You can't deny that Linux is a completely valid operating system for gaming
Linux gaming thread
It's trash for gaymen, gtfo retard back to
Its actually not, its the only modern platform that has both functional drivers for AMD GPUs, and a fast modern OpenGL stack.
DXVK has proven to be fast enough that non-standard D3D games can actually run faster in the standards-compliance mode offered by Vulkan on GNU/Linux.
Remember back when Internet Explorer was on top, and then suddenly everyone switched off of it because they finally realized how slow and shitty it had been that whole time? We're approaching that point with operating systems.
Microsoft will be releasing a GNU/Linux based OS in the future, just like they're switching on to KHTML/Webkit/Blink for their new browser.
>no ridiculous tabs
who cares
if there were games you'd posted a game
Article doesn't specifically mention it but Linux is under counted in the Steam Surveys just like AMD is because of China.
Remove all Chinese users and Linux is somewhere between 2-3% of what's left.
how many games does it need to get "Yea Forums certificate of having games" ?
is there any criteria for games in regards to quality or how they run?
Does "more than half of all Steam games" + all the games that you can play using Lutris not count as "quite enough games"?
I mean, if you give consolefags a pass, you should give Linuxfags a pass as well.
or is Windows the only thing in the univverse that "has games"?
>still can't post one screenshot of a game
posts games running on your epic riced arch install
oh wait lincuck has no games
>b-but 20% of steam games can run on linux
yeah and they run like shit if they even boot at all
All these games work on Linux
Yakuza and the new Yume Nikki game are at the bottom not in the picture.
>doesn't even bother to boot up one (1) of them, take a screenshot and show me his epic linux-powered fps
now observe how your taste in vidya will be used as an argument against Linux
CS:GO W10 benchmark: 214fps
CS:GO Ubuntu benchmark: 160fps
CS:GO Mint benchmark: 140fps
"epic" gaming performance you got there dude
>game muat run at 200+ FPS in order to be considered "a game"
>everything rhat does not run at insanely high framerate can not even theoretically be enjoyed as a form of entertainment
so you're just going to ignore the fact that Mint has a 70FPS drop? okay retard
not only that Mint has some terrible input lag inside of CS:GO and every player that plays competitively NEEDS 200fps, having a 70fps drop is an incredible disadvantage
My dungeon crawlers with chinese cartoon girls doesn't run on Ubuntu and I am too lazy to try on any other distro. I just dual boot like any other sane person.
How old and what hardware?
The entire last half of 2018 and beginning of 2019 CSGO ran like shit on AMD GPUs especially Linux because of the Panorama UI update.
Btw Linux and Xorg with no compositor and raw input has less input lag than Windows.
>how old
you mean my actual age or my PC's age? i got it last december
>what hardware
Ryzen 3 2200G 8GB RAM 3200MHz 250GB SSD, I used the benchmark on the workshop to measure performance, and that was a week ago
Using the onboard graphics? With what driver?
cool specs
have you tried booting into a desktop environment that doesn't use up half of your CPU and GPU just to run smoothly?
pretty sure I was using AMDGPU, and yes, the onboard graphics
how come I get better performance on Windows, where barely moving the mouse around on an empty desktop consumes more than Cinnamon? explain this freetards
>pretty sure I was using AMDGPU
Doesn't tell me what I want to know since both graphics stacks use it. Were you running AMD's OpenGL driver, or a recent version of Mesa?
Mesa can be 50-100% faster in OpenGL workloads.
Keep in mind that either way compared to Linux right now Windows 'cheats' by using pre-compiled shaders. OpenGL, which CS:GO still uses on Linux, compiles shaders on demand
So if you're just firing the game up once to run a benchmark, keep in mind that on subsequent runs of the benchmark the shaders will be compiled.
I'm not exactly sure but I assume I wasn't using Mesa if it required me to tweak something around, is AMD's OpenGL driver default on Mint and Ubuntu?
Doesn't Steam now provide pre-compiled shaders for some games?
not sure which games rhough. Steam did download shader pre-cache for those of my games that use Vulkan.
Is CS:GO not using Vulkan yet?
No, Mesa is. However its frequently a version that is 6+ months old.
>Is CS:GO not using Vulkan yet?
No its still using OpenGL, they still haven't completed the upgrade to Source 2.
Valve is actually attacking this problem from both ends with Fossilize which will enable them to cache much more and even distribute cached objects in advance.
and ACO which can greatly increase compile time and performance for users of AMD hardware.
Do you ever look at someone and wonder how much you would have to mentally damage them for them to kill themselves even if they could kill you instead?
do you?
Yes, I think it's unhealthy.
Maybe it wouldn't have been if I only asked myself that about people I hated, but I ask myself that question with people I love.
>its the only modern platform that has both functional drivers for AMD GPUs
Too bad AMD only occupies a small niche in mid range builds. Nvidia is without competition in the high end market, and in the low end market they offer much better performance/watt. Either way you're getting a worse experience on Linux thanks to shitty Nvidia drivers.
>and a fast modern OpenGL stack.
Outside of a few CAD applications (which don't run on Linux in the first place) and some scientific applications, no one gives a shit about OpenGL in 2019.
>DXVK has proven to be fast enough that non-standard D3D games can actually run faster in the standards-compliance mode offered by Vulkan on GNU/Linux.
*for purely GPU bound games. I/O and CPU heavy games take a noticeable performance hit under Wine.
>Remember back when Internet Explorer was on top, and then suddenly everyone switched off of it because they finally realized how slow and shitty it had been that whole time?
No, Internet Explorer 6 was still a blight on the web when Chrome first released, and it wasn't until ~2012 that Internet Explorer was pushed down to 2nd place thanks to Google pushing Chrome so hard on desktop and mobile. Now the fate of new web standards are decided by Google and websites only target Blink, which is about as bad as the old situation if you care about an open web.
>Microsoft will be releasing a GNU/Linux based OS in the future
Not out of the realm of possibility, but somewhat doubtful due to the inevitable rewrite bugs and the fact that NT has some obscure features that have no 1:1 equivalent in Linux (or any *nix for that matter)
>just like they're switching on to KHTML/Webkit/Blink for their new browser.
There's so little KHTML left in Webkit/Blink it's almost a joke to mention it anymore. And again, this isn't a good thing for open standards.
I was happy gaming on Linux until I updated mesa to 19 and Tekken 7 suddenly stopped working on it. No idea why either - no errors on anything. I hit rematch and I get disconnected from my opponent - and Loading content takes a while. I tired to figure out how to roll back the drivers but I couldn't figure it out.
I'm sure there are boards that are more fit to discuss this issue, I don't think Yea Forums can provide you with any helpful advice
and since this is a thread about Linux gaming, best advice you will get here is the man page for how to go rm -rf --no-preserve-root yourself
is this the new desktop thread
Been using GNU/Linux for several years now, I can't go back to windows afterwards. Everything is just too convenient on Linux.
Only game I have had a problem running was Fallout 3 which was a buggy unplayable mess when I tried.
No fuck off
Linux, and unix-likes in general, are great for gaming. The issue is shitty fucking devs. So nothing new.
I have no idea how to debug such issue
maybe someone can direct you to a log that might hold some useful info
yes, post desktops of your Linux machines
>using a windows emulator
>using windows
I checked /var/log pretty deeply and found nothing. I think it might have been an issue with memory on the graphics card - something filled up the memory buffer and caused the thing to just fail upon trying to load assets, and if it failed to load assets it wouldn't connect.
Well, I apologize for not being on topic then.
I am currently using Xubuntu, I think it works decently, before it, I used Mint, but I couldn't install Steam on it for some reason, so I switched.
I have practically zero experience with wine itself (my limited experience is me trying to run SCP Containment Breach back when I used OSX).
I think that I generally get a more enjoyable experience with natively supported Linux titles, as such, I never run into common Windows issues such as a game freezing when I alt-tab or whatnot. I would definitely recommend it to people whose favorite titles are compatible, but otherwise, it's probably not worth switching over yet.
I really hope we can see things other than games seeing more Linux support, one of my friend makes music as a job and says that he'd love to switch over to Linux (mostly for the freedom reasons) but too little professional software receives support.
I wonder if we will see the birth of software/artificial intelligence that helps make programs run better on different operating systems, namely, Linux, it would certainly be great.
well yes, all Bethesda games were a fucking mess to get running in older versions of WINE
Except Morrowind due to OpenMW of course, and no idea how well DosBox ran even older Berhesda games
But in last few years WINE development picked up pace a lot, and with Lutris providing easy installation of most games, Bethesda games are now as simple to get running as on Windows.
>Now the fate of new web standards are decided by Google
However they are still published standards available to all to implement and not undefined non-standard behaviors that have to be reverse engineered, and the source code is still open.
>websites only target Blink
Untrue because Chrome is only as dominant as it is in the desktop space. While Mobile UNIX based OSes are completely dominant in terms of user base and Google does have a substantial share of that market Apple's Safari has a significant amount of web traffic.
Though to be honest Apple uses this market position to slow and degrade the adoption of modern standards much like Microsoft used to use IE to do the same.
It might be better to move on to an all Blink future without them. This is one of the beautiful things about open solutions after all, once you hit the optimal one nobody needs to maintain a different one unless it can prove some advantage.
When was the last time you thought about what audio decoder library you were using? Why not have a web that has simply hit that point of everyone standardizing on a single solution?
>There's so little KHTML left in Webkit/Blink it's almost a joke to mention it anymore
Nevertheless it was not created by Apple or Google and grew out of another open project.
>no one gives a shit about OpenGL in 2019.
Its extremely important for legacy game support at least until we have a fast OpenGL stack written on top of Vulkan.
>Either way you're getting a worse experience on Linux thanks to shitty Nvidia drivers.
However there are great AMD drivers, and if you're running Linux there is virtually no reason not to use them.
Nothing too fancy
Why not? Microsoft uses a compatibility layer now too. The last classic version of Windows is 7 and its on its way out the door in a matter of months.
All that's left is 8 the 'transition' and the brave new world of 10.
I don't. I hope more games are developed considering Linux in the equation. Have fun Yea Forumsro
>piping anything through lolcat
yes, very fabolus, you fag
nice desktop otherwise, I approve
>>no one gives a shit about OpenGL in 2019.
Except emulators
Emulators switching to Vulkan when?
Its happening, even the closed source emulators like Cemu are making the switch.
With open UNIX being dominant the dominant platform outside of AMD64 Vulkan makes the most sense instead of maintaining separate backends for legacy Windows, Windows 10, and GNU/Linux and Android/Linux.
I only game on Linux now that Proton works well enough