Yea Forums you have good taste right? list me some H visual novels
Yea Forums you have good taste right? list me some H visual novels
>she's called isis
This game has the most chad protagonist of any game I've ever played.
Please bang my wife
Taimanin Yukikaze
Marina's Cuckolding Report
Mayumi's Cuckolding Report 1&2
Dies Irae
based retard.
>Dies Irae
Dead series
Sagura Family
You want a nukige? Koihime Musou.
There's some shitty, braindead RPS gameplay but that doesn't take too much time and there's tons of great h-scenes.
Is the torrent on nyaa legit or is there a better place to grab it?
For Funbag Fantasy? Yes.
after lute's done with her, shes more like
Evenicle is pretty great.
That's legit hilarious, grabing both now.
Sansha Mendan was the best nukige I've played in my life. I got so many faps out of it, shit was like 40 hours long.
>male protagonists
Still haven't gotten around Gaiden
Fuck me that's good
SM is pretty great, but I wish there'd be a bit more to it than just "talk/visit/molest this character multiple times until they love your dick"
Biman is pretty good too.
Honestly wasn't too into the content itself, but fuck that art was 10/10
Sengoku Rance
Kamidori Alchemy Meister
>t. manslut
i like huge anime tits too
>Still haven't gotten around Gaiden
MG need to hurry up with their release schedule. They have KF2 and Gaiden 2 sitting at 100% translated.