Redpill me on splinter cell...

Redpill me on splinter cell, the HD trilogy and double agent are on sale on ps3[\spoiler] + something called splinter cell essentials, wtf is that? Should I?

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Splinter Cell Trilogy and Double Agent are fantastic games

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If you have to pick one, go for Chaos Theory. That's undoubtedly the best game in the series, with one of the best video game soundtracks of all time.

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The series starts off good, gradually gets better, peaks at Chaos Theory, then slowly goes downhill before taking a nosedive with Blacklist

Wasn't the ps3 version of double agent different from the ps2 one or something? Which one is better?

Simply the best stealth series ever

If you buy the Essentials, then you can't play them unless you have a hacked PS3 so that you can play PSP games on it in 720p
This is the part where I mock you because you don't have a hacked PS3 AHAHAHAH

If you can, get the PS2 version of Double Agent. Its a completely different game from the PC/PS3 Double Agent. Story and gameplay have huge differences

PS2/Xbox version is leagues better than the 360/PS3/PC versions. Its amore akin to Chaos Theory, while the newer generation version is very different

Chaos Theory and the first game are must-plays
Pandora tomorrow and Double Agent are top tier
the rest are still worth playing if you like the series

why is pandora tomorrow not in the echelon edition on steam?

>before taking a nosedive with Blacklist
I'd say Conviction is where the series shit the bed. Blacklist, as flawed as it was, at least allowed some flexibility in approaching the mission. Well, that and I like to dress up my characters so I appreciated the uniforms (also, if you don't wear the Revenant uniform in the last mission, you're no friend of mine).

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No no. Conviction is the nosedive. Blacklist is the series being set back on a good path.

Cuz its a broken piece of shit on PC

all i want is a chaos theory multiplayer standalone release. that's all i want bros.

not to get a siege-esque revamp treatment, and not the one-step-forward-two-steps-back that was blacklist's multiplayer. i just want chaos theory mercs vs spies in the modern year.

look at how successful dead by daylight is, which is basically the same gameplay loop with even fewer mechanics to get excited about.

jesus fucking christ is this too much to ask

there is literally a ripped multiplayer of CT going around, posted on Yea Forums a bunch of times.

hard part is getting someone to play it with you

>Blacklist is the series being set back on a good path
Ehh, Sam should've retired or taken over the place of a director of 4th Echelon, he's just too old. Not only that, but he got his daughter back, so there was nothing to drive him to continue. I don't really think Briggs has the charisma to carry the franchise (and it's not because he's black), but I'd rather see him on the ground than Sam. Now, if only Archer was alive to get paired up with Kestrel (at least when he gets out of coma)...

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Splinter cell is essential to stealth niggas.

They didn't bother to port the multiplayer for Chaos Theory. Just pirate it. Don't give Ubisoft your money.

basically this
I remember someone saying that Pandora tomorrow used some lighting tricks that can't be emulated well with modern hardware or something
Haven't played it in time but I remember it standing up with the rest of the series up to that point

If you plan on getting Double Agent then get an OG Xbox and buy yourself a copy because that's the best version. You can also play the PS2 version which is a good alternative if you don't have an Xbox.

I can thank chaos theory for getting me into amon tobin

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