Will you be picking one up?

Will you be picking one up?

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>picking one up
Why does this phrase sound so horrible to me?

why can't they just make one that only hooks up to the TV and bundle it with a pro controller so I can play Mario on my fucking Television?

Not as bad as, "taking a push."

Yea, switch is a handheld

No i already have a switch

I'm not gay so no

I will if I can get a job by then. So, maybe.

>doesn’t switch

are you upset about the new model coming out with better battery life?

I cant really justify trading in my current switch for a new one, it's not that different.

>Will you be picking one up?

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No, i don't use it undocked.

no because i never play undocked

you sound like those kind of people that say they are actively looking for a job but in reality all you do is stay up late playing video games and watching movies. you wake up late and log on to your PC where you will prob open up a few sites for looking up jobs but then you stray to video games and there you waste your whole day.

Same. I'd rather get the model with the better battery life over the Lite, or simply wait for a pro version if it ever comes out.

My friend is gonna get one since hes a poorfag.

I already have a switch so theres no reason for me to buy a downgrade. I will get the switch pro whenever that comes out and i will use my old switch for emulation

Yes. Its the switch I always wanted. One that is a true portable that can fit in the pocket for on the go gaming. Something the original couldn't be.

Waiting to see if the analogs have the same flaw as the joycons, if it'll work with a third party dock, and if those new chips run at a slightly higher clock for handheld mode.
Assuming the first two things go well I'll get that one over the revision for sure.

>on the go gaming
Playing a switch or any handheld game system in public is embarrassing for anyone over the age of 16. Have a little self awareness.

>Will you be picking one up?
Only way I'll pick one of these up is if they release an Atomic Purple version

Attached: GBC_SYSTEM_ATOMIC_PURPLE.jpg (345x447, 21K)

can you suggest games to buy for the switch. I keep going on youtube for reviews but im not gonna sit and listen to some IGN bullshit, and whenever I look at some random faggot he is REEEEEEEEing about no physical copy only digital my tendies!!!!!! fucking faggots

I'm a poorfag and I've always wanted a Switch because Nintendo has the best exclusives. So yeah.

Yea, and?

>Being this insecure
I feel sorry for you, buddy.

nothing. i just said thats how you seem. thats all

no but I will definitely steal one from the first low-T 20-something male I run into in the subway
and then sell it to another one

>my body
>my fun

I wont let some stupid little slut shame me into thinking im a loser cause i mobile game. i'm a person and I have feelings too. i'm a person and i wont be shamed

Why would I want to downgrade from a normal Switch

enjoy celibacy

There are 2 options for me right now. Either I'll buy the Pro model, if they release one or I'll wait until X-Max is over and get the original model used and mod it.

Hey if youre secure with the fact that playing with your toys in public makes you look like a child, more power to you.

switch has no gaems


>don't have gfs they can enjoy games with

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You can already do that with he switch.

>Playing with your toys in public makes you look like a child
Spoken like an insecure beta, fact of the matter is with the surge in popularity of mobile gaming most people don't actually give a shit, but I wouldn't expect you to know about that since you probably don't go outside that often

Are you upset you have to spend thousands of dollars on games when you can easily get the entire library for free?

No. Approximately 2 more hours isnt enough. And I'm always around an outlet. Whether in an airport or car.


without the switch or extra joycon cost

you don't seem to understand

I want a gamecube that plays switch games

Have a base switch already, but I’m getting one of the yellow ones. I like getting new hardware every now and then.

My other switch will just be the local multiplayer / Dragon Quest X machine

I'mm not sold on a portable only Switch that is only slightly smaller. I'd get it if they managed to get it when to like Vita 2000 size. But my regular Switch is fine in comparison to the Lite. Lite is for kids and causals.

>Mario Oddysey
>Mario Kart 8
>Resident Evil ports
>Smash Bros Ult.

>LoZ Link's Awakening
>Witcher 3 in 540p glory

You end up paying extra for a handheld device.

I'd pay 180 dollaroos for home console switch without ability to go mobile.

To play xenoblade and botw at 320p@25fps?
Yeah no.

No, I wanna play on the big screen most of the time.

Yes, to compliment my hacked OG

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meh. not worried about pirating. that is some poorfag shit

Can't buy one until somebody takes it apart and makes sure the built-in joycons are acceptable.
If everything is alright then I'll probably consider it, but the revision is also looking nice (I've neverd owned a Switch before).

No. I don't take my switch out of the dock anyway.
Once the switch pro launches I'm going to sell my current switch on ebay.

Yeah, itll be great when i get underway or whatnot.

I don't really have a reason to, I would be worried about the analog sticks being destroyed if I carried it around and you can't easily replace them like you can with the slideable joy-cons. I'm going to wait for the next hardware revision.

I literally have to because all my switch games are digital and the controllers keep breaking

>bing bing yahoo
>bing bing go karts
>worst version
>bing bing fighting
>worst version

I want to sell my Switch that I use on my TV half of the time, in order to buy a handheld only device which cannot be played in tabletop mode, and is completely incompatible with a few games, all for the same battery life, as well as there being no joycon replacements or HD Rumble at all.

Maybe. Honestly waiting for maybe 1 or 2 more games I want for me to finally make the jump.

I would be intrigued with the idea of a portable switch IF it had a bigger screen. 5.5in is just not big enough. I honestly feel that the 6.2 inch screen the regular switch sports is already pushing the boundaries of maybe it could be bigger. The short battery life is also not something that interests me.

Lastly are the joycons gonna be defective? If so the opening of a ticket and getting the item back reparied might be an extremely long process especially since the controlls are on the frame

imagine being this much of a buzz kill

>Will you be picking one up?
will the control system fall apart like the joycons?

Despite the assurances from your mother it's still very cringey and shameful for an adult to whip out his switch and start binging away. As long as you understand that and are still ok with it, great, but dont fool yourself into thinking it's socially acceptable.

Sounds gay.
Like "yeah, I'm taking a push up my ass."

No games

This is so weird to hear after growing up with game boys. 5.5 inch screen is big imo.

If the make an Animal Crossing Poptart 2.0, yes. By then we'll know if the Lite has any drifting issues too.

i'd buy it only to hack it
i like to play online with friends

>Will you be picking one up?
Nah, I prefer playing my Switch in tablet mode on the go anyways since I got used to my Pro Controller.

Not getting another Switch until mine either breaks or the Pro model comes out.


Any decent phone is bigger way bigger 5.5 at this point, even OG Switch has a "mid size" screen imo.

Do you really feel that this gen they do though? Odyssey and smash are ok, but they don't have the killer line up that Gameboy, ds, or super Nintendo had

thanks for agreeing with me you piece of shit

Is dragon quest X not region locked?

Gameboy didn't try to play games with resolutions too big for it though. I feel like I'm squinting trying to play the portable switch. The FOV in undocked Skyrim gives me a headache

it's vita with slightly better graphics and a worse screen

Why do you remake the same "Will you be picking one up?" thread daily.

Part of marketing and research at Nintendo?

controls bigger similar to wii u?

Vita has a better d pad, but I'll take 4 shoulder buttons over meme touch pads any day

only poorfags wont be getting one

Why do people keep saying this is similar to Wii U

It's not anymore similar or dissimilar than the fucking original Switch was.

Do you have time for video games with babies? My brother is having one and I may buy him one with pokemon

Idk, this looks like it is meant for children or people getting into the switch late. No reason to downgrade if you own the current model

is it quieter?
my Switch's fans go crazy with Dragon Quest and its kinda annoying

Then buy one off the losers upgrading to the higher battery model

I'm sure you could buy a second hand one with a busted screen.
If you really wanted one you'd have one by now. I leave mine docked all the time.

when it comes to game pad yes it does but the feel of it is very different

I did try the switch joy cons it feels weird
it feels like my hands are too huge for these buttons like spongebob with the suds trying to dial a phone kind of feeling.

as for now I'll keep waiting

I will be putting one down.

>munching big mac and hash browns "I don't worry about cooking, that's some poorfag shit lmao"

The Lite and the revision use a smaller chip that uses less power so it'll generate less heat too. So yes, but we won't know just how much quieter yet.
I'm sure digital foundry will do a video on it after launch.

If I'm not worried about pirating why would i be worried about spending money on good food? just stop.


honestly , I might sell my normal switch and get one of these. I pretty much play monster hunter and a few other games so it might work out well for me

the switch handles graphics a lot better undocked. if you do not know this then you are just some tendie

Crash N. Sane
Hyrule Warriors
Stardew Valley
Saints Row 3

why did you drop it in the first place faggot?

Yes for Metroid 5.

Nope, If I want to take some games with me on the go I just take my 2ds xl. I play my switch only at home.

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Because you can't pick up anything

Honestly, if they make a translucent one i’d buy it in a second
Otherwise, no

Is OP a nintenshill?