Give me back the wild west of gaming in 2000

give me back the wild west of gaming in 2000
all games are the fucking same soulless shit now

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Other urls found in this thread:

its over you didn't keep your nation in check

>I've grown old and bitter and I only care about big AAA
>please bring me back to when my dick worked

fuck you old man, unironically go kys

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I mostly play older games, but good games are still coming out fairly often, even a few in more niche genres that haven't got much attention in decades..

>give me back the wild west of gaming in 2000
>all games are the fucking same soulless shit now

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Seething zoomers ITT

who are you quoting?

fun things are over. Gaming is hollywod tier now
you might see 1 or 2 good titles a year in a sea of overmarketed shovelware. And even then there is a good chance these couple good titles will be dilluted by diversity/lootboxes.

Take the indiepill

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Give me back Yea Forums before this wojak edit stupidity.

adapt or die, there's no going back
unless your way of adapting is building a time machine

haha umad? roflpwned

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>who are you quoting?

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Wojak is originally a Yea Forums product now used by redditors like OP. Learn your history you fucking turd.

want go back

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Did you miss that glut of shit back then too?

>Give me back Yea Forums before this wojak edit stupidity.

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Here's your release cycle bro

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jesus this really puts it in perspective

I'll take coolface over this lazy horseshit any day.
Worng, dipshit, it was from some polish chan, or finnish, who gives a shit. It doesn't matter where it came from; you've been regurgitating the same refried garbage for almost a decade now.

most entertainment is soulless nowadays, user. they are filled with liberal politics and/or they are a empty shell filled with marketing and lies.

Better find a better hobby, I recommend carpentry or sculpting.

>Better find a better hobby, I recommend carpentry or sculpting.

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>user dying: "tell them, I liked all that time I spend playing videogames"


Graphicsfags were a mistake.
Why does it take so long to make such shit games.

2007-2010 was the peak of vidya its been downhill from there on

kys zoomer

Aside from graphics, I assume the scale of making games in general has gotten larger, but games getting larger haven't necessarily made them better, especially with the recent AAA fad of open world + linear gameplay.
I would say the peak was late 90's, especially 1998.

Keep coping zoomer

For the first time in many years i feel like i quit games. Its so fucking soulles the only ones keeping it alive is japan

I constantly feel like Stan when he sees everything as shit

>Carpentry and sculpting
I agree with this completely, you can never run out of things to do with these. Hell, I just made my mom a serving tray for mother's day a few months back and had a blast

I remember complaining about this back in early 2000s, about how games were shit and it was all downhill from here.
Incredible how little changes.

sure is down syndrome in here

croc was the height of gaming bro
take me back

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give back the wild west of Yea Forums in 2006
all posts are the same fucking same soulles wojaks and frogs now

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh looks like he's quoting OP Does that answer your question? :)

Plato bemoans the decline of civilization.

It’s a trend

>sure is down syndrome in here

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I'm with you man. There's still good creative games coming out, but rarely is anyone ever trying to make anything with some level on unique gameplay or technology anymore. Outer Wilds is probably the most unique title I've played in years and I'd love to see more games trying to characterize themselves like it was able too.

That's the sad thing about it, these games were fucking fantastic when first created, but they took that success and just kept rolling out with the same shit over and over and that's why everything is beginning to stagnate or go towards multiplayer gameplay with cosmetics

we're officially in the fast food era of gaming

companies are just shitting out a bunch of half made rehashed trash that other companies make

>zoomers are now old enough to post on Yea Forums about how their childhood was the best era of video games
delete this website

Most of consuming media has been sterilized.

Something you can be sure of is things can always get worse.

I've been fighting the popularity of memes for at least a decade now because it attracts people with nothing to say or those who just want to start shit flinging battles on the internet because it gives them a feeling of self importance that they can influence so many with controversy to fight one another. Meaningful debate rarely happens anymore.

>complains about soullessness
>haha wojak DOOMER heh

Where's your OC fag?

Jesus Christ, poor consolefags.

It's better than
>tell them I... uh... ""liked"" all that time I spent on boring shit just to prove a point to some anonymous imageboard users that never knew or cared about me

Those 2000's games didn't disappear.

>take me back to the wild west era
You do realize you can play a game, right now, where you can harvest the sex organs of your children just for shits and giggles and then throw them into machines that viciously violate them 24/7 until they expire? Or do you want to go back to the Atari years and play Custer's Revenge?

t. Bernd

>wild west of gaming
What the fuck

>he plays indie fuck trash

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Zoomers are too retarded. They can't even install a driver without an api.

>Wojak is originally a Yea Forums product

no its not, revistionist

Phone-posting still isn't banned yet.

>He plays games
go kill yourself

>hates modern videogames
>browses a videogame forum

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I think they do this to change the image hash so you can't filter/look it up in the archive. It's the same reason so many of these threads have poor english or typos in the OP.

Is this actually a phone filename or some anonymizer program?

The enjoyment of video games and disappointment of the direction they're heading are not the same.

I draw porn for the Loud House general on /trash/

You're actually delusioal if you think its the same, compare 2000 games with this decade

Gen Z are unsalvageable slaves who will never take the redpill. There's a reason we all gave up. Literally all games are shit now, no exceptions.

Hi San Francisco retard

Attached: worst games in their respective series.png (1116x955, 2.48M)

Even the greatest games get boring if you play then 50 times.

dumb frogposter

Of course you do. :)

Literally every game released since 2012 have been abysmal shit and there is nothing you can do to debate that.

Zoom zoom. All games are shit now, fact.

>meep meep meep meep meep

Mid 2019 still no good west triple a, yet they still think everything is fine

Gen Z are widely considered the worst generation of all time on these chans for a reason. They think that there is unironically still good games coming out!

When are we waging war against the zoomers? They have ruined everything for us! Every game is shit now because of them! Every single one!


Literally every generation considers the one after them to be the worst generation of all time.

>calls out Fire Emblem Fates 2: High School edition
>calls out Tr4.5h ft. the reanimated corpse of Castlevania and Banjo-Kazooie
>calls out Hallway Quest XI
>calls out DmC 2: Donte Boogaloo
>calls out Minecraft Crossing
Based and redpilled picture

I'm pretty sure its not the zoomers who are making these shit games

The zoomers are the ones buying them, which dictates what gets made. Unless Yea Forums has been lying about “vote with your wallet” this whole time.

Posts like this are so weird, because it's highly likely you haven't played any of the 'wild' games you're talking about from that era. I'll pull ten out of my ass right now I guarantee you haven't played:
>Super Magnetic Neo
>Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3
>Tobal No. 2
>Parodius Da
>Mr. Mosquito
>No One Can Stop Mr. Domino
>Micro Maniacs
>Gitaroo Man
>Ribbit King
You now have no reason to complain, go play some kino

Stop making excuses zoomer. Your generation is nothing but puppets and no amount of cope can change that. Now go lick more corporate boot.

Who has a problem with kids? Video games are made for young people with free time. We just couldn't let go of our hobby instead of doing anything meaningful with our time aside from how things change over time.

What did he mean by this

He meant the truth

I would change the Sonic one to Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric.

Every generation has been more brand loyal than the last. The zoomers are the logical conclusion of that thanks to social media. Zoomers genuinely believe that corporations are people and their friends. Zoomers are literal slaves to brands.

The cope in this pic is incredible

>tfw the soulless cunt game "devs" of today just rehash old games and shove activist bullshit into them as "remasters" and "spiritual successors" or just straight up unnecessary sequels now

zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers

Sadly this, and they will never be saved thanks to the God-tier control corporations have on peoples thoughts. I have lost all hope in the future and you should too. Zoomers are eternal puppets.

It makes me so sad. Games will never be good ever again.

Go back to playing Tr4.5h with your zoomer friends.

Go back to supporting trans rights and eating TIDE pods, zoomer scum.

Thanks for your well thought out rebuttal. I’ll take your points under consideration.

This is dumbest argument ever.

>say you're missing "wild west of gaming"
>call games made outside of AAA continent "indie trash"


It's no secret that all indie games are Commiefornia trash made by tranny lovers. There's a reason zoomers love "games" like Hollow Knight and A Hat in Time so much.

>It's no secret that all indie games are Commiefornia trash made by tranny lovers.

>spouts total garbage and expects well thought rebuttals in turn
go spout more buzzwords fuckface

>Hollow Knight
Now that you bring that shitty game up I think it's worth pointing out that the devs' shill raid on this board made their game so successful its getting a sequel.

How's Shitstained, Ritual of the Scam, commiefornian? Donated to any cuckstarters lately?

Got any other buzzwords you want to throw at me?

>muh politics
>can't enjoy a game because of people who I don't like
bravo, you've somehow managed to write even dumber comment than before

Dude just play them you dumb cunt

The wild west feel seriously moved to the indie games sector. At this rate AAA is getting too up it's own ass trying to be like movies and afraid of taking risks to go back to that. On top of that it's about MUH graphics and MUH HAPPY INVESTORS rather than quality content.

Thank you for your well thought out rebuttal. I’ll take your feedback under consideration.

Why don't these faggots go to /vr/ instead of crying here ?

2000s gaming is when the seeds of what became the cancer that is killing gaming where grown, though.
counterstrike, call of duty, dota, wow
they all came out in the 00s and set the cancerous trends that you see now

The only “buzzword” in that post was zoomer. Do you know what a buzzword is or do you just copy everything you see?

>The wild west feel seriously moved to the indie games sector.
Yeah, right...

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Retarded fucking wojakfaggot.

But the trend has actually been broken for a while now ever since baby boomers were born (actual boomers, not you retarded millennials). Entitled hippies have ruined civilization far more than anyone else will for at least the next several generations.

Hurt feelings, zoomer? Go back to your iPhone, kiddo. It's the only thing you're good at.

Zoom zoom.

>Caring about politics
Do you hate wolfstein too ?

zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom

Not really? Greatest generation hates Boomers because they didn’t have to fight a world war. Boomers hated gen x because gen x didn’t have any major hardships. Gen x hates millennial for being entitled pussies. Millennial share zoomers for every reason.

based game

>Why don't these faggots go to /vr/
Because they are just attention whoring and the oldest game they actually played was Minecraft 1.12

>all games are the fucking same soulless shit now
Thanks Valve! Thanks digital distribution!
Games being sold physical only has proven itself to be the best environment for great games to be made. You should want games to be sold physical only even if you exclusively pirate because you'll still be able to pirate but the games will be better.
Paid digital distribution has created the environment for disgusting business tactics such as early access aka paying to test a game when devs used to have to pay people to test their game, having to go through some console wannabe client to legally play games on PC DLC, micro transactions, intentionally releasing unfinished/buggy games to the point of being unplayable since they can just be easily patched later which only further encourages games to be released that way, doesn't leave a sour taste in your mouth for paying for a game that is unfinished/buggy to the point of being unplayable since it is so easy to update, games as a service which digital distribution is, not being able to sell it, being expected to pay for less than air, making games even more popular from easy access to people who otherwise wouldn't play or play as much thus making them a huge market which makes companies make games focused on them instead of actual gamers, lowered the barrier for entry, making games more expensive than ever, etc. It is also Marxist - see Karl Marx' labor theory of value.
The more popular paid digital distribution has got, the worse things get. It is being pushed so hard for a reason.
On PC it used to be $50 max for an actual physical copy that was better than today's collector's editions, now they want you to pay for a download. Low cost =/= cheap or a good deal. Using the logic that digital sales are "cheaper" means that a restaurant charging $5 for a sip of water is cheap because it is only $5 without taking into consideration what you get in return.

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Gen X, Millennials, and eventually zoomers all collectively hate Boomers for creating this downward spiral for the western world while China takes our place as the next world power.

>says this while praising le gaben
>The wild west feel seriously moved to the indie games sector.

>defending wojak
Only zoomer here is (You)

Tranny politics in this one indie game aside, you do get what I'm saying right? A hat in time itself is a massive risk game (No garuntee on return, no easily monetizable schemes for additional cash, A genre that it's relatively dead or niche if not made by nintendo) that AAA would never touch. On top of that, you can tell a hat in time was what the creators wanted to make. Additionally adding to the wild west of games shit, anyone can make and publish whatever they want in the indie space regardless of content and in some cases saying fuck you to copywrite laws for good or bad, if that's not wild west I don't know what is.

>stronger graphical fidelity
>games themselves grow shallow as a result
Fuck photorealism.

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>12 yo kids pretending to be le epic oldfags by feeling nostalgic for games they never played and by spamming memes they learned in pre-school

Everything is politics, didn't you get the memo?

If it wasn't Valve, it would've been someone else, and it would've been far worse.

Don't blame Valve, blame those who enabled them.

damn, seeing this makes me realize how little games i've played. i've got some great games on xbox

He's just a spammer that enters random threads and does nothing but quote people with wojaks, I've seen him do it like ten times now. Report and ignore him.

>posting a literal reddit redditjak edit
Wow you sure showed him for posting wojak... by posting wojak

>he posts redditfrog

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>Smash Ultimate
>FE3H when it isn't even fucking out yet
I've seen this bait like ten times and it's still the wrost shit ever.

>every uncolored ms paint drawing is a wojak
Go back

Why do redditors come here to make shitposts like this? What do they gain by shitting up the board this badly?

>all those unreleased games
Gotta be b8

Looks fine for me when you consider there's also a decent amount of new IPs or other series either getting reboots or coming back with new entries. Why purposefully paint things in a bad light?

That face is literally copypasted from these retarded basedjack edits. Fuck off, get new material.

>ITT: Zoomers explaining how indie is the new wild west while Boomers can't accept it because AAA isn't le based anymore
Boomers being dumb as fuck, as per usual!

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When did I praise Gaben exactly? Steam is awful.

whatever you say, tranny

Play DayZ.

Unironically a game that is so shit it's good.

What happened to the gap between AAA and indie shit? i swear there used to be a bunch of games that weren't AAA but also were't indie and had decent publishers behind them and i feel like there are less and less of these games as time goes on

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Stop whining you faggots. Gen Xers considered YOUR precious childhood of N64/PS1 to be soulless because it had 3D pixels and wasn't Atari. It's an endless cycle.

Go kill yourself you piece of shit
>hurr durr new soulless old soul
Oi back then cunts like you were crying how soulless their gen was compared to the older ones

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There's literally nothing stopping you from replaying older games and older games you missed out on,

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There are no good indie games.

The only publisher fitting this category that I can think of is THQ Nordic.

me smart me like AAA

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exactly, there used to be loads of games and weird publishers that catered to that market 10-15 years ago

There are no good games period.

faggot mods leave this garbage off topic but deletes an on topic CTR thread cuz of an autist spamming

>Persona 3-3
>Dragon Hallway XI
>Skyrim: Zelda edition
>Waifu Emblem: High School edition
Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bait.

Donated to any kikestarters lately, zoomie?


>boomers refuse to play new games because they want a specific brand name behind them and not passion projects
>zoomers refuse to play old games because it lacks some QoL feature that they're used to

I would play some Metal Slug if I wanted to play this type of game.

Sucking any corporate dick lately, boomie?
Probably the most retarded thing I've read all year. Congratulations.

>blaming the Jews for your small dick

name some games you enjoy, and I will recommend an indie you'll enjoy.

loli peeing simulator 2002

Go back to reddlt, underage frogposter retard.

Not familiar with most indie porn shit DESU, especially not that degenerate fetish. You're probably more into that market than I am.

call people a zoomer and calling people underage are the same thing, user.

And one is done by newfags trying to fit in.

Don't zoomer goes till 20 and something ?


Attached: 1557365125570.gif (554x400, 119K)

>Persona 5
>Chrono Cross
>Dragon Quarter
The absolute shit taste of Yea Forums

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>Shoving it in their faces
>Took me a while to find it

finally a fucking person with a brain

I don't really like either game but are you actually going to call Chrono Cross better than Chrono Trigger? I've literally never seen anyone defend it in my life.
Most of the image is bait though, I completely agree.

>There's a reason we all gave up.
Because you are a weak millennial.
T. 97

Yes Yea Forumsros, it Really Is That Easy.

Never have, never will. That high-risk no-reward venture is for people lower than me.

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If you play any game long enough, it gets boring.

>trans flag
is it that paint on the wall?

All era's had shit games and good games, but you fucking niggers think your era was perfect and spam fucking autism reddit buzzwords and shit like zoomer, boomer, based, wojak and pepe and nothing else and think you won the fucking conversation. you dont want to accept that you're a fucking old grumpy bitch that doesnt enjoy games anymore, and nobody cares, so shut up.
also i know im going to get called zoomer, tranny and nigger but whatever

>all these deleted posts
Are we back in the mods=gods era?

Attached: k405.jpg (1200x675, 81K)

Fucking hopefully

>nip shit



Not that poster. I guess one might argue the 70-80s were the "wild west" and 1990-2004 was the lawless industrial era. But either way 1990-2004 was the golden age where games had increased technology but it wasn't into the retarded scale of modern AAA game costs. So even smaller teams were making games that looked great for the time and everyone had to focus on game mechanics instead of GRAFFIX to make a profit.

>Better find a better hobby, I recommend carpentry or sculpting.
This. I enjoy woodworking more than vidya, since modern vidya is fucking shit.

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That would depend on what you mean by wild west, I guess. The 70s and 80s might have been the wild west, but it was very difficult to actually DO anything despite the freedom you had.

In the same vein, the 1880s were the wild west of film production since you could literally just film a guy standing up and it would sell tickets, but it wasn't until the 10s and 20s that shit like Shirley Temple getting forced to work 18 hour days and getting made to cry on screen by telling her that her dog died, which is the kind of shit most people really mean by 'wild west.'


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This, its a reality. Games has lost its souls thanks to incompetents """"software developers""". And only zoomers who didn't had a chance to play soulful games will say otherwise

I want to fucking die

Then you should do what you want

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i like that thing. nice joints, very neat.


No. I'll forever leave the lolis alone. I will never give in.
I'm going to suffer alone until I fucking die, fast or slow.

that is... not what I meant

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Reminder that Gen 7 lasted a literal decade, which is why it's so much larger

Thx user

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barn style, nice. is that reclaimed wood or did you stain it?

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I always laugh when I see posts like this. How much of a fucking loser do you have to be to make a Wojak edit of yourself out of self pity? I could not be happier that people with as shit taste as yours are going to die off and be forgotten.

>How much of a fucking loser do you have to be to make a feels guy edit of yourself to show your feels?
>mocking someone for using the meme correctly after it was hijacked

I enjoy both modern and retro games.

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the 2000s for gaming were fucking shit

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lmao fucking bootlicker

>games will never look like this again

Attached: SOUL gem.webm (384x224, 2.25M)

Alright, Yea Forums. If games are so good, name 7.5 of then.

Something about that picture makes me want to take you for a ride.

2007 was definitely when games got shittier, but 2017 onwards it started picking back up. 2017-2019 so far has been substantially better than 2007-2016.

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>it's in the sewers

It's an /int/ meme you fucking dork

Is that my boy William Adams?

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Still fragging noobs in TF2 like its 2008

As opposed to what on pc? E.Y.E.? Looooool

Valve may have inadvertently created some of gamings woes today but they never clinically implemented it to create some of the garbage practices we see today

All games in the 2000s were either Action games or Shooters
Like how all of the 90s were platformers or JRPGshit

based and wood pilled

>all this trash in gen8
>can't even play EYE
Poor consolefags indeed.

the peak was 98 to 2004, this is undeniable.

Tell /int/ to keep their shitty bottom feeder memes off my board then, faggot.

>my board
Who the fuck are you

As far as you know I could be god, and god is tired of fucking shitposting.

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How you gonna complain about not liking new games, when there are probably 100s of great previously released games you haven't tried yet. You can't complain about having no games and only play the newest shit

>give me back the wild west of gaming in 2000
You mean the hundreds of averages FPS with lazy sci fi thematic? Cause i dont want those again.

Why do game feel so repetitive nowaday
Or maybe I'm just getting old.

moot was a fag

yeah... yeah he was....

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Try playing some good games and stop wallowing in self pity.

Mr. Domino is kind of a shitty game, but interesting concept. Gitaroo Man is pretty based though

He was OUR fag, at least until the sjws got him

But that was the 90s

The 2016 election and influx of rightwing memers ruined everything

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2008-2009 were some of the worst years ever

prove it

ah yes back when unskippable tutorials were the norm.

unskippable cutscenes too

Fuck you user. I bet you're too young to remember chanology.

somebody PLEASE give me some (you)s I've been shitposting all day and getting no replies.
I've been here for HOURS just refreshing the page hoping for a (you) but its not happening.
This is the only form of human communication i get. PLEASE GIVE ME A (you)!!!

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lol fuck you



wrong faggot, this is the golden age of gaming with good shit coming out all the time. triple a might be ass but you got indie and niche shit and can emulate all the old crap too

>tfw balding, testosterone levels are dropping a lot and my skin is starting to look old and gross

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Ah yes, all the other IPs... All of those

>Mobile games
>Easy as fuck to develop reboots
>Games riddled with loot boxes

Yes... Very great IPs. Fucking retard.

balding is from too much testosterone tho

>golden age of gaming
>triple a might be ass
stop acting like indie games are all masterpieces

Not him but I'll bite, my favs are:

>Jagged Alliance 2
>King of Dragon Pass
>Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis
>Children of the Nile

i feel skullgirls really hit that gap, it felt indie in terms of comedy and style, but AAA with the animations and ost

i miss this shit bros

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2000 was not that great