Killed sixteen beautiful majestic creatures just to save some random girl

>killed sixteen beautiful majestic creatures just to save some random girl

what an asshole

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That is kind of the point

Toxic masculinity

>Not going the distance for your waifu
>Valuing some random animals over your waifu

>Sixteen beautiful creatures

What? Was pretty sure they were containment vessels for shards of Dormin's soul or something.


As I get older this game just becomes disgusting to me. That anyone would go so far for a women. It's just disgusting. To kill just because "Muh dick" and "Muh love". It's really brainlet tier. She doesn't love him. Women don't feel that way.

Yeah that's like. The moral of the story man.

have sex

>I have autism and don't speak to women except my mom when I need money to pay for porn
Cool story bro

Spoken like someone that has never been in love. You'll understand some day junior.

>beautiful majestic creatures
A bunch of actual giant demons that would terrorize any civliasion that tried colonize that area. The guys a fucking hero he just cleared out a fuck ton of land.

Only the strong survive. The colossi were not strong enough.

Hey incel you're leaving out the part where he most likely killed her and feels terrible about it.

I work with mostly women 40+ hours a week. I like them very much. But the downfall of every other man I know is a female

>He most likely killed her
What? Where does that come from?

One less roastie

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Tem sexo

Weak dudes if they let a women take them down.

I'd kill ever animal in the world to save my loved ones too.

I feel bad because I ruined this game by playing on hard mode, literally the worst hard mode I've ever played

>on normal the fights are over just before they start becoming tedious
>on hard they last 5 times longer because they never stop wiggling and has more health
>other than extending the fight, hard provides no additional challenge
>when the boss is only at 70% you start to notice massive annoying flaws like the fucking AI
>drag my feet through most of the game
>felt glad when the fucking horse died
>didnt give a fuck what happened to the twink with arms so thin he fell off from a light breeze
>Colossi 15 was the nail in the coffin, what should have been a cool fight became unbearably frustrating

Seriously who the fuck thought this game even needed a hard mode?


>i..i must SAVE this woman shes my everything
>still gets cucked in the end

Man those things were chilling in their own land till that nigga show up and kill them all.

>dormin = nimrod
>mono becomes the queen in ico
>dormin gets split in 2, male half in horned baby starting the curse and the female half in mono and the entire plot of ico where the queen collects horned children is dormin trying to combine again in one being

any other theories?

>paying for porn

Rinoa is the witch

Exactly, anyone who has a problem killing the collasi have never been in love.

It's most men. It's culture. Women get pregnant and that starts the leech life style. They dont work even though they can and then it goes from there.

>He thinks she loves him
Ask yourself, if you had no money and were a bum would she still be interested in you?


Actually I probably would. I’m lonely.


And made it uninhabitable. Sorry but fuck em this guy is a hero and his story will be passed down for ages.

wasn't there only 13?

I can't believe how hard this game gets praised. It's so fucking bad. Easily his worst game. Last guardian and ico are miles above it imo.

>beautiful majestic creatures
>are actually violent monsters that roam the land crushing any life they can find, destroying the landscape as they move through it

>someday he'll understand

haha no he wont

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Gotta be better at selecting.

i love that ending so much

the moment Agro comes limping in is so elating

Hopefully not. I wouldn't want to be weak and let a leech ruin my life

that is a cool theory

She probably wouldn't give you a chance because you make a terrible first impression. If you actually do manage to get a serious gf though, chances are she's gonna stick it out with you even if you lose everything.

Many of them dont attack you until you attack them
Many dont even attack you after you attack them

was bawling like a bitch when the music swelled at that part

Blatantly wrong.

If love existed first impressions wouldn't matter

Even the horse stomped the shit out of me when I showed up.

You haven't played Ico, have you?

Look at this retard. Thinks understanding the fucking point of a story makes him smart.

If your gf was dying and the only way to save her was to kill the last of the endangered animals on this planet, would you?

Are those innocent animals lives worth less than one person.

I know for a fact you are going to say yes, just cause you're an edgelord faggot

>sixteen beautiful majestic creatures

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>what an asshole
t. never had sex. i would boil a barrel of cats to save a girl who was willing to let me put my penis inside of her

They weren't animals retard, they're golems meant to house peice of Dormin's soul. Colossus literally means giant stone statue

You seriously think ANY girl would let you put your penis near them after knowing you did that?

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that's the problem user
he never scored, all that sacrifice earned him as to become a baby and at the very best suck her tiddy

Yeah they kinda do, because in order for someone to love you they need to get to know you first. Most people who are looking for someone aren't going to put the effort in taking a chance on trying to get to know someone who initially disgusts them in the first place when they are taking the same exact chance on a person who is better off.


Nope what's good

>edgelord faggot
you have never felt love

Have sex sweetie

>some random girl
You (not the player character) don’t know anything about her and her relationship with Wander though. Maybe she’s an important person from his village, maybe she’s his sister or lover or both.

>loving an innocent human being that's close to you more than an animal makes you edgy

Could be his sister

>wouldnt even know its japanese if you removed the tribal guys who come to combat dormin
Dormins voice just sounds like some made up fantasy language, didnt even know it was just distorted japanese

Animals' lives are factually, inherently worth less than humans, nothing edgy about that

>environmentalist faggot relativizing human life
cry me a river over your endangered species
I bet you'd rather save a tree over a person too

What a weak minded faggot

>sixteen beautiful majestic creatures
That's a weird way to write 'literal spawns of this world's Satan'. Why are you ignoring that the creatures he killed were components to an evil demon who was split into sixteen components for good reason?

yeah of course they would. What the fuck question is that?
"you did WHAT for me? Wow how romantic!"

Lmao fucking retard just about all of them aggro on fucking sight, play the game before talking about it

Why didn't you just stop playing on hard mode you autist

>for having a touch of romance
Forgive me for valuing my woman's life over that of some inconsequential animal

Anda a garchar

That's not the problem though, the problem is that she's unconscious in the first place and he can watch her veegee, boobies and botts any time he wants and play with them anyway.

>women caring about you "being romantic"

Shadow of the Colossus shows the disturbing effects of being a beta orbiter

Do you have a sister? You wanna pretend like you don't want her dead?

he goes the extra mile, that's not orbiting anymore if he's gone full yandere

>Just let it die, bro
Funny how fiction shows man doing the impossible to save the woman they love, but when the roles are inverse, is about them getting over the death of her man.
I rather have more fiction about the character saving someone blood related to them, in special a father and his child.

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I shall smite the colossi in your name m'lady!

Playing for the first time. Should I just put it on hard for a more rewarding experience or just chill out with normal?

Normal is fine.

What was her problem?

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don't grieve their sacrifice, dying after killing Satan or enduring an army of necromorphs makes your life and story a lot more worth than just being a survivor who just waited to be rescued and dies of old age without accomplishing 1% of that
the new God of War doesn't kill Kratos but it's a journey motivated by a woman nonetheless, nothing is really gained other than self discovery and shit they already had

>tfw slayed 16 trolls only to become the 17th and had to be put down by my own comrades
Doesn't matter m'lady saved

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Hard was designed considering your knowledge over how each fight works. it will be very frustrating if you start with it because it requires a lot more timing and precision

lmao, yes every single time

It could be neither sister nor lover. That’s why their relationship works in the game. You can imagine their relationship is anything you’d like.

It’s obviously a world with “magic” in it. Maybe Wander needs to save her or he will die.

I'm surprised how much Yea Forums hates god of war and the last of us since apparently according to this thread everyone here is all about "muh love"

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Not wrong. She probably asked him what took him so damn long and cut his balls off right then and there for inconveniencing here.

he's a shitty waifufag

I couldn’t finish the game, a few colossi in and I got the feeling what I was doing was wrong. Did this happen to anyone else?

No, because its a video game and im not a faggot

>random girl
you have no soul

+Respect for that meat loaf reference

surprise, a journey about hardship and sacrifice has way less impact if nothing is really lost at the end
for all gaming journalism likes to hype the emotional aspect these days, these games try hard to be tear jerkers yet are terrified to lose their characters and their potential for merchandising

>cats lives are more valuable than human lives
please refrain from responding to me in the future you lizard brained retards. my friends and I are laughing at you

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dude they are fucking golems
you should feel less bad for killing them than the local wildlife at the start of any RPG or action game

Nothing, he warned Wander at the very beginning that he was gonna get fucked if he went through with the ritual and kept his end of the bargain even as they got sealed.

i shit on your soul faggot


>allowing retard animals that lack emotional sophistication to take precedence over the life of a human
Never procreate, though you probably were never going to regardless.

>kills thousands of beautiful majestic creatures just to stay alive
what an asshole

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Why didn't he just pretend to kill them?

What do you bet she would have ghosted him and got with some other guy from their village had things worked out and they both left the Forbidden Land?

nigger they are just overgrown chicken and geckos

was he an incel

the ritual required him to suck up all that black juice from their corpses, just killing them wasn't enough

Yes because animal lives are always objectively worth less than humans, anyone who argues otherwise is a hypocrite. In almost any situation you should save the human over an animal unless you know the human will go on to be a mass murderer but even than it is kinda iffy.

no one knows, he could be either a thirsty childhood friend who never had a chance or maybe they were already a couple but she got cursed before getting pregnant

>killed everyone on the island so he could escape
What an asshole

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>some random girl
But that's wrong.

they were just dreams anyway, if he kept all of this active in his head he'd go crazy
everyone needs to clear up their mind every once in a while

DMC5 is what nu-GOW and LoU failed to do.

Mother fucker I would kill you.

I would get 100 random people killed if it got me a free pizza

>Dormin is Nimrod backwards
>Nimrod was a Mesopotamian monarch mentioned in the Book of Genesis, who ordered the construction of the infamous Tower of Babel that God struck down
>Coincidentally, the building Wander departs from to slay each colossus is a ruined tower
>When God smote the tower, he also "split the tongues" of the workers, making them all speak different languages so they could not work together anymore
>Nimrod himself was reduced to speaking gibberish, a mishmash of all of the languages in the world and none of them
>In the Divine Comedy, Nimrod is described as a "dark titan" that utters only a single unintelligible line, presumably lamenting his fate

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I played this game with friends
The moment the horse died we kept yelling and blaming my friend for killin da horse
It sucked all the muh feels from it but man i had fun

>MC was trying to give the girl his nimrod

and then comes the japanese and turn him into a life-granting giant ghost
if you want something 100 times baller with inspirations from the Bible (or rather, the non-canon parts), go play El Shaddai instead

God made all animals to serve me so yes of course

Don't forget that Nimrod was also torn into pieces and those pieces were scattered all across his kingdom as warnings of what false worship begets.

Now hold the phone there, fella

This coupled with the tree of knowledge easter egg at the top of the tower makes me wonder who on the team had a bible boner.

There are a Fucking million games about a father and his kid already, fuck off
What about a man doing something got Money or power, now thats the shit i want to see more off. I want to see two brothers fighting to the death to claim the throne or some mobster getting backstabbed and trying to climb his way back and get revenge or a soldier fighting for his duty or a cold blooded assasin who only cares about getting paid

>that utters only a single unintelligible line, presumably lamenting his fate

And THAT my boy... is the power of pussy. Prime pussy too.
Its not about love its about being gaurenteed a tight pussy that BELONGS to you.
Its the same reason men to fight in WW2, they came back and were hero gods, no one fucked the pussies that stayed home.

Have you played the darkness?

Moderate kek

The actual line that Dante gave for him was "Raphèl mai amècche zabì almi"

Dormin was based, none of that faustian deal but you aren't explained the price. He makes it clear from the start that Wanderer will face severe consequences if he goes through with it.
On a related note, the old priest was right, you shouldn't meddle with an ancient god/demon like that. Even if it's for your lover/sister/whatever

I would rather kill the monsters if it was for my father or mother but not some GF i probably just met a few months ago

>The game takes place during the Bronze Age but with the Bible all being completely 100% true in the literal sense
>Wander is from some semitic Sumerian or Assyrian tribe whose wife/sister dies from some disease.
>Tribe can't bring back the dead.
>He goes to Nimrod/Dormin who essentially has locked himself into the Tower of Babel
>This explains why Prayer is a save mechanic
>This explains why the final Colossus is a "Wizard" or a "Magus".
>This explains the demonic look of all the Colossi
This game suddenly became way more interesting now holy fucking shit.

>Unironically missing the point of the game.
What makes the game interesting is that it shows the consequence of Wander's actions. It's a very Faustian tale, he mourns the dead of his wife/sister so he tries to make a deal with the Devil (or Nimrod/Dormin in this case, who may have gained demonic/hell powers) so that he can bring her back. He does so but becomes more and more corrupt with each idol he slays, before becoming fully possessed by Dormin. By the end Mono does wake up as Dormin promised, but finds Wander turned into a baby. In actuality it's implied she eventually becomes the Dark Queen in Ico, so ironically she didn't act like a disgraceful bitch, if anything she obsessed over him and wanted to bring him back she (same way he wanted to bring her back) by collecting Wander/Dormin's souls (the horned kids) in Ico so she could restore him in some way. Which proves to be her undoing, turning into just another Dormin figure.
What a tragic tale indeed.
Far better than anything shitty modern shitty devs can make. Although I do have hope for the indie crowd if the right people work on a game.

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Depends on the animal. If it's bees, I'd totally tell her to fuck off.
If it's any other endangered animal, I don't give a shit, time to rescue her.

Did you ever notice how the final colossus is literally a fusion of a man and a tower?

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Honestly if I was given an insurmountable task in order to save my wife I would do it without a moments hesitation. I would climb the tallest mountains and fight the fiercest beasts. You have no idea what it truly feels like to be in love.

For a girlfriend? No.

Play Nier, bruh

There are a Fucking million games about this shit
>Call of Duty
>Saint Row
>RE: Operation Raccoon City

that's one big mindfuck
you're a father who sacrifices everything to save his daughter
by killing another father who's trying to sacrifice everything to save his daughter
who's actually yourself and your kid

>all these (You)'s preferring to save some roastie.

If they are the last of their kind, then there's nothing to lose with their deaths. Not like they can repopulate.

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are you going to fuck these animals?
hell, I bet they wouldn't even be good for eating
why would you pick them instead?

It's not about the cat's lives, though, and you never even specified that boiling them alive would be to save anyone. It would just be to get laid. At that point, you have no character or dignity. You'd be just a drooling retard who stinks of desperation and has no impulse control.

>Did you ever notice how the final colossus is literally a fusion of a man and a tower?

Yeah, and?

Suddenly this plus Malus being the "wizard" makes a lot more sense now.
This game is way more deep than people give it credit for holy fuck. No wonder I felt like the game gave me very weird Biblical vibes, but other than the prayer save system I never noticed anything else until now...holy fuck.

Tower of Babel and Dormin being trapped inside the Tower. Also potential Tarot card symbolism with "Tower" and 'The Magician"

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Nimrod's downfall was his arrogance in the face of God by trying to build a tower that would pierce the heavens. The name Malus also literally translates into "Bad" or "Evil".

When you combine that with the fact that Nimrod was torn into pieces which were used as reminders of what going against God gets you, it's not a large leap of logic to assume that the physical form of Malus embodies Nimrod's greatest transgression.

What does love feel like?

Like bags of sand

>"Nah it's cool I mean I got friends that fuck jail"
Fucking sucks you can't do this type of humour anymore.

He could have done better pretty easily.

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My deduction skills as a detective tell me the people in this thread have quite possibly never had sex.

Nimrod was apparently a giant of a man in life as well. Interestingly, there's that tomb/sarcophagus belonging to a very large individual in The Last Guardian as well.

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I love my sister very much. I have always been close to her and she has helped me in so many ways in life. I would kill some fucking rock monsters to save her.

She's taking dick

How do you know Dormin is evil though?

Based trips. Yiff in hell, furfags.

That shopkeeper was Satan in disguise and deserved to die.

>kill 15 giant monsters that avoided human expansion and destroyed what seems to be a gigantic kingdom
>sacrifices himself to free humanity from their curse, taking himself
>he even managed to save a random girl in the process

>transformed into a cursed horned child that will doom other children in the future.

Imagine being him and you do all that shit for her and the instant she wakes up she homes in on the nearest BBC

If she was black she would have been faithful because she wants her kid to have white people hair first

different user, but had sex, dated before. dealing with women in general is troublesome, especially at work. It's even more annoying when they use their charms to get away with shit cause men are fuck retarded and get wooed easily. The constant bullshit I see in my lab all the time mentally killed me. As I type this right now, one of them is texting me how shitty this job is for the past fucking hour, and cried to me multiple times about it.

That's the point, though the colossi were all immediately aggressive except for two and generally messed up as well. The real douchebaggery was that he knowingly endangered the entire world and even ignored her spirit pleading with him to not do that.

Avion and Phalanx are the only ones that don't try to kill the Wanderer upon noticing him, and in Avion's case it's too busy almost gloating that he can't reach it, all the while sizing him up with killing intent.

>are you going to fuck these animals?
>sex is the only thing on your mind, pure lust
You are a nigger. Stop posting, stop breathing.

The actual dialogue from Wander suggests he is doing it not for love or putang, but because what happened to her was unjust. "She was sacrificed for she has a cursed fate," is the extent of Wander's discussion of her.

You assume it is out of love. Simple projection.

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killing endangered animals? no
now, killing endangered animals and one annoying faggot however,,,

The theme was letting go

Why do you think the gameplay was all about hanging onto things

But if you let go, you can't win the game. It makes no sense

The game conditions you to hang onto things as a means of progressing

This mirrors Wander hanging on to Mono even though she's dead / in a coma

The final gameplay segment is literally you (and Wander) being forced to let go

500 iq game

So you're saying he did it out of pity then?

>that ending where you could actually hold onto the edges of the fountain until you let go or lose all your stamina before falling into the void


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Dormin is Nimrod spelled backwords. Nimrod was the first tyrant of humanity.

yes and? thats the point. how far are you willing to go and how much are you willing to sacrafice to return things to the way they used to be. are you willing to become a monster to change the past. should things be the way the are? should nature be challenged?

Nah, it's just a typo from a translator, the creator actually meant doorman as he thought that sounded cool and justified it to his team/marketers that he was called that because he was the literal doorman to the underworld and Wander wanted him to "open the door to let her soul back into her body"

except kuramaru. that lizard bitch will fuck anyone up if they let him out of the coloseum

>majestic creatures
Dude, they're each a prison cell to a piece of a huge asshole that would be all sorts of bad if he gets out. Dumb faggot was tricked into freeing him. Thankfully priest bros came in time to fix shit.

Also Dormin actually bringing the bitch back to life was stupid. Agro being alive was also stupid. Horse needs to be put down anyway and now that chick has to raise some damn demon baby. Plus if Dormin was truly evil why would you honor the wish? It should have ended with wanderer getting double crossed, priest bros sendin Dormin back to hell and the bitches body laying lifeless as shit collapses. Everything else was too much bullshit.

Still a 10/10 game with amazing sound design, music and scale. Level design and everything else was just excellent.

I believed in love but then my girlfriend cheated on me multiple times during my back, then threatened suicide when I found out and wanted to break up with her. Had to endure it for two years until I just said, fuck it, go ahead and kill yourself then. A week after I broke up, she was with another dude doing the exact same thing.

You can't blame her dissatisfaction with a tiny pink white rod so she had to get some BBC :)

>that would be all sorts of bad if he gets out
>actually falling for Emon's propaganda

damn user, did you talk to anyone during this, like your parents or something? if it were my parents, theyd tell me to dump the bitch and never think about her. cut her out of my life. you arent responsible for another human beings actions.

Got anything to back that up with?

if she was worth anything, she would've sacrificed herself for the earth already on her own

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You first.

No, I was dealing with it on my own until I finally told my parents what was really going on, and they convinced me to ditch her. She ended up telling lies about me to all of my childhood friends behind my back to get revenge, so I lost them all. Guess people are more likely to believe a cute "innocent" girl.

You joking? Okay, young kid loses first love. Has heard about a forbidden sacred place where you can get a wish granted, but at a cost. Is an emotional bitch and acts impulsively and races off to do whatever it takes to bring her back. Priests find out what happen and they race off to stop the lughead from succeeding.

If Dormin were some good diety people would be trying to free his ass without making a wish.

I don't get where you even think otherwise.

if they abandon you that easily, they werent your real friends. friends confront each other about shit. bros before hoes. hope you do good in life, bro. put that shit behind if you havent already.

>You joking? Okay, young kid loses first love. Has heard about a forbidden sacred place where you can get a wish granted, but at a cost. Is an emotional bitch and acts impulsively and races off to do whatever it takes to bring her back. Priests find out what happen and they race off to stop the lughead from succeeding.
Why did you even type all this shit? It has nothing to do with Dormin. We have no idea what relations exactly are between Mono and Wander but we know she was "sacrificed" maybe by same exact shaman (not priest).
>If Dormin were some good
Good/bad is childish take on morality. All we know about Dormin is that he's honest.

i'm impressed with all the biblical connections. even more reason as to why this is my fav game of all time

just find some other bitch to shag, theres thousands

I did it for the adverture and thrill of the hunt the girl was an excuse.

I franklin doubt they were even "alive", except the first one. For what I can tell, it seemed like only one could exist at the time. And they were full of evil anyway, so no regrets.