It's halfway through 2019. How do we feel about video games?

It's halfway through 2019. How do we feel about video games?

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I think they suck, but I'll keep playing

I like them and think that most games coming out are fun.

They are fucking shit. I own every console and gaming pc and Witcher 3 is literally the only good game that came out this whole gen.

They're shit but I have nothing better to do.
Still have to buy a major AAA after ME3.

>Witcher 3 is literally the only good game that came out this whole gen

>talk to NPC
>snarky, sarcastic response A
>snarky, sarcastic response B
>snarky, sarcastic response C
>head to quest marker on minimap
>activate Detective Mode
>follow the bamham footprints
>find the monster
>quest completed HAAAAAAAAA
>head to main quest marker on minimap

I like videogames, but I hate you.

Only faggots and niggers waste their time with video games.


The normalfags have killed gaming by normalizing lootboxes and other toxic practices.
I think I am going to start reading literature instead.


I've bought DMC5, SamSho, and RE2 this year. I also went back and played Vanquish, Dishonored 2, and RE4 for the first time. It's been a decent year. We'll see how it ends up. I'm 50/50 on getting the new Fire Emblem.

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So far 2019 has been better than 2018 but not as good as 2017.

>Pathologic 2
>Resident Evil 2
Pretty cool year.

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Cope more cybertranny

yeah but it's fun to play

I played some darn good video games this year. I'd say it feels pretty good

Start with the Greeks!

They're pretty much all shit but I finally decided to give The Witcher 3 a go and I'm having a blast.

It was fun and I liked the story

Imo the best overall gen since the PS2/Gamecube/Xbox era.

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>the only good game this gen is a movie with dogshit gameplay

you did it user, you simplified a game loop via greentext

what's the next step of your master plan?

The best year in gaming history, 1998, took place during gen 5, you fucking retard zoomer.

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Theres always good games. Theres also a very loud layer of BS from people who pretend to like vidya trying to infect anything popular. So just like any year in vidya.

They’re oky

>Theres always good games
Sekiro. RE2make. That's it. Wow, so good year.

Have there even been any releases this year?

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Proves how shit this gen has been

I fucking hate videogames

>How do we feel about video games?
In general? They're fun.

For this year?
>Dusk so close to this year that I'm including it because fuck you
>Amid Evil
>Fell Seal Arbiter's Mark
>EDF 5 on PC
>Ion Maiden in August
>Classic WoW also in August
>Doom Eternal in November
>Prodeus supposedly sometime this year
>Wrath Aeon of Ruin is soon™
This year is shaping up to have been much better than recent ones. Still haven't played Mordhau or Total War: Three Kingdoms, but those look cool too.

>reading comprehension

I release big doo doo from my butt. :)

It's a bit repetitive but has that kind of story and curiosity about quests that make its repetition enjoyable. Just look ass odyssey, combat is better, environment is bigger and better detailed but is still shit and soulless compared to TW3.

I haven't heard of any game on you list except dusk and that's because some pretentious faggot who only plays early access games told me about it. Kill yourself

It's worse than ever.


>I don't play video games but come to the video game board to shitpost
You first, fuckboy. (you)

>having to compare witcher to ubishit for it to look good

2019 has been a shitty year, 2018 was pretty bad too.. will it ever get better again or is it all downhill

>I play rehashed versions of 30 year old games, you're just to smallbrained to do the same
Die in a fire

I've never heard of any of this garbage. Stop playing shit games.

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PS2/Gamecube/Xbox were gen 6 you absolute fucking mouth breather. Neck yourself.

>2019 has been a shitty year
how so?

>Classic WoW
Will you be playing it?

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They are great. I fucking love videogames. I played some this year and had a blast.

the games so far have been meh, thats mostly due to my personal tastes and the upcoming ones don't really excite me either, maybe im outgrowing my love for games I seem to play them less and less

he was never even talking about the best year. he just said this gen is the best since gen 6. his opinion on anything prior to gen 6 is irrelevant. god you're fucking retarded.

Well the last time a 3D RPG was released was 4 years ago so.....

>Am now 25
>finally starting to outgrow vidya
>only really have an interest in replaying old games
>new shit just doesn't really interest me
trying to find a new hobby fucking blows

My nigga. You see they're doing stuff with an experimental build? Doesn't seem to be a lot too it, but they're adding some hidden endgame boss fights on top of various changes/fixes.

You realize posting this faggot makes you as bad as the twitchbabbies that follow him, right?

Yea Forums has only one feeling. And you know which one it is.

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the only upcoming game i'm excited for is desperados 3 and i'm doubtful it will even release this year.

This is what happens when and industry turns its back on its consumers.

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Shitposting in the videogame board of Yea Forums is a real man's pastime

I love this toast... rule 63 when?

Bannerlord might finally release this year, so that's pretty cool. That's about all though.

try playing a genre you aren't familiar with.

Based. Fuck playing video games. Vidya is for literal MANCHILDREN and nothing could change that fact no matter how many mental gymnastics you go through.


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creepy ass serial killer eyes

>proving me right by posting generic, idiotic bullshit just like the cesspool that is Twitch chat
Thanks. Hope you enjoy being cancer.

You're wasting your time,