Death Stranding

From what we've seen so far, do you think that it will be a good game or will people be tripping over themselves trying to defend it?

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It will be a good game and Yea Forums will hate it. Until its released on PC then they will love it.


The game is only there to space out the cutscenes

Yea Forums will decide their opinion when reddit chooses their's.

It'll probably be more MGSV / Survive. So not awful but just kinda meh.

it will come out. Yea Forums will hate it. Then it will be memed to death and we will all realise it was a great game after all

just like mgsv


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I have faith in Kojimbo. This will probably be a masterpiece on the same level as Bloodborne

I’ve yet to see anything in it that looks fun to play. Seems like Kojima is more interested in tricking people than just making a solid game.

>Seems like Kojima is more interested in tricking people than just making a solid game
So what he's been doing since the turn of the century?

I'm looking forward to it!

Attached: Margaret Qualley.webm (790x1080, 2.47M)

This, it will be some beast like MGS4. Tons of cutscenes, a few good gameplay parts, a few moments of brilliance, and lots of tedium and average gameplay.

What's her imaginary disease?

>will people be tripping over themselves trying to defend it
They're already doing that and we haven't really seen any gameplay.

Being too cute.

The only reason why you cocktard mongoloids keep mentioning reddit is because you came from there.

having Andie MacDowell as mother

May not be a masterpiece, may not even be a great game, but it will sure as fuck be entertaining to play. Whether it's from laughing at Kojima's silly stories and dialogue or actually enjoying it.

Exactly, dude. You hit the nail on the head. I wish I was as smart as you.

See, you can't even come up with a comeback because you're psychologically scared of downvotes. What a goddamn cockrag.

Dude, I know. I love you, though.

>that boxart
How can Kojima still employ Shinkawa and not have him do boxart for all of his games?

I'm expecting a good product and play the co-op with user.

Also George Kojima is a mad lad but get the shit done in mechanics department.

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itll be really cool concepts and aesthetics but the gameplay will be kinda boring for someone like me
thats my prediction

What little gameplay they've shown looks painfully mundane and the story sounds like a load of nonsense.

>the co-op

Pretty much this. At worst it could be boring.

>it will be like mgs4
so preorder confirmed

MGSV had some legit good gameplay

No waifu no buy. I thought we had a deal, Kojambles.

Attached: L6I-ROuM_400x400.jpg (400x400, 39K)

qualley is a way better waifu shut the fuck up

I imagine it'll be a bit above average.

But since it's Kojima the cutscenes will make turbonerds splooge their pants and be "WoW SO AMAZING!!" on reddit/rockpapershotgun/kojewku and such

See pic related.
Qualley isn't even the one who took Stefanie's role though.

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even in your pic qualley looks 1000x better than the old hag

>10 year old boy who alternates between being high on pot and having tourettes symptoms
>better than best girl
Get your eyes checked

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>literal monkey face
>best girl

Whens the YIFY release?

>monkey face
Literally what? That makes even less sense than calling her horse faced

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Metal Gear Survive > Death Stranding.

Screencap this.

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you just keep posting pics that prove me right
shes ugly man

Are you a woman? She’s fucking smoking dude

You're just tiling me up so I keep bumping this Kojimbo thread. Nobody can consider Stefanie any less than perfect. Fine by me, he will regret his words and deeds someday.

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I just recognize the better waifu.

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Joosten is way hotter you large retard

Ok Joosten

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>intentionally picking worst Qualley pics too

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And they still look better than Joosten
It's crazy

Not even slightly. Joosten has perfect facial structure, all that Qualley has is droopy eyelids.

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Kojima's hard on for Hollywood actors is more important. I don't hate the guy - I really liked his games - but I think he's gone too far chasing the cinematic experience this time that the game itself will suffer for it.

It will be just like every mgs since 2, fanboys will latch onto trivial things to sell the game as something revolutionary.

you're fucking delusional man

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