Final quest: [GAME's NAME]

>Final quest: [GAME's NAME]

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what games do this?

Animal Crossing New Leaf

>kill using a ranged weapon
>loot body
>get ammo back alongside other loot

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>Final boss's ultimate attack [GAME's NAME]

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Red dead redemption 2

Love it when monster hunter does this

Dead Space

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final fantasy 14

Summer-Colored High School Adolescent Record – A Summer At School On An Island Where I Contemplate How The First Day After I Transferred, I Ran Into A Childhood Friend And Was Forced To Join The Journalism Club Where While My Days As A Paparazzi Kid With Great Scoops Made Me Rather Popular Among The Girls, But Strangely My Camera Is Full Of Panty Shots, And Where My Candid Romance Is Going.

read the first letters


>Final mission
>[First Game's Name]

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Everyone knows that already

>final area/boss theme is a triumphant remix of the main theme

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Kirby Star Allies

>Objective: Rapelay

Risk of Rain

>Game name makes absolutely no sense
>Final boss uses it in dialogue and suddenly it makes a ton of sense


god tier devs

They do this for every expansion and every patch and I love it

>final area's theme is the main menu theme

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Yeah every line starts with the same letter. What are the odds of that? It's crazy.


Name the game

Red Dead Redemption 2

The Evil Within

>Boss fight changes phase
>Lyrics kick in

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>Quest Complete: Defeat Ganon

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That reminds me
>game has boss title cards and subtitle cards
>final boss has no subtitle card

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name 2 games

>final fight you can't win
>character comes to even the odds

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One of the 100 things W101 did right about its ending. Upping your army to 200 wonderful ones each in giant mechas, to boot.

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>spanish guitar starts playing

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evil within 1

fuck you
im caughting right now

>final boss's title cards takes up the whole screen

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>Main Quest: The Fallout of New Vegas

Vagrant Story