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yes i am going to charge up her loading ramp and you can't stop me
something wrong?
Everyone should watch the philosophy of Kreia
what was it about her that supposedly made her an amazing character again?
Introducing logic to someone who doesn't want it or believe in it is a big waste of time. aka 4cahnnel
neverming i remembered it, her being a cunt and disagreeing with essentially everything (if not straight up everything) i do or say. amazing complex character!
Reminder that there are only two canon playthroughs: Space Jesus and evil, psycho bitch Exile.
What about goody female exile
Who cares. If i read books i'd be on lit and if I watched movies I'd be on tv.
how does she believe in self-determination when she literally tells you your decisions are wrong ?
Literally tries to affect your every single decision no matter what the decision is.
Most of her lines are neither memorable nor engaging, her relationship with PC , again, is neither complicated nor does it fucking develop.
i won't bother shitting on all of those but good luck in life
based Avellone still making retards mad 15 years later
>how does she believe in self-determination when she literally tells you your decisions are wrong ?
She doesn't tell you all your decisions are wrong. She questions decisions you make that seem to offer no benefit or have no value to you and holds it against you if you can't justify your actions beyond "it was the right thing to do" or "weaklings deserve to die" etc.
Instead she tries to get you to act beyond being a sith or a jedi and following their respective codes, and instead be your own self motivated person.
Good post.
She wants you to question your actions. Even if she agrees with what you did, she'll still scold you. She trying to get you to think outside of the box.
Are there even any benefits to earning influence with her?
She does all her training stuff regardless.
Wait, she does? All the stat boosts and the prestige class? If so, I guess the only reason is for lore.
Being wise and making you think about your actions, as all teachers do.
>Nearly two hours long
>Anime girl avatar for the channel.
Going to take a leap of faith here and ignore these red flags.
You get to know more about Revan and her past.
>tfw reinstalling swtor right now
good man
>judging a book by its cover
>not considering the argument before it is even said.
>yet you browse this site
the irony. also
I despise that dude accent. So fucking bad. I could only listen for a few minutes before turning off.
Which is ironic because the video was specifically made for Yea Forums kotor threads.
>Yet you browse this site.
I use it as I would use a poison, and in hopes of understanding it, I will learn the way to kill it.
But perhaps these are excuses of an old man who has grown to rely on a thing he despises.
Kreia is unironically right, but the problem with her philosophy is that you cannot be passive and uncaring about a literal force of nature and expect it not to impact your life. The selection between good and evil is because those are the two most fundamental ways you can use it to change your life.
Kreia's idea of the outcast, as someone who could cut himself off from it and then live a perfectly natural and healthy life was completely undermined by it still shaping his destiny. That's why her goal is a noble one, but ultimately futile.
Kreia's Avellone self insert who just shits all over the concept of the force and the Jedi themselves.
what the FUCK was this dumb bitch's problem?
Avellone doesn't have the balls to create a story that can stand on it's own two legs, he has to create a character to critique his own work. every time, it's what a brainlet's conception of good writing would be
Imagine living in a world where ever using a single tool like a hammer or whatever would burn your hand. So everyone ends up never creating anything and living in the jungle. Yet, somehow, some people are able to use tools and the only thing they build are swords. And these people only use swords to fight everyone else as everyone else keeps dying.
Imagine learning this and finding out that the reason using tools hurt is because some God is autistic and doesn't want to be touched and it is linked with all of nature. And anyone that ends up using tools and nature must die so that nature can remain pure.
Imagine a world where you were forced to never do anything or else nukes fall from the sky every 10-30 years.
What other games did he write that had a "character to critique his own work"?
You have learned nothing.
You have failed her. Completely and utterly.
New Vegas?
Although Ulysses was right yet mad at the same time, so who knows.
>dude remember that we are bound by ideology of the past and doomed to repeat the mistakes of old
>also fuck you for doing your job, you fucked my life
It's pretty unfair to stay new vegas doesn't stand on its own without the DLC and without the DLC he barely exists
Sure the character exists, but he's pretty non-essential to the plot particularly compared to Kreia in Kotor 2
I don't really recall a character comparable to either existing in Planescape, so i still don't see your point anyway
He was also disappointed by TLJ, so it truly did rhyme.
>how does she believe in self-determination when she literally tells you your decisions are wrong ?
The fact that decisions can be considered "wrong" requires the ability of self determination
>calling it 4channel
Newfaggot or just a sucker of Hiro's shit tier rebranding attempts.
Not all your decisions are wrong. Trying to please her is wrong.
The way to make her happy is by taking her opinion and ideas into consideration, living for yourself and understanding how everything is related. Here's a good example of her trying to fuck with the Exile. After you leave Paragus, she blatantly tells you that the Jedi Masters were the ones that cut you off from the Force and hints that you should get vengeance. You can take this at face value and immediately go full Dark Side, yet she still calls you a dumb fuck for falling. If some random person tells you the truth and it's enough to fuck up your life and the lives of others, you've negated your means to live for yourself. Kreia just wants you to be human, think for yourself, never live for codes, ideologies or others.
There's a difference between being heavily critical and hardly giving praise and considering all your choices as wrong. You lack the qualification for self-determining if you take insult at her dismissal of your actions.
"I have thought of this moment, more than you know. And I wondered, if here, at this ending between us, if you would care enough to try to save me - if a Jedi could find it within themselves to spare one who has fallen so far. I wanted you to say those words - for that I am grateful."
This always came as such a gut punch to me, considering that vulnerability is something that Kreia seems to despise, even within her pupil/tutor relationship with you throughout the game. Having her admit that she does care about what the Exile thinks about her is such a humanizing moment, like she's taking a second to pause the charade and allow herself the indulgence of genuine intimacy right before her end, even if she slips back into the character of Darth Traya immediately afterwards.
What a retard
People use it ironically because it sounds stupid
>The fact that decisions can be considered "wrong" requires the ability of self determination
That depends. A contrarian would always say anything is wrong just because. But if you have a proper standard, then arguing that a choice is wrong echoes a correct answer. People are just too dumb to find the right answer.
And considering that nearly no one picked the right answer on the lesson of strength, I can only assume that even fewer ever understood her.
That's just a terrible character we assume is rational when really avellone was too busy/incompetent at the time
He makes more sense in his stupid holotapes than in anything he ever says. It's kinda bad.
I wonder if Obsidian actually intended for there to be a "neutral" path, espacially considering there's stuff like "Grey Jedi Robes" around, but had to cut it for the same reason as all the other stuff. I mean they even killed of the entire storyline for a Jedi Master already and instead let the exile find her (the Jedi Master) dead in a cell inside the Sith academy.
So unfortunate. Gameplay issues and autosave issues aside, the choices have consequences angle in Alpha Protocol was one of the best I have ever seen, and despite the epilogue "riding off on a boat" scene being very similar regardless of the endings you chose, the last-second-backstab ending on the "halbech route" was still surprisingly one of the most satisfying endings of all games I ever played.
Now if only this sort of thing could have been done with KOTOR2, which despite being a fun game seems to have the same limitations of being a "binary choice" game in 90% of all decisions like Bioware's KOTOR1 and it almost never felt like long-term consequences even exist from previous actions across arcs with very, very few exceptions like the kill/spare jedi masters decision.
If you have no ability to self determine then your choices have no meaning because your path is already determined. In that case is no wrong or right choice because you are only ever going to follow what's been laid out for you
>Reminder that there are only two canon playthroughs: Space Jesus and evil, psycho bitch Exile.
The "True" Canon ending is instablishing a new Empire that will be ruled by you and your overpowered force childern spawned by Mira, Visa, Handmaiden, and Atris. Your main army will be mostly Mandalorians. Bulked up by a new model line of HKs. You allow the Republic to stand on its own and heal. While you build your army and ready them for the True Sith Empire hiding in Uncharted Space.
The Second Mandalorian War: Deep Fried Sith Edition
lol no way fag
The path is determined but your choices affect everything else. There is a right or wrong choice beyond the path itself.
If the path is determined then there never was a choice to begin with, only the illusion of choice. thus there is no meangingful wrong choice if choosing is meaningless anyway
dont let Yea Forums see this
madam please draw your hood down. we're indoors.
I can hear that dudes voice perfectly
Found what you are looking for among the dead thread?
>tfw no KoTOR 3 where the Exile and Revan team up to fight the True Sith, and you play as a member of their forces
>Arren Kai, she was said to be beautiful, and strong in the Force..
You missed the pause, it added everything to it.
>She was....said to be beautiful, strong in the Force.
It's subtle yet perfect.
I can't listen to some ESL faggot talk for that long
His path is set!
She taught PC to forge their own path, to create far-reaching consequences and benefit from that, ride the tide so to speak. She also taught to always be aware of and be ready to deal with consequences. Shouldn't be a surprise that she respects someone who is going this far to uphold their beliefs despite everything.
English is my first language.