What would be your ideal Digimon game?

What would be your ideal Digimon game?

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We're already having a Digimon thread

Sex simulator with Lilithmon.

Cyber Sleuth was pretty much it desu.
But it could be entirely possible that Survive shows me something I never even knew I wanted.

Date digiwaifus, and just maybe have them walk behind me

Leomon feet sniffing simulator.

When will they release it those on steam digibros?

Evolution system similar to World 3 (change evolutions at will during battle after unlocking them), but with World/Re:Digitize/Next 0rder style combat, except more specific and complex, such as for example being able to tell your Agumon to use Spit Fire in a certain direction or being able to give more specific movement orders such as "dodge in this direction". Let you have interactions with your mon similar to World DS but with more content.

An expanded Digimon World with a tweaked gym:

>you can only train three times a day
>it's always slots
>you get an exp multiplier for the stat/s that you train depending on the result
>your main source of stat gain is fighting, all food items also permanently increase stats

fuck spending 1/3 to half of a digi's lifespan watching them push boulders or run laps

>Digimon World 1.5
>All Digimon up to V-PET 6 and none after
>Low poly graphics but with DS3-tier lighting
>Setting is like Made in Abyss; you're on an island that descends seemingly infinitely into a crater and each layer is a different biome
>The narrative actually capitalizes on the fact that "mon" is a file extension and Digimon are digital life-forms created by the technological singularity
>Evolution is like in the old days and based on stats, care mistakes, environmental stimuli and the like instead of evolution lines
>Deliberate glitches that increase in severity as you descend, like stage hazards or the insanity effects from Eternal Darkness
>Dark Souls-style online play where you can invade others or co-op at limited times

Pretty much any Pokemon game.

>low poly graphics
my nigga

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Mystery dungeon like, you get a questionnaire and assigned a random digi
romance options

>give your digi more than three lives but make fights much harder
>if your digi gets knocked out they lose stats, you lose items
>a glitched copy-paste of your digi starts patrolling the area it was knocked out in
>if you can beat the glitch, you get back the stats / items
>other players can beat you to this
>however, if the glitch beats a player, it absorbs more stats / loot
>this can spiral out of control where a glitch can digivolve, learn techniques spontaneously, or split into multiples

One that had the combat/plot shit from the story games combined with the detailed pet raising from the world games.

he already existis and is digimon world 3

Attached: Digimon World 3 Angemon.png (640x480, 152K)

Ero datesim with all the waifumons. Except Renamon because fuck that casual garbage.

Is cyber sluts actually good?


I’m surprised digimon hasn’t had a full mystery dungeon style game. Something like azure dreams where half the game was dungeon crawling and half was town building and digimon raising would be amazing.

I’m really enjoying all these digimon threads lately. I even got convinced to get that anniversary digivice that’s coming out next month.

Does that game get better later on? I loved it as a kid but never finished it and I've tried to replay it a couple of times since but always get bored pretty quickly

Not really, I mean the story gets going, but it doesn't dramatically change the gameplay.

Digimon World 1's gameplay and setting but with digimon world 3's overworld aesthetic

Adding ultimates/super ultimates and waifumons was a mistake, digimon was coolest when it was about kids having adventures in an alien world and not UWU WHICH ONE OF MY HUMAN GIRLFRIENDS WILL I DO A FETCH QUEST FOR TODAY? COME ON LILITHMON/ANGEWOMAN/LADYDEVIMON LETS GO SEE NOKIA

Digimon World DS with 3D models and more Digimon.

Cyber Sleuth with Pokemon's combat system, a significantly less grindy evolution system and H scenes.

Sounds sick user. Remember those wireframe guys from Mt Infinity? It'd look like those.

>Some enemies can clip through walls and surprise attack you
>Wild Digimon have a small percentage chance to be inexplicably massive and give more exp
>An entire wall or area may be replaced with a “blue screen of death” which is lethal
>Digimon may be afflicted with “Flat” status from the original game, resembling its LCD sprite
>Screen effects such as white noise or pixellation, often where strong Digimon lurk

>every digimon having exactly 11 animations (stand cycle, reg. attack, projectile, heal/buff, special, flinch, block, weakened stand cycle, knockout, entry pose, winpose)
>every single projectile that isn't a special is the same slow-moving energy ball sprite with a lazy elemental background
>90% of the game is you looking at the same regular attack for the digimon you're levelling for the next thirty minutes, or the above-mentioned sprite
>the fucking grind
>the filler
>the grating regular battle music still burned in my brain after fourteen years - I heard it looking at your damn thumbnail

the card minigame was great, but fuck that game, you're out of your mind, it's the pissest-poorest kind of jrpg with a digimon paintjob

Not DW2, thats for sure.

Renamon dating and sex simulator

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Rapelay but with digimon

World 2 would have been much better if it didn't have that must DNA digivolve BS.

Digimon cyber sleuth-style gameplay with better sound-effects + at least 500 digimon.

Digital-world primarily, exploration based with tons of fields and dungeons, lots of optional areas with plenty of accessories digimon can wear.

Either: A FULLY customizable tamer OR a tamer who actually talks, has character development and makes their own choices with no stupid dialogue choices. None of this half-assed shit.

You can marry Rika.

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One that lets me fuck Nene.

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Can a human impregnate a Renamon?

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This but with Leomon

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Only if it's straight

Shadow of the Colossus combat but with a Last Guardian-style Digimon that you can ride, order around to assist in combat and use to solve puzzles. Digivolutions would be like World 3 where you can switch evolutions on the fly as long as you have them unlocked. Choices you make (including during dialogue) would be the primary determinate behind what evolutions you can unlock.

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>not wanting to get fucked by a large muscle lion
what a fag


Leomon only wants to fuck human women

a digimon story game that has all the digimon in it and takes place in the digital world.
it would also be cool to have an alignment system like smt where you can align with the royal knights or the demon lords. whichever side you pick also determines other groups you meet in the story - like, the royal knights path could have olympos xii and ban-tyo, the demon lords path could have the three musketeers and the d-brigade.

You get badass looking Megas like Diaboromon, Gallantmon, Beelzemon, GranKuwagamon, MaloMyotismon and one-shot everything, but the final battle is as mind-numbing as the very first. The card game almost makes it worthwhile - almost. If you couldn't beat it as a kid, it'll put you to sleep now.. so try it if you're an insomniac, or plod through it in a week or two if you get in a depressive slump.

you must be new

Digimon world 1 with all the bullshit taken out, things better explained and the camera zoomed out

Leomon only wants to fuck me (male)

An expanded world 1 but without making it easier

>not world 1
Just beat that last week man. Great, jank as fuck, but had a TON of soul.

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world 1 has a much more interesting overworld aesthetic

your quote is real, but not a real problem for me.

>tfw you learn that one last, rare, low-chance technique

fucking ult poop hell

I like it too but I love the sprites and artstyle in DW3 more. Stuff like the dojo training animations just have so much soul

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Digimon World, but good
the new Digimon World game was ok but it didn't have difficulty and had too much story
I just want to travel around beating the shit out of other digimon and experiencing their small stories while Ogremon fucks up everything cause he's a loser

Leomon is only into women

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Leomon was made to be mate pressed by old, fat men!

Look, I don't want my date to die of a car crash before even getting to my house.

I really want another 3D arena battler styled game. While I could get some enjoyment out of Digimon All-Star Rumble it left more to be desired.

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How about a dynasty warriors type game where you can digivolve based on how many units you've destroyed.

>Let you have interactions with your mon similar to World DS but with more content.
Yes please!

I agree on cyber sleuth, but I would improve the combat if I could. Maybe make it like SMT4 with the smirk system when you target weakness.

Any chance Next Order might get ported?

Please no. I don't want to lewd WereGarurumon

Hey you seem cool user you got a fuckin steam?

A true sequel to the original World, none of this stupid wannabe re:digitize bullshit

What games are like Digimon World DS?

Dawn/Dusk and Cyber Sleuth

Hacker Memory/Cyber Sleuth but every digimon ever made in it.

If we're lucky. It's really fucking good.

3D action game based on Frontier with real time Slide Evolution.

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Well buy cyber sleuth on switch/PC to let them know there's demand for ports

I definitely will.
This would be pretty fucking fun too

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OP said ideal, not worst possible. Are you trying to fucking recreate World 4?

I meant a good action game, not a World 4 grindfest ARPG.

I vaguely remember it being said in the show that Angemon was as strong as a digimon 1-evolution higher.
But dino-mons got all the spot-light
Does Angemon even have a WarGreymon-level evolution?
(Also Patamon becoming a gay horse was lame. But Kari's long fingerless gloves were great)

Every game I've played with Imperialdramon Paladin Mode has made it to where he's trash. What games are out there where he's actually pretty good?

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POST YOUR FAVORITE DIGIMON DESIGN I would unironically get this on a white hoodie.

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Digimon Card Battle 2

digimon world 1

Megaman BattleNetwork gameplay but instead of Navi's you have digimon.
If fucking toho could get a battle network game Digimon should too.

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WOW! a metal greymon and a metal mamemon..

Pretty much cyber slueth but I wanna be able to do more cute stuff with my digimon

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Why the fuck did the localizers think that everyone needed to say something every 2 seconds in the digimon movie? I watched bokura no war game first then the dub, really boggles my mind how the characters never shut up even in serious moments. Also the "LETS KICK IT UPPP" song just fucking kills me

i'd say cyber sleuth with more thought put into the moves. not the special moves all the digimon get at least one of but the generic ones. would get rid of them and put in moves similar, frankly, to pokemon moves

Based. It was better than the real card game.


I loved it as a kid and I still do so I guess mission accomplished

A Story game that features more armor evolutions. I just want to use my bro.

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The music the americans got in the series is really sad. It really fucked the movie over.

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I just want a world game where you actually have some semblance of control over your digimon. next orders ai was atrocious

This was kino

One of the best designs made for anything.

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>implying the only good thing from the American movie wasn't the ost


Angewomon prostitution game where you force her to whore herself

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You REALLY like yellow and blue, user

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I just want an updated digimon digital card battle with upgraded graphics

That song is ok I will admit, but the dub royally fucked the best moment in the whole franchise

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That fact that he doesnt say omegamon bothers me immensely

Give me more Cyber Sleuth but increase the scope so it's not a handheld game.

>world 1 is better than world 3
Take off your nostalgia googles.

Luckily as a grunt mon hes in every game

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>Cyber Sleuth
October 18.

Digimon World 3 with a few changes.
>Reduce the backtracking
>Less grinding
>More original locations and maybe a postgame involving going to the real world where you would have a campaign to complete with digimon appearing there because of A.o.A's actions or whatever
>Remade battle system with better functions and higher quality BGs and models.

its literally, physically impossible for 3 to be better than 1. what a fucking joke. i wipe my fucking ass with 3. 1 is one of the most creative and unique games ever made

>mfw I am trying to get H kabuterimon in Digimon world 1
Shit is hard man.

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Scared the shit out of me as a kid when I watched the shitty dubbed movie(s) that were spliced into 1. Genuinely like his design.

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Another one of those brawler fighting game

It wouldn’t even take much to vastly improve cyber sleuth.
>shitty ass nonsensical dialogue that makes Pokémon’s seem god tier
>Reduce the paths smaller digimon can take/aka less random difivolutions, though some can stay.
>Make the game about exploring the digimon world again
>Make it like Pokémon on a board game, with up to 10 skills instead of 4 attacks
>Include every digimon possible, plus add about 100 brand new ones
>customizable OC character
BOOM. 10/10 digimon game


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>it wouldn't take much to vastly improve cyber sleuth, all they have to do is change every aspect of the game and casualize it!

It’s already casualized to hell, what are you on about? There’s almost no good features in cyber sleuth save for the actual digimon, that was kind of my point. I love digimon, grew up on the shows, had toys, but both cyber sleuths are garbage, and I couldn’t finish either. Bought both, couldn’t finish either. It’s a literal bore fest

>>Include every digimon possible, plus add about 100 brand new ones
>bro just add 1300 digimon

you want evolutions casualized because your zoomer brain can't keep up with the options.


>>Reduce the paths smaller digimon can take/aka less random difivolutions, though some can stay
Terrible fucking idea stick to pokemon bro

>game lets you walk digimon home gently

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After P5, I cannot play a sterile turn based rpg that’s 3 v 3 with no interesting mechanics

Why does Lopmon's whole line have god tier designs?

A cross between Digimon Battle Spirit 1.5 and 2 with more digimon and customizable digivolution options.

>What would be your ideal Digimon game?
A better version of World 3, or the DS games.

A game where you can buff the shit out of your Digimon so that your favourite Rookie can beat the fuck out of Megas would be nice.

What's with this bullshit against World 1?

>All encounters/battles in the same physical world.
>Non negotiable best OST of the 3 "Worlds". One of the better OST's period
>Unique digivolution chart as far as requirements, variants, and how to get there
>Interesting game direction based on "secrets" like the invisible bridge, Rain Plant, Vademon, Coelamon crossing

Flaws in 1
>That literal jew cheating "bonus" try in the gym
>On the other side of a great digivolution chart, there was next to no information about how to get certain Digimon without reading something or guessing
>rough as fuck translation sometimes if you don't find it funny

Love World 2 and 3 though

Yeah this is my only big problem with CS. It needs some unique battle features to help diversify the move list away from just being homogenized elemental attacks and bog standard status effect/buff/debuff/heal moves.

Much as I hate everything else from the DS games, I do wish we still had the lane-based combat from them

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canon digivolutions never ever

I hated 1. Most of the game you will be spending time in the gym.

You mean what the digimon toys were in the beginning?

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that's only true if you're bad

I'll never forget when I bought the blue one from the mall in my hometown. Jesus christ I still can't believe we went through a Tamagochi phase.

digimon world 2 but with more digimon

Armor evolutions are fucking cool desu. One of the best things to come out of season 2. Clearly armor digivolutions can be champion and mega right? MAGNAMON is clearly mega

Digimon world 1 style MMO with a different lifecycle system so I can collect shit

not my absolute favorite but I really like the Doru line, minus Dorugamon.

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This but Palmon instead

I don’t know what it is, but something about this design just speaks to me on a spiritual level.

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>remove digivolution lock
>make the regular battles not last 17 years
>add at least a bit of texture variety to dungeons
There, DW2 is fixed now.

It’s great.

Dw3 card battle game deserves to be a standalone game.

I want to impregnate Minervamon.

This but Angewomon instead

This reminds me of the day I chatted with cat fucker. Pic related.

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That man's arguments are so right that they leave no room for debate.

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This. I want my best bros best form to actually be good.
>pic not related.

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Who's your fave royal knight?

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Since day 1

The anime always makes him look shit because they don't think about colour or shading and just pick a random berry red and make him look lumpy instead of using HIGH CONTRAST SHADOWS like in the V-pet art

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>that insomniacoverlord sequence with gatomon and the horses.

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Why is there spiderweb coming out of her mouth?


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The new digimon game looks alright.

I'm worried they delayed it for another year so they could make a full anime series of it instead of making a quality product though which doesn't bode well

t. World 1 player
Touched 2. Liked the graphics at the time, but didn't like playing it as a kid, so it was kusoge.

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What the fuck is that?

>t. World 1 player

Tyrannomon was awful in that game. If I ever raised one it always took a one way trip to that dinosaur zone where time is super fast so it could die of old age. Same with whamon. Shitmons don't get to eat though my meat stash

Golemon's been my boy since I was kid, so it's hard to have an unbiased opinion design-wise. But I love how classic Digimon had that weird, beat up, stapled together and fleshy look. Whamon's a close second, if not tied with the entire dioaboromon line

Also, post 'em

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the fuck are you on about? meat is sold in the shop, are you some sort of poorfag?

>tfw no gazimon partner

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He was literally the 2nd best adult Digimon stat-wise from the original V-pet, after only Greymon.

Dinosaur zone was based though, as was MASTER Tyrannomon.

>are you some sort of poorfag?
shhh he hasn't heard about the Mojyamon trick yet.

Remove all digimon that aren't cute girls.

Just play gatchamon you nigger.

remove you

What if all Digimon had

>Burst mode (for combat)
>Cute girl mode (for cuddles)
>LCD mode (for transport)

But monstrous digimon that are female by definition are cute girls to me.

lets NOT get this tread deleted instead of archived. WORST DIGIMON THAT YOU GOT. POST EM'

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i want a game where you are trainer but you dont have a digimon and you just go to the digiworld and beat the shit out of everybody, yakuza gameplay style.

>I am pic related btw

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Someone liked DW2? Impossible

but that is a child who suffers from autism.

The pokemon one

A game of the movie where they fight Diaboromon through the internet

it's just a red agumon

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Next Order has been a blast to be honest, I want more like that but with a less silly training system.

Also, add in fuckable female Digimon because Rosemon, Angewomon and Sakuyamon can GET IT


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I wanted fucking Greymon, I'm sick of getting fucking Tirannomon.

I wouldn't mind a game where your Digimon aren't all forced in to Manlet mode and they had sizes like the anime did.

I miss Garudamon being a daikaiju.

DW2 is pretty fun, i think

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>making anyone repent

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Yeah, a big part of my attraction to Digimon is the Kaiju-size battles.

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Cyber Sluts but with better locations, more complex battle system/digivolution mechanics and featuring all Digimon. Of course since that is a pipe dream, I'd settle for a Cyber Sluts like game featuring Bellestarmon.

I do, but only if it’s LadyWeregarurumon.

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Another digimon world 1 with the same art style as the current digimon world 1.
Digimon world 1 is in my top 5 games of all fucking time and I replay it constantly.
It is quite literally one of the most perfect games ever created.

A persona game...but with digimons!

Faggots like you is why digimon is an absolute joke of a franchise now. Kill yourself.

God hand but instead of leveling up everyone digivolves

MC has 1 Partner with recruitable Humans who have their own partners

Map and Combat is Next Order styled but includes more accessible landmarks like the Dark Area and Yggdrasil/Homeostasis

Stats/Grinding are handled like Cyber Sleuth including the Digimon lab stuff so you can freely travel between forms and moves/passive traits being transferrable across forms.

Partner talks VIA utilizing the generic personality system and influences the plot. Certain Digimon have mini events(EX: If your Digimon belongs to a faction like Royal Knights or Demon Lords a Digimon may decide to not fight you) and having parameters are a certain level let you bypass obstacles or do things like fly/fast travel.

Minimum of a starting 400 Digimon roster. Future DLC includes X-Antibodies and whatever new yet hyped up Digimon that haven't been in (Three Musketeers,the Olympos XII,Banchos etc)

Multiple ended plot with one where you save the Digital World,one where you fail to,one where you rule it and one where you completely destroy it

Digimon Amie

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I don't particularly like any of them

have this cool art of diablomon as a royal knight tho

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A game where you can suck on Wargreymon's toes.

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Him and his cousin.

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Macros VFX 2 for the ps.


Digimon kart racing is kino.
Not even joking.

>cyber sluts pc
So denuvo is as good as confirmed?

He was really strong in DW3

Is he bad in other games or something?

It's possible, but a lot of recent bamco games don't have it. Fingers crossed CS and Survive don't either.

Make way for Lopmon #1!

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I don't know about you, but he's right. It can talk, and thus consent, and that's all it matters. Your personal feelings don't on the contrary. Not being able to talk, and therefore, not consent is precisely the number one principal reason people are against zoophilia.

jobs badly in the anime

do you have a blank version of this?

A game has never had so much soul, and also no soul at all at the same time.

I just wish the gameplay matched the graphics in terms of effort and love. Could have been a legendary game.

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Is it worth getting the Switch collection when it comes out or is going to be a major downgraded experience from PS4? Pokemon can go fuck itself.

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I always wondered if the backgrounds are pre-rendered 3D or handmade 2D

It’s all hand drawn.

Digimon World 1 with the advanced training of Re:Digitize and Terriermon.

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This guy is fucking retarded

I fucking loved Analogman as a villain, he's just and old weaboo fag that wanted to make digis work for us, like any other digital program should.

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In terms of visuals?

They were originally Vita titles, so it should run fine on switch.

My guess is it'll either be 1080p 30fps or like 720p or 900p at 60; though 1080 60 is also possible.

I like that he just keeps coming back. It's ridiculous. You have universe-rending forces of digital corruption and deletion, world-sized monstrosities looking to assimilate everything, and the most resilient antagonist is...some nerd.

What the fuck. Racist

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Digimon World 3 was shit bro.

The concept was good friends play a VR Digimon MMO,and it all goes to shit but the more you play the clearer you can see they just dropped the fucking ball. I honestly believe most people who praise the game have never played it to the end and instead were just blown away that it's one of the few Digimon games to both feature a Turn based system where you can digivolve in battle and is also 1 on 1

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Examon how big is an exabyte anyway

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A game where you actually play as the digimon
But it doesn't suck like World 4

literal perfection all the way through

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Dw3 is a 9.5/10 game and if it featured the tournament from the start of the game it would have easily been a 10/10 game.
Also, nice rare dw3 pic, will masturbate to it.

Let me guess, that bad boy is 300$+?

Which tournament?

These, basically. PMD format of choosing player character, gaining new team mates & later switching the leader is absolutely ideal

Some based taste in this thread

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I never really watched the anime only played the old games.

How bad is he in the anime?

The tournament from the start of the game that gets canceled because you all got trapped.
The medals you collect from city leaders are the equivalent of gym badges in pokemon.

There are 2 certainties in the anime: Leomon will always die, and Seraphimon will always job
I never watched anything past the X-evolution movie but I assume these still uphold

Oh shit I completely forgot about that

Who's your favorite Greymon?

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Metal X & War X are cool too though

It’s between Geo and Rize for me. Heavily leaning on Rize though.

Digimon World but harder, a more complex battle system, with more secrets. But i haven't played the new one so i don't know how it is.

Is Cyber Sluts good? I need to fill the void that Pokémon left.
Are Renamon and/or Imperialdramon in it? Those are my favorites.

Metal (original)

Yes they are.

They look good together.

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Rizegreymon is such a badass design

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a turn based rpg with a good story, all the digimons, CaCs and good ass online mode

Dunno. Always wanted something that mixes raising a Digimon and transporting between digital and real worlds, but Cyber Sleuth already does that.

Would be great if we got a localization of the Adventure game.

>The Pipeworks Godzilla fighting games
>But with Digimon instead

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my boy Wargreymon X

Metal X. Just look at him

i think they are mostly adults except for maybe rapidmon and magnamon, is all too confusing where to put them if you ask me because tailmon into nefertimon were both adult but ultimate digimon continue to evolve. im not nitpicking though is a big mess i enjoy about the franchise

One where I can give Leomon an oil massage and lick every inch of his massive feet

i get the feeling sagittarimon was planned to be a jogress of fladramon and lighdramon based on how its design has very characteristic details from both digimon, but it seems they scrapped that idea just to fill the empty slot needed for v-mon's evolution with the egg of hope.

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Nefertimon has an X-form

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>Those Centarumon flying in the background

Came here to post this

yeah but aren't Xvolutions just a change of appearance? like they get a boost maybe but they are still in the same level

Oh course. This is the primary reason 02 is disliked; they had such fantastic ideas to add to the basic concept of the franchise but executed them so poorly they were never revisited.

Armour and fusion are both fantastic alternatives to the standard model of power creep that no other monster franchise has STILL (unless you count Dragon Quest but the fusion isn't the same) but it was so half-assed that they just moved on from it in the next season.

Sure, but it's still weird an armor-level even has the X-antibody

02 gave us Exveemon which is up there with Leomon as one of the most lewded characters in the fanbase

maybe X are like megas in pokemon, they picked their favorites
im glad they intorduced jogress, sucks omegamon was not featured in the series, and also the choice of who gets to fuse was very weird

Make a split Digimon game.
One for gameplay
One for breeding
You can get both and they make a "complete"game, but you don't need both of you're not into what the other specializes in.
The gameplay version still has light breeding, but it's more tamagotchi-tier simple, so you're not wasting time on that bs. But if you want to go full autism/comfy, you have that version.
Not too many Digimon (for practical reasons), but your digivolve on the fly and can unlock different paths, maybe balance it like the mmo.

Or just do an action rpg, like Frontier. You can play from different perspectives. after you beat the game with all the protags, you unlock the antag story-mode and can have a small squad.

She's never showing up again is she bros?

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are all of them gonna have their own official child forms and fused spirits?

Thank u

If they're actually making a game that includes every Digimon they'll have to think of something

The game goes to shit after a while but I still have the fondest memories
Also it would need a million QoL changes. Game's too slow for the end game grind and random encounters are atrocious at some points. Also fuck counter crests
It should just be DW1 but with today's technology and QoL changes. I replay these games at least once a year because they're to comfy

They literally don't even have to

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with over a thousand of them, can it be possible to make a game including them all? can an MMORPG be able to handle this much content?

iirc they said they're already working on the 3D models. We'll have it some day, maybe not in this generation of consoles, but it's coming. And it's going to be kino

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this one

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i rather get sent to the digital world and live there. i would gladly have adventures with my digibro lalamon

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This but IRL

is that big, which is why it took them years to finally be rendered, is shit like this why i love digimon.

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Absolutely based and patrician taste

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Victory greymon

I want Rosemon and bancho Lilimon to peg my anus!

>there will never be another digimon movie directed by mamoru hosoda
the style used in his movies was perfect for this series

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>Dw3 is a 9.5/10 game
Again only a person who hasn't played through it till the end can say this shit. The game even has the shitty mentality to hide an important item that is necessary for you to progress behind a building with no obvious heads up

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Leomon died in the first 5 minutes in X-evolution

Digimon world but with better graphics and maybe a more advanced gameplay. The thing that i liked most about the original Digimon world was that stuff wasn't too obvious. You had to figure out yourself how to evolve to later stages and there were no tools ingame that kept track or gave you hints. Digimon world next order is mindless fun. But it's missing the key factors that made digimon world what it was and it's way too easy. Digimon world 3 was pretty good too. Something like that but with better graphics and more endgame mons too pick from would be nice. Cyber Sleuth also misses some key factors, but it's kinda on the right track, a better world design is needed tho and skip the useless side quests and focus on something worthwhile.


in digimon savers, bancholeomon sacrifices his life so the cast can reach their ultimate form. digimon xros wars didn't feature leomon so no deaths there afaik but in tri, leomon dies

he's too busy being used to make propaganda videos for abe

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Digimon world 4 with more Digitations and more weapons, and a longer story.

and yes i love Digimon World 4 Fite me

>and yes i love Digimon World 4
so this is what pokefags play huh?

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>i love Digimon World 4
Literally how is this possible

not him but i always found dw4 kind of a guilty pleasure, but i also like dungeon crawlers

>those 40 second long loading between areas, especially in the digi base with a dozen of them
>digimon with guns
>you “find” evolutions in horifically hard dungeons instead of the regular way
>digimon with laser swords
>2p literally does not gain abilities and skills at all
Fuck that garbage game.
Even data squad is better.

i fin this game being made just for the sake of releasing something and bad timing too since there was that zelda an the 4 swords game which at first people would consider the digimon game a cheap knockoff of the zelda game. the movie cutscenes had nothing to do with the game at all. is just a convoluted mess that could've been better if they were given more time to develop it

>>digimon with guns
>>digimon with laser swords
What the fuck is wrong with that?

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>2p does not gain skills and abilities at all
did this only happen on certain versions?
i played it with a friend on gamecube and didn't have this problem

It's a great game beset with mechanics that they refuse to explain. Such as why digimon suddenly stop leveling and how dna digivolving working

plus the added grind accompanied by said dna digivolving mechanic.

>>digimon with guns

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>AI will never advance to the state where you can have a Digimon partner who perfectly complements your personality

I just want to remind everyone that Etemon has a massive bulge OwO
have a nice day

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Digimon World Remake with an actual 3D world. but closely replicating the 90s internet era digital world.
Same digimon raise mechanics but less cryptic and with some more information within the game.
Also way more digimons.
Also some balancing tweaks.

there'd need to be major advances in a-life for that to happen, not just ai.

Cyber Sleuth as a base and keep improving it

Digimon Racing was unironically good
I think it did boss battles before Mario Kart too

>Literally a puppet
That's just stuffing

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What about cyber sluts?

his suit is very tight, there's no stuffing
also his evolution has a great ass

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Dw4 masterrace

all the other ones are for cucks

The thing about DW3 is that you can actually beat almost all of the game with just one Digimon. There is one random mob near the very end that can require a second sacrificial backup to beat but otherwise I didn't give a crap about anything other than my starting Guilmon.

Literally pay to have any kind of fun. Want your favorite Digimon? Pay for it or spend fucking days and month looking for that egg and hatching it. Finally got your favorite Digimon? Spend more thousands of hours grinding so it can Digivolve to Ultimate level

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Digimon world 3 with better mid/late story and side quests

I'm amazed that game is still alive. It's what, 8 years old now? Are there that many whales keeping it profitable?

My boy

I actually like it too

Although I could only stand to play through it once with my gf

They really should have made evolutions available...you know, BEFORE postgame

The monster raising from DW1, some single player adventure and an MMO layer for the post game

No u

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>Oh but you get three Digimon (Out of fucking 500) for free.
>But you have to pay for their Ultimate forms too lmao :3333
Fuck that game

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I have never played a Digimon game but watched some episodes on VHS as a kid along with the movie. I'm excited to play Cyber Sleuth on the switch later but what older games are good and worth emulating?


I plan to get it on PC. It's just my personal shit tier list of games I have played.

Check World 1, 2, 3, Digital Card Battle, World DS and Dusk/Dawn. Look at gameplay videos or test them out for a while, they all have flaws, some more prominent than others, but if you can stomach them you may enjoy them.

He also jobbed in Hurricane Towuchdown and also V-tamer
It's a running joke, not that known as Leomon tho, that Angemon are jobbers

Who'd be your Digimon partner?
Personally one of these goofballs

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Digimon Adventure 01 with a bit more of a challenge. Also, spanning other series.

Both of them if possible.

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It's the same shit throughout.
Eliminate all the damn load screens and make side quests less retarded. We might then have a more solid game.

>bancholeomon sacrifices his life so the cast can reach their ultimate form
No he doesn't. He helps train them so they can reach ultimate form. Where he "dies" is when he freezes himself to stop the digital world from falling onto the real world and destroying everything

>digimon xros wars didn't feature leomon so no deaths there afaik
Mad Leomon dies in like episode 2 or 3

is his sacrifice that pushed them to reach ultimate form

bearmon or lalamon, maybe gomamon

No, they reached it several episodes before that point. They were still in the digital world when they went ultimate, and banchou leomon "dies" in the real world

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I would like dw3 with the second server being completely different instead of a color swap.

I can't decide anymore

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Do gameplay mods for the Digimon World games exist?

These two pics made me remember how this dude was one of my first faps.
Digimon as a whole in fact.

Somewhere between W1 and W3. W1 felt personal cause you were raising a creature and it would evolve based on how you raised it, and three had great atmosphere and a decent story. I particularly like the prerendered graphics, with circuits etc. built into the landscape. Maybe have an optional pokemon mystery dungeon style quiz at the beginning to get your partner(s), and go from there.

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You just know

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Why is this design allowed

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Why not?

Think of the children

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The black server has been activated. Prepared for the beginning of a new world order.

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Is there one of these with Gundramon?

Digimon Adventure or a story like it in JRPG format, with the characters operating like those of Xenoblade 2 so there is a character with a "weapon" subordinate character. Digivolution works as a combo of Limit Breaker and leveling up. There is a pokégrooming dynamic so characters can interact with their partner digimon so the relationship has in game value, which benefits in battle. The full group of characters begins as 5-6 which you're only ever able to play with a max of 3-4. The game will start with you beginning as one kid group up with others you meet while trying to find your way out of this new world, while also trying to reconnect with other kids you discover are also there with you. You'll be able to recruit new children as the story goes on. I think it'd work best with Persona 5-like turn-based combat.

Cyber sleuth is great minus the lack of the Digital World.

You know what? Fuck it. I'd be okay with this.

>the card minigame was great
no it wasn't
what fucking moron thought it was a good idea that opponents never shuffle their decks, but you do? having to play around AI freeze bug spam is also cancer

There should be

Yeah we do

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DW3 would be perfect if it had a New Game+, more digivolutions, and digivolution lines that actually made sense (i.e. not MetalMamemon -> MetalGarurumon -> MegaGargomon) and actual fucking attack animations.
The cardgame also needs some fucking effort put into it, in Amaterasu Server every fucking person has a deck filled with Freeze Bug and cards that either wipe your hand or your board.

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Rumble Arena 3

A JRPG-ish game set in a Nine Realms-like setting inspired by Norse Mythology. As in there is no one Digital World, but nine of them inspired by said Nine Realms. A setting where the various lore and mythos that the franchise produced is combined and blended to be coherent. A setting where the mons have their own communities to the point that they range from small villages to whole nations.

Also MC and co have a airship to move large distances between faraway points and which also counts as a base of operation.

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Thank you for reminding me that Digimon provided some of my earliest faps.

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Lots of DW3 criticism ITT but no one addressing the core problems, which are slow and boring battles, constant random encounters, ridiculous grinding etc. I've lost my patience for turn based battles as I got older so I'd have the battles be more dynamic and the Digimon you have more interactive and involved in the gameplay, combat that evolves as you progress etc, but that might not be everyone's preference.

I'd also make late game content and areas more varied, revisiting Asuka but dangerous and in purple wasn't bad, I'd just make it so there's something beyond it.

Also Plug Cape is best track.

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You're welcome, user-kun

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Next order, but convoluted like dw1 and no human characters besides the protagonist

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I wonder what would be like to have a Lordknightmon gf

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>What would be your ideal Digimon game?
Action game in the veins of DMC/Bayonetta staring Renamon, her special attacks will act like weapons where switchin causes her fighting style to change accordingly, and her evolutions acts like a tiered DTs, Champion lasts the longest, but has the weakest attributes and is fastest to regain meter, Perfect has balanced boost balanced with longevity and meter gain, Ultimate lasts little but has the strongest boosts, takes the longest to gain meter.

Story is how she's stranded in the digital world, trying to complete the mission given to her and her deceased Tamer of unraveling and solving the mistery behind the disappearance of the Royal Knights and the Ten Legendary Warriors, and putting an end to the Seven Great Demon Lords reign who, in the absense of the digital world's guardians, took arms and overpowered the Celstial Digimon, gaining control over most of the digiworld.

Pretty autistic and WAAAAAY out there, I know, but I'd kill for a game like this. I don't think there are enough Digimon games that dig deep into the different factions and organizations and their relationships with one another. They're either relegated to a small side content, like Dusk/Dawn having a quest where you fight the Demon Lords but that's about it, or just a Digimon you can get.

this but with flamedramon and swimsuit dlc

Soulful games that are a chore to play is one of the biggest sins one can commit in vidya.

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That's because the "factions" and "organizations" don't really mean anything and basically only exist so you can have a set bonus in the TCG focused parts of the franchise. Many Digimon were created specifically for that purpose; most of the OXII, for example, didn't exist until the card-based mobileshit games

>Snow Agumon doesn't have a Snow Greymon line too
I don't understand


>Take Digimon World Next 0rder
>Keep the visuals, music and ExE mechanic.
>Remove shit characters, remove shit story.
>Add a CS or even a Dawn/Dusk level cast of Digimon you can use.
>An edgy, yet well written more adult themed story, but not railroading you into it to allow the player to go fuck off and recruit mons to your town.
But that's just personal taste. Most people would disagree.

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the gameplay is utter shit. At least DW2 tried something different with the roguelike aspect. DW1 is still the best by far

Hey dont act like do dont jerk it bro. Besides angewomon and ladydevimon are some OG fap material.

N0's amount of usable Digimon is about on par with CS's though. They share most of the same models and animations.

>"cute" instead of "hot"
who the fuck was responsible for this translation? Someone from here?

DW3 > DW1 > DW2

Possibly. I remember in another recent Bamco translation, for SRW X, someone actually said "don't be such a pleb."

And it digivolves to Lilithmon

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>tfw there are like 50 digimons I could choose from and I have to choose only one
jesus FUCK

This would be my partner. Though, it's way too difficult to choose who because of how good they are.

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I remember that. it was some good shit.

it ages like shit, it was slow paced, combat was really bad but the ideas were there.
Holy shit if it was like the DS games and used the sprites in battle instead of those dodgy 3D models and they put some more budget into attack visuals that alone would make the visuals at least a 10/10

Game itself was grindy (what digimon game isn't) and the combat was way too simple.
and the plot at least tried to do something.
>Get trapped in an MMO, released pre-2000
this shit got copied so much now.

>He chokes on a dinner roll before you can even have sex

Holy fuck that's a cool design. I wish there were proper heavy-looking /m/ beetle digimon for his Adult, Perfect and Ultimate

Third wheels are not allowed.

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I don't fucking know why, but I think that's a really cute design.

I remember this dude being in my deck for a good chunk of Digital Card Battle. I loved how each step he took felt really heavy and powerful in the animations.

This is the correct opinion

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I know, right? They obviously should be a trio, what with them having moves like Poseidon Force and Hades Force.

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It's called evolution dumbass.

It looks more like Black is trying his hardest to knee his crotch

No it just depersonalizes the monsters. My agumon bro should not be able to de-digivolve into a guilmon. It doesn’t go with the anime and just makes the whole thing seem like they gave it half a modicum of thought. You honestly think having everything be able to turn into everything is good in some sense? It’s a lazy tactic. One could say they are just data or whatever, but the anime never had the main characters digi-bro turn into another rookie type from what I can remember. But you faggots will back anything as long as it’s digimon

>V-PET 6
No such thing.

They only went up to 5. They released a 6 but it was just a cut down pendulum 1.

They should include all the pendulum digimon too as well as all 5 versions.

Maybe not the megas though.

The influence from the anime was so weird. the V-pet and original digimon world game digimon couldn't go back, then that came out and it became one of the series biggest staples.

Add more!

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The franchise existed long before the anime, faggotron. What you want is what's lazy, they stuck to one evolution line so they could reuse evolution stock footage and not have to draw new animation models for every possible evolution

>>All Digimon up to V-PET 6 and none after
Oh come on, that's kind of unbased. There were so many good designs after it

i hope at least ReArise GB happens when Links shuts down.

Fucking Based

Where I can have my favourite digimon as my main digimon. (Gatomon).

Maybe a game where I can basically follow the plot of the anime series as I cba to rewatch the show.

I agree with you. At the very least Digimon should be only be allowed to evolve within their own families. This is something Links did right.

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The anime is what the games should be based on. Original characters in the digimon world. Not shit like cyber sleuth. Digimon will never shine again as long as games like that are their best medium. It would be so easy to go any other route.
False. Imagine if Pikachu looked different in base form every other episode. And you so called fans wonder why the series is a dumpster fire now. It was good at one point. The new monsters are the only good elements to come out of the last what, 10 years?

>that middle one
Bruh look at his neck

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>ywn fuck angewomon

Their crotchplates are in the way.

There are so many I would take I literally can't decide. However, I think I'd have to pick Kunemon. Even as a little kid I liked the wormy fucker.
Plus imagine this.
>Normal Ultimate is Grandkawagamon
> Matrix evolution into GrandisKawagamon.
>Universe implodes due to the amount of chuuni in one location.

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Both Kunemons are god tier. Dokunemon is fucking great just because of Dokugumon and Arachnemon.

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>does not disprove anything with his post

>And you so called fans wonder why the series is a dumpster fire now
Yeah, sure, the variability of evolutions and designs are the problem, not the complete mismanagement of the anime shoving out shitty cashgrab sequels that take a dump all over the original

>The new monsters are the only good elements to come out of the last what, 10 years?
The new games are better than the old ones ever were, and tell better stories than the anime in general.

Please don't make fun of Arresterdramon. He suffered enough.

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>Team Rocketmons will never be in a good anime
it hurts.

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>Imagine if Pikachu looked different in base form
yeah, just imagine.

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Just go with the one you think is the strongest.

I mean shit,if they're your partner that means you're gonna be facing other Digimon and when it comes to those conflicts might makes right. So even if you choose something you don't think you'd have that good of a time with like Machinedramon you can always just beat the fuck out of something you would like and then recruit it. Something "unique" like Seadramon is gonna get you killed or unable to do that.

>Just go with the one you think is the strongest.
I'm not a min-max player, I prefer more the design over the strength really. That's why I can't deal with DMO.

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His design is really under appreciated tbqh

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That's not the issue tbqh, you get tons of eggs from events. BUT you need to have a 5/5 digimon to make it a 6/6 and then you need clones and backups to make it stronger, but that's not all you need seals and accessories which you can farm BUT you either need to use the cash shop to buy the seal openers or option change stones or buy from other players. And that's just to make seals and accessories worth it.

But you can get those ingame, if you wait for an event that gives seal openers which hardly ever happens and if you're strong enough you do colosseum and wait 1 MONTH to get option change stones if you have enough vouchers from that arena.

This could have been a great game if it had none of this p2w shit.

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I don't disagree although cyber sleuth wasn't that far off from the anime general idea. It's just you spent very little time in the actual digital world and just on the casuals "normal people can access" internet VR.

The plot twists and reveals came so fucking late in the game it was disappointing. If you found out the VR internet was a lot earlier and actually had a chapter or two in the real digital world that would be 10x better.

Man, I last played years ago. I can't believe it got even worse than I remember, didn't think that was possible

It really only has the novelty of having alot of Digimon.
Even the base gameplay pretty much sucks, most Digimon just have 2 skills, and they're both attacks usually.

>This could have been a great game if it had none of this p2w shit.
This much is the truth. DMO has a god tier design, but the P2W murders it so fucking hard. It's everything you'd want for a Digimon MMO, but then, old KR men want money and ruin it the fuck up.

A Digimon game where I get to show my partner what the internet really is.

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And you can't even customize your character. Why? This is an MMO, I want my Digimon tamer to be a cute blonde tomboy

How kind of you.
Mepismon tried its hardest to be a top cute. This was the before

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Is Digimon World 2 worth playing?


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>be careful of who you call ugly in high school

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Is there seriously no private server that streamlines the grind?

This but with Weregarurumon

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N0 has about 30 less mons than Cyber Sleuth but a lot of the ones it has are boring recolours which aren't actually in Cyber Sleuth.

Hackers memory has loads more digimon though and not many recolour roster padders.

im not a furry, but...

nice feet

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look at this dude

i would like at least one game to have an arena-fighter-style gameplay when you enter a battle instead of turn-based so you can directly control your digimon and attack the opponent. there's not many if any good digimon games where you get to play as a digimon but i wouldn't want to be stuck with only the one digimon.

well the ReArise jap twitter announced the Global release back in May saying it was coming out SOON

Since August 1 is a important date in Digimon I'd say ReArise has a good chance of coming that date. Also the 20th Anniversary vpets release in August 1. Coincidince? I think not

I want to fuck Flamedramon

I want to get fucked by Flamedramon

If you exclude all the recolours, variations (think x-antibodies) and lazy combinations (xros wars) are there more Pokemon than Digimon?

The one where I can play as an actual digimon like an ARPG, digivole myself to whatever, go on an adventure or stay on a farm to raise a family with a digimon wife.

Basically, Dragon's Dogma + Digimon + Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Depends on if we exclude all the Pokemon recolors, variations (think alolan forms), and lazy designs (ditto, voltorb), and everything else I arbirtrarily think doesn't count as a Pokemon

No. Pretty sure there's still more than 1000

I want to 69 Flamedramon

i wasnt being arbitrary

>Dragon's Dogma + Digimon + Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
So Digimon World 4

Purizu respond

It's slow as shit. Got some nice music and 3D models though. If you can make it through, like, the second dungeon without losing your will to live, you can probably stomach the whole game. If it seems slow and tedious at that point already, probably not.
Helps if you can speed it up through emulator.

Devil may cry gameplay with all the royal knights and a 2D side scroller like Megaman X with Beelzemon as the protagonist
With over 100 bosses

Does pokemon have recolours and alolan forms are never really included in the total pokemon count.

You mention lazy designs but those are all included in the canon pokemon count. Digimon doesnt have anything like that except maybe the reference book and the lazy combinations he mentioned are the ones that appear in xros wars or the manga and are never mentioned anywhere else and arent in the reference book.

Yeah, except its actually a full game with things to do.

I don't really care about Digimon at all, but this line is dank as fuck.