Why is caboose so perfect Yea Forums?

Why is caboose so perfect Yea Forums?

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Top tier:
God awful tier:
>all CGI Freelancer segments

Top tier is 2-5. Season 1 suffers from usual season 1 of a show shit.

season 8-10 grew on me after a few viewings, actually. Season 6 kind of fell off for me after the same amount of viewings.

Perfect to beat up and steal lunch money from

Isn't Joel dead or am i thinkinhg of someone else.

Is there anything wrong with waifu-ing Carolina?

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It feels like this series went on way longer than it should've.

What the fuck was that dumpster fire of S15-17? Not even Chorus was that bad

Was he Agent California?

We all agree 3>1>2>>>>shit>>>>>everything else, right?

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>Daddy Issues:The Character

but the CGI freelancer segments were the best, it's the only episodes where they don't stay in one map doing trashtalk

What if I think daddy issues are hot? What if I want to be Carolina's daddy?

That's not how you spell Florida A.K.A. Captain Butch Flowers

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>God tier
>Good tier
>Ok tier
>Meh tier
Most other freelancers
>Bad tier
>Trash tier

>make funny series about a bunch of knuckleheads
>decide to take the focus away from them and to your serious waifu drama

Wyoming was great though. Also where the FUCK is Andy?


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that's what happens to most series when they bring women into the mix, sadly

He's a newfag

He missed Sheila too, and Blarg Honk

>Think RvB is brilliant when I was younger
>On current-day rewatch it's okay, but retarded
>Think Arby n' The Chief is okay, but retarded when I was younger
>On current-day rewatch it's brilliant

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It got shitty when they tried to make it super serious and started retconning previous seasons to tie into that bullshit.
>hey you remember when some characters would die and turn into ghosts
>it was actually because they were fragments of an ai that the government tortured until it developed split personalities
>it was part of a project by some asshole trying to resurrect his dead gf, he blows his brains out at the end of one of the seasons

So... WHY did they decide to go full RWBY at Season 8/Revelation?

Because Monty Oum came into the picture. Also seasons 8-10 were before RWBY.

Okay THAT explains a lot. Still don't see why it was needed. Also why is Tex such a cunt?

Revelation was fine because it ended perfectly. Then RT just kept going......

Because sometimes the retarded comedy of arby n chief is what you need.

>Fighting against eachother
>Fighting against a murderous evil AI
>Fighting against some highly trained military operatives
>Fighting against some highly trained military operatives again, but this time they're actually being played straight
>Fighting among themselves but in a less-fun way
>Fighting against two warring factions and eachother while being caught up in those two factions and then fighting against those who were manipulating them
>Fighting against evil "copies" of themselves
>Fighting against the crippling depression of your best-friend's military brain injury
>Fighting against gods but not really gods
>Fighting against a time god but this time for real
Where do they go from here?

you mean
>Absolute cosmic tier
Griffball commissioner
>God tier
North Dakota
>Better than good, lesser than god
>Good tier
Griffs sister
>Ok tier
>Meh tier
Rest of the griffball teams
>Bad tier
OG Church
>Shit tier
Every fucking AI

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>Bad tier
Man you really hate humor.
"What state is yours tex?"

Rvb was a special thing for me when I was in my halo reach prime time, I loved just about all of it up until halo 4 then it lost me, the reds and blues being heroes or involved further was meh especially since church was gone, church was my favorite, then Tex was gone then church was gone, I guess tuck is okay but the freelancers are mostly dead, the team are all heroes, they aren’t talking anymore the dialogue was the best part. The freelancers were kinda cool too, the waifus were solid, fucking wash died, everyone from my childhood fucking died.

Cause she's overconfident and thinks she's hot shit, but then gets killed by Donut of all people in season one

Imagine thinking this when Women were involved with this show since episode fucking 10.

God tier
Church and Tex
Tucker’s son
Wash and Carolina
Great tier
Tucker and grifs sister
The meta
Good tier
Grif and Simmons
Grif and sarge
Washington and the blues
Meh tier
Shit tier
All them halo 4 scrubs
Halo 5 scrubs

tell me what season that starts happening so i can remember to never watch past it


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Season 6 is when they start getting serious with the A.I. shit

Yeah, its called delivery.

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This shit hit me in the feels harder than any other show

Season 10 should have been the final season. While it was CG heavy delivery at least you felt like actual work was put into it. Post that, it turned sort of meh.

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The fights were fun to watch. Choreography was on point. And the ending really did feel like an ending to the show. Then the fucking Chorus trilogy came around

that's why they suck

alien temple conspiracy

Nah the later seasons are better than 10. The constraint of limiting CGI because it's no longer the flagship series is a good thing.

The law

Every season is pretty kino though. Even the ones you hate.

Carolina is good tier

Even the chorus trilogy was alright imo.
But 15-17 are garbage heaps.

Pretty much. The new writer for 15-17 cannot stop inserting shitty pop culture references all the damn time it gets annoying.

The Chorus Trilogy was a fucking brilliant ending to the series though

Fuck the freelancer cgi segments in the seasons before that

Why'd Tex's voice actor leave again?

Why does no one ever include O'Malley in the tier lists?

He's only top tier when mixed with Doc at which point it's easier to just say Doc.

I can't remember when I stopped watching, all I know is it was around the time Grif's sister was introduced and the reveal that Church is an AI.

Eh, Monty Oum was one hell of an animator, I cant even begin to hate such over the top and awsome actions scenes. Everything after him is much worse though.

Well no one expected him to suddenly die.

Grif's sister was season 5. Church being an A.I was season 6 or 7 although hinted it in the final episode of 5 when Omailly had 0 effect on him.

Jon Graham is amazing, that's how.
>Most recent episode depicts MC calling some random player a literal faggot to piss him off while the player gets more and more butthurt before the ingame police come and tell him to escape to his safe space
He's also /ourguy/.

He was creative as fuck with his fight choreography. Can see it in RWBY too.

17 was a good salvage attempt

>He's also /ourguy/.
He hates this fucking place

So does Church ever come back after merging with all the other AI pieces and blowing up? Because I miss Church, he was the straight man of the group.

I rewatched it an honestly the earlier seasons are pretty overrated. Especially the time travel shit. Dear Director is kino but they go into Project Freelancer way too much. Chorus was ok, Caboose was pretty good in it.

That's exactly what he wants us to think

Because we're too negative?

Did you watch them back in the day? I thought they aged well. There wasn't really anything like RvB or at least of that scale back in it's original hay day.

Sort of, the fragment representing his memory takes on his form and voice but goes by his own name and actually likes the rest of the crew. They kill him off too.

no he straight up hates Yea Forums

Tex was good in the Blood Gulch shit. If you stuck around after that stuff when they got all weird with the character, that's on you. No one else did.

>why are we here?

>church was the straight man
Grif was. If you've ever met the faggot teeth gang, it's the same way in person as well. Burns thinks he's the smartest man in the room, Gus is a weedy cunt who needs to be slapped more often, Matt sometimes gets that thousand yard stare vets get and goes off on weird tangents, Jason is a lazy fuck looking for an easy way out, and Geoff is that guy who is along for the ride and tries to get everyone to calm down. I never hung out with Dan that much.

1=2=3=4=5>who cares

i miss junior

blargbros ww@?

Fuck, why did you have to remind me.

so do we, faggot

I don't understand. What are you referring to?

Khonjin House. It was a fun series before Connor (Khonjin) decided to shoehorn another series he'd been laying the groundwork for called Supermental. Then after some drama he erased any and all mention of Supermental from Khonjin House, as well as taking out any "offensive" jokes.

Bow chicken honk honk.

>Wash is going to be partially braindead from now on

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They're probably never gonna do anything with it besides brief mentions

Butthurt over Barbara and other reasons.

>Daddy Issues
That just means she puts out

She's hot though

Caboose was best in Season 1 when he was just a silly naive oaf instead of a drooling retard in the following seasons.

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I hope he is doing alright divorces suck, from time to time i watch the old Golfing videos him telling ryan to kill himself for sucking at golf is always funny

The twist at the end of 17 was kino

He seems to be doing alright. He's quit drinking, lost a lot of weight and I guess has primary custody of his daughter.

can you link the ep please user?

That's nice, i always loved to watch Geoff,Gavin,Micheal,Ryan,and Ray play some golf or do a Verses good times,

He made a clip of it