LoL is harder than Dota

I'm a Dota player but tried LoL which is supposed to be easier. There's a ton of complex shit:
>jungle creeps that give your team a buff
>summoner spells
>more fast paced
>cant deny creeps
>map is more zoomed in

Seriously every time a fight happens in LoL I have no idea what the fuck is going on, its just tons of flashy spells flying everywhere

In Dota its quite easy to see what your enemy will do

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Other urls found in this thread: order:favcount

>Seriously every time a fight happens in LoL I have no idea what the fuck is going on
thats because every spell looks the same

>Inconveniences make the game harder!
>It's better because it sucks more!
Why don't you play old Wizardry games then? >Not multiplayer so you can't blame your teammates
>Die randomly to shit you didn't even notice
>Overly convoluted magic system
>Stupid puzzles
It's much harder than dota

both are as far as they can be in the MOBA spectrum, league is an action game more than a strategy game, your dota skills won't carry over

>Seriously every time a fight happens in LoL I have no idea what the fuck is going on, its just tons of flashy spells flying everywhere

Wow so co0l! Maybe its because you've just started playing and get stomped on by people with hundreds of hours played?

user your flaseflagging is so obvious that even I, someone who doesn't have Steam installed, can tell that you are not being serious

Yeah no, LOL is fundementally determined by who wins the first 2 teamfights in a row, and has always been this way and has been a main criticism for the game by both casual and pro players alike.

Yeah, there is more layers of nonsensical shit, but the hero interactions and dynamics are very dull and uninteractive, the team who has a gold advantage, even as much as 10%, usually wins.

And yeah, the game is super fucking instagib, with no turn rate or cast points walking into 2 enemy heroes by mid game pretty much spells death, and this is because they don't want CC in league to be good, the 'hardest' CCs in league are only 1.5 seconds, maybe 2 seconds if its an ultimate, everything else are micro CCs that last 1 second tops, and less then 10% of them are stuns, meanwhile the damage scaling is through the roof, and there is no way to counter damage at all, you can build armor or magic resist, but that doesn't really do jack shit because reducing 50% incoming damage from someone who's doing you entire healthbar a second in raw DPS won't stop them from killing you.

Simply put, league has more nonsense attached to it, but very little counter play when it comes to items or heroes, because the game can't have counter play when you have to buy heroes in the first place, where as DOTA, at least old dota before DOTA 2's new meta meme started fucking everything up, was a simple game that had a lot of depth to it thanks to its counter play in hero and item design.

I thought the general opinion about both games is:
LoL is centered around playmaking and teamfight executions.
Dota is more about strategy and macro-management. Being aware of timings, striking windows and very focused on hero roles.

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Both games are about play making and teamfight executions though.

>jungle creeps that give your team a buff
Dota has runes that are more riskier to get, in addition, most junglers have multiple start points as oppose to LoL's two start points.
90% of the time these are static for the champs you play.
>summoner spells
You mean Flash + X/Y/Z?
>more fast paced
This is subjective.
>cant deny creeps
How does that make it harder?
>map is more zoomed in
This is also subjective

>Seriously every time a fight happens in LoL I have no idea what the fuck is going on
Thats because LoL is a clusterfuck of colors most of the timeand bad designs.
>inb4 cherrypicking dota cosmetics
I said most of the time, not when you have Specific skins equipped

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I don't play LoL and I haven't touched Dota in a long long time. But from what I've been told, well LoL has a very strict meta were all roles are fixed, and champions end up being very similar, so teams don't matter that much compared to execution.
In Dota, a game can (or used to) be decided from the picking phase alone. A certain strat you go for could be easily crushed by the enemy if their composition trumps yours, so there was nothing execution-wise you could do to win.

LoL is more faceroll playing
Dota is more planning
Neither require skill to be good at

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>teams don't matter that much
>LoL has a very strict meta

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The only reason league feels like its harder is because the damage is pumped out 2x faster then DOTA, without things like attack points, cast points, turn rate, ect, and the unit collision is really bad, because of this LOL is pretty instagib, its almost impossible to make big plays because who ever gets their combo off on the enemy first wins.

DOTA requires much more micro when it comes to positioning, movements, due to animation restrictions on heroes, ontop of executing their abilities, DOTA is also much more basic by design, but this leads to its depth, for example a hero in DOTA might have a targeted 2 second stun, a passive cleave, and a movement speed buff as their core abilities, but then in comparison League has a hero who's Q is on a 6 second cooldown, dashes you to a target, applies a stack of your 3 stack debuff, and resets when it hits a hero, W will be some kind of CC or big CD burst, and your E is some kind of defensive ability or mobility ability

The league hero in this case can simply sit there combo casting on an enemy hero, doing 20 casts to kill someone but being flashy and mobile while doing so, while the comparable dota hero doesn't have spammable skills, and thus has to manage them, also DOTA has mana on every single hero, and items and mechanics involving mana as a resource, where in league even the most mana intensive heroes are able to spam without thought

>where in league even the most mana intensive heroes are able to spam without thought
Early game Ryze can barely cast two spells without going oom, he needs the jungle blue buff to go through laning phase.

After two items he can spam mindlessly. like every other champion

>A certain strat you go for could be easily crushed by the enemy if their composition trumps yours, so there was nothing execution-wise you could do to win.
This is completely false outside of Wraith king vs Antimage
All that changes is your item build, most situations can be alleviated/easier to deal with, with specific items.

Not him but it doesn't matter when your regen is so forgiving. Rounning out of Mana in DoTA means you're not casting spells until you get a clarity/mango out to you as oppose to waiting 30 seconds in LoL

Ryze is definately an outlier but compared to DOTA, 95% of the manabased heroes in league can freely spam their abilities, where in DOTA if you cast your abilities you'll rarely get more then 3-4 casts off before you need to drink a potion or bottle.

>it doesn't matter when your regen is so forgiving
Even if this was true and not hyperbole, 30 seconds in LoL is fucking huge, especially on laning phase.

>ton of complex shit
>can't deny creeps

What? How is not having a certain mechanic more complex?

fucking retard lmao

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30 seconds is nothing compared to ~3 minutes without spells

>3 minutes
Can DotA heroes kill you 30 times over during that time lapse? Because champions in LoL can definitely do it in 30s.

we just had this shit bait thread yesterday

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>Can DOTA heroes kill you 30 times over during that time lapse
>Because in LOL can definately do it in 30s
If you're fucking retarded, I played both on and off and league is definately the safer game, which is why watching worlds is the most boring shit fucking ever, because its 20 minutes of fucking CSing before anything interesting happens

>league is an action game more than a strategy game, your dota skills won't carry over
Yes they do, LoL is the same game but minus all the strategy and variety

I also just started playing LoL because of my girlfriend and DotA is still a superior game.

In Rift, LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENS except lane farming and poking for the first 15 minutes. The neutrals and lane mechanics are one dimensional compared to DotA. Yes, the champions play more actively but it really just boils down to whether you can hit ur skillshots with 7 sec cooldowns or not. Ults are less impactful in fights and literally every champion shares the same schematic of Skillshot/Passive+Shield/Dash/Ult.

>Can Heroes kill you in 3 mins without mana?
user, you're going full retard.
Its alot easier to play safe for 30 seconds then it is for 3 minutes, not to mention your towers protect you MUCH more in League. Towerdives are extremely common in Dota.
Also you lose gold when you die in dota, so deaths are even more punishing.
ALSO you don't have a "get out of jail free" car with flash in dota.
ALSO ALSO, you have a fucking FREE back to base you can use ANYTIME.
You're a fucking retard if you think 30 seconds without spells in league is worse then 3 mins without spells in dota.

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Reminder Slark is a virgin.

LoL champions can't even run out of mana save for one or two

That only makes him cuter

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Dota 2 is nowhere near the level of an action game compared to League and you'd know that having played both.

Legit, just look at a league streamer, see what he does and just copy him verbatim, and you'll do well.
LoL is incredibly predictable, you just need to know what's meta at the moment and play within that. You are used to an open ended game that revolves around personal skill and knowledge and not repetition and adherence to seasonal meta.

>go into b8 moba thread
>dotards talking like lol is still in season 2

league is shit btw

I'd hug slark and make him feel loved

Also I'd suck his dick.

Having played both I just want to say that league is nowhere near the level of an action game compared to Dota

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We can be each others' first times!

Dota 2's mechanical element is far more demanding compared to League and you'd know that having played both.

Show me literally anything in LoL that's as mechanically demanding as meepo, invoker, lone druid, six slot tinker, even fucking puck is more mechanically intensive than anything in LoL.

Riven is pretty high skillcap, you have to press the keys very fast!

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Seriously? LOLfags' hardest heroes are easier than Puck?

>Draven's mechanic will never be in dota.
Shit sucks, its fun juggling two blades during fights


I will break it down to simple terms.

LOL is a faster game with a more condensed map

Dota2 is much slower with much more passive gameplay.

Dota2 games can easily go over 1.5 hours while lol can be done 30 to 40 minutes.

A fuck up in Dota2 is more devastating while dying in lol isnt as bad.

My conclusion...


Yep. Their mechanix heroes are around the same level as puck I'd say, but they don't have the active item layer to amplify it like Dota does.

>Dota2 is much slower with much more passive gameplay.
>with much more passive gameplay.
Why do retards like this try to compare games they know absolutely fucking nothing about?

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DotA games haven't been that long in a while senpai.

>Dota2 is much slower with much more passive gameplay.
Imagine being this stupid

>Dota 2's mechanical element is far more demanding compared to League and you'd know that having played both.

I never claimed that.

I said league is more of an action game as in there's more actiion constantly int he game. Legit look up VODs. Compare Aatrox gameplay to Sven. Also I never said League was better than Dota

meanwhile, the real OGs lurk

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>Compare Aatrox gameplay to Sven
Comparing single champs/heroes is pretty much cherrypicking.

>There's a ton of complex shit:
>cant deny creeps
>map is more zoomed in
i mean you at least tried with this bait but it kinda fell apart here

I recall one of the champion designers in LoL saying they'd never make a Invoker-type champion because "it's unfair to the opponent to have the burden of knowing what all the 10 spells do" or something

He also said something similar about adding Bloodseeker's ult in LoL, "how will a new player know they're not supposed to move?"

fucking christ

>"how will a new player know they're not supposed to move?"

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Maybe give the skill an effect of spilling 5L of blood for every inch you move?

>I never claimed that.
>Dota 2 is nowhere near the level of an action game compared to League

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Almost everything you said is completely wrong.

There's more strategy it's just that only 0.4% of the top of ranked gets it on competitive servers (EUW / KR).

Though when I played it was more that you had to combine things. For example it was really great if your tank top player synergized well with your support player who set up the map for vision control. That way they could easily carry teamfights, objectives, kills and so on. When I played in season 5/6/7 tanks were really great on toplane and it was all just about having a great support + great tank top player who could set up everything for a skilled damage dealer like an ADC.

Most of the mechanics just involve ability weaving + setting up auto attacks. Knowing where to step and how to step back to opponent is very important on toplane for example in league. In DotA that matters a lot less due to turn rate and most lanes already being very determined / decided from start due to counters being a lot harder in that game.

You can strategically die in League. From what I remember in season 6 where I played the most if you died midgame while you had your minion wave pushed to the enemies tier 2 tower and the enemy could not take an objective off killing you, the enemy killing you was pointless. Might have even sabotaged themselves if they send multiple people to toplane so an ally could take an objective somewhere else. Knowing when / where to pressure is important.

>Knowing where to step and how to step back to opponent is very important on toplane for example in league. In DotA that matters a lot less due to turn rate and most lanes already being very determined / decided from start due to counters being a lot harder in that game.
I'm still waiting you to show me something that's anywhere near as actiony and mechanically demanding as any of those heroes I listed.

It was more that a hero like invoker would have 1 optimal combination of spells to be used so them investing that much resources wouldn't really be justified.

you're 7 years to late for someone to care about ASSFAGGOTS

League actually is harder than Dota in a lot of ways. Snowballing is much worse for various reasons.

>Iron Talon
>Poor Man's Shield
>Ring of Aquila
Did they deserve it?

Yes. Aquila's probably the least. PMS was broken as fuck and Iron Talon was just a stupid concept.

>League actually is harder than Dota in a lot of ways.

I really like how in LoL in even matchup if you miss 10-15 cs on a lane its basically lost beyond recovery. Talking bot lane in particular.

>wait for respawn
>walk back out to tower (no TP scrolls)
this is atleast 20 seconds alone
Atleast in dota you can TP in and dieback like a pleb
i dont care either way, put over 1000 hours in each, I'm just partial to Dota in general since it has "more"

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>Dota 2 is nowhere near the level of an action game compared to League

Claiming League is more of an action game than Dota 2 does not mean that is more mechanically intensive.

Individually some heroes have more demanding mechanics when used optimally. Doesn't need to make the game more fun or harder to play.

It appears easier because at low levels (below diamond in EUW) it's just people running around with no clue what they're doing. Only get difficult above that because you need to know more than just what the abilities are of heroes but rather how to win games.

Problem I have with it (and mobas in general) it takes too much time to be good at it. To maintain highest level of play (around master+) you need to play around 4 hours a day. And most of that playtime you're not enjoying yourself but you're stuck with people being mad, throwing a game intentionally due to rage and you will get frustrated getting the same players in your team repeatedly.

speaking about mana... how did frog nerfed suicide meta on 4-5 players?

I agree but I think that's dota clones in general. But in League it's worse because really high level players can shove the smallest advantage down your throat (there's still a lot of dumbasses in Diamond though)

Those literally mean the same thing in this context you fucking spastic
You have no point here, also your argument about turn rates somehow meaning real time positioning doesn't matter is just straight up false and makes zero sense to begin with

>Comparing single champs/heroes is pretty much cherrypicking.

Compare offlaners to top laners which are essentially almost the same role

Out of all the champions pictured here, there's not a single one that doesn't spam skills 24/7, tell me how that isn't more action oriented.

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>Those literally mean the same thing in this context

How? Being mechanically intensive means the scope of stuff to learn to achieve high skill ceiling is pretty high, or to have high skill floor too. Which makes sense for Meepo. I'm not claiming that. I'm saying that League plays more like an action game. For example, lane matchups are two champions spamming skills 24/7, Dota 2 isn't like that. Hence why I'm claiming League is more of an action game and comparing both is retarded when both play very differently.

Oh I'm not the dude you were talking to.
But hes not wrong

>Sven is an offlaner

Imagine trying to go late game carry when the enemy runs early game dick

How good is Barathrum?

>so teams don't matter that much
They 100% do. Now, off meta things like Pyke top or botlane mages do work but you have to have a team comp built around it.

Nice try, falseflagger

>make him feel loved
You sick fuck! Next thing you'll tell me you'll hold his claw and gently pet his forehead!

t. never played dota or lol

Imagine the comeback mechanic

you're not entirely right
top lane and offlane are incomparable due to difference in goals those lanes trying to achieve
lanes are not mirrored in lol, so in dota you're not laning against other position 3 player most of the time sometimes you do though, one in seventy games i'd say

Yes Idk how it inflated with new rankings and stuff. It used to be that diamond 3+ on EUW / KR people started to understand the game more, and games became a lot about who got the dumbass / off role / shit team comp. Also why I didn't like the game anymore so much dodging when you queue'd up and then after wasting the initial 5-6 minutes of queue time you wasted 15 more minutes of people dodging. And then you end up needing to dodge a queue yourself. Queue dodging here means that in draft you quit the game so to not play the game and not lose rating. But at higher levels of solo queue you're just wasting sometimes over 30 minutes to even get inside a game. And when it's a game that's over in just 10 minutes and you automatically lose that's really demotivating.

Same issues that plague low level play become so much worse. Especially if you play on off peak times and come across the same player(s) repeatedly.

I've also noticed that despite LoL having a dedicated role for ganking and roam (jungler), DotA is a lot more rotation-driven than LoL.
Mid lane is basically laning against 3, sometimes 4 heroes, same for you and enemy. Also, vision game in LoL is really, really weak In comparrison, of course, not to say that it doesn't matter or have no impact

LoL experience in high diamond:
>team picks 4 ad
>u r adc
>forced to pick apc bot
that's an "off meta" for you

>Atleast in dota you can TP in and dieback like a pleb
buyback needs to be a thing in league

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What's wrong with /vg/?

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/vg/ is a putrid, foul place
never, ever go there

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PMS was fucking broken bullshit and everyone that has any idea how dota works hated that item

mom i posted it again

oh nooo melee agi carries can actually survive and last hit worse than they could with stout + quelling which is cheaper anyway
the horror

maybe you got that impression because you are new to lol?????????????????????? i mean, trying to solve a rubix cube would be hard for a nuclear physicist if he never did it before, you fuking moron

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Be honest: which five heroes do you MOST want to fuck?

PMS just needed to be toned down, or changed to STR instead of AGI. Iron Talon deserved it, this aint LoL jungling. Nobody actually picks up Aquila.

Do you have all these? I love them.

>PMS just needed to be toned down
buffed Stout is nerfed PMS minus agi

>Nobody actually picks up Aquila
aquila was the most stat efficient item in dota
before it got removed literally every safelane carry had to buy one

oh hell yes I do

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>changed to STR instead of AGI
Valve hire this man. It'd become perfect for guys like Pudge: the lesser Vanguard.

I only play league because of Draven.
Shame that most champs being released these days are pedo bait like Zoe and neeko.


Yea Forums will do anything to suck gabe's cock, even shill for a game they never played

>TI9 just around the corner

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>and techies
Gets me every time

LoL is for people 10-16
Dota 2 is for people 17-23
If you are older than 23 you should not be playing any MOBA shit but most definitely not LoL

some of them are pretty shit
but i save and treasure them anyway because each and every picture invokes memories of me raging in pub on a bullshit meta and its fucking beautiful

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LoL is trash
Dota 2 is even worse
The best MOBA games are HOTS and Smite

Dota has a lot of bara (literally, even), but does it have any cute twinks?

my favorite
the famous memepush

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>"how will a new player know they're not supposed to move?"
good fucking lord

we now have shota invoker though

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I'm not into shotas, but Slark's perfect. Thanks.

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>Dota 2's mechanical element is far more demanding


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bh is pretty slim if you're a disgusting furry
also consider skywrath and oracle

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Great argument user
Try actually rebutting the post now

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Why did you make this thread again are you fucking retarded?

last one

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Hot damn, that's nice.

>BH, Skywrath
Don't think they're to my taste
Oooh. He's my favorite hero, but I've never looked up lewd of him.

Why do you keep posting this shitty bait? You get BTFO every single last time. The skill cap of League of Legends is the barrier to entry for DotA 2.

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>there's more actiion constantly int he game
>no global tps with low cd
how is that possible? unless you count lane harass and poking as action

But Dota 2 is easier than LoL

what's poking?

it's when some damage lands but nobody is committing to actually fuck eachother up

found one more pic

you'll make a good ward bitch
perfect fit

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No, it is not. Not by a long shot. Denying, pulling, stacking, turn rates, mana management, often having four or more active items, larger cooldowns, more impactful spells, more impactful items, more complex and intricate warding, more variety in team compositions, more variety in strategies in general, and more viable builds to name just a few, make DotA a far harder game, both to learn and to master, to the point where even the designers of League of Legends have called DotA 2 too hard, citing their retarded "burden of knowledge" garbage.

>nothing but buffs for eight straight months
So how long until they become regular picks?

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hopefully never
i hate playing against this fucking bullshit garbage hero
and when someone in my team picks it he's just a useless retard that thinks lategame techies is a guaranteed win

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lategame techies isn't a guaranteed win
lategame techies WITH HARDER CARRIES is

Techies most powerful ability is to make the game last +5 Hours he doesnt tests your strength he tests your endurance

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>proximity mine

the reddit sound needs to go
still don't understand why the frog added it

that's what bad techies players think
techies is actually godlike early game hero and exceeds at closing a game before 40 minute mark
well, in high bracket that is
on lower level where people don't know how to play around techies you can just pick spectre with techies and win every game I guess?

Spec + techies is unbeatable unless they pick spec counters like lifestealer

lifestealer is ASS in lategame though

i too like making bait thread on Yea Forums

this is objectively wrong and you're stupid

What hero do you think is the "face of Dota"?

Easily. Valve loves to use Juggernaut for all the marketing (as pathetic as the marketing is) but Pudge is the one everyone knows.
There's a reason literally every other Dota-like has "That one hero that hooks".

>There's a reason literally every other Dota-like has "That one hero that hooks".
Isn't it from the fact that Pudge is based off of MK's Scorpion?

ITT: everyone stopped playing those game ages ago

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thank you fellow fishboy enthusiast

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He's just so cute.

smooch the fish

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Redpill me on Mars. What do you build? How do you play him?

I donno I quit playing long before he was released

nobody asked u

Burden of knowledge is a completely valid argument and it's why no one outside CIS or the Andes gives two squirts of piss about Dota 2.
>Hurr I'm a better player because I know what BKB arbitrarily blocks or doesn't block

you did

that guy was asking for someone who knows, he didnt write your name tard.. so why the fuck did you reply

Just played a game as Bane where I gave up on my retarded cores ever having any hope of carrying the game, so I went for Aghs.
The enemy team did not know what the fuck hit them. I just wouldn't die. It got even better when I 25 and got the +Brain Sap damage talent.

Just use a guide lol

>Burden of knowledge is a completely valid argument
No it is not. Burden of knowledge restricts the amount of content that can be added to the game, which throws its validity out of the window.

>There's a ton of complex shit
I don't agree. Jungle buffs are simplistic and AFAIK had been figured out as early as season 1. Summoner spells are also quite braindead and not conductive to good gameplay (putting an escape on a 5 minutes cooldown slows down the game and makes it significantly more passive)

One thing that seems like a big deal is the focus on skillshots and dashes, but those honestly are shallow and don't have much to do with mechanical skill, they mainly give the illusion that the game is more fast-paced and skillful than it really is.

>so braindead you can't memorize the interactions
Man, I feel bad for you. Having an IQ below room temperature must suck.

are there items in LoL like force staff, blademail, dagon, euls etc that have significant effects?

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>DOTA has mana on every single hero, and items and mechanics involving mana as a resource
*picks huskar*

>120.4 hours past 2 weeks
I can quit anytime, I just dont want to...

holy shit i forgot about iron talon lmao RIP

salty because u calibrated at 1k mmr?

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>force staff, blademail, dagon, euls
All of those pale in comparison to Aghanim's Scepter.

I'm not sure how you get from burden of knowledge to content restriction, you can add anything to a game and keep it grounded in reality so long as it's relatively intuitive. Nothing about Dota 2 is remotely intuitive, even the heroes themselves are visually disconnected from their actual in-game roles.

his q takes mana

>Not allowed to add non-intuitive heroes
Into the trash it goes.

>picks huskar
>obliterates your team without a single point in Q
>ends the game in 12 minutes

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>Nothing about Dota 2 is remotely intuitive
you need to remember that dota is a strategy game and is not meant to cater to low iq subhumans such as yourself

>even the heroes themselves are visually disconnected from their actual in-game roles
name 1 (one)

They literally don't. You're just willfully being stupid. Not even the guy you're talking to, just wanted to point out how fucking dense and shit your reading comprehension is.

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>i'm retarded and can't read the tooltips they designed for that explicit purpose

>pros building shiva's on ember
okay, what the FUCK happened since ti8

>action game
>not the one with more real time action and button pressing and mechanics
based retard

So then why do you people keep bitching in every League thread about your irrelevant corpse of a game?

its the only spell that saves him from his hardest counter, which is illusion heroes, you seem like a low-skill player so dont even pretend that story happen lmao

Huskar's hardest counter is illusion heroes?
t. never played le suicidal fire man

Keep seething. You will never have a prize pool as big as this.

Attached: seethe.png (1176x587, 53K)

That's the problem though, no one really cares if League takes no skill to Dota.

>he doesn't know that one huskar spammer on yurop ladder
something tells me you're not even immortal user
please refrain from mentioning ranks unless you're not dogshit

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Ignore that clown. Huskar's actual hardest counter is Necrophos. Huskar likes to have low hp because his attack speed and health regen skyrocket. Necro's ulti does more damage the lower the enemy hero's health is. It's the perfect counter. Huskar has the same counters as Pudge, IMO. A second hero that DESTROYS Huskar is Naix. Magic immune so the burning spears don't even work and % max health on hit which will make Huskar ez to kill.

this is objectively wrong and you're stupid

high diamond and even challenger is completely different from pro

>the heroes themselves are visually disconnected from their actual in-game roles
Not only is that wrong (e.g. Sven), it's also stupid. The heroes don't require their visuals to describe their gameplay, this isn't even a realistic or realizable requirement in a fantasy game with magic because it runs on different rules than the ones we know from real life. What should be the requirement is making the visual and auditory identities distinct enough that they can be used to identify the hero (and thus the role and possible actions), which is something Dota 2 did very well.

Even something like denying is intuitive if you view creeps as what they really are, resources.

The idea that burden of knowledge has to be avoided is absurd because it is inevitable when you want to have any kind of complexity (and not just in video games; Einstein's famous quote only applies to explain general concepts, not specifics). You can (and arguably should) attempt to limit it (for example by having offensive items be represented by weapons, which is something Dota does), but it simply cannot be avoided.

>In Rift, LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENS except lane farming and poking for the first 15 minutes.
Because losing in first 15min means you lost. If your bot died and their bot got plates+first turret, you can safely go afk.

there's a lot of numbers but hardly any of them mean anything. jungle creeps make your team stronger but you don't need to think hard about their effects, just get them when you can. there are tons of runes and summoners, but you take the same ones every time. math autists figure out the optimal build at the start of each patch and then you build it. you build some item with 30 lines of text which can be boiled down to "deal damage and slow". and you pick the heroes Riot wants you to pick and run them in the lanes Riot wants you to run them, and play the strats Riot wants you to play, and then you win a team fight and take objectives and get your gold lead and the game is over 9 times out of 10. if someone finds a viable strat that is outside of Riot's intentions for the meta, it gets nerfed out of existence

league is a very high skill cap game thanks to all of the skill shots and zero turn speed and ridiculously precise positioning games and jukes you can make. were this not true, pros would not get big paychecks, because anybody could do what they do. but the strategy aspect is just not there compared to Dota.

also I'm not sure why you brought up a lack of denying as if that's more complex than including denies.

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Am I supposed to be impressed that Valve is propping up a dead body with extortion money? Perhaps you should stick to dvach.

ofc not his counter anymore now that he has that spell, if someone buys a bkb huskar becomes worthless thats why he is a shit hero
didnt even mention any ranks delusional tard, you seem like a garbage player anyway

>jungle creeps that give your team a buff
uh Dota also has jungle creeps that give your team a buff btw

That's not true. Runes and itemization can vary based on playstyle, and a large part is planning ahead, reading opponent, knowing your limits and damage, and map awareness, not just mechanics.

Supports do. It's not unusual for some supports to have boots+4 or 5 active items.

Reminder Wyvern is literally the perfect waifu.

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>The most played game on Steam is dead!
>It's deeeeaaaaaad!
Seething. I'm going to go play a DotA 2 custom game of Castle Fight right now. See you, chink cuck.

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that voice is so fucking hot

>le bloodthorn nullifier mememeta
wont miss it ever

I once downloaded a pdf book that had a bigger and better pdf book embedded inside of it. This is what post 2017 Dota 2 is.

>Runes and itemization can vary based on playstyle
if this is true then the game has changed since the years when I watched and played, 90% of the time you would see same champs and same items and I don't seem to recall runes and masteries varying at all

But chinks love Dota. Literally their favorite game.
The korean gooks hate it.

enjoy: order:favcount

Lurk in the catacombs because the game is dead as fuck and irrelevant?

runes are retarded and should be deleted

LoL is literally owned by Tencent.

Yeah, and Tencent keeps trying to kill the Chinese dota scene but they can't.

>Isn't it from the fact that Pudge is based off of MK's Scorpion?
No, it from the fact that Pudge is an Abomination from Warcraft.

>Seriously every time a fight happens in LoL I have no idea what the fuck is going on, its just tons of flashy spells flying everywhere
>In Dota its quite easy to see what your enemy will do
thats because you're familiar with Dota and not with Lol you idiot

>Seriously every time a fight happens in LoL I have no idea what the fuck is going on, its just tons of flashy spells flying everywhere
>In Dota its quite easy to see what your enemy will do

It seems like this because you have 10k hours in dota and only 10 hours in league.

Not being able to deny creeps is in fact a simplification.
There is no courier.
Runes are not complex, really.
A zoomed in map lowers skill ceiling, not raises it.

dota would play so much better if your character actually moved when you clicked but it has this archaic turn speed system and just makes the game feel unresponsive

I'm talking about league.

dumb ape nigger monkey leaguefag

zoomer detected

In dota 2 all heroes are free, cosmetics are dirt cheap because they are tradeable and there's a community market, and i can say whatever i want in chat and not get banned or even warned. Dota has way better itemization and more interesting/niche heroes, LoL is very streamlined and has a literal forced meta

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>literal forced meta


You're unironically a fucking zoomer, there's a reason for the turn rates, it's deliberate, it's not a residual mechanic they arbitrarily kept in

turn speed is a variable and intentionally included in the game, it's not some kind of holdover or accident

lol actives are gay compared to dota actives though. compare league support items to sheepstick, blink, force staff. all the league support actives are like heals and passive buffs that don't drastically change the game plan.

(at least it was the case when I stopped playing)

all supports should be women or gay twinks and all carries should be muscular men

Ironically, the lack of turn rate is the exception and not the rule in video games, even nowadays.

>A zoomed in map lowers skill ceiling, not raises it.
I don't see how. A zoomed in map in Dota would require better camera positioning and higher game awareness (really just looking at the minimap more often).

That said I don't recall LoL having a camera that is significantly more zoomed in if at all.

I'm no League historian but I know that there have been times in the past where pro strats consisted of doing strange lane setups with lots of rotation and bizarre drafting and etc and Riot rehauled the mechanics of the game in order to make pros go back to playing standard 1-1-1-2

Really. I dont have the images on me but there are forum responses to nerfs of alternate playstyles of certain characters and the devs would literally reply that they didn't want deviations from what they intended


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turn rate makes the game alot more tactical

Yep. Since like 2011 or so LoL has been forcibly designed around a sutainy solo top, a jungler in every game, a solo bursty mage/assassin mid, and a ranged carry and support bottom

Riot specifically designs their new champions to go into these slots and when people start doing anything unique they nerf it out so everyone's forced to go back to the status quo

This forced meta is built into the matchmaking by the way so even if it were viable to do anything else, you'd never get it to happen without a 5 stack

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What a fucking meta that was.
I think that was the meta that finally broke my DOTA addiction, actually.

>Viewers = playerbase

That being said, LoL is full of koreans, no pointing fingers

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Yeah an easy example is M5's roaming Alistair. I believe that got nerfed the very next patch.

Reverse Michael
Everyone takes flash

What's there to defend? Chinks love dota

They're already overpowered, it's just that pros do in fact have some standards and no one wants to be known as a dirty techies picker.
A TI winning team literally kicked someone for that.
Expect plenty of techies at TI, though.

Koreans haven't been that relevant in LoL for a while

Because everyone hates alternative meta and they are frustrating to play as or against you fucking retard.

You don't see the "meta" of traditional sports changing overnight.

>dotafags will actually defend this

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Lmao what, they're still topping performance charts and NA is still the laughingstock

No... EU > CN > NA > KR

>(at least it was the case when I stopped playing)
If it was before they added Redemption that's actually a pretty huge one and I like it a lot, but yeah, for the most part, LoL's active items are very tame and low-impact. Zhonyas is still the only one that really feels majorly significant.

I was thinking of when they buffed the shit out of T1s to stop the early push comps
>Everyone takes flash
not the same and you know it unless you don't play both games or are trolling

>pick pa or naix
>huskar dies
Nothing personel kid

>They're already overpowered
Whenever pros have picked them recently, they've lost.

I enjoy playing against varied team compositions which is part of why I prefer Dota. I imagine it's a matter of taste

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Oh no no no no no

smnc was harder than both

yes, varied team compositions within the defined roles or playing champions that are a bit off-meta in that role, not reinventing the fucking wheel and having two top or two junglers or constant lane swaps.

>Mid season matches

So did they win? No? Lol, reach harder please

>ranged carry and support bottom
They are actively trying to get away from this in last 2 seasons. Assassins mid were barely viable for like 3 seasons already, unless its something broken by itself.
>Riot specifically designs their new champions to go into these slots
And half of the times they proven wrong and have to do slight reworks to make hero better for the role people actually play.

>Because everyone hates alternative meta and they are frustrating to play as or against you fucking retard.
Anecdotal evidence like this isn't a source. I see a lot of evidence for the opposite myself, but either way it's just anecdotal so there's no argument in either direction.

>You don't see the "meta" of traditional sports changing overnight.
Probably because sports don't get updates and new abilities you stupid retard. Congrats on making the dumbest comparison I've seen here in months.

The game's meta WOULD constantly change if Riot didn't nip it in the bud every time it started to deviate. This has been regularly happening for the greater part of a decade now.
See 's pic if you haven't, this isn't something Riot is quiet about.

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Oh yeah there's no shortage of them. I just remember the roaming Alistair nerf because it shows how creativity-adverse Riot is.

>le counterpick meme

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Korea got stomped at MSI, they are behind both CN and EU. He said they were still on top which is not true and hasn't really been true for a while

>two top or two junglers or constant lane swaps.
those are all things that can happen in a normal game of dota (or at least, again, they were when I stopped playing)

koreans r gay anyway

>unless you don't play both games
I played a whopping 8 hours in dota 2.
So, what exactly blink dagger allows to do that flash can't?

>Reverse Michael
You mean Mikael? Like, worse version of Lotus Orb?

lol pros are better because you have gay fuccboi slut, sneaky, and the other one too, boxbox
dota got no kind of cuties
RIP ap Yi

They both shit on him, either way you dont even need to counter him, if he doesn't snowball he's worthless

No, Dota has actual varied team compositions and it doesn't piss people off or break the game because it's actually designed well. What you just described is the same shitty forced meta but with slightly different types of characters plugging into the same forced shit which within the scope of the forced meta to begin with. i.e. nothing different at all.

How are LoLbabbies even real? How do they just eat this shit up and think it's normal or acceptable for a "strategy" game to force you to do the exact same thing every match for almost 10 years straight?

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Initiate on someone without being marked for death by the enemy team afterwards for the next few minutes since the item isnt designed as an escape button crutch

Yes, because Riot who has metrics for player numbers and esports views would clearly do what's against their best interests and what players want... lmao

Also Riot does allow meta changes like APCs in bot lane, marksmen in the jungle, mroe hyper aggression early vs. slow and steady bleeding out, off-meta picks in roles they aren't usually, they just don't want to change the entire flow of the game.

See Yes, and that's part of the reason why the game is less popular.

>lol pros are better because you have gay fuccboi slut, sneaky, and the other one too, boxbox
>dota got no kind of cuties

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blink from full screen
activate every 15 seconds instead of every 300 or whatever Flash is at now
has opportunity cost instead of being picked by every hero in every game
can't be used to get out of jail free after taking damage so it doesn't result in boring "flash for flash" engages
gets refreshed by orb and several relevant hero abilities

when Riot release a new hero they make a video telling you what role they are and how to play them
Riot employees have banned people in games for playing heroes in the role they aren't "supposed" to

League is not even remotely close to having its strategic ceiling reached. People who say stupid shit like this are usually stuck in gold or plat at best. The jungle meta changes every season and people constantly complain about that, imagine if the lane roles and positions changed constantly.

I just don't understand this shit. "why can't League do X like Dota? Why can't League do y like Dota?" If you want something like Dota, just play fucking Dota.

>So, what exactly blink dagger allows to do that flash can't?
It's the other way around.
Blink dagger costs 2250 gold, soaks up an item slot with zero stats, and goes on a short cooldown when you take damage so it can't be used as an "oops I fucked up" button like Flash.

It's drastically healthier game design.

>Yes, and that's part of the reason why the game is less popular.
well, like I said, it's just a matter of preference. you said everyone hates meta with wildly different viable comps but people play dota so apparently I'm not the only one who enjoys it

Thank you for notifying everyone you have never played League and only read complaints on r/LoL where rare cases of off-meta players get punished after thousands of games where they are frequently reported and ruin the game for others.

>Also Riot does allow meta changes like APCs in bot lane, marksmen in the jungle, mroe hyper aggression early vs. slow and steady bleeding out, off-meta picks in roles they aren't usually
I literally just explained that that isn't meta changes. You're still plugging into the same forced lanes every game.
I truly envy lolbabbies, imagine being this blissfully ignorant about what proper game design is like and being able to enjoy shitty games

>no argument
Thanks for admitting you were wrong!

why would I play a shitty game like League of Legends

Dotards have the world's biggest chip on the shoulder. It's mind-boggling how much this game lives in their heads. I think they spend more time thinking about LoL than they do playing Dota

What a grand and intoxicating innocence!

lol triggered over the nomenclature difference. in dota they are heroes, not that user but I'm in the habit of calling them heroes in every such game I play even though each one usually has its own autistic name for them, like Champ or whatever

a whooping 8 years and you didn't learn simple things even 4k trash would know. Impressive.
other than obvious cooldown and range difference (which allows you to move around the map fast and unseen, which flash can't do at all), blink can disjoint incoming projectiles

"Champion" is the bootleg name for heroes
LoL is a Dota knockoff, so they replaced every word in the game with a synonym to make it appear different
turret, minion, inhibitor, champion
they sound retarded

Yes, champions within roles typically have a certain archetype and characteristics. They want to help players learning the champ by showing them which role they are best in, but that isn't always the case. Most of the new champions can be played in 2 or more roles.

League has constant meta changes due to balance changes and pro players discovering new strategies and then adapting to these new strategies in a cycle. You can have meta changes without changing the core gameplay loop of 3 laners, a support who mostly stays bot but can roam, and a jungler. This is what people expect and they want this to remain consistent.

It's not triggered just lets me know he has never actually played League.

Riot are amazing at how shit they are with names.
You'd think they'd eventually improve but then we got 'Teamfight Tactics'. Like what the fuck does that even mean.


>just lets me know he has never actually played League.
I played 30 games or so, I just said it to deliberately trigger you
Not that you need to play the game to know those things anyway

>They want to help players learning the champ by showing them which role they are best in, but that isn't always the case.
No, they design them for a role. They don't teach you about the role they work in after making them and letting their best position come out, they design them from the ground up for a role. Riot has directly stated this multiple times. You are wrong.

Blink Dagger is significantly more useful as an offensive tool and a mobility tool, while being much harder to use defensively. It also takes up an item slot while only giving the ability to blink. Do I really need to explain why it's not comparable to Flash?

Dotards are basically a cult. Read Merlini's post (I think it was a tweet) from when 7.00 came out if you want to see it for yourself.

>This is what people expect and they want this to remain consistent.
Lol why? Because Riot enforced that meta in the first place
Or is the idea of people changing lanes too frightening for League babbies to deal with

>Play the new flavor of the month WOKE turbonigger/turbodyke/furry champion
>Smash keyboard to not only kill yourself but all players globally across the map
This has basically been their design philosophy for the past several years, not only because they don't want to face backlash from making non-white degenerate pandering champions underpowered, but also so they can sell skins.

No most important/impactful item in league is Zhonyas hourglass which maxes you invul/untargetable but stasised for 2 seconds other than that the only other thing is gunblade which is essentially a low level dagon w/ a slow

you can't counterpick if he picks last

>League has constant meta changes due to balance changes and pro players discovering new strategies and then adapting to these new strategies in a cycle. You can have meta changes without changing the core gameplay loop of 3 laners, a support who mostly stays bot but can roam, and a jungler. This is what people expect and they want this to remain consistent.
A. The forced lane layout is the entire thing being discussed here
B. Trying to consider slight flavor changes within the scope of that hard locked meta "meta changes" is a massive stretch and really speaks for how dull and samey the game is

There is a lot of hate that went over in the comments section on my post over how I called for people to stop reporting racism. The whole idea is ridiculous. It isn't that I dislike certain races and cultures. But rather that if you hate someone and act as if it's okay to do so, you will be condoning hate in your actions. No, it isn't okay. Racism has nothing to do with "you have to be nice" and everything to do with "you are racist. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a racist because even if you are, you can and in fact should accept the fact that they're wrong or are wrongfully accused of being racist. You are racist and a bigot because of who you are
And I still don't understand why someone might say "I'm not racist. I'm just not fond of Jews". But that's what they're arguing against, and I get it. But not everyone is racist. I've been asked to remove comments like yours over the years because people were angry at me for being a racist. I hate white people so

Dota isn't a game.
It's a way of life.
Dota forever.

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don't forget sing and notail

I assume you posted to the wrong thread

What exactly dota underlords means? Who are those underlords? What is artifact? What artefacts does artifacts has?


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wrong thread, libtard

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>Who are those underlords?
all the friends we made along the way

>you can't have meta changes unless you change all the roles completely
You're actually just retarded. I just repsonded to this and you repeat the same nonsense.

Doesn't change the fact that most new champions can and are played in a variety of roles. Clearly a champion like Yuumi would not work in other lanes, while a strong duelist with good roams like Talon is best suited to mid.

Again, the entire structure of the game does not need to be completely warped for the meta to change. Having different champions in different lanes with different team comps with different win conditions is a meta change you fucking mong.

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buy battlepass levels

Takes place in the world of Dota
The characters fighting for control over the setting

Seems good to me.
As for Artifact it was the name of some relic in the lore or some shit. Doesn't matter now.

Basically a worse Euls now that I think about it (you can purge the Euls active)

Girls aren't cute, they're gross.

seething dotard

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lmao ok

I am no where near high ranked so this doesnt really matter but man everytime theres a huskar in one of my games he shits on the entire game and it becomes a survival horror game of outrotate the huskar
no complaints tho shit is fun as fuck and SPOOKY

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yea essentially, league items are just stats at the end of the day

>Again, the entire structure of the game does not need to be completely warped for the meta to change. Having different champions in different lanes with different team comps with different win conditions is a meta change you fucking mong.
Try actually reading you fucking retard. You just repeated the same thing I just refuted.
But thanks for admitting that Riot hard forces their game's meta and the extent of LoL's "meta changes" are extremely miniscule and capped within forced roles+lanes I guess

Attached: 1556703009804.jpg (600x450, 24K)

NEW ITEM: Primordial Scepter

1 Aghanim's scepter (4200)
3 Divine Rapiers (6200 x3)
1 Bloodthorn (7205)
1 Gem of True Sight (900)


+1058 Attack Damage
+10 Strength
+10 Agility
+35 Intelligence
+30 Attack speed
+5.5 Mana regeneration
Grants 100% true strike
20% chance of 175% crit
Truesight to 900 units
Grants Aghanim's upgrade
Grants a new Primordial upgrade (example: Oracle's False Promise gives a strong dispel every 0.1 seconds)

This has to be one of the most autistic arguments I've ever seen but just for the sake of it.
No difference/who cares
Better. Wtf is a "creep"
Better and makes sense for what it does
No difference/who cares, also a relic from LoL's older lore which had a clever twist on what the player was

>if heroes are flexible to fix multiple roles that somehow means that roles themselves are changed?
>roles being flexible is "completely warping structure of the game"?
>pretending to be retarded to avoid inconvenient topic
why do you defend your shitty game so much
chess is a least fucking flexible game on the planet and it's still a better game than all mobas combined

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dotard here, why does every active use item in league of legends have such a long fucking cooldown? no fun allowed

>also a relic from LoL's older lore which had a clever twist on what the player was
I'm still mad that they had this whole system and then just deleted it and never put anything new in its place
It's been like 7 years since then and Riot is still too fucking lazy to come up with anything close to an explanation for what the map is, what the gameplay is, what the minions and towers are, why anyone's fighting, etc

It's a fucking joke

go back to your containment /vg/ thread
or, better yet, kill yourself

>Dota's mechanical element is far more demanding
>Turn speeds in your path


>no fun allowed
You answered your own question
LoL players are massive brainlets who don't want to have to actually work active items into their gameplay, so they design them in the same style as summoner spells

this is what chinese dota fans actually want

fuck your farmville dota

lol that should be in the game and it should drop on death do you know how fucking SPICY that would make the game rapier already does that as is

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>Show me literally anything in LoL that's as mechanically demanding as meepo, invoker, lone druid, six slot tinker, even fucking puck is more mechanically intensive than anything in LoL.
Still waiting

Yes, because refuting the fact that there many ways in which a meta can change and for many reasons with "DA ONLY META CHANGE THAT CAN EVER EXIST IS IF YOU HAVE LANE CHANGES AND ALL THE CORE FUNCTIONS OF THE ROLES COMPLETELY CHANGE" which is completely wrong and you're just a fucking moron.

Look at games two years ago vs. games now. They are completely different metas. Nowadays, games are much more fast paced, much more focused on cheesing, early dueling, junglers need to gank constantly, players play to win lane instead of going even, early domination snowballs a lead, teams pick champions that can roam and make picks in teamfights like Pyke top, focus on teamfighting over slow pushing and splitting, etc. But I guess because there is not two people in top lane or no lane swaps that the meta has not changed at all.

I really struggle to understand how someone can be this dense and hard headed.

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>enemy alch drops a primordial scepter

>so they design them in the same style as summoner spells
Makes sense actually

Attached: think.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

Why do you hate farming?

>he plays these competitively
>unable to have fun
>Stockholm syndrome

Attached: TAAAZDINGOO.gif (284x294, 1.69M)

>cosmetics are dirt cheap because they are tradeable and there's a community market.

>cosmetics are dirt cheap because they are
tradeable and there's a community market.

>cosmetics are dirt cheap because they are tradeable and there's a community market.

Lol@ your bullshit there are plenty of very expensive Dota 2 cosmetic. Hell I think you have to pay near $100-200 for the new "new invoker". Also Dota 2 has a forced meta it just shifts with every patch.

I think League's max price cosmetic is what $30-40?

Try again dotard.

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What are items dota

>because refuting the fact that there many ways in which a meta can change
Except you didn't. You cried YEAH WELL YOU CAN PICK OTHER STUFF THAN THE CURRENT STRONGEST HEROES BUT STILL IN THE LOCKED LANE META and tried to write that off as metagame actually changing.

>Look at games two years ago vs. games now. They are completely different metas.
Yet I still play the exact types of characters in the exact same lanes and do the exact same things in them. Wow, completely different!

Fuck off idiot, Riot forces their game's meta and they admit they do it so there's nothing for you to argue here. You literally cannot win.

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But seriously you were really trying too hard to be some sort of big shot and the way you ended the post about how I was just trolling, which I know you are trying to make me look like is true was by showing me how you were still playing the same heroes. And then when all of that is proven right it seems like I was just playing to win even though you did a great job of showing how my posts and posts about how you just like to destroy your opponents are true too.

>Yet I still play the exact types of characters in the exact same lanes and do the exact same things in them. Wow, completely different!
Because you don't play at a pro level you fucking gold elo retard. Literally anything can work in solo queue.

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Is largely not competitively viable and is only used by boosters to stop scrubs. Don't pretend he's a viable pick.

Literally any shapeshift character has 8 abilities. Also, number of abilities != complexity. I'd argue Lee Sin is one of the most mechanically complex champions in the game, despite only having 4 abilities.

>Lone Druid
>Six Slot Tinker
Like Invoker, this is just knowledge gated. There's nothing mechanically difficult inherently in their kits, they're just complex. Six Slot Tinker is only complex in terms of builds. Once you know the meta, there's nothing complex about him at all. Pressing more buttons != hard, especially since most of those buttons aren't skillshots.

Now you're just trolling. Turn speed negates your entire argument. LoL is all about micro, DotA all about macro. I'd agree if you said DotA is more complex and requires more knowledge, but you're flat out wrong if you think it requires more mechanical skill.

Are you okay? Do I need to call your tard wrangler and tell him you're having an episode?

>no rebuttal to anything in the post
So are you finally done?

>you were talking about low elo solo queue this whole time
Ummm.. yikes.. you are actually retarded

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by the time you're finished farming your throne is at 15% hp with no glyph
im surprised you're still going this this
much like brood huskar is just a dirty lastpick that works only if you didn't see it coming

>Is largely not competitively viable and is only used by boosters to stop scrubs. Don't pretend he's a viable pick.
Dude, Meepo is peak cancer this patch. He's insanely good.

How much do you want to bet on you winning a single round against League's top Riven players?

Just because a game has more mechanically demanding heroes doesn't means it makes for a better game.

Yes those heroes you listed are overly complex except Puck... it already exists in LoL look up Lissandra.

It actually is true. Animation cancels are fucking hard to do consistently. It's like they put a GunZ character in League on accident.

What happened to Omni? Why doesn't he have a 60% winrate?

>hurr he's not viable!!
Completely and utterly irrelevant. I'll take this as you admitting defeat on this one.

>Literally any shapeshift character has 8 abilities.
You clearly haven't seen how Invoker is played if you think he's at all comparable to LoL's shapeshifter heroes. They're just a burst rotation combo across two phases. Invoker is ten situational spells with their own cooldowns and loads of custom combos, each activated by a fast four button combination to prepare it. The knowledge layer is not difficult and is only the first step of learning to play him.
>I'd argue Lee Sin is one of the most mechanically complex champions in the game, despite only having 4 abilities.
And all of Dota's mechanically intensive heroes are much more intensive than he is.

>Like Invoker, this is just knowledge gated. There's nothing mechanically difficult inherently in their kits, they're just complex.
Completely and utterly fucking wrong. I don't know what else to tell you here. Controlling two "heroes" at once itself as a concept is more mechanically demanding than anything LoL has, that is purely a control thing so calling it knowledge is just completely fucking uneducated.
Tinker is a high-apm clusterfuck of situationally using and refreshing active item abilities and blinking around, nothing in LoL even remotely comes close to the mechanics that go into it especially with the inclusion of the backpack feature.

>Now you're just trolling.
Not an argument,
>Turn speed negates your entire argument.
and turn speeds have literally nothing at all to do with how Puck or any of these heroes play as far as their mechanical demands. I'll take this as another concession.

You have no clue what you're talking about and you are objectively wrong.

Attached: 1560406294225.jpg (168x195, 9K)

>complex shit:
>cant deny creeps
>map is more zoomed in

Attached: not sure.jpg (604x444, 50K)

Reminder that dotards are unironically brain-damaged enough to defend RNG point-and-click stuns

I quit playing dota 2 7.00 after playing it since Riki had Death wards and faceless void's ult was a global and switched to LoL.I didn't like the direction the game was going.

After playing HoN for a while then recently getting into league and trying Dota 2 again everything feels so goddamn slow like everyone is moving through molasses and it really feels like there is an input delay when it comes to skill usage.

Also let me know when Valve removes the buyback mechanic. All the current Dotards still playing in this thread are like "flash is a oh,I fucked up-escape button BAD GAME DESIGN" to alleviate mistakes when Dota 2 has the ultimate "oh I fucked up and died let me just buyback tp and win this fight."

The buyback mechanic is just as bad as the Flash summoner skill-fight me.

Attached: Karthus+is+more+supportive+_0fa6358aecbb1655894889f38b0487c6.jpg (937x379, 56K)

Nigger literally disarms right click heroes, and thats pa only skill, if you fucking get killed by pa is because your positioning is shit and you probably are too.

>Is largely not competitively viable
lol out loud with w33tard to my left and abed to my right

>Literally any shapeshift character has 8 abilities.
(((literally))) every shapeshift character has 4 abilities at a given moment besides Jayce that can switch with no CD like nu Morph

>Lone Druid
>Six Slot Tinker
>knowledge gated
how much "knowledge" you need to micro two units at the same time?which book do I read to play micro bear like Bulldog or 33? which guide should I watch on youtube to hit 500 APM on Tinker like abed without dying like a dog in a middle of a fight? maybe there's a manual on button clicking?

>Turn speed negates your entire argument.
>t. can't hit puck once in entire game
>uninstalls it and plays leeg instead

basically everything you say is wrong so you're either pretending or actually retarded
no idea which one is worse actually

The usual animeposter mentioning Chess in a moba thread replying to a retarded Lol fanboi. Never change Yea Forums

knowing Yea Forums, he's probably pretending
this board is full of smart people acting stupid for fun

hey bro have you tried dota auto chessâ„¢?

Back when I played, Meepo was viable and a nearly constant ban against any team that can play him, and AFAIK the updates have only buffed him.

Invoker dwarfs every single LoL character. His abilities are harder to place and execute than any LoL spell. Swapping his abilities requires him to press three buttons as fast as possible (and you might have to change to other orbs for their passive effect depending on the situation), and this is not even factoring items in, most of which have an active.

Lone Druid requires you to control two units, immediately making him harder to use than every single character in LoL.

Full slots Tinker optimally uses two or three abilities on top of several items every second. One of them is a blink style item and you pretty much need to use it every refresh.

Turn speed is actually what makes Puck harder, because you can turn while under phase shift if you queue a move action before you shift, and something similar applies to his orb. This again, requires more finesse than most LoL characters.

Lee Sin was actually one of my mains (along with Riven, Teemo towards the end, Akali and a couple of others) when I played LoL several years ago. His hardest trick was planting a ward, jumping to it, casting q and kicking the enemy, and this doesn't even come close to the hardest tricks of any of those characters, especially when you factor in item actives. Items themselves are enough to make 90% of the Dota roster harder to play (the remainder being shit like Wraith King). Actually, armlet toggle is harder than anything in LoL. (And yes when I talked about difficulty in this post, it being mechanical difficulty was implied).

What is dota auto chess anyway?

Your first statement was so wrong that I'm not even gonna read the rest of it.

>spooky game of huskar
now i have sudden urge to play vampirism custom map

Dota Auto Chess is a strategy video game mod for the video game Dota 2.
Try it, It's really fun!
Make sure to check out in-game store for custom cosmetics!

>Your first statement was so wrong that I'm not even gonna read the rest of it.
The statistics prove him right.


>get ptsd every time

Attached: 6.83 it just works.png (415x221, 90K)

>no denying

A fucking massive downgrade to lane complexity

>summoner spells

All summoner spells and runes were available in dota in form of items.
Everybody have access to it and they can change and build it according to situation.
Spells and rune are locked and everybody ended up picking the best one either way.
There is almost no situational pick, its all about the first 10 minutes of the game.

>more fast paced

Not a complex shit, in fact it simplify the game to the point that what you need to do is sets in stone.
Anything past 20 minutes mark is decided in the first 10.

>map is more zoomed in

Less visual information, all the spells were made with this in mind.
No micromanagement off character.

You're a falseflag lol niggers faggot and you should kill yourself.

I miss MoM not silencing you
It was so great on Sniper

I don't :)

While they aren’t nearly as impactful as in Dota 2, some of these items do have league counterparts.
There’s Hextech Protobelt, which is like force staff but can only be cast on yourself and you shoot out a cone of projectiles when you cast it.
Thornmail is blademail but instead of being an active item, it has a much less powerful reflect that is always active.
Blade of the Ruined King and Hextech Gunblade, which both build from Bilgewater Cutlass are like less powerful dagons that slow.
There’s nothing that can compare to something like a Eul’s or Aghanim’s, though.

Attached: 4867A9E9-2C91-434E-9515-E9C41D3D8A8D.jpg (750x903, 45K)


I dropped LoL when I found out theres a login que on Sunday. What an absolutely dogshit company Riot is.

still fun tho

TFW you wanna play Dota again but all your friends you used to play with stopped playing.

Attached: why so sad wise boi.png (956x436, 479K)

source on the pic?

It's from Overlord



Rush a disable on him. He can literally only right click. Ghost scepter or euls to defend yourself. Heavens halberd to stop his right clicks, or even a scythe on him.

>30905 Gold
>+10 Strength, +10 Agility, +35 Intelligence, +30 Attack speed
>+1058 Attack Damage
literally crying


Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 11K)

>be me, usually jungler
>gold 2/3
>pretty shit at the game
>launcher crashes
>start ranked game
>both top and bot are afk early
>get invaded
>lose both buffs
>client crashes
>bot is losing
>top is losing
>both whining about lack of ganks
>mid is fine
>adc stop farming and stays under tower
>top starts inting
>mid goes afk
>enemy jungle kayn flexing
>client crashes again
>enemy team decides to prolong the game as long as possible
>can't surrender
>tell my top he's a nigger faggot for losing as poppy vs riven and that he should kill himself
>banned permanently

I swear to god league of legends was by far the worst experience I've had with games. Dota can't be worse than this.

Attached: tumblr_o8dcbrrw8N1tsdq57o1_540.jpg (540x540, 103K)

I conclude the thread is full of Dota2 players that don't want to hear any fucking indication that lol could be better in some Ways. They only want to hear lol BAD Dota2 GOOD.

My ultimate conclusion...


I would try DOTA if they gave me any real reason to want to learn how to play it.

Like, what is there to keep my attention before I take the 200 hours to properly learn what each hero does and the correct counterplay and positioning.
There's nothing cute as far as I can see, the map looks terrible to me with all it's depressing dark tones, and the idea that I could lose a lane before the game even starts through someone happening to counterpick me sounds like utter dogshit.


>and the idea that I could lose a lane before the game even starts through someone happening to counterpick me sounds like utter dogshit
Counterpicking is a meme excuse for not knowing how to play around your heros weakness.
t. 4k phoenix mid spammer

You're retarded and no one wants you to play Dota anyways.

imagine needing something cute to play a game.

Attached: 2ec.png (327x316, 208K)

The map is lighter than LoL's map, and more colorful so I dunno what you smoke.

To add onto this, even the cute characters in league look like low poly garbage in-game. The character portraits and skin art are not representative of the actual skins at all.

Attached: 16798a57d13045eaa6704136e88df4c068ade5ef_hq.jpg (1024x1024, 90K)

I am having fun playing league of legends
keep seething dotards

I'm sorry about your shit taste user, I hope it isn't terminal




Traditional sports tend to have rather entrenched metagames but it’s not unusual that a team figures out how to beat it and scoot to an upsetting major league championship.

>read thread again after away for 1 hour
>thread still filled with 18 yr old valve Zoomers posting 1 line answers seething, DIALATE, cope, etc.

They are all shit ass fucking games. Choose the one with the best waifu shit.


why every dotard hardcore booty blasted everytime league gets brought up

>say the opposite of what's true
>get guaranteed replies
haha big funny ohohoo


It's literally a LoL vs Dota thread you stupid retard, look at the OP

you can discuss over which game does what the best without being visibly asshurt user-kun

>moving the goalposts this hard

Korean server isnt even the biggest and are you implying that koreans are as numerous as chinese?
Thats the famous dotard coping i hear so much about?

spotted the insecure dotard

DotA is mechanically simple
whereas Leeg has overloaded its champions and mechanics
one simple example is comparing HotS/Starcraft's stealth to league's dissemination between camouflage and concealment
I still feel DotA has a steeper learning curve in terms of map play/control and the sheer freedom you have with it in comparison as well as item casts/abilities

nice projecting

>DotA is mechanically simple

>he keeps leaving angry replies

>he keeps projecting

tell me one simple ult in leeg
>all getting patched out with "reworks"
meanwhile we get shit like laguna blade or stuff
being mechanically simple isn't bad
Everyfucking time someone tells me "dota is too hard to pick up"
I tell them "just play SK, he has ONE active"
what ends up actually mattering is managing mana costs and shit

i keep forgetting china couldn't handle it (or was it fear of blizzard)

Oh sweetie... what a doozie of a fiddly-flap that was. Honestly, Dearie, its ok schnnookums, no need to get cranky wanky in your little pajamy--wammies, did you tinkle your wittle boy undies? Oh lolipop honey muffin, it'll be okay baby bear buttercup sweetie mommy will read you a story and change your diapies so you can stop crying. So show us how much of a big boy you are and don't go kaboom in your baby blanket little sailor big boys dont throw tantrums like that Donny Wonny my little sweetest shnookie dookums butterfly raindrop did you get an outhcie on your butterfly raindrop did you ouchie on your butter baby bottom? Come let mommy put the baby powder on it honey darling sugar plum so you so you won't get a rashy washy on your cheeky weekies mommy doesn't like when her brave little toaster is BABY BOOTY BOTHERED.

The fucking irony

>Pointing out korean population is "coping" somehow
>Just randomly
>Because reasons, it is

Amazing lolbab

invoker learners usually just memorize one combo tho
That or they just pray for sunstrike snipes and live off of dagon and strong lasthitting/farming power
Naturally really good ones know how to pull off multiple combos (although they might need assistance to muster up enough mana)
but the average one can get by on literally any one of these combos at lower/learning tier play
>sunstrike pressure
>nado EMP
>wave meatball
or hell
>spooky sneaky nado EMP euls dagon

have sex

>invoker learners usually just memorize one combo tho
Then they're bad invoker players
This isn't an argument

No they don't.
Fuck off retard, no Invoker builds Dagon.

it's not about being better
it's about how alotta shit is convoluted
not that that's even a problem
>champions designed under certain metas/old maps/old items/OLD MASTERIES AND RUNES
>change any one of these
>leave X champions the same
>literally become unusable
theres like currently 5 competitive junglers off the top of my head in NORMAL play (read:most likely to be fun) and its literally down to clear times (do i have accessible AoE clear) and the ability to pull off a good gank (cheesy damage and CC)
whereas in the old map literally the entire fucking roster could jungle
but of course riot cant into fun so they nerfed the jungling pool, nerfed the items you could buy, made blatantly useless rune combos, and genuinely never seem to act like they know wtf they're doing
>the new tethers patch saw FOUR CHAMPIONS get disabled due to game breaking bugs
fucking retards run the balance and design
Or another example
>nerf sivir
>ALSO NERF her current core rush item, essence reaver
why nerf numbers AND a core item

>asshurt LoL player

League is better if you want quicker games (although you're better of playing a mobile MOBA) and if you want to just one trick a character. Otherwise I'd favour Dota. It's more fun to watch and play because certain heroes can completely change the way a game folds out. league is also a shitfest with the new rune system and the grind you need to obtain the most expensive characters.

Dota is all about decision making and slower tactical plays
League is way more fast paced and have a bigger focus on micro and outplays
If you disagree with this you're a fanboy

>This isn't an argument
>Then they're bad invoker players
No shit I said if invokers are LEARNING they can get away with this
I'm not talking about the epitome, I'm applauding that Dota at heart is mechanically simpler to learn than leeg, but where it's much harder than leeg is the way the map and team progresses
Or like how the role of supports in Dota is so blatantly masochistic compared to leeg
>see, you and the co support spend your time planning a gank, stacking camps, warding, but never EVER stealing the carry's farm
that shit is hard fucking core, but at heart supports like disruptor or lion or rylai have simple, yet distinct kits
compare to leeg
>lately every new champion must have a stun
>a dash
>a DPS option
they get overloaded kits; compare any new league champion to any old league champion; the old league champions were simpler
new fucking league champions also STILL get troll scaling that riot tends to accidently forget leads to cheese that they for whatever reason don't want to be in the game
>see AP yi
>League is better if you want quicker games
neither league nor dota has quicker games for normal play because at lower level play no one knows how to close a game
compare to TI's where a team can close out a best of 5 within ONE HOUR

>jungle creeps
Yes, jungle is the only role in league that requires 3 digits iq.
>summoner spells
Are literal downgrade of dota itemization.

>Yes, jungle is the only role in league that requires 3 digits iq.
which is a shame because it used to be more accessible too

>No shit I said if invokers are LEARNING they can get away with this
Which has nothing to do with anything which is my point

>I'm applauding that Dota at heart is mechanically simpler to learn than leeg
This is still wrong and bad invokers being bad at invoker doesn't change it

>bigger focus on micro
I would agree with you, but aside from character spell casts, I would argue that APM is marginally higher on average with dota heroes.

LoL has no micro
Dota has its own outplay potential. Git gud

You're arguing with someone who doesn't even know what you're talking about when you call the heroes by their real names.

a good counterpick hero. forcing enemy carry to think twice about farming lane creeps is good in this meta since jungle camps (except ancients) gives little gold/xp compared to lane creeps. ESPECIALLY with the probability of your other support picking op heroes is high right now.

I can agree on the APM part since dota has more things to control than your own character, but by micro i'm thinking more about positioning, dps optimization and kiting, which I believe are more important in league
1/10 bad bait, see me after class

>my game is unequivocally harder
this is the fucking mindset that people give off that just makes the game feel unapproachable
why be proud that
like what the fuck why is that a badge of honor
intuitive stuff like
>characters with blinks have SLOW turn rates
is really good balance
I think im starting to see that
Not that I consider myself a good player but he's unironically the one hero I pick if im coming back and I have no idea what i want to play
>need to pick a support
>need to pick a cheesy carry
>want to fuck around
literally the space cow
favorite strat
>load up on TP scrolls/get tp boots eventually
>go to opposite side of the map
what does this do:
Global vision FOR A LONG TIME on any one target
guaranteed to stun or force a reaction
globally disarm a spell shield
literally any single one of these are hacks tier in the late game
he's as fun as a support as he is a pubstomper as he is an assassin as he is a bruiser
>nontrivial MS boost and stun wombo
he good and fun to learn

>>my game is unequivocally harder
>this is the fucking mindset that people give off that just makes the game feel unapproachable
>why be proud that
>like what the fuck why is that a badge of honor
I'm just correcting you my dude, you're the one who brought it up
Get your head checked

>characters with blinks have SLOW turn rates
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

considering you started off by counterarguing against the notion that leeg is mechanically harder than dota, is seriously don't know what you're trying to argue then, other than just to say "not an argument"

>tell me one simple ult in leeg
Fucking half the ones in the game

>antimage and QoP have below average turn rates
yes i fucking do you mong
the turn rates are literally documented on the wiki
there's a reason why pros doing quick ganks still blink out further into enemy territory if they're playing safe

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about user
You made a false claim so I refuted it, that's all that's going on here

>all skill shots/getting reworked into skillshots
compare to dota
>press R to fucking zap something
>dont press R to resurrect

what false claim, that invoker is easy to pick up?
like i said in average play you can get by on mastering a single combo
will you be stellar? no, but you will get by because any one of those combos does alot of damage and CC

Do you?

Attached: 1564042819481.png (531x435, 110K)

>what false claim, that invoker is easy to pick up?
No, that LoL is more mechanically demanding you dumb shit
Try to keep up

He literally never said that. He just said that league heroes have stupidly overstuffed kits to hide the fact there's no depth in league.

That's completely wrong, and you're a faggot.

Imagine being THIS dumb.
>Hur 3/4 of the roster has bad turn rates because the avg turn rate is inflated by Bristle

They have TURN RATES, not bad turn rates. There's normal and then there's GOOD or ABOVE AVERAGE. There's no "bad turn rate" category which takes 1 second to turn. Heroes higher than the rest have it for balance reasons.

>this outlier dragging the curve means everyone below them is BAAAAD
You on turn rates.

>No, that LoL is more mechanically demanding you dumb shit
implying it isn't
DotA separates itself in terms of mana costs/management and twitch use of eul's to read animations
as well as having many things you can do
League has none of that complexity but instead you have to worry about the other fucker's rune page, their playstyle, the fact that so many fucking skills do so many different things and so many CC's get countered by so much horseshit
You might not get why you lost a duel in league
but it's very easy to see what you did wrong in dota 2 because the skills are so inherently simple in what they do and what happens compared to in league
Not to mention how much better the replay system is

And meanwhile Blink Dagger doesnt care.

I prefer dota because I can do anti mage mid and no one screeching over my pick unlike league then winning the game

i fucking loved pubstomping with scout and chrono, feels good being pure cancer


No one that plays Dota thinks "below average turn rate" or bad turn rate. You're either a hero or you're SF, Batrider or Bristle who abuse turn rates as a gameplay mechanic.

assuming this isn't bait. I've played SO much fucking LoL and compared to DOTA its ridiculous simple. Maybe at the highest level MAYBE you could make the argument that some of the mechanics, macro decisions are harder but even then I wouldn't know since I haven't played that much dota.
Dota is fucked compared to league.

>who abuse turn rates as a gameplay mechanic.
or you get stunned in the time it takes for you to 180 and blink out, versus blinking forward and then navigating your way out later, at least against better players

but don't forget the most key point is that the simplest hero to learn in dota is still way easier than the hardest hero to learn in dota
The distinguishing factor being what to build and how to manage consumables like smoke ganks and wards

Yes, that's how turn rates work.

>90% of the time these are static for the champs you play.
>more fast-paced is subjective
wrong and you know it
overall dota is harder but this is just ridiculous lol

>but don't forget the most key point is that the simplest hero to learn in dota is still way easier than the hardest hero to learn in dota
That doesn't mean fucking anything though

>but don't forget the most key point is that the simplest hero to learn in dota is still way easier than the hardest hero to learn in dota
meant the simplest hero in dota is way simpler to learn than the simplest champion in leeg

As someone who's actually played both games at high skill- it's not and this whole thread is shit bait.

Dota is much more skill based, and always will be. League is basically playing the FotM champions and winning your lane with basically no counter play because of how the """flow""" of the game is designed by the developers. Also, you will be banned if you try and do off meta things in league- or, the developers nerf it into the ground. Has happened a bunch of times. All of this translates into winning the first team fight which dictates who wins in league 90% of the time.
In Dota even if you're behind by a huge margin you can still outplay your opponents and come back if your team is good. Which is a big part of what makes the game actually interesting and fun. Laning phase is way more engaging, and actually rewards skill. Meta is always changing and evolving. Huge skill ceiling, much higher than league, and anyone that's actually played both games agrees. Also, Valve aren't completely dog shit as a company. Fuck Riot, and fuck these stupid threads.


>This is also subjective
It's not subjective but it's also wrong, Dota's map is a lot closer in

>LoL has a very strict meta
Are you retarded? It absolutely does. It's locked into the matchmaking and the devs even admit they force it.

I wouldn't bet a single dollar because that champ is fucking disgustingly OP.

True but the game of Dota is vastly more difficult and complicated. It may be "easy" to play ,Wraith King but that's not going to get you far if you dont know how to play Dota.
>How/Where/When to do anything
All this in comparison to LoL will always be more difficult because it's more complicated due to enemy and team mobility with TPs, vision - including night - and the map differences in Dota.

Na'Vi got to TI, so any time after it. Based Zayac will show them.

i mean, they could've made AM and QoP turn instantly, but they didn't you can play dumb all you want
little shit pisses me off
>we dont want Sword of hte divine, its too cheesy
>put squishy ass 0 sustain 0 wave clear 0 damage quinn in top lane and remove SotD
>implement cheeseblade of draktharr
Stealth is too strong
>lets implement a kind of stealth that has almost no counterplay outside of "stay away until the stealth is gone because no vision can spot this shit"
Poppy 1.0's ult
>we don't want poppy singling out the weakest link and fucking them or anyone at her leisure
>lets change mordekaiser to be what old poppy was
I still guarantee you if you look at it from
"my first round of X"
DotA is less rigid than leeg, as well as the path to a win, as well as the scope of the map and just how much you can fuck around and still end up with a solid strategy/end result
which means DotA feels inherently funner by virtue of OPTIONS
"true" competitive support play is raw masochism though

I see OP finally got his bait thread to take off

This, although Valve isn't that great they just love their Dota baby, I literally see league as a party MOBA game fun with friends, fast gameplay, games are decided fairly quickly esp the higher you go, Dota is my I want to have fun but damn is this hour+ game killing me, I loved learning about the game and I enjoy actually using items pretty often, having them matter, being able to comeback being behind, but Dota is changing and its made me realise that this shit could go sideways pretty easily

I don't give a fuck if it's harder or not. It's certainly more fun. Dota is so slow and boring it's unbelievable. Only people playing it are losers stroking their dicks to "the added complexities of the game" or some shit and how that makes them superior video gamers for playing it. Or Russians. It's either/or.

russians are more often based than blatant drunkards and trailertrash potheads
>inb4 russians arent potheads
at least they manage to be amusing and talk about more than
or the chinese
fucking mouthbreathing assholes need to stop recording their keyboard presses and learn some fucking teamwork and to stop tunnel visioning, because most chinese players are just bad
both as people and as team mates

>my opinions are facts
love this meme

What does AM and QoP have anything to do with this. You're intentionally ignoring half the heroes in the game with the same turn rate, or are you going to claim they're all bad?

That show turn rates work and it's NOT because AM/QOP specifically have a blink that they have them. Turn rates are BUFFFSSSS, why does Storm Spirit have a better turn rate, can turn WHILE BALL LITHTNING and has more mobility? Why does EARTHSHAKER need a good turn rate? You can play dumb all you want but turn rates aren't a problem, they're a mechanic.

People are just thirsty for lol vs dota shit flinging threads like the good old 2012 days, it's just an excuse to break out all the pics again

Found the loser stroking their dick to muh more strategy and complex in game m3chan1cs

>You're intentionally ignoring half the heroes in the game with the same turn rate, or are you going to claim they're all bad?
no i was just pointing out a small nuanced mechanic that feels deliberate but meaningful when it happens?

thanks for proving my point

And thank you for proving mine

It doesn't fucking matter man, if by difficulty your lookin for harder time of translating whats on screen and skillshots and reflexes then ye LoL might be harder, but what about the shitload of mechanics that actually make out what Dota is all about
>Creep wave Equilibrium and whatever entails it
>Items that actually matter
>Creeps actually matter
>interactions between heroes-heroes heroes-items items-environment
I can keep going on but LOLbabbies are delusional fucks so I won't bother.


It's ok. You may have wasted thousands of hours playing a boring slow as fuck game, but at least you can call yourself superior to all those other plebs playing "less skillful" MOBAs. Good for you!

absolutely seething

point proven.
delusional retard who thinks lack of mechanics is freeing and not just a bare boned version of the ORIGINAL GAME.

See? Another retard bragging about muh complex m3chan1cs. All you Dotards are the same.

>cant deny creeps
>more complex
>runes are all cookie cutter
>summoner spells
>just a cooldown
just started playing league a month or two ago and im plat 3 right now, dota is 10x more complex, the only thing i like in league is how dragon control and how dynamic jungler vs jungler pathing can be, other than that just play dota, dont even get me started on the amount of hard counters league has, if you lane a melee into viper its not so bad but laning vs a jayce makes me want to ff instantly

LOLBABBIES playing a game where vision is not required, where counter play is just in the fucking draft and has nothing to do with mechanics in game nor items and creeps that should practically be non-existent if not just for the sake of tradition.
go fuck yourselves you loli-loving loli-gagging cunts.

chill baby


I've literally never played either games, but I always see Dota players come off as having huge inferiority complexes towards League of Legends. Don't think I ever see it the other way around. It's actually really funny.
It's like that elevator meme where one guy goes "I feel bad for you", and then the other guy says "I don't think about you at all".

but this thread was made by a lol shill

>Don't think I ever see it the other way around.
So you've never actually read one of these threads?

You have no idea what's going on because you didn't spent months looking at the same shit over and over.
If you never played Dota it's not different.

>Seriously every time a fight happens in LoL I have no idea what the fuck is going on, its just tons of flashy spells flying everywhere.

stupid game design, i even lose sight of my character mid fights with those oversized healthbars.

>largely not competively viable
Meepo has been picked at a constant rate. The hero is too easily counterable which is why it's picked at lower rates than other mid heroes but you can bet your ass that teams always have contemplated that rat meepo last pick.
The term rat literally started because a Meepo game in a Dota tournament

>hasn't played the game
>hasn't even watched madmen
>can't even bother to post the fucking picture instead of describing it
Yea Forums in one post

because repel is a completely different spell now
but it's been realized its quite a strong spell now anyway so he is kinda getting meta now

>getting invokers with dagon
yeah, found the 1k

Have you ever played DotA?

>resourceless heroes

Attached: 1562749618181.jpg (419x416, 24K)


Rengar is extremely based.

By now i played almost all popular mobas and last week i started with lol. All i have to say is when comparing to dota league has just so much more souls and work put into it. It makes me so amgry how incompetent valve is and how lazy they are compared to these chink funded fags. Gameplay wise league is all battle and skillshots while dota is all about afk farming for 30 mins and solocarrying the game.

Your post is bullshit because I too recently played both Lol and Dota and the current state of Lol is farming for 30 min into one team fight

>guy who played 30 minutes of dota and lol shares his retarded opinions

Absolute bullshit. Games are bloody and quick as fuck. You're more likely to end a game at 15 min than after 40.

>All supports should be gay twinks or women
But they are!

As someone who has played a lot of League and understanding you've played for less than 2 weeks tops, games are shorter than they should be because you're low leveled and new playing against others who are also low leveled and new. Either that or account levelers. You'll find once you've put a fair amount of time into the game that between 25 and 30 minutes is the standard match length.

It's literally the other way around you tard. The higher up you go, the faster the games get.
S9 LoL is inherently a fast paced game that rewards early game aggression with the addition of turret platings that give extra gold as long as you grab them before they fall off 14 minutes in.
Maybe you're the iron ranked shitter?

Attached: 1544240731062.png (275x587, 38K)

>literally state 25-30 is standard
>diamond-challenger averages out bit under 25.
>ignoring the fact I talked about players being new to the game and not ranked.

I am not the original guy who has played for only two weeks. I merely jumped into dispel the false notion that the game is just a "30 min farm and then group up for one giant team fight" fest. That was certainly true in the past, but definitely not now.

I've been actually playing dota since wc3. I bet you zoomers didn't even break 2k mmr when it still mattered. Dota is just dead by moba standards and the only thing that keeps it afloat are some retarded wales who spend 600 bucks on a fucking IO skin and arcanas.

>dota is all about afk farming for 30 mins
>I've been actually playing dota since wc3

>seething this hard
cope harded

>Farming 8 minutes for item that lets you farm even more!
Thats why i play supports