>he thinks Rondo isn't the best Castlevania
He thinks Rondo isn't the best Castlevania
Other urls found in this thread:
>When it's easier than 4 and has terrible "level design" that mostly consists of straight corridors of enemies
Yes, because it's Bloodlines.
It's good but overrated.
Level design is good from an exploarion standpoint, finding the secret paths and what not, but as an action game, it has mixed results. Some setpieces are smartly designed, but a lot of it feels like empty corridors without much thought put into it.
I actually enjoyed the SNES sequel/reimagining, Dracula XX more in terms of level design and difficulty. People shit on XX as being a "bad port of Rondo" when in reality it's a completely different game, goes to show you how much people parrot erroneous information.
Harmony of despair thread when?
I think Chronicles is the best classicvania
Indeed. The finest gameplay in Castlevania is none other than Richter in Harmony of Despair.
It's dead, Jim.
How's the Unity project going? Last I heard the dev went silent.
*Blocks your path indefinitely*
rondo marks the point where the series became too weeb
Curse of the Moon tbqhfdsn
Bloodlines is fucking kino
3 is the best, Rondo while I like it feels like they choose fighting monsters over platforming challenges, I will say the bosses are top notch.
But ONLY if you play as John Morris. If you play as Eric you're a faggot. John is so much fun once you figure out his whip swing.
I think it's disgusting to see the use of christian images like the crosses, holy water etc on this game. It's just weird. There's even an animation where jesus appear crucified in the cross. Gross.
>John is so much fun once you figure out his whip swing.
It still sucks. Bloodlines' gameplay isn't that good anyway. Collision detection is janky and honestly even superficial (but equally important) things, such as the whip sound effect sucks. CV1's whip sound had more oomph than Bloodlines' sad fart of a whip sound.
Still, good game overall, but it could have been better.
I hate going the main path in Rondo, mostly because the level design is boring and the remixes of Vampire Killer, Bloody Tears and Beginning are weak.
Dracula X has a better Divine Bloodlines
Crosses and holy water are a staple of Castlevania. I mean, they're fighting vampires and creatures of the night who fear the Lord.
The cross animation in Rondo is indeed weird, but it's not supposed to be the real Jesus, it's supposed to be a figure. Ever seen catholic churches? They have a lot of figures like that.
Simon's Quest
Quick while it's relevant,
I'm planning to get the ps4 cv collections even though I missed the discount by a day but fuck it whatever
Did they fix that weird bug in cv1 (cv3? One of the nes ones) where the game would crash at a certain point near the end?
why would you pay for that shitty collection when you can emulate them for free?
Trophy support.
Because playing stuff on pc and what is essentially stealing feels wrong to me
I'm a console peasant at heart I know
>implying a "hydro storm" isn't just rain
>and what is essentially stealing
Even if you actually think that Konami doesn't deserve money.
They gave us a collection which is more then they've done for years.
The least you can do is show support.
And no, "Good job on the collection konami but I'm going to pirate it anyway" does not count as support.
Yikes, talk about peak zoomer cringe.
Also moralfag cringe
clasicvanias < metroidvanias
I prefer when falling into pitfalls actually has consequences.
Which game had the best Dracula fight?
4's dracula fight will forever be the most castlekino because of the music change halfway through.
Castlevania IV because of Simon's theme during the final phase. pure kino.
It has the best bosses. I agree with though. It has somewhat mediocre level design.
really? i thought that fight was lame. dracula hardly changes at all in the second phase.
I believe the crashing/sound glitches in CV1 were due to them using the PRG0 rom and they swapped it out for PRG1 when they added in the japanese roms, so it should be fine now
AOS > bloodstainedROTN > SOTN
I havent played any of the whip classicvanias[/spoilers]
GBvania 2 is my favorite castlevania
Hello Castlevania friends, how are you doing this evening?
It's the only Classicvania with tolerable controls and for that it deserves a lot of credit.
64 and its sequel are pretty fun
I agree, gets way more hate than it deserves.
You don't deserve any credit if you think the other Classicvanias have intolerable controls.
The Adventure Rebirth is
people only like rondo the most because it's easy. change my mind.
Rondo is a fun game but they should have left out the anime shit. It doesn't fit Castlevania.
I've been wanting to make one for awhile. Would be cool to get a bunch of people and play online.
take your meds grandpa
okey ive just fisnshied SOTN like a couple of months ago and its easily one of my favs
so what are some other good igavanias???
im currently panning on playing aria of sorrow but i know theres a lot of them that came out on the GB and DS
Aria of Sorrow is pretty good. Dawn of Sorrow is also pretty good. Definitely play those. If you like them and want more of what they do, play Bloodstained.
Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia are also worth playing. Really, if you're a fan of the style they are all at least decent. Even Harmony of Dissonance isn't that bad.
There's also bloodstained but 3d visuals might (and understandably so) be a turnoff
this is the worst opinion in this thread
How can this game be soulful and soulless at the same time
>someone mentions HoD
>the urge to play comes screaming back
This is honestly what I think being a crack addict must be like. I put fucking thousands of hours into that game. If you played on Xbl we almost certainly matched
I thought it was pretty soulful, and I prefer the SOTN on there
I really like Rondo, but I always say Super Castlevania IV is my favorite. Its honestly a tie between Rondo, IV and Symphony.
It definitely has the best music
Honestly this is my favorite Castlevania
>Gives Drac a third form that isn't a laughable piece of shit like his original forms.
PSP limitations but they still tried their hardest. Might have lost a few things along the way but a 2.5d Castlevania with a massive budget could look very nice if given care.
It's doable but you'll take an eternity killing him. that game turns into a chore in a lot of parts just like Harmony of Dissonance.
>playing through Circle of the Moon and get to the bone dragon boss
This is fucking awful, how am I supposed to avoid shit with all the slowdowns?
Here she comes, the best Belmont!
hey remember when castlevania was a fun action platformer and not a shitty ripoff of metroid?
i do...
Unfortunately, staying in that genre would have likely killed the series fairly early on. Classicvanias had very limited replay value, and Iga was inspired to add all the RPG and Metroidvania elements to SotN after seeing a bunch of returned copies of Rondo of Blood at a game store. He wanted to give SotN staying power rather than have it be a quick romp that you could finish over a single weekend.
fun fact: Castlevania IV is the only CV game to get the lore right.
The blue cookie monster at the end of CV1 is NOT Dracula. You beat Dracula when you whip off his head, and his body gets divided in 8 different parts. The monster that appears afterwards is called "Curse of Man" ans is a different entity altogether. It's also the reason Simon got cursed and has to look for Dracula's body parts in Simon's Quest.
Source: comments with Akamatsu, CV's creator, that have been translated recently.
Interestingly, it's one of the weaker castlevania entries.
what game?
I didn't ask, retard
All Castlevanias are good.
>>hey remember when castlevania was a fun action platformer
yeah i sure do, too bad they stopped making them after OoE and Adventure ReBirth
zoom zoom
I disagree, one of my favorites. I never agreed with those who claim it's "too easy", its later levels are among the hardest levels in the series. Rondo never got too hard in comparison.
Also, the reason Castlevania IV got the lore right is mainly due to the Castlevania IV team being in direct contact with Akamatsu's team (III and IV were being developed at the same time, and the IV team consulted the original team a lot).
Later CV games were made by other teams. Both X68000/Chronicles and Rondo got the "Curse of Man" monster wrong and made it just as another form of Dracula.
You're too young to be here.
Holy shit man, kek'd irl
Also it may be my fav because it's the only one I have physical (twice)
I agree but only because of Maria.
CoTM is grossly underrated.
Classic CV games were the best. Rondo and Bloodlines are top tier games.
>once you figure out his whip swing
i always gave up on morris runs until i saw someone doing it online
Richter Belmont ain’t shit.
>but muh hydro storms and DIE MONSTER
Maria did the job better than he could and then he needed to get saved by floating vampire Jesus after he got Shafted. I mean shit, Simon got cursed and was at deaths door and still managed to unfuck himself. Richter screwed the pooch so hard it took Julius to restore honor to the Belmont name.
>he got Shafted
The game just wanted to make Alucard look cooler than any Belmont. It wasn't the best idea and overall the game feels rushed. It created a lot of stuff and is really good to play but it 'll never be my favorite
We can only hope Konami rerelease it in one of their Castlevania packs
Monkey paw scenario is it is online only
*offline only
Is there any consensus about the worst Metroidvania game? Harmony of Dissonance has boring map design and an awful soundtrack. The backtracking is also the worst in the series.
I remember a thread from a few days ago
There was no consensus over the best one, but pretty much every list ended with ">>>>> HoD" unless they hadn't played it
Each Belmont is confirmed to be stronger than the previous. That means Simon would have fucked up too if he was in Richter’s place.
I've only played Castlevania 1 and SotN, where should I go from here?
It's unironically the best of the 3Dvanias.
But I do?
The weird thing is that Akamatsu was still employed by Konami around the time Dracula X on the PC Engine, Vampire Killer on the Mega Drive and Akumajo Dracula on the X68000 were all being made, yet he hasn't been credited in a Konami game since Surprise Attack.
Did Rondo or Dracula X have the better Maria design?
You did backflip to catch all your orbs right?
People have actually played the game now, you know, since the japanese stopped gatekeeping and ported it. You can't pull this bullshit anymore.
>easier than 4
I recognise this shitposter anywhere. It's very easy and it's not even close to being as easy 4.
Sorry you just suck at video games. The final levels of 4 and Slogra are harder than anything in Rondo.
rondo is the best classicvania
metroidvanias made classicvanias forever irrelevant
I always felt like this game was a little stingy with the hearts, especially considering the item crash exists
Gloriously based.
Anyone has a link to that Rondo of Blood that didn't need an emulator?
Maria ey?
Rondo's the game everyone pretends to like but nobody played since only 2-3 dozen people ever owned a Turbo Graphix CD.
Even considering, SOTN has much more content, better music, runs smoother, and is in nearly all ways better.
It even has more corridors with enemies that die in two hits copy pasted a million times.
SOTN has way more enemies than Rondo and does not have horrible voice acting.
Look at a let's play of Rondo. The game, with cutscenes, is beat in under an hour. Not a speedrun. Easily beat in an hour.
Rondofags will defend this.
CV3 > Rondo > CV > SCV > CV2
What about Bloodlines?
>SOTN has way more enemies
A lot of them appear only in a few rooms and get killed before they can do shit. Also SotN last hours but a lot of it is just repetitive and unchallenging content, not actually interesting areas to explore.
Finally a respectable opinion in this thread. I'd swap CV3 and Rondo though.
You have a really shallow way of assessing games.
SotNfags think that quantity is everything, even if it's a lot of garbage.
Seconding this, never played Rondo.
>Look at a let's play of Rondo
Go away zoomer
I'd rather play something short and focused than something that overstays it welcome desu. Not taking sides since I haven't played Rondo of Blood yet but SotN's inverted castle was terrible and all of the early castlevanias are amazing despite lasting less than 2 hours.
Talk to me about Harmony of Despair.