer or a zoomer who has never actually played these games is if they think quake and ut are the same

>Oldfags despised your kind.
normalfag zoomer detected


People who religiosly defend cs never actually play it the proper way - with a 5 man premade team of friends from real life.
Most nerds who play cs are anti-social scumbags and that is the major thing that separates them from the pro-players
Your skill means fuck all if you don't respect your teammates.

that isn't Diabotical

Look, I'm not saying that Counter Strike takes less skill than Quake, but what do you get out of making these threads? Counter strike almost never gets threads on this board, so why are you inciting arguments when most people agree with you anyways?

they're trash at it

Quake will always be the peak of FPS skill.

OP = most based Yea Forums poster

DOTA clones take exactly zero skill. I'm getting bored just thinking about it.

Halo, pubg, CoD, CS, Fortnite they all made it easier in some way to make appeal to casuals. Then there's lootboxes. A lot of kids don't even play games for fun, they play them for lootboxes/skins. Zoomers unironacally thinks a game like Quake is antique because there's no lootboxes, there's no "mechanics" they're familiar with. To actually play a game to improve and for the gameplay alone is so foreign to them they wouldn't even try it resetera.com/threads/death-of-the-arena-shooter.130957/
>FPS mechanics have evolved so much that arena shooters feel antiquated. We can do a lot more now than just “go fast, jump, and shoot”.

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So why were CS 1.6 and CSS so massively popular then?

Because there's a new generation of drooling retards.
I honestly have no idea how humanity will survive.

because they are easy enough for casuals to pick up and play

CS isn't a zoomer game though, retard. and the assfaggots of the 1.6/Source time was CoD.
CS is still a shit game, though.

don't ever stop OP, doing God's work desu

d... did people here actually try and play fartsprite? Its fucking hard desu

>ip count isn't going up much
>all these people just suddenly praising OP much later

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cope harder schizo cs fag

Based Europeans waking up and calling CS shit

I don't even like CS, You're just annoying. Go back to mindlessly talking to yourself, it's the only reason these threads don't die faster

cs was never good

Cs was always trash,quake and ut for the fucking win

Hmm Quake is too difficult. What if we...
>slow the game down
>nerf movement
>make the game team based
>make the game round based
>remove all the pickups
>allow players to buy the weapons
>remove projectile weapons
>make TTK so short that anyone can frag if given enough luck

And then the cycle always continued from card games to battle royales. In an attempt of trying to invent a product that as many people as possible can consume.

Twenty years of the series that turned skill based FPS games into crouch+shoot hitscan weapons with le epic headshots. The fortnite of its time.

CSbabies still can't refute this.yuki.la/v/268082840#p268088596
Your game was always hated.

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quake = peak vidya skill

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funny how even the worst quake game is better than any cs game kek

quake > cs

only zoomers and brainlets disagree

speak english faggot

i miss csgog bros...

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if that's true why is there
>no skill based movement mechanics
>no needing to predict with projectile weapons
>no needing to track with hitscan weapons (low TTK and enemies slow down when being hit)
>no proper 1v1 mode (casuals need teammates to blame when they lose)

>csfags can't refute this

Should I get back into TF2 bros? Or is it nostalgia that blinds me

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I only play arms race, but that had a different name before, what was that again?

I'm really not sure what is the goal of your constant spam with these threads. So you hate CS and Valve? That's fine, it really is. It's just an opinion, what I don't get is trying to act like what you say is gospel. And just because some other people allegedly agree with you doesn't make it gospel either. Does that mean I'm saying CS is good? Not really. I don't like it either, It's just something you do that I don't understand, we've heard you plenty of times, so why keep repeating yourself? even after so many months on end? I think one of your threads even got deleted by a mod cause even they were getting sick of it. There's literally no point to these threads if it's just the same point over and over again.

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Hello, anyone warband here? I used to be solid 5/10 battle player. How about you? Duel/battle/(t)dm/others? U good?

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TF2 takes more skill than CSGO

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Probably, but I don't like it.

and still much less than quake

why do zoomers like cs so much?

have you tried Mordhau friend?

nope, but I've heard about it. I've tried Chivalry once (it's ok, but I like warband more).
Is Mordhau worth buying?

Have you ever been good at a video game in your life? Post proofs.

desu I'm kind of glad quakefag is a thing.

Everyone who likes mount and blade seems to enjoy mordhau.


>barely any map awareness

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Shooters are all the same braindead shit and all you need are quick reflexes which you have no control over, skill is secondary

Enemy Territory is better and harder than both.

>suggesting csgo's guns aren't just
>look at floor
>tap fire

Attached: 1563409228040.jpg (251x201, 5K)

no it's very casual compared to quake

/mbg/ here
We hate it, has too much Chilvalry in it

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>do your job: the game
Name me a team-based game that is more complex than trusting your neighbor to put his square peg in the square hole

> reflexes
> skill

Aren't they almost the same in fps games?
In pubg for example you need 70% strategy/avareness and 30% skill to react quickly and aim fast.

is never ever yet, bro? I don't think I can stand it much longer ( ._.)

CS's resource management is barebones. The meta rifles are fairly cheap, you shouldn't have any issue 'managing' your money. Saving a single round is the worst case scenario.

Why does the m249 cost more than an awp?

Yeah but you can't do much to improve your reflexes. You either have good ones or you don't. So someone with lots of knowledge about the game but lacking reflexes will still suck ass when he plays against a zoomer that just started playing

Csgo is literally the easiest shooter there is. Zero complexity. Thats why its so popular with the teenager crowd

This place is horrible.

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>if i say thats its popular with kids I will win this argument because the other one will look underage if he likes it.

since when have sales become an indication of quality

Exactly, this is why I don't play any pvp games besides pubg mobile, (yes i intentionally play the mobile version) It's just exhilarating to be on the edge 100% of the game time. I think this is why arena shooters failed. No one thinks it's fun to get mentally tired because of constant concentration.

>girl(female) can easily kill evo champion
>game is hardcore
Pick one

what tournament is this from

CS was created for people who ware not good enough to play Quake. It was literally stated in the notes of its release by the creator.

That game is like a sci fi channel original series movie + rocket power from Nickelodeon in a game form. What were they thinking

Have sex.

what the fuck are you trying to say

that's right. if you like rugrats, you are a manchild. if you watch capeshit, you are a manchild. if you play csgo, you are also a manchild. don't greentext ironically if the point you are trying to ridicule is actually right.

>Spent his entire night in the middle of the week in this thread
>Not including the weekend making these threads
You tell em

>someone made this

Crazy right? People put effort into their shitposts instead of just slapping a wig on a wojak. Thank god those days are behind us.
have sex

That's the literally image you used to start this thread retard

and so every vowel they spoke was god's word? use your brain (a lot to ask). do you get moments where 5 people are teamed up against just you, the one player, in quake? dumbass pensioner

Quake doesn't take any effort because nobody plays it anymore

Why would you even think I'm the OP when I directly shit on low effort wojak shitposts

cs was always a joke

Schizos tend to do that

Hiding the server browser was the worst thing they did.

which game are you talking about

/pol/ was a mistake

>quakecon about to start
>glow in the dark bethesda shill starts raging about how quake is better than the most popular fps in the world
really makes you think

Attached: 02-4.jpg (800x689, 28K)

quakecon stopped being relevant when they dropped QL tournaments for QC tournaments

also its doomcon now

should be bethesdacon
>fucking elder scrolls mobile and card game tournaments

>quake requires no map awareness

quakefags have been starting shit in threads about other games for the longest time. Honestly, they should just be banned on sight and banished to /vr/ at this point. It's clearly false flagging.

you still haven't explained how cs requires skill

Quake, CS, Fortnite, and ASSFAGGOTS have no place on Yea Forums. They're belong less to this board than a twittercap thread

It's good but the games dead

>stop talking about video games

we believe in you

>video games have no place on a video game board

based retard

Why are Quakefags obsessed with Counter? Is it because their franchise hasn't been relevant in 20 years?

If cs doesn't require skill then what separates pros from noobs? Are you telling me professional cs players fluked their way there?

literally just experience and aim

but aiming in cs is very low skill compared to quake (slow enemies, low ttk, no tracking, no projectiles)

So experience and aim don't encompass skill?