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Smash Ultimate Fighters pass predictions thread
Nathan Gonzalez
Other urls found in this thread:
Noah Johnson
Yu-Gi-oh rep named Duelist that acts like a Pokemon Trainer, but closer to the Yu-gi-oh TCG with RNG, and more, but simpler monsters
Hudson Phillips
Just want to make this clear.
>no moveset potential
>dead franchise
>going to be bought by Disney
Cope, he's NEVER getting in.
Gavin Johnson
Porky and Doomguy.
Hunter Ward
This. Check my 5
Kevin Reed
>Dante from Devil May Cry
>Kazuya from Tekken
Check my 7
Zachary Peterson
Joshua Gray
Still waiting.
Adam Russell
I don't even play Kirby games, and yet this comic gets me every time! Just let them be together again!
Nolan King
I just thought, no matter if Jin or Kazuya, but a trailer to announce either one, alongside Dante, finishing with Devil Trigger and Devil form just about to go on, would be dope.
Ethan Thomas
Connor Evans
>I don't even play Kirby games
And it shows.
Christian Stewart
Not happening
Austin Wright
I know, but my feelings come from when I read this strips back when Four was still coming... maybe even before that. So they are very Smash related.
Caleb Cooper
Its time
Juan Hughes
If any first party is happening it's 100% porky at this point.
My other guess goes to Ryu Hayabusa
James Ramirez
Is based
>no moveset potential
Debatable but they made a pirhana plant work why not the old PS mascot?
Not really a problem with him getting in
>going to be bought by Disney
Nope, it was just some investor >Crash
Is based
>no moveset potential
Debatable but they made a pirhana plant work why not the old PS mascot?
Not really a problem with him getting in
>going to be bought by Disney
Nope, it was just a thought by some investor,
Try making valid arguments before posting this every smash thread faggot
Isaac Butler
Or, you know, First Party still could go to another Shillmon.
Caleb Ross
Amaterasu and shooty shooty bang bang man.
Caleb Morales
Kayden Diaz
That comic was the inspiration for my entire campaign. Before then, why would I think Adeleine would even have a Smash following after years of neglect?
Liam Myers
It's not gonna happen since assist trophy, but maybe next time...
Jacob Price
>Jack Cayman
Good choice
Nicholas Campbell
seethe more, he's just another cerealbox mascot.
Ayden Turner