So I just beat Tales of Symphonia, what should I play next? Dawn of The New World or Legendia?

So I just beat Tales of Symphonia, what should I play next? Dawn of The New World or Legendia?

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Legendia, its actually really good
Symphonia 2 is hot garbage
actually just go play Star Ocean 2

Literally inferior to Abyss in every way

This is the order of games you should from best to worst. You will notice that the quality also mimics the release order.

Tales of Destiny
Tales of Phantasia (PSX JP Fan Translation)
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Legendia
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of Vesperia
(stop playing "Tales of" games here)

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That's why you should play it before Abyss

Is Symphonia 2 really that awful? I keep hearing it's garbage, vut I ended up getting really attached to the characters in 1 so it just doesn't feel right to not see their story through.
I only have a cracked PS3, so I can't play Vesperia, but I can play pretty much all the PS2 and 3 ones, as well as the 2D ones (of which I've only played Phantasia years ago).

Don't worry about the story in Symphonia 2, it has a totally different team working on it and it goes out of its way to ruin the original characters with bad writing.

>no Eternia
There's a translation patch for PS3 Vesperia that's been out for years

>Is Symphonia 2 really that awful?
Well hey, half this board thinks Vesperia is flaming garbage, who can say at this point?

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if you truly believe there was a linear degradation in quality in this series, then you are delusional. Are you really suggesting that Destiny PS1 is even a decent game, let alone better than any of the other games you listed? You also didn't even list Eternia, which is also way better than Destiny. Don't listen to this guy. It's really up to you what entry you play next, but as others have said, Symphonia Dawn of the New World is not a very good entry at all. You'd have a much better time with any of the mainline entries, including Destiny PSX, which is a very rough entry compared to other mainline titles.

i was under the impression that both symphonias were written by the same person

the original Symphonia had writing credits to Takumi Miyajima.
The sequel is done by Masaki Hiramatsu.

Mainline "Tales of" games are made by the "Mothership" team. The sequel to Symphonia is an "Escort" title. Meaning it's a spin-off.

I liked destiny the most. Eternia is trash. Fight me.

>Eternia is trash
Eternia is fucking amazing faggot.
I think it's one or two posters. I personally didn't love Vesperia's story but gameplay wise, it's definitely one of the most fun JRPGs I can think of.

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OP here, guess I'll leave out Symphonia 2 for when I run out of Mothership titles to play. I think I'll play the rest of the 3D games in the order they were released so I don't have to go back and get used to the older ones' gameplay and maybe I'll try out some of the 2D ones, too. Are any of the games more linear than Symphonia? I did most of the sidequests and they were fun, but if I hadn't used a guide I would've skipped like 90% of them and it gets kind of tiring having to second guess whether or not I'll miss something all the time.

I'm finishing Abyss right now and it's quite a massive drag this game... I enjoyed more playimg Graces F and Xillia 1&2... I don't know why this game is so praised, the story is not that much and there are almost no relevant battles

opinion discarded

yeah nice counter argument, I wish I was enjoying more this game, specially after how many times I read here that it's so good

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>Eternia Trash
>Fight me
okay I will faggot you have shit taste and probably like xillia games the most

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if you dont like the story or characters its just another slog like just about every other jrpg

People would always say Symphonia was the best. Then people started getting mad and saying quit always saying Symphonia is the best. This led to everyone saying actually Vesperia is the best because people were getting tired of hearing Symphonia was the best and needed another game even if it wasn't quite as good. So then everyone was saying Vesperia was the best game which made people tired of always hearing Vesperia was the best game and so on and fast forward they say Abyss now.

The last 3rd of the game is really slow and has a lot of back-tracking. You're supposed to pad it out with side-quests but if you're just injecting the main story directly into your veins, it will be very boring.

vesperia has a metric fuckton of sidequests, you're guaranteed to miss a lot of shit if you go in blind
so, what did you think of symphonia, op?

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Imho, symphonia 2 wasn’t that bad. Protag is a whiny little pussy though. Best way to beat it with ease is to get 2 wolves as pets, evolve them in their full cycle a couple of times, then stop at fenrirs, they have a ridiculous spin aerial that hit stuns. Killed an obnoxious boss this way.

But overall, it’s not 1 by any means, it just has the characters appear later on.

>best heroine
nice user

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Play Innocence R and Hearts R

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I wish to rub this potato

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I wish i could high five estelle

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at first i wasn't so sure of what i felt of it, but after i gave it another chance i honestly got really into it. some of the cutscenes and transitions in the story felt a little lackluster and dated and the story left me really confused at times but by the end it wrapped up pretty nicely. i got spoiled on the thing between kratos and lloyd, but that aside i'm pretty happy i got to experience this game blind unlike some of the final fantasy games.
i do wish presea and regal got a few more scenes to flesh them out, especially regal since he's such a cutie
neat, i guess? i'll just leave it for later

who did you pick as lloyd's soulmate

But whatever you do...don't play Legendia post game. It's all backtracking through old dungeons. The enemies are huge hp sponges. They start to use the same jokes one too many times and characters start to feel more one note.

Forcing myself through it made it my most hated game of all time, when in fairness, the main game really wasn't that bad.

Symphonia 2 isn't bad but it's not as good as Symphonia 1


God I want to watch Presea naked in the shower.

try abyss and then vesperia
symphonia 2 is meant to be a low budget sequel only meant to mlik the most hardcore of symphonia fans. like yeah you get to see what happened to the characters later, but the story focuses on an unrelated party. also because its kinda shitty, they didn't bother to make a new worldmap with the worlds reunited.

t. genis

which scene is that referring to? i don't think there were any character specific ones that stood out to me so it was probably colette or some kind of neutral option i didn't know about

didn't see your post
>they didn't bother to make a new worldmap with the worlds reunited.
wtf that's so fucked up. and here i was hoping i'd get to explore both worlds at the same time. so it's basically just a spinoff with the symphonia characters and setting slapped on top?

you get the old locations edited slightly with camera angels slightly changed too
>basically just a spinoff with the symphonia characters and setting slapped on top?
also the biggest complaint is while you can get symphonia characters in your party, they have a level cap that makes them unusable later in the game. the idea is that you get monsters if your party instead, but its not the best sequel overall

Tales of Symphonia
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of Vesperia

Everything else is optional.

I don't think Tales games will ever recover.

I don't think she'd like that.

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symphonia has an affection system, you get special scenes and battle quotes with the party member that likes you best which is determined by the choices you make along the story (picking the in-character answers gets you colette, picking the ooc ones gets you raine, picking the ooc ones and approching him when given the opportunity gets you kratos, being nice to the girls and a cunt to kratos gets you zelos, etc)
most people who don't know about it usually wind up with colette, like you

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There's a scene in the snow city where you spend the night and someone shows up at your door. It's decided based on who you are closest too (I forget how the game determines it but it has to do with how much you use them in battle and a few other things probably?). If you turn them away you get the runner up as well I believe.

If I remember correctly, if you decided to get Kratos back it is always Collette though.

I nutted so many times to that pink haired loli doujin

yikes. in that case i'd rather skip it for now, if not forever
what happened? i thought people liked berseria? or are the velvet fanboys just really devoted?
ah, i heard about an affection stat once i decided to use a guide once the dungeons got too annoying to deal with, but i decided to first finish the game how i normally would and then try getting regal to like me on my next playthrough. i got colette at the flanoir scene and i think the ones that left were sheena, zelos, presea and regal so i guess i must've missed out on a lot of their events
please delete

Genis is boring. Presea deserves a man. Like Lloyd.

zelos/sheena a shit

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Yeah, most people will likely end up with collette/sheena/maybe genis or kratos as the 3rd in those scenes. Theres also special scenes when you stay over at dirks, zelos gets a few additional scenes if his affections high too.


Abyss, followed by Vesperia, followed by Berseria. It's hard to go backwards but Phantasia is also good. Ignore the rest.
t. Tales veteran

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>everyone telling me to play different games
so it's just like fire emblem, cool

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