>games that deserve a sequel yet will never get one
and I guess on a similar note ign.com
Games that deserve a sequel yet will never get one
That game was too great for us, we didn't deserve it
i remember playing the beta for this and i made a viewtiful joe character.
Fun times.
>could of gotten a sequel on the scale of LBP2 that would give you even more control over track and character creation
>instead we get Little Big Planet Karting which was a stepdown both in terms of modnations racing and Little Big Planets freedom
>The studio then shuts down
This game had no right to be as good as it was. Great racing mechanics that were simple to understand but challenging to master. Spent hours on the modspot just fucking around, drifting in circles. We’ll never get a game with customization this good again. I miss it bros.
What a stupid top. They did put some hidden gems in (Speed freaks, Walt Disney Magical Racing, Konami Crazy), but the order is completely fucked. Who the fuck puts Mario kart 8 at the top when it's bland as fuck ? Even for a casual choice there are funnier/soulful Mario karts like Double Dash. And Looney tunes racing is hot garbage put insanely high, insulting all the previous ones.
If there was ever an example to disregard video-game journalist, this would be it. This is not even a case of bad taste, its just flat-out dick sucking in an attempt to please the public opinion, which is that MK is the pinnacle of kart racing when so so SO many others have already surpassed 8, even games on that dog shit list.
The AI was so well implemented that I had much more challenge against them than most players online. I just plan to pirate the game and all DLC and go back one day.
Not to mention that UFG also developed Sleeping Dogs- an exceptional open-world game that's far more charming than GTA V or Saints Row 3/4.
>ModNation comes out and is fucking amazing
>Sony realizes its just like a LBP karting game
>Sony forces Media Molecule to make a LBP Karting and abandons ModNation
>LBP Karting was shallow and soulless
>both karting games end up dying in the end
>Sleeping Dogs
God I had forgot, yet another gem just left behind for no reason.
>LBP is gone
>Modnation Racers is gone
>LBP Karting is gone
>Blur is gone
>Split/Second is gone
>Sonic Riders is gone
>Burnout is gone
>WipEout is gone
>Need For Speed is raped to an unrecognizable state
Why do all the good racing games die? Why cant normalscum get interested in something that isnt Mario Kart?
We don't talk about F-Zero.
CTR released not even that long ago.
Goddammit, I came of age in the late 90s when we had all manner of different racers coming out all the time. It was great fun.
Not its not enough that Mario Kart is bland as fuck, NO, instead we need an avalanche of fucking racing sims to replace all of them so a few pathetic retards can pretend they're actually skilled at something.
Let Forza, Project Cars, and all the goddam others just die already and bring back some good, enjoyable arcade racers.
Yeah but that's like one game out of a sea of good ones.
The problem is that even with CTR being an almost unrealistically perfect re-make of the game normal-fags still would prefer mario kart when given the choice.
We'll have to wait for indies to save the genre by loading the market with low poly games in 30 years
>better than the game it was based off of in every way
>will never be seen again
>rollcage came back as GRIP:Combat Racing
>Wipeout trying to come back as PACER
Its a start but these arent actually Kart racing games.
blame the fucking zoomers they don't don't play racing games that's isn't forza
okay now you're just being fucking retarded
>got shat on for being a clone of smash
>the biggest fucking complaint wasn't the fucked balanced between characters and their all stars
>but that it didn't copy smash enough with having ring outs being the way to score
I didnt understand then, I dont understand now and believe that I will never understand how people still say this.
Or at least an (uncensored) Switch port, for fuck's sake.
I said it before and ill say it again
playstation all stars is what happens when sakurai only listens to "muh relevancy" fags
name one (1) relevant character in playstation all stars
cloe,nathan drake,donte,and raiden where relevant characters at the time the game came out but no one gave a fuck about them is the point I was trying to make
how were any of them relevant in any way
Raiden, who was on the verge of getting Rising.
Big Daddy, whos stage was literally Bioshock infinite before the game even came out.
no one knew who any of those characters were
>nobody knows who Raiden, of Metal Gear Solid is
>nobody knows who Big Daddy, of the over-hyped Bioshlock Infinite is
>nobody knows who Kratos, the literal posterboy of PS2 era Sony is
not even worth a reply
Seriously, the emphasis on realistic driving games manages to piss me off more and more each year.
You know what? I remember playing Gran Turismo 4 and whatnot years ago and it was a great time. Now here we are, 15 or so years later, and we have similar titles with the same exact fucking tracks and cars. The graphics are prettier. The physics models are somewhat improved. But you know what?
It still feels pretty much the same as it did tooling around in GT4 years ago.
I'm seriously fucking tired of these millennials and zoomers who think that a game has to be hyper realistic to be good. You shouldn't need a goddam racing wheel to even stand a chance in order to have fun.
What's it gonna take to get a new Ridge Racer (not that Unbounded abomination). Or a new San Francisco Rush-type title? Or a new F-Zero oh wait that will require Miyamoto to get shuffled off into a nursing home and Japs live forever so n/m.
Bah, whatever, get off my lawn you fucks.
I still have this game, it's actually good. Its a shame the online multiplayer went offline not too long ago and that United Front Games went defunct :,(.
Rollcage was pretty good from what I recall. That fact that Sony never followed up on it is a crime.
I would honesty settle for a port that runs at 60 fps with better load times.
Thoroughly enjoyed a ton of the mods that came out of it. You had expected shit like Mario and Spider-Man, but then you had shit like Gitaroo Man.
>What's it gonna take to get a new Ridge Racer (not that Unbounded abomination).
Its kinda sad that the last real ridge racer was Ridge racer 7 which was a launch title for the PS3.
>Jak X not even on the list
This is easily the most criminally under rated kart racer. The weapons and boost system alone make it one of the most interesting to play.
I don't even care if Naughty Dog don't make another platformer again, I just want them to make another racing game.
Man, all those PS3 era franchises Sony has that got 0 (zero) games on PS4
>Blur is gone
It still hurts. It was so good. Those sounds. Those visuals. That feel. This feel.
>a port when all the tracks, mods and karts went down with the server
I don't know man, to me the only way to bring it back would be a proper sequel.
>It still feels pretty much the same as it did tooling around in GT4 years ago.
Therein lies the problem. Cartoony wacky racers require unique features to draw in a audience. They need to make themselves distinct from the competition ( Mario Kart ) whereas realistic racers only need to give you nice graphics and pretty cars. Sports games suffer from this as well. I remember playing some goofy sports games in the past. One of them was a baseball where if you hit the batter too many times he'll beat the shit out of the pitcher. Those kind of games are rare nowadays. People just love their realism. I will never understand people who buy football games. THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME!
Clive Barker's
What was the name of that baseball game?
A sequel or a remaster. This was a Ninja Theory game btw.
The director's ending when he talks to his clone and he embarrasses him big insinuating that his penis is bigger with a large sausage on a fork.
Sorry user but there is no way I can find the game, there are just too many baseball games to cipher through. the only thing I remember from it was a cheat code that made all the players into anthro horses and once when I and a friend hit a batter he beat up the pitcher and forced him to walk on his knees.