Literally the most intellectual figure in gaming right now.
Literally the most intellectual figure in gaming right now
Other urls found in this thread:
That's not Destiny
>the most intellectual figure in gaming
>in gaming
Destiny is one of the biggest pseuds I've ever seen
He's actually pretty cool and chill
>can't form a coherent thought and thinks free shit is good
>literally the smartest person on the planet
Destiny is an actual retard and so are his unironic fans. Most other streamers even shit on him
>negro miraculously has an IQ of 110
>gets heralded as a genius and intellectual
>The most intellectual figure in gaming
What did he mean by this?
looks like a nigger to me
It isn't a high bar, but it is still applicable.
Anyone that watches twitch """""debate"""" channels harp on about american infighting """"politics""" desperately needs castrating. I'm glad that you're just baiting, but don't even joke about it user.
>Seething incel is jealous because je never achieved anything in his life
Anyone else think he has some form of downs or something? He seems pretty nice, but he's always so awkward on his stream and the way he rambles, it seems like he just can't form concise sentences. Also look at him when he does any kind of public event like when he did tried to commentate that smash top 8 a while back. He was so bad they had to save him by getting Hbox to help out
Fake intellectuals are easily exposed by their interpersonal relationships, usually in sex scandals where they act like animals. Destiny destroyed his own self in the worst possible way by falling for and sustaining a relationship with a "polyamorous" swedish chick who liked to cuck him.
That's not how you spell Moxy
pick one
Trihex is honestly a very wholesome dude. He doesn't deserve all the shit most streamers rightfully get. And given that don't post him on Yea Forums because he doesn't need to be here.
You posted an anime reaction. I already know you take more than give to society. Fuck off scum
Off the top of my head I can't think of a single, smart, coherent big twitch streamer, and I've watched them all, regrettably. Xcq is probably the best since he's at least self-aware and his stream is just about dicking around and being autistic for the sake of fun.
Probably the only decent "big" streamer in their respective area i'd genuinely want to meet was B0aty.
Is that The Weekend?
Did he give up on fitness or is he doing a summer bulk because he looks much bigger
>He doesn't deserve all the shit most streamers rightfully get.
3 minutes of gameplay for every 15 minutes of offtopic rambling because someone donated to him. yeah, i'm thinking he's based.
>Dude got so assblasted he started sending spoilers of every film and tv show he could to leddit
>Even had a bot automatically do it to people who responded to certain threads
Don't forget his "defense" to this was "Just stay off the internet for a couple days and this won't happen lol" when he was sending leaked GoT spoilers for episodes that wouldn't be out for months.
Destiny is one of the most hypocritical people on twitch and only cares about logic when it benefits him. I even agree with some of the things he says but overall he only applies logic when it benefits him, and will try to fervently rationalize his otherwise irrational behavior which really kills any sense of integrity he could have.
Xcq doesn't even know how to make a proper graph, dude is fartherst from an intellect you can go. Also he's for 12 years old, get out of here underage-fag
He seems extremely passive aggressive. Every time someone donates a MM2 level and he has trouble getting past an specific part he suggests the person changes it rather than admitting that he just couldn't do it.
>Dude, this is wrong here, you should probably change it, it's not intuitive enough, the jump is too far etc etc etc
>american intellectuals
Trihex just sucks off Destiny and Hassan. He isn't smart and just spits out lefty talking points.
Go back to your twitter account with 15 followers to argue with who's about a guy who's going to be president of a country for a timespan that will literally cover a blip in american history and is entirely inconsequential in the grand scheme of things as if your life depends on it. I hope one day you become self-aware.
this nigga is little too woke
won't be soon before he goes ""crazy""
how exactly is nigger lover like him an intellectual again?
Ummm user.....that's a nigger....
Is it true? I haven't listened to him much. I know he has a show with Destiny though.
Xcq is just faking for normalfags anyways, there are older videos of him where he is speaking in a normal voice and he tries to play it off as "acting" ever since he got caught on it.
imagine getting dabbed on by a black man like this user?
You're B O I L I N G, m8.
He was the bull in that relationship. Still degenerate.
>mfw I see all these political faggots invading twitch
I'm glad I only get on Twitch for big events, I can't imagine how fucking atrocious this site will be within a few years thanks to all these political """""intellectuals""""" that are spawning. When a Young Turks guy is a top streamer in his own section, you can only know that lefties will come in hordes for the free cash and following.
>He doesn't deserve all the shit most streamers rightfully get.
Trihex deserves every bit of shit that comes his way.
Sounds like ad hominem.
I like Trihex a lot, but I don't like Mario Maker bullshit.
Wow! Isn't that the 'Ethical Child Porn' guy?!
Don't forget how he dropped his kid and moved to the other side of the country for said relationship.
are you bullshitting or does he really have an IQ of 110?
im watching him right now, hes pretty cool desu
I will literally draw it for you with arrows, Timmy.
user you know 100 is the average right? Are you really surprised people who figured out how to escape the wage cage are just slightly smarter than the normal wagie?
Sometimes that criticism is right though. Even if it isn't it's useful information to see whatthe player is thinking about your stage. The guy will sit there and finish the level anyway unless it's just absolutely retarded. He isn't like GrandPOOBear who just skips everything. Trihex will sit there for hours on end until he wins.
why are people so mad that he fucked a swedish chick?
you can get this guy to play your shitty mario maker levels for only 20 bucks
Summerfags go back to shitting up lsf.
All the big streamers do this shit, Asmon, Soda, Greek ect. they either act retarded, or act like massive pricks, it brings in all the retarded underage viewers. Never makes any sense to me, but I guess whatever pays the bills.
I stopped watching Twitch streams years ago. What happened to this guy after all his old friends dunked on him for doing a donation stream to fly some hoe over and cutting it short once he got the total. Is he the sellout Let's Player he made fun of?
big time
summer still isn't over man, let me be
fucking based man holy shit
oof he got fat
hes a top mario maker streamer now
Whatever man just keep that retarded alinity drama on that shithole.
who grinds single levels for hours, I'd watch from time to time, but I can't be fucked to sit and watch the same shit over and over.
I liked him, feels like a real chill dude
also doesn't let nigger get to him like other niggers
wow he's got really fat, i swear he was semi-jacked a few years ago
>Isn't that the 'Ethical Child Porn' guy?!
No, he did moderate a discussion between a pedo and a transexual neocon or something, but he never defended child porn. Even if, when did Yea Forums get flooded with normalfag soccer moms?
Don't forget he cheats in Mario Maker
He stop working out so he can stream 10 hours a day and cash in on Mario Maker.
What grinds my gears is how not humble he seems a lot of times. Dude gets $20 bucks either just to play levels or saying nice things about him and he rarely thanks the donators, maybe acknowledges it with a quick comment.
Hmhe must be summer bulking
he's a bluepilled commie sympathizing nigger, try again
It's such a shame he's so deep into politics. I'll watch him and enjoy seeing him do some crazy hard level. Then I'll come in some other time and he has some Destiny Debates video going in the background just constantly backing him up. Or he'll see a comment, pause, then go on like a 20 minute rambling rant about stupid shit that most of the time is politics.
You have 10 seconds to explain how free shit isn't good if you are the one getting free shit.
you can stop working out and still not suddenly balloon
Literally who? Looks like a smelly unkempt neanderthal
Lmao no. That dude is an embarrassment
Downs is pretty specific, if he was a downie you'd know it, they all have downie face, even the animals have the same downie face. Maybe you mean autism?
Well he is still on his workout diet because he plans to workout in the near future and doesn't want to lose all his progress.
I see you fellow Dotard. All hail the future president of Estonia.
now thinks he is woke while babbling the same generic commie-bubble mumbo jumbo shit
Nigger probably never actually invested time in actual politics.
He was cool with Werster dropping Nigger with a hard r on stream for charity so hes alright in my book
Not to mention hes a proponent of pedophilia/cheese pizza
t. Fascist nazi
How does government cock taste? You fashies love being on your knees don't ya?
Your baits suck silly trancel newfag.
He “plans to work out in the future”? Nigga what the fuck. He just quits his entire routine and gets fat to play Mario?
I wish I could stream for money. I'm boring, though.
food tastes great, you should try it sometime commie chinkoid nigger
He tries to approach every level with a speedrunner mentality, trying to break them and finding ways to finish them as fast as he can. He tries to go for WR whenever he feels like he got the level down.
It manages to be quite entertaining. What's surprising is that he never compromises viewer engagement even when plays ridiculously hard levels.
>the truth is bait
The level of delusion fashies are on is outstanding
>dude the player is always the designer is never at fault!
>its not bad, you're just bad at it!
You're whats wrong with video games, same as the people who spout off about le gamers being "entitled". Something being hard doesn't excuse it being shit, in fact if you're going to make something as or more difficult than a job then it better be exceptional, no one wants to pay for work.
Yes he knows the Mario Maker hype will only last a month or two so he is cashing in. Its not that crazy of a idea and he isn't like 100 pounds over weight he can get back in shape really quick.
Over the past year he's turned into a total sjw cuck who thinks his opinions on politics matter because he's friends with destiny who is also a retard but twitch fags think he's smart just because he's informed
>Destiny "dude government mandated cp and multiculturalism has no problems" Mcmanlet
that is a pretty funny excuse to tell yourself what you're doing is ok. I'm sure 400 pound people 'plan to work out in the future'
Average tiny man fan
I'd rather starve than subsist on government semen you submissive faggot
what's work to you is fun and cathartic for others.
Please do, faggot
Supposedly he had a lot of family drama he mentioned in one stream over like 6 hours
It's relatively easy to get back in shape if you've been ripped
Funny cuz you're probably a fat loser irl lmao
110 IQ isn't that great. I have the same score yet I'm a complete loser at life.
So you are telling me a streamer that makes his own hours with no boss can’t find time to workout.
everyone does, who cares
its almost like IQ doesn't fucking matter most of the times
>Gishgalloping pseud cuckold pedophile
Ive watched some of his debates to see what his cocksucker dronebase sees in him but there isn't a single one i saw where he didn't come off like a huge retarded ass who is out of touch with reality
Then how come all the people praising games like bloodborne (which isn't even that hard) usually describe it as frustrating and difficult? When does any normal person describe something they enjoy doing as either of those things? And anyway, my point was the brown noser's opinion that if something is difficult it is automatically free of criticism. It's the reason why they doubled down on the difficult in souls games, they new no one would dare criticize it, so the games could get lazier and less fun without any consequence.
He can normally but again he is cashing in on Mario Maker 2 he literally streams 12 hours a day just so he can monetize it as much as possible and its working he has nearly 10 thousand subs. I don't understand how this is such a hard concept for you to understand.
just because you can't control your primitive instincts doesn't automatically disqualify you. Sounds like you yourself needs to have sex.
I'd say the 800 people who tuned in to listen to him cared.
>4 buzzwords in a row is his "argument"
what does this mean
That's because you are a loser. zero motivation. I have a IQ of around 106-109 and I have a medical degree and soon to be practicing physician.
Someone in his stream subbed and made a joke about cotton picking, so he went on a ten minute rant about the history of pharmaceutical labels to try and BTFO some literally who troll. He has this heart rate monitor on his stream to show how BOOL and BOLLECTED he is, but god damn he can be pretty fucking insufferable. It's a shame, the moment he stopped hanging out with the degenerate speedrunners and transitioned - no pun intended - to the degenerate Destiny, his viewers went up and his likability went to the shitter
No, hes telling you that since mario maker is popping right now he prefers spending 10 hours streaming mario maker and the rest making videos for youtube to capitalize from the games popularity as much as possible. After that he will go back to the gym.
The most entertaining he's been is having a meltdown on Twitter after Nick "the Knife" Fuentes btfo'd his buttbuddies Density and Hasan the Nephew, sperging out about how him dating a coalburner totally wasn't degenerate.
Literally who
bringing up so many subjects that your opponent can't refute them all
i listened to it and i don't care
>Your physician might be a sub 130 iq retard who shitposts on Yea Forums
this should TERRIFY you
e celeb shit isn't video games
maybe you can get me a job that pays above minimum wage or heal my mum who has terminal cancer. Fucker. There is a reason people don't feel motivated in the modern world.
Vinny is a cuck who has allowed his community to be overrun with furries and trannies.
as a commie you are at the mercy of the lowest common denominator
your kind lives in cities that actually subsists and lives off welfare while the working class farmer white man votes republican and would be the only survivors under "successful" communist rule
>wah this game is too hard i dont get it
>giant markers and indicators to mark anything that's happening on screen
yea, autism or aspies. I wasn't really being specific. I was just wondering if he actually had something
So why did you listen to it then?
We really need a e-celeb board
Is it true they make you play Super Monkey Ball 2 to prepare for surgeries?
>talking shit on CHADstiny
cope harder faggot
it was a 10 minuteo bit off a 2 or so hour podcast, im not going to take the stream down just because they are talking about something i really don't care about that much.
No no no no. Wrong wrong wrong. All soulsfags say the games are super easy. But we all know they fucking rage and punch their desks like downies everytime they get a boss' health low and get oneshot out of nowhere by some random shit.
It's when you ask many questions in a row (many of them can be transient or just reworded versions of the same questions) and it's not practical to be able to refute them all, most of them dont even need to be, but to the gishgalloper, if you dont refute every single (often bad or redundant) mini-argument he just shit out, he considers himself the victor
Eat shit you drone
Physicians at MOST remove the occasional cyst, other than that they just prescribe medication, he really couldnt practically fuck anything up with a patient sans straight up prescribing them rat poison
I like how he talked to a Gun PHD and admitted he never checked up on how studies were done and whether they were flawed or not.
The guy is a babysitter for man children who need their names read out for 10 bucks a pop.
Literally who?
If you have any sort of fame or following, or just happen to be someone who's on camera a lot, the thots will come running, doesnt matter who you are or what you look like
Why did he stop Yoshi's Island? He's so fucking boring now
>implying he didn't pay these escorts to hang out with him for $50/hr
id like you to show an exact exemple of this
>a retard and a tranny
I have fun playing it because they're fun.
>But we all know
Settle down
Please fuck off.
I spend time on Yea Forums to get away from Twitch cancer. Go back to R*ddit.
I'm an Ancap you fucking idiots, you don't have to be a stupid commie to make fun of fascists
>Literal claw grips on the right one
what the fuck?
>Greeks fucking hand
Destiny is a fucking videogame player who reads cnn shit articles and thinks he is smart.
He got mildly popular and decided to abandon the entire speedrunning community because he's a weak-willed faggot
Dude thing is he clearly has some brains around him but I'm not sure if it's his ego or just some sort of autism but sometimes he arrives at the most retarded backward thinking ideas I've ever fucking heard
>had a kid before twitch
>had 2 wifes (he left them) before twitch
cope virgins
>a retard
no shit dipshit, its a woman
he isn't gay unlike you faggot, so he can't fuck smart people
>a tranny
kill yourself faggot, this just isn't true
Because nothing in this life is free, you have to earn it somehow, why? Because resources in this planet are limited and if everything was free we would get put of resources in a heart beat.
he's dead jim
110 IQ is lietarlly the average of the people that complete their high school and enter college, if he was 130 I would tell you he is impressive, he is just a normal negro adored for being a negro
>destiny loser streamer who was shit in sc2 and music school dropout who was fired from work also
>reads reddit pol
>argues with 50 iq idiots
>he is sooo smaaaart
meanwhile Martin Shkreli the real 150 iq guy put him in place
>tfw 120 exactly
>Not too dumb to figure shit out
>Not too smart to be a faggot
Feels good bros
>I'm an ancap
Oh so you're retarded? then hahahaha
>seething because Destiny (the only streamer on Twitch who can both debate and play video games well) effortlessly dunked on one of your brainlet alt-right e-celebs in a debate live on stream
Yes, I too am just average. Life is good.
why do hou need to be sexist and homophobic dude, please take that back
>a tranny
>his stature
If you honestly believe that then you need to learn the most fundamental law of physics and try again. The air you breathe is free and just as finite as the water you shit in at the bottom of your toilet.
Resource management has nothing to do with the subjective worth you place in what ever someone does to "earn" it.
Should I click this shit?
>brainlet alt-right e-celebs
Who are you referring to
I disowned Trihex after his behavior at SawCon.
What did he do
What's sawcon?
your made up gender doesn't excuse you for being retarded
So you will eat shit your entire life because it is infinite and ergo it is free, the laws of physics and chemistry do not say shits are infinite, they explain that they transform into something else instead of simply disappearing, that thing can be something totally worthless that you can't use.
Why is this dude the head of a 40 year old on the body of a wimpy 16 year old?
>Right wing ecelebs
There literally isn't a single one, except cultured thug who regularly gets banned from jewtube so can't even be considered a eceleb.
Right wingers don't bother with this shit in general.
gamer manlet
you need to be 18+ to post here.
>I'm Ancap
AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and you're calling others bootlickers
pirating games is free and its good for me, so you wrong fag boi
you know that one of that girl is a whore ready to fuck another guy in front of him?
>unironically ancap
grow up kid
is he the best streamer?
Are you talking about tranny shit when it doesn't correlate with anything I just said? Ok.
>Fashies laughing at freedom
Take a look at yourselves
For me is Sebastian Hans Ali Fors.
As an individual yeah, his fanbase can be pretty weird though
Yeah yeah, I'm sure YOUR anarchism will work hahahahahaha
>t. Corporate bootlicker
>not being a Mutualist
Everyone here is a pleb except me
Clunt is obviously best streamer
Trihex's stream could be good if just played the game and joked around with chat but then you have:
>annoying girlfriend interrupting the stream
>annoying roommate interrupting the stream
>people bringing up political talking points (trihex very much included) in interrupting the stream
>literal aspies donating about their retarded problems like its a friend/therapy simulator and derails the fucking stream
I just want to watch video games in a chill stream.
tdlr; he sucks the fun out of his own streams
based DSP strikes again
>He doesn't deserve all the shit most streamers rightfully get.
He's getting what he rightfully deserves for what he did to the Yoshi's Island speedrunning community.
omniliberals get the wall too
I don't know why people feel the need to do that
>just wanted you to know your stream cured my depression
>just wanted you to know I was going to kill myself but didn't because of your stream
>my X died a while back and your stream helped me through it
what are you supposed to say to something like that
I like watching zfg, his streams are max chill
Antifa looks like THAT?
Please don't call Greek a tranny.
fuck off acab motherfucker
Final Fantasy 14
That's the point you idiots. 100 is "average", as in C student, 110 is only a little better
Not your first language is it?
when did Yea Forums get infested with nigger lovers? you aren't welcome here.
Nothing is infinite, and yet I should eat shit because its infinite and therefore free? What the actual fuck is your definition of free in the first place?. You fucking burger mericans think up the most retarded shit for their reasoning.
You can deforest more than you can build with, grow more fruit than you can pick, butcher more animals than you can preserve, cook more food than you can eat.
Worth in work is a bullshit concept youve been taught and now preach. The only fundamental worth in this universe is the mass/energy content of the matter in question.
You and the rest of your kind should kill themselves and save everyone the trouble of reeducating you.
f o r t y
p e r c e n t
Yea Forums is supposed to be racist wtf?
One time I went to Chili's and trihex was my waiter. I gave him a big tip.
I bet you this guy gets nudes from underaged veiwers
all niggers are pedos
Based Trihex
he does, it'll blow up in his face one day, it always does with these niggers
Projection. Reminder that most Catholic priests are white
Based Chad Stevens
Learn to read illiterate nigger.
Or fuck off back to /r/destiny.
and niggers are mudslimes
>Most intellectual person in gaming
>Not a company owner
>Not Epic
Trihex's stream went to shit after he went full time. Can't go 1 minute without getting distracted without telling a story no one gives a shit about, stuffing his face with food, or watching YouTube videos. I'm honestly not sure how anyone still watches him.
does he talk about what flavor if kool aid gives you the most big dick energy with your chicken or something? LOOOL
zoomers love that shit user
they think the streamers their friend
>Literally the most intellectual figure in gaming right now.
this guy to me actually seems like a complete NPC with absolutely no opinion of his own on anything besides his mario maker garbage.
i'd put him on the rankings for biggest twitch manchild though for sure.
I just can't get over how fucking often he eats. I swear to fuck he eats at least 3 times per stream.
says a lot about trihex because that dude absolutely worships destiny and wants to be just like him.
>masturbates to futacunny
ourguy TriHard 7
Isn't that kinda normal if you stream for 12 hours?
Not really. You'd eat before stream, once during stream, and then after.
>actually being an unironic ancom
I guess you would if it hurt your viewership but if anything most of his viewers enjoy it atleast from what i've seen I don't really watch much anymore.
>Company owner having anything to do with gaming
Owning a steel mill doesn't mean you know shit about welding.
i just wish he would play video games
One of the most pozzed "influencers" I have ever known
keep eating up MSM goy
>TYT shill
>"""""Hates""""" capitalism despite his life completely revolving around it
If you can't see this turkroach is playing you degenerates for your attention and money then I don't know what to say.
I remember when he used to play video games. He was fun to watch. Now he pretends to be an intellectual and regurgitates whatever he heard most recently.
I'm with you, user. Watching him play games is entertaining but the way he stops every five minutes for something irrelevant has made me stop watching him
I mean, he is a speed runner which 99% of the time they have something mentally wrong with them. I’d bet he has some form of autism.
I don't think he literally ever reads out donators names.
>Greek the Leech
Exquisite sir. While we are at it, shall we exchange our favorite music composers?
for me, its PVC
capitalism is the most cuck shit ever
let the jews own everything
I agree but niggerskins like this hasan guy are barking up the wrong tree just trying to appeal to a crowd.
unfiltered autism at its best
last week or something he had 4 hours of watching nostalgic commercials and anime intros
He can articulate fast so stupid people think he's smart.
This, he's got no fucking spine. I hope he mans up one day because I legitimately respect the guy.
>starts hanging out with Denstiny and adopts his viewpoints
>already smugly parroting lefting talking points and shaking his head at counterarguments without actually addressing any of them
>makes YT videos teaching his chat how to shower
>no longer speedruns yoshi
>just grinds MM levels for $20 a pop before going back to grinding the same kaizo level over and over again for hours
>doesn't even go to the gym anymore
>child of a single mom
>spends 90% of his stream trying to have a conversation with chat but it goes nowhere because he has nothing intelligent to bring to the table
Just speedrun yoshi with chill music again, you pseudo-intellectual fuck.
forty percent indeed
can i please get some variety games that aren't super mario maker 2 with a side serving of poop you bald boomer
filthy, dumb, bugman scum
ruin their cuntry then cut and run
shits out children by the score
beat those gooks till they're no more
step aside, retard
>Calls Shkreli to debate something
>gets BTFO within minutes
>agrees with everything he says for the next hour
>i-i was just calling h-him for a chat not a d-debate
A black “man?” I don’t think so, user. I’m not racist but let’s get real here.
I just want a place where I can talk about video games.
he's also very insecure and you'll notice it as he'll pinpoint the one negative comment a random posts in his chat and spend several minutes explaining why that one random dude trolling the fuck out of him is an idiot.
KEK I hadn't seen this until now but this is fucking hilarious. Destiny is a brainlet.
He was important in teaching me that anyone who uses the term "gatekeeping" seriously should not be taken seriously.
>Failing at a decent level for upwards of 15 hours, crying about jank instead of learning to do the jump, and then booing it
Fucking shameful, the life lesson itself warranted a heart.
That said, he's sometimes alright.
>Sometimes that criticism is right though.
Not him but absolutely. However the three levels I've seen him review are
>Super Meat Boy finale remake
Complaining about the forced wait at the start and complaining about poor visibility were both stupid complaints.
>Some haunted house cat level
Bitching about how you need to keep the cat suit throughout the second half i.e. not getting hit. I could see this being somewhat legitimate but at the same time he doesn't seem to give that complaint to kaizo levels that require not getting hit.
>15 hours cat level
That shit was just clowny. I get being salty but hanging onto that salt, and shitting on the level creator while he's right there is pretty lousy.
That retard gets baited so easily.
I thought that guy jumped off a bridge.
Step aside
saving twitch for me
Well I assume that to become big, they need to attract a certain audience that appreciates streamers that put on stupid acts and exaggerations, right?
That would explain why there's no such thing as a smart coherent big streamer, but then I barely watch twitch so I'm just throwing the obvious answer out.
>Dude got so assblasted he started sending spoilers of every film and tv show he could to leddit
>Even had a bot automatically do it to people who responded to certain threads
Tbh that sounds pretty funny.
>couldn't even win a debate against Charlie Kirk
reminder that trihex lost the only real friends he ever had by being a shameless sellout
based bait
I don't think he can debate well though. I occasionally listen to his "debates" in the background and I never once came out of them convinced by him, but rather embarrassed by the behavior of his opponent. He looks good because of how low the level of internet politics is.
And before you start, I don't hate him (or love him, I really don't care either way) and I'm not right-wing.
Let's privatize water lol
Imagine being such a fucking loser you watch and know twitch streamers.
You, the one reading this post. You're pathetic
What did he do to it?
>spends 90% of his stream trying to have a conversation with chat but it goes nowhere because he has nothing intelligent to bring to the table
This, he often uses "complex" words he doesn't even understand (because he often uses them in the wrong context) just to bring up a completely safe and boring opinion.
>Failing at a decent level for upwards of 15 hours, crying about jank instead of learning to do the jump, and then booing it
He boos every single level that is donated to him lol.
What's this??
Yeah dude, give us some context, this thing is almost 3 hours long.
The only streamer worth watching other than jerma.
>two and a half hours long
bruh if only that's what trannies looked like
I watched twitch for a month when I was too depressed to do anything else and it was the worst time of my life. I never gave streamers any money but am still ashamed when I look back.. this is how a former drug addict must feel. I wasn't happy for any of it. Fuck twitch streamers and their viewers. Fuck their retarded "pog" and emote based culture. I wish death upon them all.
didn't another guy debunk this
Trihex announced he was going to do a 24 hour stream to raise money for some e-girl he was trying to fuck to go to a smash tourney to promote her art. About half-way through the stream he hit the goal and said he was tired and was going to cut stream. His speedrunning friends at the time gave him massive shit about this and basically told him he was a piece of shit for 3 hours while one of them streamed it. Most of the meat is in the first 30 minutes or so, but here's a quick rundown:
- Trihex never intended to stream for the full 24 hours, he basically planned to cut and run as soon as he hit the goal and had already made plans for the next day
- Trihex saw no problem with promising a 24 hour stream in exchange for donations when he didn't ever intend to stream for the full duration
- All of Trihex's speedrunning friends (people he had known for like 6-8 years at this point) basically disassociated with him after this
He's like Ben Shapiro, he just talks fast in a nasal voice and spouts random statistics and bombards people with questions in order to appear smart in front of dumb people but in reality is a very surface level debater that wants to win and come off as a "badass debater" instead of exchanging ideas
>debate well
yh im sure the laps he makes are what show his dominance against the nazi scum
>play vidya well
>plays fortnut
yh no user
Exploited them to push his name as a brand to the speedrunning community as a whole. They treated him as a god of the game but everyone with internet access to easily see by the leaderboards that he wasn't even top 10. For years, the top YI speedrunners bent over backwards for him, trying to push him to improve at the game and actually take the WR. They were HANDING him the WR for the game on a silver platter, they were actively NOT improving their own times in hopes that Trihex would step up and claim the WR. There was even a point where CarlSagan42, once one of the most beloved names in the community, actually donated a shitton of money during one stream Trihex was depressed about being shit at his game in and actually said "My dream isn't to get the WR, it's for you to get the WR". But all Trihex ever did for years was avoid actually doing runs. He would spend hours "practicing" or playing ROM hacks. Speaking of ROM hacks, he even at one point tried to sell physical ROM hacks to people for 50 bucks a pop. All the while people who weren't part of the YI clique were starting to get better and better times until eventually his time was seen as the entry level for a bad time in that category once 2stop got the WR. He's also responsible along with Cosmo and iateyourpie in trying to sell the entire speedrun community how to Machinama and made a big deal for a month about a "big" announcement which turned out to just be glorified tutorial videos for speedrunning. The final straw for him was when TwitchCon invited him to showcase a YI speedrun but he "overslept" and ended up as a no-show and now all Trihex does is jerk off with Youtube and Mario Maker.
destiny is pretty based only because i shitposted in his chat so hard he started sperging out on stream and wanted to debate me right there
who was in the wrong here?
>There was even a point where CarlSagan42, once one of the most beloved names in the community, actually donated a shitton of money during one stream Trihex was depressed about being shit at his game in and actually said "My dream isn't to get the WR, it's for you to get the WR"
I don't follow any of these people but you can't blame the guy for CarlSagan42 and the rest of the community for being retarded
This, but I can't help feeling like he's just going to leave one day.
He should. He's too good for twitch
Ludwig Ahgren is the best streamer and it's surprising how he hasn't blown up in popularity yet. He's basically a typical california chad that absolutely sucks at every single video game he plays but still makes a solid effort to improve and learn the game mechanics.
>alt-right e-celebs
who even calls themselves alt-right?
Child of the lie detected
He can't squat 55lbs.
>He's basically a typical california chad that absolutely sucks at every single video game he plays
How is that a good thing?
I see bajs
Such a disgrace that a basedboy faggot who plays mario games named himself after one of the greatest men in the 20th century. Very disrespectful!
>Shitposting my boy to make his fans and him look bad
>summer hits
>eceleb threads are booming
fuck zoomers
Who are the watchable Mario Maker streamers anyway? I despise GrandPooBear (I don't even know why, there's just something about this guy), I don't like carlsagan, mitch and trihex, I think penga is alright although he seems to mostly make levels.
I'm just looking for a guy who's chill, not autistic and entertaining.
Trihex does a good job of making himself look bad. I didn't think he'd could go any lower than being cucked out of a world record that the community was practically giving him but here we are.
>most intellectual
So is that the nigger that killed himself?
Discussing alt-left politics isn't gaming.
Based Swede
Instead of only listening to donations like most streamers. He also responds to people in chat and start a conversation. He is like a nice mix of gameplay and personality streamer
>look bad
that's fucking gay user. I don't see why would anyone give a flying fuck about some arbitrary WR other than the speedrunners themselves.
>doesn't get enough donations so has to pick up chat comments too to keep talking about random shit
Yeah do you just want dead silence?
what is your ideal streamer? only talks when someone donates?
I remember he was trying so hard at Smash n Splash to be a good commentator but Coney and Hbox completely mogged him. Shit was hilarious
Just pointing out he isn't responding to people in chat because he is nice or something, it's because he doesn't get enough donations to ignore chat for talking topics
.....did.......did he got fat?
>not an edgelord
>no epic twitch maymays
>good enough at games
>avant garde as fuck
>boomer at heart
>doesn't interrupt the game to read out donations every 20 seconds, instead does half an hour of it before ending the stream
Is he /ourguy/?
For a bit yeah, he's getting back in shape again
>seems like he just can't form concise sentences
it's called being black
Based and Redpilled
>good enough at games
get off Yea Forums jerma
Actually its called being a speed runner
he has been having like 12 hours stream days since mario maker came out, no gym and eating trash.
Most of his donations are 20$ level requests for Mario maker.
Reminder DSP is the only worthwhile streamer to watch.
I too like incest.
>streamer/youtuber gets popular then goes into politics
everytime, why does this keep happening?
That's actually how intelligent people act when they try to emulate how they perceive the cattle act.
yup and he's facing a financial crisis while jealous detractors try to ruin his life and livelihood. I donate as often as I can to keep him in his house.
Do you drink piss?
>Literal who
And it's a nigger too.
Don't you have a bull to groom op? Kys
probably gave up on fitness. he's got a heartrate monitor now and it's not in the usual range for people who exercise.
these guys are pretty based
The autist who only plays Mario games, is homophobic and lives with his mom?
he is a cuck who argues about things he doesn't have a clue about (like race), he only relies on cheap live debate tricks
>he is a cuck who argues about things he doesn't have a clue about (like race), he only relies on cheap live debate tricks
Lol, how's comparing skulls of blackmen working out for you?
BarbarousKing is decent. Also, try RNGeeks. He has like 3 viewers, but he's kinda cool
>gets banned for saying faggot once
>becomes an SJW cuck
many such cases
he bought a home like three years ago, has been in a relationship for four years or more and also apologized for his "wrong think"
Stop projecting user, it doesn't look good on you!
nigger supports fakku so he's not based
>most intellectual
I dunno about that, but he is the most succesful former speedrunner who still makes most of his money from streaming.
He's a massive sell-out, fake anime-nerd and bunch of other stupid bullshit, but at least he's succesful doing this, and has established his own brand. At the very least I appreciate his success.
Are you forgetting about Clint?
Stop seething so much, Reseteranigger
Because politics is the current lowest common denominator content on YT.
Just pick a side and watch the likes/views/subs roll in.
>tfw trihex took a political quiz and ended up being a commie
He seems nice, but holy fuck he has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to politics. The guy can't word his thoughts.
can you beat Jevil on the first try?
fuck off corporate
I don't think he will. Clint needs to embrace that he's not a normie like he thinks he is with the whole "I have friends! I get out all the time!" shtick and just accept that he's got a good thing going and he makes bank doing it without even needing advertisers
do wish he'd get back to being a variety streamer, love the mario speedruns but it does get old watching him just run against his own PBs after awhile