This will be the biggest disaster of this generation. How comes everyone who goes against DSP loses in the end?
This will be the biggest disaster of this generation. How comes everyone who goes against DSP loses in the end?
Other urls found in this thread:
We have been given zero reason to believe this to be anything other than a masterpiece.
>This will be the biggest disaster of this generation
Why does Yea Forums say this about every AAA game?
Except for the """gameplay""" they've shown so far.
Because AAA games are all putrid dogshit at this point
Shitty combat in an empty open-world, how wonderful
I think it looks great and I'll be buying it day 1
What about MGSV?
Imagine MGS1. Kojima shines when he puts you in a hallway, and interrupts your hallway of gameplay every 3 minutes with a 20 minute cutscene.
Yes user, that's why I brought up the gameplay to say that it's not going to be a masterpiece. You wouldn't be an illiterate retard who misunderstood a 2 post reply chain, would you?
All the gameplay shown so far looks fucking good, no sarcasm intended.
>Climbing ladders
>Running away away from bad guys
>Inventory management
What the fuck more do you want??
>Because AAA games are all putrid dogshit at this point
You just sound like a bitter contrarian.
>AAA games are all putrid dogshi-
The melee combat and gunplay look like trash.
oops i meant to quote not
Based and Ako's sugared
Still can't believe Yea Forums is still salty about MGSV to this day.
Can't wait till the game releases. Everyone is going to STFU big time because we all know Kojima games are amazing.
So many haters came in after MGSV. MGS4 was a fantastic game as well.
>inb4 muh hack
You are just jealous he gets to make the games he wants to make.
There's a pattern, there's a pattern, there's a pattern there to follow
I’ve been playing it a lot lately. Trying to appreciate the slow burn by not using the chopper after missions and actually staying in the field for 3-5 missions and side ops at a time. It’s comfy af.
>against DSP
fromsoft is not AAA yet
just look at that riveting G A M E P L A Y
>made by hack who has never made a good game
Y-yeah... n-no reason..
>Kojima shines
A turd generally can't shine. I doubt anyone put a powerful flashlight behind that one.
-t, especially the FromShit """"games"""".
FromSoft is 100% AAA.
you dont know what AAA means then
hideo kojima is a massive fucking faggot. I hope this game crashes and burns
I hope it buries Kojima prod and that he crawl back to Konami.
someone didint git gud and got his casual ass handled.
>Removes several gameplay segments