DMC fags will seethe forever
DMC fags will seethe forever
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This game is shaping up to be the highlight of the year for me.
This has designs by the creator of zetman right?
Why? The game looks like ass and has half the framerate.
Watching this with a close eye. Might even buy a Switch for it.
This game will be good but shit thread for putting two good games together like he means anything. here's your (you) you desperately wanted.
You know that it IS possible to talk about a game without acting like a fucking faggot.
Yep. He also basically created fusion in DBZ.
Hopefully it's fun because every preview seems to be really excited.
Will it break 90?
I'd rather just play monster hunter, honestly.
my guess would be 89
The game looks good, but 60fps should be the standard for action games. I'll probably get it, though.
DMC is multiplat you turbonigger
If you were an actual action game fan, you wouldn't try and instigate conflict between them. You'd just be happy to get more of them. It's like the forced rivalry between Sekiro and DMC5.
I can't wait.
Fuck no. Looking at a 85 max based on the genre and platform. Only Nintendo games or faggot indie games score over 90 on Nintendo platforms.
OP here. I am so sorry for making this thread. I love DMC and I'll love Astral Chain.
I am sick of this shitposting. It makes no sense, both DMC5 and Sekiro already came out months ago, they can't affect AC and either it can't affect them in anyway.
DMCfag here, this game looks great. DMC5 will probably be my favorite action game of the year but between Astral Chain, MUA3, and Daemon X Machina (plus Ninja Warriors Once Again which I'd rather have portable) my Switch will be getting plenty of action this year.
Also I'm getting it Day 1 because if it succeeds there's a slightly greater chance that Wonderful 101 will get a rerelease on a system that didn't flop.
>30 FPS
Waiting for emulation.
Resident Evil 4 has a 97
Why does the face remind me of fucking Darkhawk from the thumbnail?
Sekiro was so fucking good. Legitimately the only good action game From's ever made. They're made good games before, but Sekiro's the first time they've made a good ACTION game.
I really hope they stick with it. It's fantastic.
I love Sekiro, but I do want more techniques in the sequel. More moveset options.
Excited for Elden Ring, too.
>zoom zoom soulscuck
Armored Core died because of faggots like you.
>everyone praises Demon's Souls and Dark Souls for being hardcore in an increasingly-casual gaming environment (early 2010's)
>the series breaks out and becomes popular
>it's suddenly zoomer to play them
FromSoftware is making a lot of money off of genuinely well-made and difficult games. What's so wrong with that?
Just when I thought this game would sell the Switch for me it disappoints as usual.
They’d play both DMC5, bayonetta and this
DMCfags are Idorts
Didn't bother with the gameplay yet, how's the music tho?
That doesn't look nearly as good as Dmc tho
>30 fps
>looks blurry
>Bayonetta 3 fodder
The only reason I'm hyped for this is because I'll just wait for the .nsp or .xci.
Game doesn't seem that good to be honest.
It kinds of reminds me Octopath hype last year, same condition : Starving for game in August and it's the only one available for our taste.
Let's see how it'll turn but I already have a bad feeling considering it's Bayonetta 3 fodder.
Peach booty. Plump booty. Firm booty.
Nsp and xci?
>looking for a new action game to play
>decide to finally emulate God Hand
>SsethTzeentach's God Hand video includes a download link in his description with the emulator already set up with the game ready to go
>extract it into a folder and it boots up instantly
Feels good, man.
enjoy it.
This isn't the Daisy thread, my man.
Let’s back them the fuck out astroboyz
AC is not a good action game series. It's a good game series. It's not a good action game series.
Don't just bring up AC out of nowhere as though I was praising Souls when I specifically made a blanket statement. They've made good games before. They've never made a good action game before. None of the Souls games are good action games.
it's the game's format on Switch for hack.
Lol no
Nier Automa got an 88 luckily
I say 85 max because America and the police have a very rough history
Imagine thinking DMC fags is seethe when the fucking game is 30fps.
Now we have THREE series with the acronym AC...
>America and the police have a very rough history
As an American criminal justice major, I can confidently say that that shouldn't affect the review scores.
Why would I be seething? It’s like when you faggots go “OH SHIT A NEW BAYO DMC FAGS MUST BE MAD”
Nigga most people that like DMC like bayo or platinum stuff.
I’m hype as fuck for astrial chain, bayo 3, and the eventual DMC6
just wait for the Switch Pro goy :^)
Why? I really don't get why someone can't enjoy DMC and this game. It was annoying enough with the dumb Bayonetta vs. DMC shit. Is it just console-war kiddies or something else?
Animal Crossing
Armored Core
Assassin's Creed
Astral Chain
Ace Combat
Air Conditioning
>yet another "Bayonetta lite" combat system
I'll still probably buy it because it will be decently enjoyable but it won't even be as good as Bayo 1, much less DMC 3/5 or NGB.
>Popular with kids=zoomer
Now every edgy 12-15 kid thinks they are the shit for playing ds, it is not the game's fault it is its retarded fanboys, also reddit game so cringe
>implying Takahisa Taura can develop a good combat system
Astral Chain, brought to you by the mind behind Platinum's worst combat mechanics ever.
I wish I could like it but the combat was just so exploitable in an unfun way that I felt that the only good fight in the whole game is the final boss.
I was sold on Zelda-style dungeons
>yet another "Bayonetta lite" combat system
This is a shit criticism. There's a lot wrong with Astral Chain but criticizing Plat titles for iterating on the Bayonetta "formula" is like shitting on first-person-shooters for being "Doom Clones"
You're witnessing the birth of a fucking genre. Go with it.
Why would I seethe? the game looks fun
All this shitposting can be trace back to one single thing: Bayonetta 2 on WiiU. People is still butthurt over this "betrayal".
>the birth of a fucking genre
I already witnessed the birth of that genre when DMC1 came out. All of PG's games feeling like Bayonetta isn't them creating a genre, its them not knowing how to make a fucking action game that doesn't feel like Bayonetta.
why do people always have to turn things into shit flinging contests? this has nothing to do with dmc
im excited for this game, it genuinely looks pretty amazing
And it ended up not being a really big deal because Bayo2 ended up not being as good.
the real tragedy was that W101 is stuck on the Wii U and sold like 7 copies total
Maybe if you keep crying Bayonetta 2 and 3 will get released on other systems, perhaps PC or PS4. Try to be a little bit louder.
insta-death QTEs?
All of the non-combat stuff looks like tedious filler to be honest.
There is no way it sells even close to 90 copies
>point out the problems with PG's game design
I own a Switch you mongoloid; I literally said that I was probably going to by Astral Chain anyway despite its obvious flaws.
It sold 59K in USA.
And just like motion controls Nintendo was picked dead last because both Sony and Mircosoft said no
If literally all of PG's games feel like Bayonetta to you then you either haven't played them or your IQ is way too low to even notice differences. To you, Hack and Slash/Action automatically means Bayonetta, which is ludicrous.
Absolutely unplayable. Enjoy your weeb trash slideshow.
Nintendo hyped the fuck out of FE3H. It wasn't on my radar until this month. Astral Chain will probably have the same hype cycle.
>>the series breaks out and becomes popular
Fucking lol literally only Yea Forums plays or talks about souls shit
how is that Bayonetta 3 looking?
Love DMC5 and really like what I'm seeing with this game. Cannot forgive the 30fps though.
>To you, Hack and Slash/Action automatically means Bayonetta
No, I'm saying that a lot of PG's games feel like Bayonetta. Ninja Gaiden doesn't feel like Bayonetta, DMC doesn't feel like Bayonetta, but MGR, W101, Korra, Transformers, TMNT, Nier, and now Astral Chain all feel a lot like Bayonetta. Sure they might have some gimmicks or mechanics that give them a little bit of variety but the core of all of those games come from Bayo1
The Wonderful 101 feels like freaking Bayonetta to you?
See you in about several threads later getting mad over everyone having fun
Outside of the drawing, W101 shares a lot of similarities to Bayo
DMC5 is one of the few modern action games with a really unique control scheme / gameplay style that doesn't utilize a lot of genre staples, like a dodge that slows time
With the way attacking dodging and the fact that the game has fucking WITCH TIME in it yes, it does feel quite a bit like Bayonetta. Certainly the most unique of the post Bayo games besides Anarchy Reigns but the DNA is still there.
I don't have a Switch but I'm going to buy a physical copy to support physical copies
Wanna know what makes dmc better than any platinum games?
Go on... Tell me one platinum game that doesn't have QTEs
QTEs literally make a game more immersive
>kamiyacucks actually believe this
Don't listen to this faggot. Game looks great but he's trying to pit two fanbases against each other.
Mark my words there will be a bunch of Astral Chain vs DMC threads lead by him within the next couple of months.
New trailer shows more customization. You can change the colors of your legions too.
Now I'm sold. Doc legion here I come
Also this.
Why can't we be friends?
Those are some Sawano tier lyrics. I love it.
>30 FPS
Any online co-op or nah?
Looks like these are the settings for the Unchained mode they mentioned. You can set most actions to auto like auto-attack, auto-sync, auto lock-on, auto style change, using skills and items, and even enable super armor. Goes way beyond easy mode.
Honestly the customization was a really nice surprise, wasn't expecting ti from a Platinum game.
Just pre ordered thanks to your webm
Clip of scene from that one blog post image.
h-hello officer
It's wise for developers to put these kinda of settings if they want reviewers to get past the tutorial
>30 fps
It's just as bad as DmC.
>Monolith designed some special edition legions
Will my body be ready?
lmfao looks like a generic ps2 rpg
The bait keeps the thread alive.
>Nintendo bonus
>It's another platinum niggers thread
Literally for free. I've never seen a fan base more cucked than platinum fags, who will shill even the dumbest shittiest games. I will never take you platinum retards seriously after I was unironically told TW101 was a good game. Platinum is a shit tier dev that's all flash and no substance.
Jap Phil Fish indeed
There is a better, not fucking bait OP thread right now where you can post this stuff.
That thread was made after I started posting stuff here and I didnt see it.
because it looks like darkhawk. The only real thing its missing is a visor and not individual eyes
You just know the final boss will involve you taking temporary control of a fuck-huge enemy.
graphics looks like a PS2 game wtf nintendo?
But Kamiya didn't quit after one game.
he just needed bait to start the thread [spolier]and that's why there's actual discussion here[/spoiler]
If people cared about graphics no one would make SMB1 levels in mario maker
nostalgia can make up for graphics, especially with autistic fanbases like mario and zelda
Regardless of its quality, Astral Chain will be operhyped to hell and back by Nintendo Switch owners due to being one of the few action games, exclusive or multiplat, coming to the console for a long time.
Once is released and if the game doesn't suck, the Astral Chain fanbase will assault the Devil May Cry, Soulsborne and Sekiro threads relentlessly and ferociously.
The threads that will be attacked the most of all will be the the Devil May Cry ones due to the deep hatred Kamiya's fans feel towards post-DMC 1 Devil May Cry titles.
>That orange beanie look
All of my yes
Kill yourself OP