Spend $500 on a gaming console

>spend $500 on a gaming console
>ads take up a significant portion of its home screen
Why doesn't this bother you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't have a console

>pay for the online
>still get ads

>Pay for console
>Pay for online
>Still have to deal with ads shitting up your UI
>On average pay more for games
Why do people still buy consoles? With the switch I can kind of understand but why on earth would anyone spend several hundreds of dollars for Bloodborne?

Why are you blocking out a username of a pic you can find on Google

Attached: xbox-one-1805-dashboard.jpg (1600x900, 235K)

Its reddit. If you ever see a name censored, guaranteed its reddit. Not even shitposting or memeing.

I own a PS4. I don't have to deal with Microsoft's bullshit.

So people from reddit come here to start console war bullshit?

Unironically reddit.
All reddit boards have anti doxx rules, unless it's someone they politically disagree with

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The answer is not unrelated to the fact that you've searched the image for no fucking reason.


>Why are there ads on this $500 console's home page?
>Console war bullshit

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I get why people buy consoles, but not why they're not bothered at all by mandatory home screen ads. Deodorant billboards popped up briefly in video games 10 years ago and everyone threw a shit fit. Not it's blatantly on their home screen and they don't care at all.

Takes 0.5 seconds to image search. Might as well put the time into that before replying to a potentially bullshit claim by OP

Quick fact check before wasting time in a bullshit bait. An image search is the difference in a constructive discussion and me calling you a faggot while saging


If you have ever seen so much as a picture of an xbox one home screen under the current format you would know it's not bullshit.

I haven't because I don't own a xbone and neither does 90% of the board probably.

I own both and my PS4 is the one that's unplugged.

cause ive seen this image posted enough times to know that this thread is just console warring bullshit.

nigga i wouldn't recognize an xbox if it hit my face, no one i know owns an xbox and there is barely any xbox related discussion anywhare

You should try looking at your home screen after you turn it on for the first time.

It's literally the same shit, you are forced to scroll through Hulu Netflix NFL WWE and whatever other service is paying sony to get to your video apps. I just wanna watch my anime in peace.

Nigga why does it offend you so much for me to ask why you're ok with ads on a $500 console?

>one square on the bottom right corner

>I don't eat shit, i'm more of a feces man

>Ben and Jerry's

>Hey it's not that bad, it's only 17% of the screen
You paid $500 for this as well as an extra sub for online. Zoom more.

>add everything I use to a pin group
>never have to use the home again and can do everything from the quick menu

best xbox ui to date tbqh

The ads still take up the same amount of screen space when you have the quick menu open.

Yeah, stuffed away at the bottom with such horrible offensive things like a deal on game pass. I think I'll manage. It is a shame however that adguard dns doesn't remove them. It works on ads within video apps though which is nice.

>pointing out that there are ads
>starting console war bullshit
What in the fuckin shit.

>like 10% of the screen
I guess you can really bitch about EVERYTHING in life

consolefags have 0 standards, it's also why they pay to use their own internet twice

If you were alive before 2000 it would bother you too.

well, it did, so i dropped consoles (sony) altogether

this gen, console companies replaced their old core audience with a newer one who is a lot more willing to bow down and take less, who were riding the nerd trend that boomed even more around PS4 release after xbone botched their first conference. i realized years ago that i wasn't their main audience anymore especially because of the types of games they were releasing. paying to play online was fucking retarded as well

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big yikes

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Why are you assuming it offends me? But to answer your stupid ass bait question, No. It doesnt bother me. Is it ok? No, of course not. But if some advertisements, which usually feature Xbox products, actually bother someone this much, then they have bigger problems in their life more concerning than ads.

>this gen, console companies replaced their old core audience with a newer one who is a lot more willing to bow down and take less
It really shows even on Yea Forums now. These kids are programmed to defend corporate now.



This, I can't even remember the last time I saw an ad

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>implying ps4 down't have them too
>sub to PS+ goy

How about you let me see that when I go to the store, not when I’m trying to play my game. Also it’s quite a bit more than 10%. Shit, things like console options, party, etc aren’t even on the fucking screen at all.

also blocck ads on Yea Forums

you press the xbox guide like always faggot.

I can't believe people still even physically touch consoles to be quite honest with you. These are the same people who usually adamantly argue for reason and logic, too, as if it's something fresh and new.

I actually didn't imply that. Fuck sony as well, along with your dumb loyalty to microjew.

hi redner group shills of los angeles, CA

just install an adblock.
oh wait...

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i own both and the xbox ui is massively better despite this. no one and i mean no one spends more than like 5 minutes at a time looking at their home screen because they'll be in game most of the time. that's where the xbox has a massive advantage over the ps4 and it's because of the side menu. the ps4 side menu has less features than even the 360 side menu overlay. xbox is just so much nicer to use in that respect. i can't even send a message on ps4 without having to leave the game screen.

I don't give a shit, it's not like i'm spending time in the dashboard.

I'm going to date-rape Satania!

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>i own both

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>I'm going to drop my spaghetti

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feels great to be a switchchad. i get a lightning fast ui with nothing but my games and none of this other bullshit. i didn't know you fags had it so bad.

Who spends more than 1 minute on the xbox dashboard?
Legit question.

>Adblock stopped blocking twitch adds two weeks ago
>still havent fixed it
shit sucks

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yeah, let's say you only spend like a few seconds there -- but you still own a console, you massive fucking faggot. i don't think you understand the actual problem here

It's the first thing you see when you turn on your $500 console. The level of cuck you nu got to is insane. We'll be watching burger king commercials every time we fire up a game in 10 years and you fags will wonder why.

getting a switch soon too.
also own all 7th gen and 6th gen consoles

what's the problem?

>1450's until present, billboard ads.
>1930's until present, radio ads.
>1940's until present, TV ads
>1980's until present, internet ads.
>2000's until present, video game ads.

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Use adguard dns on your router, will block most ads

Not any harder than dumb debiru would

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>what's the problem?
a lot, son -- but i don't argue with people like you who go against reasoning. oh, you will, and just go for feelings heh

>Not any harder than dumb debiru would

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>Watching streamers

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What the fuck are you even talking about

This is actually a really good way to reply to consolefags. Just don't ever take them seriously nor engage in their flawed arguments full of emotion instead of logic.

>live in eastern europe
>no company pays for regional ads on consoles
>the ad tile is completely missing
Probably the only time when it feels good to be poor.

He predicited you were going to be a little bitch and he's right. Even you know it.

this is only on microbone. pschad doesn't have ads

SDGQ was alright
ESA has been interesting sofar though

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they just released a new beta build of a new dashboard that doesn't show any non-xbox related ads.


I'm not even that user. Whats wrong with having all consoles

what reasoning? what are you even talking about?

>watching twitch
>using adblock instead of ublock
poor show

hey -- shut your stupid fucking face. okay? you're already going for feelings

Because you're calling it console war bullshit when it was a simple question about ads on a home screen. Not even a full blown criticism, but a question, and you go on the defensive.


Why the fuck they have to redesign this shit all the time. The current one is pretty good and let me see my background.

>That'll be one subscription
>Plus tip.

I hate how unaesthetic the PS4 home screen is. Not only is it slow, but the huge game art ruins any cohesion your dashboard might have in terms of looks. It's just lame.

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I have a PC.

>2.3k useres
this seems sketchy af

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>not customizing your home screen
user, you don’t own a xbox do you?

>microsoft actually puts up good offers
3 month game pass
Shit loads of mayor titles (and indies) on sale for upto 80%
Notifies you of free games

It’s pretty great that you can just see what’s going on in the store without having to use Google, and if you’re bothered by it, again, you can customize it to not show.

- someone who actually owns consoles

I just want a way to get rid of mixer.

>PS4 starts
>News story and art visible from game select contain spoilers
sasuga sonybros

>The birthplace of email ads, browser ads, streaming ads, dashboard ads, pop-up ads and mass digital heuristics gathering for advertisers.
Yeah, we know.

You're mad if you don't think they'll keep pushing big AAA ubi/actishit of the month on the regular.

It does. That's why I have a PS4 instead.

>not installing ad block+

it has 10,000,000+ on chrome and 4,600,000 on firefox
dunno where you're getting that from

Alright person who owns an Xbox would you like to tell me how to disable the ads?

Also they offer random non-Microsoft garbage just as much as they offer “good deals”. The damn games you get with gold aren’t even in a slot most of the time if you already have gold.

i typed sonybros not sonybros what the hell?

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you get ads on pc too, lma0 wangblows

thats why i game only gbc games on my debian thinkpad

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They come here to test their post before they dig for points.

>The damn games you get with gold aren’t even in a slot most of the time if you already have gold.
not him but yes they are. there's a whole tab dedicated to free games in "my games and apps".

Iunno, this is what popped up when I searched it.

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>Pays 2000 dollars to run a game that runs the same on console
>0 worthwhile exclusives
>Shitty control set ups
>Has to build their computer "like legos" to satisfy their autism
Why are PcFags such pathetic retards

Xbots don't care about things like that. They just want their next generic shooter.

This here website has anti dox rules as well, newtard. Fuck off back to your hugzone.

>this thread
And I thought Sonyfags were bad

use this and stop being a faggot

>runs the same on console

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What is a adblock?
Oh wait..you are a linuxfag...what are you doing in Yea Forums?
OP deserves them for being a peasant

>ublock plus

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nobody "has" to build pc's what are you on about?
also it runs better 70% of the time. and idk what your control argument is?????

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Oh fuck, sure I'll give it a shot.

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im posting

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People DID throw a fit when the first blatant ads were on the 360's New Xbox Experience thing.
It's just that back then Xbox was at the top of the world so they didn't give a god damn what people perceived them as, so nothing happened, and then people got used to it.

i know right. games run much better on console

>then people got used to it.
This shit happens every time, the only notable reaction from people that did SOMETHING was Battlefront 2

yeah doom on the switch is so much better than on any decently specced pc

Attached: BUZZ.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Mouse and keyboard suck dick just like anyone who games on PC in 2019

uhm, then use a controller????

besides all the good real time strat games are on pc, mobas , "good" fps's

also i love keyboard and mouse since it has more buttons than a controller, and mouse aiming precision.

your literally in denial

Attached: nuh uh.png (500x505, 194K)


>what reasoning?

It's becoming better now because everyone is so plugged in that old retard executives are starting to realize that you generally don't want your company to be perceived as evil. I'm guessing since even 80 year old investors now will see that some company they're on the board for is trending on twitter and call the CEO to demand answers for why their granddaughter is shitposting about the company.

Most things that get a major social media backlash get at least some sort of response nowadays. Actually remember that probably the biggest reason the Xbox One failed is that it had such a negative word of mouth after the reveal, that even with them backtracking it was enough to give Sony the lead.

Imagine having to spend 60 dollars on a controller after spending over 1000 dollars for a shittier console

At least you have gyro on the switch.
On the PS4/Xbone, controller is your only choice.

If the PS4 is so good, why you can't write games for the PC with it?
You can write games for the PS4 with a PC, it's how all the games for the platform are made.


Exactly you PC drone it's not designed for playing games

no one forcing you to,

also pcs can be much cheaper so invalid argument
idk how important gyro is to spend 300 on it, does many games have it? is this the secret of why the NX is popular??

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Yeah if you want it to run like shit
go back to Yea Forums weebfaggot
No wonder people think PC is a joke

>It's becoming better now
Is it fuck you delusional idiot. Even the feigned attempts of companies to try and save face are just another way of fucking you over with some hidden or untold bullshit behind the scenes

>we lowered milestone requirements for shitboxes
>we also lowered the xp, tee hee

Major companies have been trying to fuck you over with games for the past decade, even indie devs have turned o it to be diddling cunts who want constant appraisal for their shovelware garbage

The only non-cuck option is to pirate on PC

>xp gain rate

what runs like shit?
it can literally be fixed...

also ive never really been to Yea Forums

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I spend about 5 seconds on the home screen between inserting discs. Don't even look at it, honestly

A PC thats cheaper than a console

and it's where you belong

no it does not, i urge you to check it out youd be surprised.

also i know next to nothing about current anime

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This actually used to be true in the 80's and early 90's.
The ISA bus was pretty much unable to deliver 60 FPS on even the shittiest resolution.
But then the PCI bus came and changed everything.
PC jumped from "can't beat the snes" to "can run 2D games at 80hz in 1600x1200" in a single year.
It got to a point where consoles are literally just PCs, like for example nowadays.
PS4 is basically a tablet PC with really bad CPU and a PSVita pretending to be a PCI-E 1x card with audio/network/hard drive support.
And the PS5 will be even more like a PC, and absolutely fucking trounce the PS4 due that.

user you realize anime's part of the entire website and not just Yea Forums and other such boards, right?

yyyyyeeaahhh ,,,, i dont think he does, feels brainlet man

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If that was true why is there a anime containment board
checkmate weebfags

it really does suck
such a step down from 3

And? the tab next to the actual ad isn't one. it's used to get to the games with gold games but you wouldn't know that if you were a single system owning pleb.

If the dash really gets your panties in a twist, don't worry, microsoft has already announced that they're redesigning the dashboard. Again.
They're also nixing Cortana from the console, at least as far as giving commands through the headset is concerned. Makes me wonder what'll happen to the Kinects users who accepted the prompt to switch from the old voice commands to Cortana commands.

>Why do people still buy consoles?
Because a good gaming computer is more expensive.
Because someone working at a computer all day may not want to play at a computer (and exacerbate possible wrist problems).
Because hacks and aimbots are still a problem on consoles, but they're not quite as common.
Because game pass is a really really good deal for some folks?
I can go on. It's not for everyone, but consoles have a lot to offer.

Can you not turn them off?

>but why on earth would anyone spend several hundreds of dollars for Bloodborne?
Bloodbornes literally that good

I have gold. I rarely ever see that and don’t know what the deals are unless I go out of my way to find what they are.
However Ass creed odyssey or whatever the fuck else they make sure to show me every month. Oh some Minecraft dlc is on this month. Very important.

Christ, is this what it's like to be functionally retarded?
Wish these retarded children would stop being exposed to Yea Forums through /r9k/ and /pol/.

Only ever seen ads from random games, mostly Microsoft owned ones. Guess I don't pay attention to my homescreen inbetween inserting games/going to my installed games menu (also why the fuck do they flash the email associated with your account in the corner of the screen)

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Yeah but all of those things fucking suck too.
I genuinely have no idea how boomers put up with 30% of their time spent watching TV, their fucking leisure time, watching ads instead of being entertained.

yes it's complete dogshit, tell us something we dont know

steam also has adshit on the frontpage when you log in

>steam also has adshit on the frontpage
No it doesn't.
Unless you consider a store showing you the games it's selling an ad.
Last I checked, Microsoft doesn't sell ice cream.

Don't forget that you also have to pay for online, so you basically pay to be served ads.
The absolute state of console cucks

cute girl

Please don't hit on my wife, I spent a lot of time making her in Destiny's very limited character creator.

unbased, unless you have a pass

Fuck off (((((Hiroshima Nagasaki)))))

ok when you open the steam store which is the frontpage you see ads

on xbox the games are complete shit and nothing I want to play as well

doesnt change the fact

literally open steam and youll get notifications for ads you have to close, fuck off

>buy gaming console
>buy games
>mandatory 50GB downloads just to boot the game at all
>10 years later
>console's servers shut down
>console/games now literally unplayable

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>ok when you open the steam store which is the frontpage you see ads
You dumbfuck, that's not the front page, that's the news notification, which you can disable.
Fuck, you can even change it so Steam starts up on your library page automatically.
Don't @ me again you illiterate consolenigger.

and, i'm sure there's an option to make games start automatically on xbox

you get ads on both platforms

>and, i'm sure there's an option to make games start automatically on xbox
But there isn't an option to disable ads on your library screen, as seen in every single picture of people's libraries on Xbox.

It's just a fucking mess in general

that isnt the library screen, that's the homepage

Just bought one of these. The interface is the most god awful slapped together piece of shit I've ever seen. It's retarded and unintuitive. The 360 took about five seconds to learn, it was simple, elegant by comparission to....whatever this is, cobbled together by some asshole. If it weren't for some of the games and hardly any loading time I would have sent this fucking thing back and just gotten a fresh 360 or Ps3/4

Point remains, ads can't be disabled on Xbox, they can on Steam.
And Steam doesn't have ads for stupid shit like ice cream, only games that they actually sell.

my shit takes forever to load games, this has to be the worst dashboard design in gaming history

Same, and there's a fucking reason for that lol

ok and, ads are annoying as fuck on both systems

Really? Mine takes about ten-twenty seconds to boot up and the games take maybe five-ten at the most to shift between screens and places you're going, depending on the game of course. It's pretty swift otherwise, but then again I disabled most of the stupid functions, which took me almost an hour to find, sifting through every goddamn system setting because they'd rather build a tartarous labyrinth than make something people feel comfortable using. Then again your average player is probably watching those shitty twitch streams and whatever other stupid shit they advertise and not actually playing games. It's basically a netflix/streaming box that plays the occasional game. It's fucking sad.

>pay $500 on console
>spend $80 a year to pay for internet you already pay for
>ads everywhere
>cant use anything if youre not connected to internet
>vast majority of games are $80 bloatware that have no original ideas or gameplay


And on one they can't be disabled.
Serious question, are you dyslexic?


It's 269, if you pay more than that you're a chump.

>$80 bloatware

Never buy a game that costs that much. Gramepass has loads of free, good shit and most games are below 50. Never buy shit right out of the gate, wait a few months until dem discounts kick in.

Everything else is legit though, but those two are dead wrong, your claims are outdated. I wouldn't mind a gaming PC, but I only play old shit on the pre-built I bought, so it doesn't matter. When people who aren't tech savvy think gaming PC, they automatically think ALIENWARE LOLZ, and yeah, those do cost a lot, because most people don't want to build their own.

>tfw my last console was a PS3 and it had a pure, clean UI with no bullshit

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PC gaming isn't neet-friendly and I like Nintendo and Sony games.

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Most people are retarded, what more is there to say

You can actually play a xbone games with a keyboard and mouse, not all of them but some fps games for sure

>not pirating everything on 10 year old craptop
do you even n337 n00b?

What actually bothers me is how unresponsive the menus are. It makes no sense.

the OS literally runs of 1 core most of the time. 6 of the 8 cores are used for games with the 7th core being optional for devs. we're talking about the most garbage processor cores you could possibly have in comparison to modern tech. even 5 year old intel mobile tech was like 10x better than this garbage in IPC.

I dont play on console but ads for games wouldnt bother me, especially if its reccomended based on what you have already played

a ben and jerrys ad or anything thats not a game or an app for the console seems kinda degrading to be on hardware you paid for tho

Birthday cake is the grossest flavor besides bubblegum

I'll kill myself before I try to run things on my craptop and play games at below 20 frames.

well they arent downloads but rarther installs so it can be done offline, games with day 1 patches though anyone who plays them years later is fucked unless they hack the console to pirate an updated version or play on pc


>PC gaming isn't neet-friendly
its the most neet friendly device, I can do literally everything I want without even getting off my ass once

you know most modern console games run at 24fps and below

I avoid games that run under 30 like the plague and check how they run on consoles before buying.

Not really.
This gen is quite better at reaching 30 FPS than the last one, and there's even a few 60 FPS titles here and there.
Mostly because the Cell CPU (and the Cell Jr. on the Xbox 360) is absolutely HORRIBLE at general computing, at a point a Cell SPE was similar to the Wii CPU in emulation tasks for example (even with the massive clock difference).
Next gen will be brilliant at CPU power because it will be the first generation in years to actually have a CPU as good as an average PC.

I may be a neet but I'm not so lazy that getting off my ass is a bother.
I also like physical games.

I don't own Xbox or Nintendo , so I don't see any ads

maybe last gen, sure.

Is there anything more cucked than a consolefag?

i never understood the hating ads meme
my eyes just naturally avoid looking at ads. even ads on youtube dont bother. its 5 seconds to skip bro. do you have ADD or something?
the only ads that annoy me are popup ads on pornsites

Iphone users.

>console's servers shut down
>console/games now literally unplayable
Yeah, all those Xbox 360 games are _totally_ unplayable now.

There used to be issues with that sort of thing, which is the reason why Xbox Arcade games have mostly been lost to time. But unless Microsoft (and to a lesser extent, Sony) bail on the video game industry in general, those are a thing of the past. The only real issue is always-online style games, your MMOs and persistent loot-shooters and such. And that's an issue regardless of your platform.

Now, if you're putting your money into a Nintendo console, that's another matter. But they usually get jailbroken / hacked pretty reliably, so in that respect, they're arguably even safer.

>“On Xbox, the ad is part of the actual experience, it’s not something that is outside. The only difference is that the advertisement we have is quite small and not disruptive so people are not aware of clicking on the banners because they know this is a part of the whole experience on the dash,”... “So the users know that this is something that when they click on it, they won’t be hit by something crazy or something dangerous like on the web. Everything that lands there, we create.”
Holy fuck it's real. Nuke Menlo Park when?

i didn't buy that glorified paperweight of a console to begin with. at least the ps4 lets you turn off the ads.

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You own Fortnite and sea of thieves fuck you Op fuck you!

Most people who aren't zoomers pay for their internet, so they don't like also having to see ads.
Believe it or not, there used to be a time when TV was free, and they made their money through ads.
Now you have to pay for it and it STILL has ads.
Soon they'll be forcing ads onto Netflix and similar services that you're paying for because retards like you exist.
Shame you won't be shot and killed any time soon.