It's halfway through 2019. How do we feel about video games?

It's halfway through 2019. How do we feel about video games?

Attached: the vidya.png (726x108, 9K)

I think they suck, but I'll keep playing

I like them and think that most games coming out are fun.

They are fucking shit. I own every console and gaming pc and Witcher 3 is literally the only good game that came out this whole gen.

They're shit but I have nothing better to do.
Still have to buy a major AAA after ME3.

>Witcher 3 is literally the only good game that came out this whole gen

>talk to NPC
>snarky, sarcastic response A
>snarky, sarcastic response B
>snarky, sarcastic response C
>head to quest marker on minimap
>activate Detective Mode
>follow the bamham footprints
>find the monster
>quest completed HAAAAAAAAA
>head to main quest marker on minimap

I like videogames, but I hate you.

Only faggots and niggers waste their time with video games.


The normalfags have killed gaming by normalizing lootboxes and other toxic practices.
I think I am going to start reading literature instead.