Which one is the best?
Vidya RObots
it's a tie between ALL OF THEM!
Mega Man needed more female bosses.
>looks like a normal human female
What's the point?
>What's the point?
Based NDC poster.
>What's the point?
To make my penis the happy penis.
That's not what I meant by normal human female though.
agree, all vidya robots need to be respected and protected
Eh, close enough for me.
For me, it's Maya.
What do you qualify as robot for the purposes of these threads?
Would a mostly human biologically girl who can be controlled because of programming and all that shit count? Like pic related.
Do they have to have a mechanical body rather than a biological one?
Also I wish more games had female AI in non-human form (or at least size) machines, like Jehuty from Zone of the Enders.
Also I've been thinking about Strelitzia from Darling in the Franxx all fucking day, god she's hot.
>Do they have to have a mechanical body rather than a biological one?
I guess so, Nu is cute and looks like a robot girl with her armor but she's more like a clone.
broken robot girl needs to be fixed!
She probably got rejected by her robophobic senpai then beaten up by his faggot friends.
Broken robot girl needs to be put in the trash where useless scrap belongs.
That just makes me sad. I want to repair her.
no, they must be taken back to the lab and repaired by their masters! they still have so much love to offer
They can love no more than a toaster can.
still more than what a woman can
/m/y nigga
You posted her