This is a Christian archangel

This is a Christian archangel.

Attached: Sandalphon.(Granblue.Fantasy).600.2338511.jpg (405x600, 41K)

Sandal? I prefer me a pair of Crocs!

Attached: pair of crocs.png (1198x932, 2.18M)

How did fujos get away with it?

Attached: 1562369070530.jpg (513x800, 37K)

I love him

Is there any good doujins about this fag?

I’m not a fag, but I DO want him to step on me.

Attached: 68BAB240-F804-4057-B378-6B19401AA064.png (600x851, 430K)

I pity those who dont look like cute anime boys

Loads but none of them is scanned

>so little porn of him

Really? Not even in dlsite or something?

he cute

he's for _________


I'd let him christianly redeem my spermatozoids if you see what I mean

forgot pic

Attached: 1558765682278.jpg (900x1285, 149K)

Why does he wear the heels?

He knows that boys look better on heels, that's all.

Attached: 1533423585970.jpg (1103x800, 128K)

Boyfeets are gross, so they don't look better in anything open-toed

paying sandal to step on me!

He wants to be a little closer to god.

I don't think I'll ever play his game, but I'd fuck his ass in a heartbeat

Attached: 74167809_p14.jpg (1494x1068, 532K)

>Christian archangel
That does remind me on this one doctrine that Angels too also work on their own path towards Theosis eternally like humans.

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Something about boys in heels gets me

You're not looking hard enough.

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You and me both

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can you make an imgur/imgbox album or something?



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>this is X
Are weebniggers the most creatively bankrupt incels on the market? (This is such a joke!)

He cute


Fujos are the best target audience for a game

And that's a good thing

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Which one has the bigger ass?

Do people still play granblue fantasy?

It's gotta be this slut

Attached: 1562020581575.jpg (450x600, 39K)

doesnt look like chris angle mindfreak at all

We need facesitting art

she looks cute here


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This game has lots of good fujobait desu

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Stop posting Sandalphon

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Attached: D9qsZu2UYAECCgU.jpg orig.jpg (827x1223, 123K)

what are you stupid, they just pick out makes randomly and no one has anything to do with each other
>here's your angel of death bro

Attached: 1561612594976.png (631x920, 596K)

Why can't he be my boyfriend?

I want to slap his ass.

Get in line

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Albert is hotter desu

Attached: vqzo4d9w7kby.jpg (600x720, 160K)

Not gay though, haha

Sure looks terrifying to me

I want him to sit on my face!

>a bunch of normalfags were freaking out because lucifer was trending on twitter during sandaphon's event

When is he getting announced for versus?