Why is this considered this the best game of all time?

Why is this considered this the best game of all time?

Attached: Bloodborne.jpg (800x800, 142K)

because it is

Because it is.

Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid 5.jpg (3264x2238, 3.39M)

It's not. Don't let delusional sonyfags fool you with their shitposting

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This is what you get when nostalgia bias and recency bias clash.
Then you throw in some mediocre games for probably no reason and you have the reason why popular opinion is a useless statistic.

Seething Bloodborne cuck, your shit game is irrelevant

>want to replay it
>turn it off after 5 mins

good lord I hope it's 60fps on PS5


Attached: GOATborne.png (1680x610, 323K)

>nintendo AND nostalgia bias is real

>NieR: Automata

Attached: emil.png (500x560, 127K)

Why exactly should i care about this?

I don't even own a PS4
I just think there is something to be said about game critics loving games from the 80s and 90s more than anybody even liked them at the time
Skyrim should not be at the top of any list

OOT & FF7 have always been the most popular games you fucking retard

>Skyrim should not be at the top of any lis-

Attached: YYZ Drum Solo.webm (1122x648, 572K)

not multiplatform
if it was multiplatform everyone would find out it's shit and move on

I don't play console games. Most people would say it's worse than dark souls 1 & 3 and kind of comparable to dark souls 2.

This, it didn't even win more awards than Fallout 4 in 2015 despite the Sony exclusive bias. Nobody cares about this shit game except Sonyfags desperately trying to keep their platform relevant

My point isn't even about those two in particular, though it should be said that ocarina should not be beating everything else four times over for any reason
You should take a good long look at this list and consider how much some of these games actually mattered
Is this fucking beat saber

Influence literally doesn't matter, it's all about popularity among people who regularly play video games. You see this games circlejerked all of the time

> Sonyfag cope

I don't think journalists regularly play video games, especially the ones they put at the top of these lists
It reads to me more like they think these games should be great rather than playing them and knowing the experience was that good. It would be more interesting to retroactively make a list about the best games of a certain year rather than all time

> I don't think journalists regularly play video games
Then you are literally a delusional piece of shit, and this is your best argument to help cope with the irrelevance of Bloodborne & nobody sharing your narrow minded opinions. There's nothing more to discuss

It isn't. Witcher 3 is.

You mean BOTW?

Nearly everyone who has played it says it's better than Dark Souls 1. I haven't played it myself so I couldn't tell you why, but that seems to be the consensus for Souls fans

>Nearly everyone who has played it says it's better than Dark Souls 1.

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Witcher 3 has way more flaws than Bloodborne

take this shit back to Yea Forums

Witcher 2 > Witcher 3
And BB > both



Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid (Colored - 2).jpg (5760x3240, 2.35M)

Strawmanning and insisting that I've even played bloodborne isn't going to get you anywhere buddy

Nice rebuttal

I still haven't played it cause I can't pirate it on PC :(

It's shit.