>think about rolling Hunter for classic
>remember the minimum range requirement to use bows/guns
Some things really are better today.
>think about rolling Hunter for classic
>remember the minimum range requirement to use bows/guns
Some things really are better today.
Other urls found in this thread:
never really had much trouble with the dead zone, you have enough tools to keep everything away from you
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Careful the FF14 trannies ran out of content. They have their thumbs up their asses waiting for savage. They will come preaching their religion. Unaware of how shit the game is and why we all tell them to fuck off to their theme park.
I went warrior and mage in vanilla. I'm going warlock this time. Free mount at 40 is nice.
I would argue you have a higher chance of mental illness being subbed to modern mmos like bfa and FF14.
>classic wow hunter
Dear god, no. Fuck pets. Play it on regular wow, pick marksman, and roleplay as a badass lone archer.
rent free
Hunter will still be the most popular class in Classic because it is the most versatile and has the best leveling (by far) in the game.
Warlocks are like warriors when it comes to viability. They start out ok but slowly overtake everything due to the insane benefits gear gives them. And yes warriors are just OK in MC where you are missing half your fucking autos and specials. 2H fury gets off the ground but gets overtaken by late BWL/AQ
but also has the worst pve end game potential
>*blink frostnova*
Really? I recall destro warlocks having some mean dps.
Dead zone is great, just go play retail tranny.
the thing is everything has already been min/maxed to hell, and people just flock to the highest numbers like they're told, most people are going to pick dps warriors and think they'll be the kings of naxxramas or something when it's not even going to be available on release. Hunter is the worst dps in naxx afaik.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Was underplayed in beta, doubt it.
No, just a regular source of fallacy if not a fallacy itself.
>Savage raid releases next Tuesday
>ran out of content
>I should be able to melee people with my bow
Why are themepark shitters shitting on another themepark? Can't you see the irony?
If you're not playing rmp or warrior you're mentally ill
>letting a mage get within blink frost nova range
>when you have 40yd range and blink takes you 20yd forward
Why is Druid the ultimate hipster class in classic?
... Remember that you also HAD to have ARROWS.. or bullters to even be able to use wepons. Also you had to cut 1 bag slot from your total amount just to have a quiver/amo bag for them. SUre, they gave you some haste.. But still anoying. Not to mention. The amo was level based. So you needed to get better arrows to even keep up.. And those were more expensive.
dont think hunters ever really topped the charts in vanilla, I liked them in pvp though.
oh no how dare I have a mechanical counter?? next thing you're gonna tell me my pet can get CC'd what the dfuck
>most underplayed class in vanilla and tbc
>most hyped up class in classic
Most aren't going to get it to level 20 because leveling a druid 1-20 is so terrible.
Meanwhile I'm here tipping my fedora with my ARCANE PRIEST
Nostalgia in and of itself isn't a Mental Illness. But it can be a symptom of other illnesses like depression since most of the time it centers around the person having the mindset of "my life was better in the past" and whatnot.
Regardless though, yeah it's not healthy to be nostalgic all of the time as it can lead to you never being happy and constantly being angry or depressed about how different the world is from your memories of "how things use to be" which always grows steadily into an imaginative view of that time.
I come from That Other MMO so I know little about this. Did they say which version of vanilla that Classic is gonna be based off of? And if they're adding LFD and that kind of stuff? Been wanting to try WoW but retail levelling is kind of boring.
>which version of vanilla that Classic is gonna be based off of
its using a botched version of patch 1.12
Get good. Vanilla hunter was great, melee attacks had a purpose.
>b-but a mage is in my dead zone
interrupt his spell with feign death
>he's casting again!!!!!!
engineering grenade
>waaaah I don't have 100% dps uptime in pvp
Welcome to the fucking world of every other class. Melee gets kited and casters can be interrupted/locked out.
Glad to hear it's not 1.13 then, apparently it was controversial? Here's hoping Classic is gonna be cool though.
The classic version of 1.12 updated to the 2019 relaunch with the new engine is called 1.13. I don't think anything is controversial about 1.13.
No LFD, that came in WotLK in 3.x
hotw masterrace reporting in
most will lose their shit when they actually have to earn bear form at 10 from a quest chain traveling across mulgore
can you explain to me HotW speccs and what they actually do?
It's gonna be incredible to see the sheer butthurt and rage from BC/WOtLK babbies when they first get exposed to vanilla.
>what do you mean I have to FARM gold to get my mount at 40??? REEEEE
It's THE de-facto hybrid spec for vanilla. With appropriate gear it can off tank or heal. Due to the fact that it grants you 20% more int which compensate for decreased healing output, all while speccing the majority in feral granting you sufficient 5 man or raid off tanking. Put 1 point in balance for nature's grasp for pvp.
here's an example:
>shaman water totem quest
imagine the seething from the barrens run they have yet to do
This, everyone is who is playing WoW Classic is going to be playing min-maxing. Warrior will definitely be the most popular class, but it should be expected a lot of people will quit their warriors half way through because its grueling getting to level 60.
Is that the one where you have to go into the middle of fucking nowhere in silverpine? I hate that quest so much
lol, noob hunters make me laugh
I leveled 3 warriors to 60 in vanilla at different points in time no sweat about it, you might need to play at odd hours to grind at some levels enough banadages and the right spots you can grind no stop after 30ish all the way to 60 easily and just some quests when needed.
The real issue is gear distribution, loot always goes to the MT and then the OT, you're so far behind gear distribution you'll be stuck with no progression for months, then guild drama ensues and your character goes to shit with a buttload of DKP and no gear to show.
God, you guys are the easy kills I'll be getting
What part of those posts makes you think either of them are interested in playing classic?
>tfw rolling a warlock specifically because I want the free mount
The rules of reaching 1-60 still applied to those who played BC/WOtLK.
I started playing around the end of BC and I remember grinding it out to get Regular Mount, then Fast Mount, then Flying Mount, then Fast Flying Mount. I remember being a little jealous of the Paladins and Warlocks after I found out they got a free one.
Only difference maybe is you got your level 70-80 to do some dungeon runs with you.
>thread dying before even getting 50 replies
classic threads really do need the ffxivchads' help to stay alive huh
Classic WoW is way less of a themepark compared to "Follow the MSQ or die" XIV