Stop having fun

>stop having fun

Attached: druckmann.jpg (400x400, 100K)

I need to start having fun again to spite him

He’s Israeli
Which means he’s circumcised (kek)
It also means he dressed up in an army outfit when he turned 17 or 18 or whatever age it is and played pretend army in their fake army that has women in “combat” (combat is entering Arab territory and shooting at little civilian kids throwing rocks)

He makes shitty games and belongs inside of a fucking real oven

>TLoU isn't fu-

Attached: God Tier TLOU Gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

I haven't had fun in about 14 years

God that looks clunky

Rent free.

Jews should be gassed and be killed.
Why do you think
Israel is the number one leading country in the world?
Because they're Jews man.

>combat is entering Arab territory and shooting at little civilian kids throwing rocks

sounds American

That headline did him a lot of disservice. If you read the article, he's talking about how he prefers to make The last of Us "engaging" since it's supposed to have a story and setting with heavy weight, and not a simple shooting spree like other zombie games.

Yes you have, you just lie to yourself to perpetuate your depression.


No he said he's rather make an immersive sim for stupid people instead of having interesting mechanics. It's pretty cut and dry

But you aren't supposed to enjoy killing those bandits trying to kill you and rape Ellie, you are supposed to feel bad and ashamed cause this is a serious drama like Druckmann said.

Thanks to Jacob Minkoff and Bruce Straley, not him.

>t. Neil Cuckman

Then he should make a game with less zombie and bandit shooting

Jews are cancer in human form

Based jew

imagine being unironically uncircimcised

Why is Antman telling me to not have fun?

This is actually also wrong. What he said was that the team internally doesn't use the word fun because it wouldn't be accurate to what they are going for. It isn't "fun" to play a horror game but it is deeply exhilarating and has a ton of tension so they would rather use the term engaging as that is a broader term than fun as fun in its noun form has an inherent lighthearted connotation.

I actually liked TLOU a good bit but I have no idea how these webms are supposed to make it look anything but clunky and a little aged.

Attached: 155258578721.png (463x492, 179K)

i thought Paul Rudd was a comedian, or sorta.