P3 = Mitsuru

P3 = Mitsuru
P4 = Rise
P5 = Makoto
Looks like we're finally in agreement on the best girls for each game

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I love Fuuka!

Attached: Manga Fuuka.png (928x754, 221K)

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The superior Niijima.

Attached: portrait.png (1280x1524, 2.89M)

anyone with a brain and isn't a faggot would agree that Naoto is the best persona girl PERIOD!

Attached: Naoto_arcade_artwork.jpg (1232x608, 226K)


Let me fix that for you
P3 = Fuuka
P4 = Chie
P5 = Makoto

Attached: 1457239868927.png (588x735, 416K)

why do normalfags like Ratoko so much

>2 smart hard asses and a slut
You may have mommy issues user

>anyone with a brain and isn't a faggot would agree that Naoto is the best persona girl PERIOD!

Attached: Kanji-coat2_400x400.jpg (400x400, 26K)

>best girl
fuck off

Kawakami and Tae are the best Persona 5 girls.

Attached: Dac4y0hUQAA3m9g.png large.png (2048x1480, 2.26M)

Also Kawakami

Attached: 1558057863901.jpg (850x1200, 306K)

>P3 = Mitsuru
>P4 = Yukiko
>P5 = Futaba


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a man of taste


Attached: illust_ac011.png (2048x2048, 593K)

P3 = Mitsuru
P4 = Margaret
P5 = Chihaya

Attached: 1514130384041.jpg (960x1440, 132K)

P3 = Mitsuru
P4 = Chie
P5 = Futaba

This is not up for debate.

that's cheating

Attached: 1561593381905.webm (853x480, 2.27M)

P3P= Shinjiro/Akihiko
P4=Chie/Naoto (this one is really close and very hard to choose who is better)

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Attached: 1561594796563.webm (853x480, 1.98M)

where the hell did all the Mitsurufags come from? I'm impressed by your good taste

Attached: Mitsuru Dancing.png (732x1280, 1.23M)

Attached: 1561597048896.webm (853x480, 1.5M)

Ouch so close,

P3 = Mitsuru
P4 = Rise
P5 = Ann!

Attached: 1512939752979.jpg (1024x1018, 123K)

Attached: 1561597637409.webm (853x480, 1.89M)

>Ann = becomes irrelevant after Yusuke's dungeon
>Makoto = maintains relevance throughout most of the game
>Futaba = maintains relevance throughout most of the game except most people prefer to sisterzone her
>Haru = shows up too late to be relevant and her own arc gets hijacked by Morgana

>Rise & Ann

you have a thing for sluts and are just choosing mitsuru out of laziness

Weird way to spell Kawamommy

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first point isn't even right

best girl right here

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really rude post

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Tfw Mitsuru will never execute your dick

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Is this an OVA?

lrn2greentext newfag


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Funny way to spell Fuuka, Chie, and Futaba.
Also you have to mention Eriko x2 and Lisa too, fag

Attached: 1554568523927.gif (300x171, 1.81M)

>13 year old user playing Persona 3 for the first time
>develops a fetish for tall redheads because of Mitsuru
thanks, Atlus

Attached: MitsuruKirijo.jpg (1200x1200, 163K)

Pls no.
I don't have time for Cutabaposting.

Not him but i can't remember something relevant Ann do after Madarame other that being a Slut in Shido palace

Based as fuck, If you play the game as a self insert i have no idea how you wouldnt pick kawakami unless your younger than her.
Being the same age as her i wish i had a girlfriend like her

Yuno or Yukari
RiseI cheated on Yukiko
Ann. Any other choice is incorrect


Attached: 1561500960296.jpg (900x900, 114K)

Kawakami is by far the worst older woman, why would you ever choose her over Tae, or even Chihaya and Ohya?

It's 1 am here and I'm super late on my work.
Well fuck it, I'll drop some.

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get this fucking NEET slut out of here

Fuck off Futaba discord

I love Anne.

Attached: EAFNTbGWkAA8NrG.png (324x344, 26K)

Attached: Sakura.Futaba.(Persona.5).full.2232036.jpg (876x1448, 1.06M)

Don't be rude!

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those words are not synonymous

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>Is actually best
What did he mean by this?

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Attached: 1561525883368.png (400x468, 201K)

>Reddit's favorite girl
>Uses literal Reddit memes
How can anyone like this trash character?

Attached: 58017620_p0.jpg (1185x1162, 599K)

I want Shadow Sae to blow on my dice.

Attached: shadow sae.png (512x512, 130K)

By not playing the shitty ATLUS USA translation like a filthy EOP

That's an easy one, user.
Futaba is very cute!

Attached: 74912338_p8.jpg (1544x2047, 976K)

Attached: futaba_sakura___shadow_by_urbatman-da88bfo.png (938x1249, 587K)

I meant you and all the other mommyfags have shit taste and couldn't handle a real woman like Takemi Tae.

Attached: 66253644_p0.png (700x988, 389K)

why is Yea Forums so mean

Attached: P5_portrait_of_Futaba_Sakura_without_glasses.png (512x512, 105K)

because you are spamming pictures like this was /c/

Attached: Futaba_Serious_Cut-in_2.png (872x632, 241K)

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I just want to fuck her, is that too hard to ask. Please god help a nigga out

Attached: 1429199409862.jpg (750x1000, 82K)

oh no images on an imageboard for a shitty thread that should be contained on /vg/ anyway

how awful

Attached: 22291217_444594109275088_7818663058258081350_o.jpg (1022x1019, 265K)

A picture is worth a million words.

Attached: 1545059406657.jpg (1836x2368, 535K)

>tfw you will never wake up next to Makoto and enjoy an uneventful day with her

Attached: 1493482847997.jpg (1189x644, 177K)

So close

Attached: still true.jpg (2535x1508, 918K)

This but with Anne

Attached: 1515522796668.jpg (1052x744, 106K)

>say thing
>everyone ignores you
>Makoto says thing
>"wow you're so smart"
Yeah, no. Fuck that shit character.

based but step off bro shes mine

>Thread becomes a Futaba thread

Attached: 1496765593710.png (1481x1780, 3.12M)

Futaba instigates 3somes with the other girls, hence is best girl.

Attached: Sakura.Futaba.(Persona.5).full.2232356.jpg (739x1184, 537K)

Attached: 1561607950731.png (800x800, 626K)

P5 = Ann

Futaba sure is polarizing. Seems like people are either fanatically in love with her or vehemently hate her.
Anyone else here merely indifferent to futaba?


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Man, you sure know how to pick second worst girls user. Good thing you managed to pick one worst girl instead or I might have been worried you were doing it on purpose.

if you don't love futaba then you don't belong here

Attached: futaba_sakura___insomnia_by_urbatman-da2g6ki.png (1024x1024, 435K)

I think she makes for a nice sister-in-law for my wife Makoto.

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She's the only character I legitimately dislike.

Attached: futaba_sakura___nue_by_urbatman-da5lpsx.png (1548x1548, 398K)


Attached: Futaba_Sad_Cut-in.png (872x632, 225K)

Dude did you even read my first reply? Im older then kawakami and dont have a mommy fetish.
My reply was kinda shitposty but ya know what i can even respect the fact you would go for the other older girls.
Kawakami is my choice because ive dated plenty of hot ambitious women and its made me realize one thing. When people say if you want someone to like you "Be yourself" Thats the biggest load of shit ever. Every girl i have ever had sex with or dated from 10's to uggos has been a complete lie on my part where i analyze everything i do to a meticulous autistic extent, It's like i pretend to be someone who isnt a wierd awkward fucking asshole. I am very good at this, I mimic regular body language, Fluent conversation but its not me.
As a byproduct of this every relationship somewhere after 6 months will eventually sour when i get tired of constantly keeping up this facade and the person starts to realize what an insufferable piece of shit i am. Most women dont even care that much but it falls apart when anyone is even the slightest step above low maintenance. I just wanna be my shitty self, i dont wanna reciprocate acts of kindness or go the extra mile. FUCK that im at peace with who i am.
Kawakami wouldnt give a fuck about that, Bills payed? House is in an unacceptable condition? Lets fuckin sit there and watch tv or something who cares? Shes not gonna be nagging you to work hard for a new promotion or to go do something, Fuckin Kawakami knows its good enough just leave it.

I dont care for her. She felt like the token quirky girl. Also being a computer hacker genius is always an unbelievably dumb character trope.

Kawakami is best girl. Fite me, m8

Attached: 9430580B-0156-4421-AABB-EC32D6955F3D.jpg (480x360, 14K)

are you just jealous?

Attached: 8alqyn1tjgsdso8_1280.png (872x632, 204K)

Kawakami wins.

Attached: Sakura.Futaba.(Persona.5).600.2302936.jpg (600x533, 40K)

of what? her deep complex character that she doesn't have?

yep you're jealous

Attached: futaba_sakura_by_13dice-daka84g.png (1024x549, 504K)

judging by this thread it's clear that futaba is best most relatable girl for Yea Forums

Attached: Sakura.Futaba.(Persona.5).full.2133857.jpg (511x733, 73K)



Attached: 5f6703439debf45f1af66f5859cbebaf.jpg (850x844, 51K)

it's one guy just dumping images

>Please god
Well, with that you're directly asking her, so you've got a start.

My wife Anne is the best.

P1= Maki
P2= Maya

True. Kawakami is the best

keep telling yourself that

The only true answer:
P5- Makoto
P4- Chie
P3- Akihiko

Attached: PersonaBG.jpg (1920x1080, 369K)

P1 = Ayase
P2 = Lisa

Attached: Sakura.Futaba.(Persona.5).full.2292092.png (500x461, 51K)

She’s a hoe


Attached: 885632.jpg (1920x1161, 777K)

Theres not a single thing about Fuuka that's worth while. Her VA sucks, her personality is not there, her design is okay but outclassed by every other Persona 3 girl.

>caring about englis VA
Typical brainless anti-Fuuka post

>3 legs

Fuuka's VA is amazing, Mamiko Noto is a great actress!
Fuuka's personality is great, and makes her a wonderful person to be with!
Fuuka has the appearance of an angel!

Attached: Fuuka Happy.jpg (515x641, 59K)

holy shit

She's CUTE you mother fucking philistine

Attached: 6.jpg (984x1400, 559K)

Only correct answer

Yes you do.

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2 vagánias

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I have never seen a list that is so wrong in my entire life.


Pretty garbage list mate.

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A shame they never made more brown waifus, Yuko was really cute

Attached: 1556508306433.jpg (350x350, 22K)

For me it's Aigis

Attached: 1477364071723.png (666x1200, 222K)

For me it’s Kawakami

She's pretty great. Damn comfy.

Attached: surprised.jpg (366x450, 32K)

The answer has always been:
Margaret or Chie

Empress is the dedicated BEST GIRL Arcana.

So close man, but for P5 I'd say Ann.

>implying Yea Forums could handle anyone but Futaba

>Well-adjusted girl with solid future plans in place
>brown qt
>Wants to coyly brag about our relationship in front of Yukari on the school trip
how this girl doesn't have more fans is beyond me

Attached: 1555363669769.png (379x555, 149K)

>Futabafag spamming images
>On top of that no one posted the true best girl list
I knew this board was shit.

I'm going to build a LEGO dollhouse with Makoto and you can't stop me!

cry harder and fuck off back to /vg/

Nice projecting, futabafaggot. Go back to your tranny ass discord server. No one but your cult likes that Reddit spewing l33t fag.

Smt has better waifus

I'd fuck'em all so i don't really give a shit about best girl. lmao.

which persona girl has the cutest feet?

For me it is Fuuka, Chie, and Tae

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lmao stay mad
you fucks couldn't even post your favorites with such dedication

fake ass ironic weebs

Ohh, you were doing so well until the end

Attached: 1557073081434.jpg (757x1024, 78K)

Absolute good taste user.

In-universe Futaba is a terrible choice since you're both under the same custody. You're just taking advantage of that and Sojiro outright disapproves of it.

Going purely off her design she's cute, so people who didn't play the game/don't care like her for largely that reason alone.


Sojiro says he doesn't want you to get with her then flips it around immediately and says he wouldn't truly mind.

Imagine spamming images on this god forsaken website. And who the hell would wanna be a weeb? Please, go the fuck back to the lands of Red and It.

imagine posting images on an imageboard

I'm not sure if you're joking, but that's not the point I'm trying to make.

Attached: D_uAtIkVUAExEyI.jpg (2482x2996, 559K)

P3 = Fuuka
P4 = Didn't like P3 enough to play
P5 = "" ""

it honestly pisses me off that girls like Sae and Tae don't get scenes on par with the rest of the main cast

Attached: 1409593949109.gif (500x250, 84K)


Fucking excellent. Even if I'm more of a Takemi guy, your list is practically perfect.

P3: Mitsuru or Aegis
P4: Naoto
P5: Kawakami
These are the best girls. This is fact.

My problem with Rise is she flirts with P3MC in PQ.

What the fuck? She's suppose to only be Yu-Sexual.

So...a Russian Sewer?

Attached: 1545781787148.png (1576x2600, 2.2M)

>you will never have a Takemi wife

Attached: 1540612292897.jpg (599x474, 44K)

These are the real best girls:
P3 Yukari
P4 Rise
P5 Futaba

Women > Girls

Attached: 1563149239631m.jpg (1024x1024, 58K)

Why are all the P5 girls so shit? Now that I think about it, why is P5 in general so shit?

yeah then they look like trash in 5 years

why is this post so shit
its like a shitpost or something

>Talking about P5 being bad when P4 is even worse
Don't think you're in good company with the P3bros. They think you're just as retarded.

the teacher in 3 was better

Attached: Persona 5.png (525x635, 295K)

Attached: 43d.gif (460x258, 1.25M)

Her social link is surprisingly fucked up.

maybe they're thinking
>tfw no anonymous Yea Forums poster husbando

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Attached: 26370263_p5.jpg (399x522, 82K)

She's the only girl that gives you a gift relevant to the MC's interests.

Check out this Ann Takamaki themed onahole I bought the last time I visited Akihabara!

Attached: F7CD6423-CFE1-40EC-8498-0DB533F87F21.jpg (1000x1000, 52K)

Based Taebro

Attached: tumblr_ork2ftRoXF1rscywco1_400.jpg (400x566, 41K)

Man of taste

She's so classy I want to marry her so bad bros

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Remind me again why women wear chokers?

Thanks for sharing, but nobody asked what you were..

Related to prostitution in the XIXth century
I think it looks fucking hot, though, because it accentuates slender necks.

Attached: Untitled.png (855x177, 35K)

i remember when someone was doing this but for neps

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Just replace Naoto with Rise and your list would be perfect

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