>IRL bosses thread
IRL bosses thread
>approach statue to initiate boss fight
>Walk up to it with the key mcguffin
>It wakes up and fights with the anger of 800 Swiss guards.
>not the tallest man in the front
thread theme: youtube.com
>let me inspect your loicense mate
the most powerful man is in the front
The Four Hunters.
Here is your first monster encounter bro
Come straight from Dark souls.
>Top left
Blizzard, cold attacks
>Top right
Brawler, insane strength
>Bottom left
Sound, wind attacks
>Bottom right
psychokinesis, illusion magic
>You should not have entered this place.
Wow. Bottom left doing the dragon stance you always see
fuck you you're wrong and I lived in a state with these bitey aggressive fucks.
t. spider lover.
is that a window?
Straight up a tigrex.
>Boss exists in more than one different plane of existence, and has to be defeated over and over with one life
>its a duo boss.
>Rise if you would... for that is our curse
The idea of him clopping like a horse is funnier than it should be.
Ahh, Kos, or some say Kosm...
what state
Ah ive seen thos before.
Isnt this in san Francisco by the metreon? I havent been there in years tho
>Boss is a rare heavy armor + magic user,
>15% to hit
>boss causes extremely high pitched ringing noises as it attacks
>can make you commit suicide if willpower is too low
>makes you completely disappear into an incomprehensible realm of existence if your intelligence is too high
>vehicle boss with heavy infantry minions
Huh. Russians seem to have God Emperor genes locked away in them.
Rise and shine Dr Freeman. Rise and shine.
a model that has thinning hair? wat
One sexy beamos
>former ally is now an enemy
A fat starfish. Now I've seen everything. At least it won't freeze.
yes, if mermaids really REALLY were real, they'd have lots of blubber to protect from cold, and hence would look like a bunch of BBW models or some shit. A fact ruined for many, and fetishized to even more.
>So it's finally come to this... brother
>kill it
>suddenly a new health bar appears as it sheds the metal
>Greek Outsider
its like Ron Pearlman as a dog
what the hell is going on this image?
fuck me that looks scary
utterly based
Trick boss near the beginning of the game. Giant pleb filter
One of the last bosses, you had to fight one of them earlier
Pretty good fight, but fucking legendary backstory
Looks much worse than it is, mostly a cut scene boss. Best level leads up to him though.
One of those tragic boss fights, like Sif
Bonus boss, basically impossible without a real specific build
That's just a basket star.
Is that a fucking Tallman?
a boss fight, retard
>God tasks you to defeat his current champion to take over the world
>an unassuming npc is actually an end game optional boss
>Boss has a puffy vulva
this isn't the irl ffxiv twink character thread
>Tarot Card Boss: The Lovers
How are you supposed to beat this guy? his defense and HP are insane and magic attacks just bounce right off him
Fall damage
DoT status effects will do the trick but it takes a while.
>Boss has a multi-attack
french women are so hot
Hit him from behind you casual
Boss kills you if you close the game
Beyond based
>have sex poster
>"HAVE SEX!..... with me please... I'm a real woman... please I've had so many surgeries I just want to have sex..... please... have sex.....
poison is great on him
Boss just causes confusion and anger
what did you do to counter his unholy brap ability?
>a rare deepwater jew
>"""""""""villain"""""""" has better motives than the hero
>spams hustle bones out his mouth
>fucks the ost. makes it come.
would be pretty cool
dunno I heard once about a fat guy that tried to commit suicide by drinking poison but he survived and became a /fit/fag
now that's a big titty Goth gf
>Quiz boss
>Get one wrong and its an instakill
the burgerless king
Can you defeat her sass?
>boss is impossible without using the wiki
Shin Reviewbrah
Anyone have that clip of the dude on the bus being punched in the face like five times while smiling?
>enemy can hypnotize you into not attacking
>insignificant mob is the actual boss
>boss murdered his own children
>Boss area is in the dark
Precursor to Barnabus/Dr Lugae fight from FF4
oh my
>They call him Klan Klux Ku
>mimics are not just chests
>Boss shows up attacking
Worshipper of Velka
Is that a runescape party hat?
>About to kill boss
>Another boss killed him and the next boss fight starts right away
>Bodyguards are the real fight
Why are you posting Ornstein and Smough?
"Lookit the Booones!"
Boss drains yours levels
How God expect us not to sin when we see women like this?
>Sad Panda
That's why you marry 'em so you can breed them over
and over
and over
and over
>boss doesn’t want that
>achievement unlocked: eye for an eye
Wait a minute he’s missing something
Damn, that Fuchi cosplay is on point
>boss shows up suddenly in a supposed safe zone
Star Wars Kid has a familiar now, it seems.
How did this happen? It's like deliberitely went for the JUST.
Trapped between heaven and hell, this duo shifts between three different planes as you fight them.
Ashura from FF4
>Nulls all attacks
>Can only be defeated by talk options
>*demonetizes your Instagram
>Runs around you in a circle.
Wahoo! Nothing-a personnel paisano.
I post this in every boss fight thread when I see one
flash1:D R O P P A R T Y!
glow2: 2B drop party
he doesn't quit the gym the gym quits him
Remember the order is
You go girl
Save your MP and enjoy your free level up
>mermains were dummy thicc
oh no...
The boss is small
>did you expect somebody else? I'm sorry, main character. I can't let you further.
40% sword crit chance with dilation enchantment.
im tryna get this prince's attention, but im dummy thicc and the clap of my fins keeps alerting sebastian
>shin godzilla ending
Does massive magic damage and moderate slashing damage
He's stronk as fuck not sure where you're getting JUST from. Imperfect hairline I guess? He is 34 ffs
>weapons ineffective, only fire magic can harm him
>it's a boss rush level
>level drain
Is this the short circuit reboot we were promised?
Johnny 5 looks pissed
Is that Kadaff harem?
i think it's a lion
Source? That shit is creepy.
one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.
They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.
Man I'd like to meet Paul Rudd. I heard he's a nice guy.
Can I charm the boss?
>The villian was really a hero
looks like ashura-kai enemy from smt 4
This is how Galactus appears to brits
>he also has a devastating one-shot attack
>it's telegraphed with a split-second start up animation
>your apprentice is the final boss
games that do this?
That's a fucking manga character
I see this gif posted for years and I literally never click on it
avgn looking good here
That's fucking metal
>The Elf of Downs
>boss can be tamed into an ally
he burned 35 ppl to death
>pushover boss becomes a fan favorite and returns in the sequel
>Ice boss
I know. It still doesn't make him not look like a fucking alien
>you have to shrink down in size to fight the boss
I swear I've read this at least ten times.
He sure gets around, huh?
it's a more common occurance than you'd think
rip out fly space
moon from ducktales
>Remake ruins a beloved boss fight.
Monster arena pokemon battles
are you retarded?
Villain cannot help but follow their nature
post the porn part
God damn. I'm American and I'm so jealous of the culture and art of other countries. Just look at this shit...
>all surrounding objects can be used as weapons
>the two most powerful lords have joined forces
No shit idiot. Of course knives are metal.
What is the rippen man's weakness?
what about plastic and/or ceramic ones?
>masked boss removes his mask
>he's actually handsome as heck
>friendy NPC has very high, but not unlimited, friendly fire tolerance
i tough he was a friendly npc
did he became a optional boss on the sequel?
>Boss kills the person that summoned him.
>boss played college ball
Third world animals are going to destroy it all in our lifetimes so enjoy it now.
>boss can be defeated through dialogue
>boss fight is against multiple enemies
>Dead Rising.jpg
it's just a friendly spar
>objective: outrun the truck!
I'm glad I wasn't the only one
almost clicked this gif... not today
>You meet all the major bosses of the game together during an early game cutscene.
Oh shit, those things are so fucking rad.
Penda's Fen
You can't hurt me jack
>boss gets patched out
choose one
>(A) Let go
>you made me use 2% of my power
got anymore of this boss?
Brings a whole new meaning to "pyramid head".
>The Battle Frontier Project has started
>boss absorbs all physical attacks
Any chance this wasn't staged?
Boss theme
long bong is long
This is in Denver, CO. Scared the fuck out of me when I came home from the airport. Actually, that whole airport is weird as fuck with ties to the free masons.
Yeah, elephants are pretty cool.
>Boss turns out to be a hidden love interest
cute but what's the context?
Mystery niggas
>Give me your life
fucking perfect
god bless dandies
>Bosses that burrow underground
you are the seal, the boss has disguised himself and kidnapped you
Post physique
Kira acquires Killer Queen
>the real bosses were the friends we made along the way
>boss fight opens with them casting debilitating status effects
>final boss is the hero
>you were the villain
this is an IRL bosses thread, not IRL heroes
>the heroes were the villians all along
>boss gets mad at player character refusing to join him despite making well reasoned argument why he is actually the good guy and should be supported
I swear I heard an HA HA in my mind when he points his finger
>You actually have to fight the friends you made along the way.
his range is tiny and there's frequent break phases. just kite and jab him with a spear when you can
>Boss is an immortal concept rather than a physical being
how can Saddam be a bad guy if South Park told me he is Satan's boyfriend?
>there's a secret ending where you rape the boss and force it into waifuhood
Fucking thinmen
>final boss has water powers
>protagonist is weak to water
>I smell chechens
Love that scene youtube.com
>Even more tattoos
imagine you taking a dump in those woods and that Buddha is constantly looking at you
>boss arena has environmental hazards
Imagine the Absolute Untermensch God's their kids would have been.
fuck you
>tfw when fetish for eyeball heads
>the entire head must be an eyeball i dont like normal cyclops
>i make my gf wear an eyeball mask costume thing when ever shes around me even in public
I'm going ghost!
>boss replenishes it's own HP during the fight
>Hmm. Hmmmm.
Two babies and an endocrine
>The final boss was you all along
>Boss has the power to erase history.
Longma? What's Longma?
At least get a different pic to use, that heart is a giant giveaway
pardon me, I was absorbed in thought.
it means horse dragon in chinese, and also an obvious 5th grade-tier joke
More of this twink?Sauce?
>Boss knows your weak spot
Final boss is immortal
How do I beat him once he's enraged?
That looks badass
Equip water spray and blast the shit out of him
stop being boring
Leveled up water spray to lvl 99
>The actual boss is hidden inside of a much larger enemy
How do characters without magic beat this boss? He's immune to all physical damage and his diet of garbage makes him immune to all poison.
Pic related
You need to vibrate higher
>Previous game's protagonist becomes the antagonist
Why is dynamite Pete so strong?
>your ally was a traitor all along
i'm pretty jellous of that guy
blazing bull
god I wish that were me
set your consoles clock like 2 weeks forward. he'll die from diabetes and you won't need to fight him.
>Loading screen before boss:The mountain dew bottles he carrys not only replenish his hp and charge his brap meter,but when stolen they can backfire on his brap attack and be used as the clog
His main attack is charging. He runs headfirst into a wall and when he gets stuck you punch him from behind
DO post more!
DON'T stop posting creepy thots
beat it kike
Hopefully we get something as great as this in Bully 2.
Holy shit, look at this
truth hurts user
>boss holds heat and preaches nonviolence
Can definitely see that as a boss for LoZ or maybe 3D combat style games in general like Souls, Nioh, Nier, etc.
I did irl. read the file name and find out where It its.
he's a reddit migapede, he'll never realize he's been duped. He'll just keep spouting the same MAGA LIBTARDS BTFO bullshit while coming up with increasingly sophisticated excuses for why Trump is failing to do what he said he would do while also doing the whole neocon warmongering bit overseas.
Ah so you have made it past my troops and to me. But
There is a Reason I stand above the rest. May the best man win!
>boss drains your energy
Holy shit, look at the eyes moving in from the back.
is this your only counter argument you dirty jew lover?
migapede boomers and kosher nazis are the scum of the earth
they need to be hanged from trees
If you defeat the black one first, the white one goes berserk and casts Meteor over and over again until your party dies or until it runs out of MP.
If you defeat the white one first, the black one fully revives it.
At least he wont vote democrat
>On October 6, 2017, State Street, the company that funded Fearless Girl, paid $5 million to settle a lawsuit from its female and minority employees who alleged the company violated equal pay rights.