When was the last time you played video games with your parents?

When was the last time you played video games with your parents?

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Cute and wholesome.

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I played jackbox with my parents and sister when we meet up if that counts as videogames


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The only thing my dad likes is Galaga and the first stage of Star Wars Shadows of the Empire

Don't think I ever played video games with my parents, they always thought of it as a waste of time which it is

monopoly is the worst board game ever created. it's basically candy land for adults. if your parents made you play this shit they fucking hated you.

A crummy thimble? The piece should look like a pail of water!

My parents played Monopoly with me and they let me win. I couldn't fathom the idea that they would let me win, so when I asked them around age 5 or so if they did my dad said yes and promptly stopped letting me win at fucking anything. I was destroyed at Risk, Monopoly, Clue, Yahtzee, Legend of Zelda (dad beat the game on my save), you name it. Whatever game it was, I got my ass kicked from my house to Budapest.

As a result, I was the king of games at my school. Whatever game it was, I would win. Chess, checkers, tic-tac-toe, educational games the teachers made us play, Risk that one time, and especially Monopoly. It got to the point where no one would play with me anymore because it their defeat was inevitable.

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your dad sounds pretty based.

My mom worked in real estate and she always won monopoly

never, they think games are loser faggots, and they are right

that's so wholesome! here's my dad

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Last week. When I was a kid my parents would play CTR with me, and they've been playing with me off and on since I've gotten the remake. They aren't very good but I try to give them tips

Probably a couple years ago when I got Gears 3 because we used to play Co-Op together.
However he said it was gray and hard to see what was going on, so we never got past the first level.
He still occasionally asks me if X is Co-Op, which is probably his way of seeing if we could play like old times.
Does anyone even play Pokemon Go anymore?

I do whenever I'm in town. Though I don't do any of the extra content like raiding.
I did take over a gym once, that was cool.

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>I love and cherish the time I spend with you
Am I the only asshole who didn't really like spending time with their family? We don't even have a bad relationship or anything, I just rather be doing anything else, we have no chemistry.

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I was born when they were in their 40's, so they're literal boomers who don't care at all about vidya.

all this text is like a crummy pail of water, I'd rather catch pokemon creatures than read all this

>mfw boomers were panicking about D&D being satanic a couple decades ago

Why replace the pieces? What they fuck they putting in instead, a cell phone?

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>When was the last time you played video games with your parents?
Played some LAN Starcraft and crushed my dad. Note, I suck at RTS, but my dad is the really methodical sort who doesn't into fast paced micro-game.

My mother couldn't get the relics in CTR back when I was a kid so I had to do it for her.

Cute is that the original?

I wanna bang that thing

I played ctr with my father but that was a lot of years ago

I still shower with my dad.

That's a matter of perspective. My family was never of the "get off your damn phone" kind, so the gatherings were pretty chill. I only realize I miss them now that one of my aunts has died, most of my cousins moved out of state and my grandparents are either in hospital or senile, so we never have those gatherings anymore

My mom showed me zelda when I was a kid and 20 years later I introduced my dad to re4

Hopefully the turd emoji

Sounds just like my dad, all he did while he was still around was drink and watch videos of John Oliver shitting on trump
Not even a yank, he's that pathetic.

I'm in a similar boat. My family is full of really good people, wouldn't trade them for anything, but I prefer my own company.

>being fat
>letting your young kids be fatter than you
kill them both

Nascar Heat with my dad back in 2002. He got two arcade wheels and we played the whole day.

Help why do I want to fuck this autistic goat

last game i played with my dad was Sphynx and the Cursed Mummy
been telling him for years he needs to play games again but he thinks he's too old to be able to play anything

Probably last month with my father. My mother doesn't play video games.

this is always said by people that then go on to watch netflix for half their life

My dad played the fishing in twilight princess. Just a couple of years before he died.

>play monopoly with brother
>fucking cheating bastard is always robbing the bank

Every single person in my immediate family is a gamer with different tastes in video games.

Only plays FPS, almost exclusively old ones, like Doom, Duke Nukem, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 3D, etc. He hates pretty much every shooter released post-2005. Legitimately cried when he got Duke Nukem Forever and it turned out to be shit, since he had really fond memories of playing the first Dick Kickem with my uncle who passed away in 1996.
Only plays city builders and Sims game. Spends at least 3 hours a night playing Sims 4, and has probably 3000 hours between all the Sims games. Has every single expansion, and also spends an ungodly amount of time playing Children of the Nile, her favorite game of all time
Exclusively plays Blizzard or Indie games on Steam
Plays almost entirely RPGs, Animal Crossing, and Overwatch

Fuck trying to get them to play anything together, let alone anything with me. I still play Enemy Territory with my dad once in a blue moon, but other than that, the only other one I can play with is my sister whenever I'm doing my bimonthly Pokemon playthrough.

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this is the kind of shit i find funny

My mom made me do the dream sequences of Max Payne for her, so it was a two times thing.

i recognize that cover

>Monopoly doesn't use the howitzer anymore

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Me and my dad play split-screen CoD sometimes when im visiting. We used to play Age of Empires on pc before, but its been almost a decade since last time

these boomers spend all their time on social media and whenever they want to look smart they just fall flat, like in this case

Mario kart double dash

My dad could beat your dad's high score in Galaga

My dad worked at Nintendo

I love my family.

I just have no idea how to interact with them. I like keeping to myself and family events usually just involve showing up, sitting in on conversations, and occasionally mentioning that things are going pretty well.

My dad is weird
He hates playing games that are just going from point A to point B.
So I figure "we most want more of a sandbox game where he can choose to do whatever"
But then he says that he never knows where to go or what to do.

I don't think he reads much when playing so that doesn't help.
He liked the earlier RE games but he struggled with RE4. I kind of assume he'd hate the newer games.

Post the original.

First and only time was MK1 at an arcade with my dad. He picked Kano because he thought he was a Terminator with his exposed eye. He was a complete Boomer though and never really got the hang of it. He was much better at stick hockey and fusball, probably because of the physical component.

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Your Dad sounds extremely based

My mom once played Art of Balance on the Wii with me. Just one game since she was usually drugged out or too tired to do anything.

Pokémon Go

Play through a wad with your dad on Zandronum. It's really easy.
Community Chest is pretty good usually.

Back on Father's Day I asked my dad what he wanted and he told me he'd like Baldur's Gate 3 when it comes out. Told him that probably won't be for like a year so I got him a bonsai instead.

Your dad has the best taste by far
Yer mum seems to like it comfy
Your brother has shit taste, I'm sorry
Your sister got also comfy and good taste besides owowatch
Try playing board games with your family! There's a couple co-op games too! Pretty based family you got there mate

>playing videogames
I'd actually lose respect of them if they started.

Thanks for giving me a glimpse into my future family M8

My Dad and I beat EDF 2017 Inferno together

Last week, right after going with him to the doctor for his skin cancer appointment.
Played Halo 2 and a magazine demo of the first Star Wars Battlefront (which ended up with just me and him in an AT-ST camping in front of the shield bunker vs 100 rebels). The last rebel who was stuck on some corner of the map committed suicide somehow, I saw the counter tick down to 0 despite capturing all the command points before the 20 count hit 0.

Very wholesome, thank you OP.
Filled with resentment. Away with you.

I'm 34 and I played NES/SNES with my mom and Wolf3D and DOOM with my dad. Both are successful in their own right, and I'm doing alright. You're a silly cunt.

Never did play video games with my parents, but the last time I played a board game with my mom it was Scrabble. It was kind of a close game until she played FUZZY (with a blank) with Z on a Triple Letter Score. And thus it was the last time we played Scrabble.

>2049 Yea Forums
>it's this thread again
But we are the parents

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Tetris, on dual Game Boys, with my dad

Too bad he's too much of a Boomer to play anything else. Nowadays, he only plays Sudoku, board game or card game apps on the tablet we gifted him last Xmas. Can't be arsed to play some real games.

My younger brother's two big hooks were original DOTA & A.R.C. Though we still played Saturn & Dreamcast games together. He died end of August 2007, and I'm sad I never got into DOTA with him.

>~50 scrabbly-points on a 5 letter word
Ah shit, you got dunked on by mommy dearest. Fuckin rekt!

what happened? Car accident?

>you'll never spend time with your dad ever again
fuck, I was so blind

My dad is almost 73 and the only time he's shown anything other than apathy over the videogames in 30 years was when he saw me play LA Noire. I explained that it was about investigating crime scenes and reading people's reactions during interrogation, and he thought it was "pretty cool", even tried to help me at a point with a "that guy's full of crap" that turned out to be right. He was immediatelly put off by the shooting sections though.
Any other games like it I should try to show him next time I visit?

I recently started browsing the front page of reddit because I enjoy reading the creme de la creme of shitty posts. Now I see exactly how often the OP images for threads on Yea Forums come directly from there. There really is no saving this board.

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I prefer Rummikub.

Yeah, it was a harsh defeat.

Depression suicide. We were sharing an apartment at the time, and I found him in his room hung by a belt on his closet door.

>your dad was born in 1946
Ever considered getting him games set in the 50s?

Ace Attorney.

I'm sorry for your loss user, I never had a brother (only a sister) and I can't imagine losing her like that, I pretty much raised her along with our parents

It's already happened, user. Thimble, Wheelbarrow, Shoe, and Iron are all dead. Replaced by a Cat, a Rubber Duck, a Penguin, and a fucking T-Rex.

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Remind the class the original reason people hated that cess pit, apply it to your post and then kill yourself.

What's the problem here?

He was a bit more than 3 years younger than me, and we got to the point of being real good friends around our early teens. We played so much vidya together, it was a real bond we had. Even in 2007 I couldn't best him at Bust-A-Move 4.

At that point are you even really autistic anymore?
If the problem is not being able to understand social ques and you can manage to force yourself into understanding them then there isn't a problem anymore. It just makes you a slow social learner.

>self diagnosed
>thinks that growing up, and learning how adults are supposed to act isn't something everyone does.

Don't bully autists or they'll start acting like normal people

ugh typical right wing meme

My Dad was a total narcissist on the best of days, abusive on the worst. The only common ground we shared was video games. He’d let me watch him play doom and some other stuff, it had me hooked. We played Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill all the way through. It’s some of my only good memories with him. I wish it could have been like that all the time

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Me and my dad play Pacman sometimes. I've been thinking about introducing him to more games, but neither of us have much time between his 2 jobs and my long ass commute.

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This is why I want to have more than 2 kids, so that there will always be a bond or two
It aint easy being the oldest child though


Taken straight from reddit

"the thing" just find out that most people that call themselves autist are just either really stupid or just acting childish too much

I mean, when a psychopath learns to recognize and emulate emotions in appropriate situations, he's not any less of a psychopath, he's just actively keeping himself in check to function in society.

Good, go back and stay there.

My daughter is 8 moinths already

>what is reverse image search
Hello summer tourist

me and my dad played through all of the mainline mega man games, he's the first person i've seen to like bounce man's stage

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hahahah mood

She's gonna make a thread like this one day and get asked for her tits lol

This is the boomer version of the soul/souless argument. Of course those pieces are being replaced, they have literally no relevance to modern culture.

Do you still live with your family? If you do, you may find your opinion changes after you move out. Family is one of those things in which less is more.

That gets into other family issues. I do have an older brother (2.5 years), but at that time he was in a rough patch and wasn't living in the house. So at that point I realized I was actually an older brother, and not just "the middle brother."


who the fuck is nostalgic for monopoly? It's a shit tier game with zero strategy

good he's a fucking drunk ass idiot

If you're gonna lie at least make sure it is a lie that can't be easily disproven.

Go back towards Reddit and stay there.

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And I'd be a proud dad if she honors the rules.

While remaining anonymous.

Monopoly was deliberately made bad as a criticism to capitalism, it's pretty funny

>I want my daughter to post her tits on the internet

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*____ ____*

Do you not?
Didn't realize this site was full of homos these days.

Moved out ten years ago, so I don't play games often with my dad anymore. He's a PC gamer through and through; dabbled in RPGs from time to time, but much more of an RTS/TBS sort of guy. Last thing we "played" was probably when I last went to visit and I watched him play Slay the Spire long into the night, offering the odd suggestion.

Come to think of it, it's probably because of him bringing home the Amiga, the SNES and the PC even if they were just as much for him as they were for me that ended up with the vidya having such a big effect on my life, going so far as to get a job in the industry, where I found many friends who are also obviously into games, got together with my wife, etc. etc. I guess I should thank him or something next time I see him. Thanks, OP.

Few months ago when I visited my Dad.

We took turns playing PUBG on his Xbone.

He got a winner winner chicken dinner shortly after I left and texted me to let me know, although he did admit he got zero kills and the other last guy died outside the circle.

Busted out some Super R-Type with my Dad and brother a few years back. He helped me beat it when I was a kid.

Nah me too, take my dad for example: I love him very much but we have zero common interests, doesn't help that he's 40 years older than me


>"My dad keeps joining my fucking GTAVR5 lobbies and killing me over and over again telling me he fucked my mom and to go to bed in front of my friends what the fuck do I do Yea Forums"

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>what's a board game???

Board games are a massively booming market right now, there are literally hundreds of them releasing each year and many of these companies are making fucking bank off them. I literally know a guy who paid off his entire mortgage with the proceeds of some shitty licensed board game he worked on.

>search by website not image
Fucking dumbass

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I find these boomer comics so funny that they honestly think the current generation has no idea what 'archaic' items like books and boardgames are

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Yeah, you're still autistic. After I got diagnosed, I realized it was a lot like trying to ride your bike with a flat tire. You're pedaling and pedaling with all your might and can barely keep up, while everyone else is effortlessly coasting by you.
It takes a lot out of you.

40 apm

On the subject of board games, don't forget Hasbro made a physical release of Words With Friends.

OP here. I got it from Twitter.
Also go hang yourself nigger.

Dad died 15years ago when i was 10 we played racing and fighting games together all the time. I was never able to win against him on street fighter 2 i still have his old arcade machine plugged in sometimes i play a couple matches and get all teary eyed.
I miss my dad anons

How can you win in monopoly if no one wants to trade or barter?

Isn't that game just scrabble?

>that fucking cover
Jesus christ

>tfw u buy up orange properties since everyone hits them after leaving jail and let the mongs buy up yellow green and blue

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That's why you're the 180 IQ galactic brain.

that might explain your autism

He was also bed ridden because cancer. The day he died we were playing gran Turismo 4. I won but only because he was weak and shit. He said he loved me and went to take a nap. He never woke up.

I think it was Wii Sports. I got mad at my dad for figuring out you could just sit on the couch and waggle the Wiimote for most of the games. Honestly though I had a more memorable time playing a PC point-and-click port of The Road to El Dorado with him. We also used to play You Don't Know Jack with the whole family way back when. Other than that, there was also the time my uncle and I played MechWarrior 2. Good times.

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It takes more effort, mostly. I am generally high functioning and learned early on how to cope better and actively teach myself psychology, body language and charisma techniques to better move through social interactions without incident. Most people think I am more or less normal at face value and that is by design. But doing this is draining to me, it's mentally exhausted and if I do it for too long I am at risk of having a panic attack. Luckily, just being aware of that is usually enough to prevent it, I know when to walk away from a conversation and decompress and destress for a few minutes

My brother. We're going to make it, man.

Buy everything you land on.

Crummy Board games? I want water

How fucking young are you

Learning social cues and being able to function in society is something literally everyone does. What am I looking at

Fuck thanks OP

You just reminded me of the one time my dad played Half Life with me and my brother. He never usually played videogames, but he tried. He decimated him and then laughed in his and shit talked him, and while he had a big dopey grin he never played again...

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Me and my dad used to take turns playing gta 4,SA,and vice city alot but then we both grew out of the series.

So it's rng?

>OP comic's second panel

Yes monopoly has about as much strategy as chutes an ladders if people aren't willing to make deals.

Does you dad mow the lawn at 8:00 on Saturday while sipping Monster Light?

In before the incel copypasta about having daughters

Is there a board game that has no rng?

Some hot wheels racing game back on the PlayStation.

Who is the bunny/goat creature thingy?

Is there anything more cucked than having a daughter?

ЧиcĐ»a by ĐŸeĐ»eĐ²Đ¸Đ½

I guess having your wife getting fucked by some other dude?

yikes, imagine how fucking mad the guy who made this was

Unironically having a daughter can be useful if you get her to marry a rich white guy or just a white dude in general

wtf i was a closet autist all along

>the fucking book

Stayed round for a weekend a few weeks ago, played Super Mario Party with them and my sister, the next day in the evening found my Mum and my Dad playing the mini games by themselves since they found it so fun, was surprising.

Daddy issues: the post.

I like watching some movies with him but outside that i never just had same interest as him. He always tried to get me into all kinds of sports but failing and he gave up on it when i was 12.

this edit is pretty based honestly

What if you raise your stepdaughter to become your daughterwife though?

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But how can she tell if she's autistic and she didn't just learn behaviour that others learned before her. She has no point of comparison if she's never experienced life from the POV of what she considers normal. Maybe I've been an autist all along but I've been ridiculously good at remediating it.

Throw money at them until they capitulate.
>hey, I'll buy Vermont from you
>fuck off
>I'll give you two grand
>don't do it, he always does this
>i dunno...
>three grand
>3500? right here, cash in hand
>dude please he always does this
>I'll also never charge you rent when you land on vermont
>aight, I'll take that deal
Then place hotels on the other properties.
>dude you said I wouldn't have to pay rent if I landed on it
>just Vermont, dude, not the others

Even if she is black?

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>Try to introduce boomers to new boardgames that we could all enjoy together
>They refuse to learn them because they're "complicated" and won't play anything other than Monopoly, Sorry!, Trouble, and Yahtzee
It's baffling how stubborn boomers are about learning new things

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I talked my mom through resident evil 2 a few weeks after it came out, it used to scare her when my brother played it on the n64 all those years ago.

That did not go how I expected.

What games did you try to teach them? Old people are stubborn, so you gotta ease them into new stuff.
My parents were the same way at first, but I got em hooked on Catan and Ticket to Ride. They've gotten more adventurous since then. Others I've had success with were Sagrada, Tsuro, and 7 Wonders, though the last one had some growing pains.
Nowadays, they find new board games and introduce me to them.

every so often my family has vr night ever since I got one as a present

>Ok to live forever you need to type into this into the Imortality Computer...

This will be the norm in 50 years when the gaming as a medium is no longer separated by generation gaps.

>be blind
>learn how to see with your hands with decades of training
>people don't believe your blind and no longer pity you

50/50 on this. People should understand how hard someone works, but no one should want to be pittied.

I played every 3D zelda game with my mom
My dad used to buy me a lot of videogames, since my firsy Sega Saturn

I'm a boomer so they're not very much the "gamer" types, but they enjoyed watching me playing when I was a kid and games were more simple

>my dad keeps calling me a disgusting piece of shit as he kicks my character ass and raping it
I really thought that with dream games the old hags of the keyboards and controller would be alienated but he knows how to play a dream game, also his avatar is an anime version of my mom with huge tits someone please help me

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>his avatar is an anime version of my mom with huge tits someone please help me
Your father is a loyal man

Used to play Doom, Duke Nukem, Total Annihilation, and Command and Conquer with my brother, uncle, and father in the 90s. My dad built my brother and me computers and had a couple of spares for visitors, all hooked up to a hardwired LAN that he installed in the house's walls himself. He died when I was young and those good times never returned.

You shouldn't learn that, it should be innate.

No you aren't.

The thing is, no matter how good someone is at faking it, being "blind" will always impede them. If people don't account for that they may get put in situations they legitimately can't handle.

Same thing with the autist.

There's a reason I used quotes.

i want to fuck that autistic fursona

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oh, well my mistake then.

No worries m8.

>half and half color scheme
>implying I can't sniff out the autism from a mile away

Its the first tell everytime.

never, because my parents are socially retarded boomers who have no idea how to interact with anyone below the age of 35

Well Monopoly is actually a terrible board game

Monopoly is fine if you play by the official ruleset and not meme 'house rules that give out money like candy.

It could use a set turn limit though. So at like turn 30 the player with the highest cash/assets value wins.

My biggest problem playing monopoly growing up is that nobody I knew ever played by the rule stating that a property goes to auction if the person who lands on it chooses not to buy it. Because of that games would last for hours just sitting at the "buying properties" phase and would never really move on to actual negotiations and deal making before everyone got bored.

I should ask my parents about getting their monopoly board that still has the cannon and battleship.

Tried playing Halo CE with my dad maybe 5 years ago. Turned out he couldn't into 3D games (except racing).

I'm moving out with my girlfriend in two weeks im terrified

Please tell me it will be okay

My Dad and I played Star Wars: The Complete Saga Co-op when I was 11. He also loved the pokemon games. He played through HG, W, B2, and Y

Always trash at RTS's but loved them. We both love Total War, but I could never get him to try other strategy games. He had an addiction to TORtanic for a while
Blamed vidya for everything, even shit like not feeling hungry
We played a bunch of co-op games, particularly Yoshi. She really likes the Sims, Style Savvy, and Splatoon.

no user it's gonna get worse from here on out

Best pieces right there.


This. I wish I had a family who didn’t sigh every time I mention video games

Absolutely fucking based boomer dad.

>dad was a Chad in high school who broke records in sports
>deeply resented me because I was a total spazz and miserably awful at all the sports he forced me to try
>sexually abused me until I was 16 as punishment
He hated video games with a fucking passion

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It's never okay, you don't move in with a girlfriend if you don't have kids or aren't planning to get married in the following 6 months

ESPECIALLY not in your mother fucking 20's. God damn you're an idiot.

>the people here asking the difference
It's a difference in feeling. It's more like you're running macros than actually responding to things with your own feelings.

>The new tokens are a penguin, cat, rubber duck, and T-rex

I don't understand.

I used to play shooters like life force with my mom when I was a kid. She was also the only one between me and my brother who could beat solomon's key. She'd get all the secret rooms and shit as well. She really liked tetris and was really good at it. Played it on the nes and on the gameboy. I would later get her a DS and give her a bunch of games I thought she would like but she just ended up playing tetris all the time, until she didn't and then she never played any more video games after that.

Thanks for reading my blog, take care of and cherish your parents.

did you kill him?

My mom has played and beaten every Dragon Quest, Wild Arms, and shitty Kemco rpg out there. Doesn't touch anything other than jrpgs, but was always into everything from pinball to arcades when she was younger. Still have her old intellivision around here somewhere.

My dad is a deadbeat who isn't around anymore, but he had an nes last I remembered and I'm certain he still plays games with his other sons with his other family.

My grandmother played her DS all day long, no actual games besides Big Brain Academy and some kind of minigame on Mario 64 DS. Whatever it was I remember she broke the score she played so much. Angry Birds she was obsessed with and played that right before she died in the hospital. Wii Bowling she loved too, beat me quite a lot too. I miss her more than I'll miss either of my parents when they're gone.

It would have been Halo 3 split screen with my dad. Not sure when the last time before he died was though. I'd like to believe it was that same year but I honestly don't know

My dad plays more games than me and always has. Right now he plays a lot of Warframe and Sea of Thieves.

dad would never play a video game, just wouldn't ever occur to him to do so
only time he even remotely took an interest in me playing video games was once when he saw the interior of a church in the Guild 2 when I was playing and asked me questions about it
he promptly lost interest when I showed him the Protestant church and it looked exactly the same as the Catholic one

sometimes my dad would take breaks from work to play this with me. goddamn those were the days

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How about not being a boring person and have more than one hobby? I can't think of anything more boring than people who dedicate all their time to one single hobby, just look at all the tired gamer bullshit

wealthy racist white men love marrying POC

you think people are born with knowledge of social cues? lol

>At that point are you even really autistic anymore?
Yes. The main difference is that you're responding to emotional and social situations purely with intellect rather than with emotion. You're analyzing a situation and figuring out how you SHOULD feel and outwardly respond accordingly without actually feeling that way or making an emotional connection.

>most animals can inherently communicate emotion and reaction with each-other
>humans have to learn something like this

many months ago i sit my parents to play some tekken 7 matches.
they like it.

>just Vermont
LMAO based. I do the same to my cousin, he's a good kid, but God damn he can't make a good deal to save his life.

>Marring niggers/spic
>still a racist somehow
I'll never understand pee-brained liberal logic.

>children of the nile
Based mom.

>beat all Crash Bandicoots with my dad as a kid
>watched him play Medal of Honour and Hitman since I was too trash to play
>played Halo co-op with him
>beat the LOTR games The Two Towers and ROTK, then played through The Third Age together
>last game we played together was Fallout 3 in 2008, I was 14.
>after that he lost his job, became slightly an alcoholic, entered severe depression, bitter against the world
>the young father I grew up with, optimistic, open minded and full of life became a cantankerous old man over the course of 5 years
>he's okay now but he's very much post-Dad mode and it makes me very sad

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I played House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn with my mom a couple weeks ago.

>can't tell without a reverse search what originated from where anymore
>still clinging desperately to the idea that it's worse for being from Reddit
You've forgotten why we hated them in the first place.

a few years back, got my dad to try smash and a few indie multi player games I was playing with my siblings.
I'm debating getting my younger brother to show him wreckfest, seems like his kind of game.

>we used to play Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct and a bunch of other SNES games
>when the 64 came out he stopped playing because he said he couldn't get into the 3D thing
>every time he's in town my sister and I will ask if he wants to play some Switch
>even bought DKC Tropical Freeze so he could play
>ask him if he wants to play some board games or even card games
>always says "no let's watch a movie"
>he spend the entire movie on Facebook
I just stopped trying now

>reddit meme: the furry version

he's just tired user

no, to the effect that life has rng. there are some where you can optimize around rng like splendor or 7 wonders and consistently win against others

I think the last game I played with my dad was probably Galaga or Ms. Pacman, probably 15 years ago or so. I remember trying to get my mom to play Smash with me because I didn't have anybody else to play with, but I don't think we ever ended up playing.

Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled

My dad only drifts around corners and my mother doesn't know what drifting is.

>I should have stopped and done worse so they wouldn't feel too bad when they lost, because now they don't want to play anymore

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fortnite with my dad a few months ago lol, he talked me into it btw swear I'm not a zoomer


I guess, but we only see each other 2-3 times a year. He could make some effort on those occasions.

Has your dad played any of the recent retro FPS'?

Wii boxing like a month after the Wii came out

no but I got really good at gay sex

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Prove it to me

Tetris with my mom like 20 years ago.

why post this

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My dad left us 18 years ago, haven't seen or heard from him since. But here's a story from before that.
>it's 1998
>Resident Evil 2 is out at the Blockbuster
>dad rents it and he pops it in late that night and has me watch him
>opens up with Leon in the midst of the cars, trying to get to the police station
>for some reason my dad completely fails to grasp the controls or how to shoot (he hardly played the Playstation, was mostly used to the SNES and Genesis)
>gets munched on a dozen times
>just takes a real long heavy exhale and tells me to go to bed
>next morning I find out he punched a hole through the bathroom door and shattered two of his knuckles
>I never played RE2 (until the REmake) or Nemesis, first game in the series was 4 on the GC
>my budding interest in Capcom eventually led me to be super interested in Devil May Cry

Other than that my mom used to get a copy of the Pokemon games and just screw around, never really doing anything seriously.

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Last week with pops. NFS:most wanted

>fought for your right to do it but then shames you for doing it anyway

Twitter is a blight on humanity

I like how it gets better with age everytime

Rock Band / Guitar hero almost every weekend.

you may be able to get everyone but your dad to play the yawhg. it's not a particularly good game, but it can make for a fun evening or two.

>email below printing press
fuck is this shit?

>mother is a programmer
>only plays facebook games

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I know these boomers had learnt how to draw while high as fuck in their kombis, but fuck, every comic has the same shitty style

bayo 2

my pops only plays shmups and is way better at them than i

My mom used to whoop my ass mercilessly
at Tetris on SNES. She also taught me how to play Mario abd Pac Man.
Once the N64 came out 3D movement was too complicated for her so we never gamed together again

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>Then place hotels

Bad advice. Never place hotels, only homes and fill up all your places with homes.

Why? Because then there's not enough. That's the Capitalist part of the rules, when the home pieces are all gone, there's no more and no-one else can place homes. The rich (you) get richer while everyone else loses.

The rules are clear on that, no substitutes.

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I did this to my mother because she was deeply psychologically abusive and had a slew of mental disorders when I was growing up.

Now she's going senile and trying so hard to be kind to me but every time I'm around her it sets off a primal fight-or-flight response and my adult self leans towards fight. I'm 25 and too scared of my dying old mother to spend time with her.

>My dad left us 18 years ago, haven't seen or heard from him since. But here's a story from before that.
You should track him down and beat him up

It's like the male feminists who freak out about anime girls being too young but it turns out they were the pedos all along.
It's the same mental gymnastics.

just lean into your hate and take joy in seeing how much she's degraded. that should make it bearable to be around her for a while, and as long as it doesn't show she thinks you care about her.

When they were still alive :c

I normally complain about dumb boomer political cartoons but this one is absolutely right. Doubly so if people are using it as a platform for debate.

>but let me introduce you to someone who can't stand because he was defending israel

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I used to play Beat em Ups with my grandfather all the time when we lived together. He plays looter shooters now with his brother and he's planning to buy BL3 when that comes out.

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They played 1-2 Switch when it first came out, I do play board games with them occasionally though.

Yesterday. My dad's doing a replay of BotW and I hang out with him while he does so partly because some of the shrines give him a bad case of vertigo and he needs back up on those. Mom's gone now but we used to share in replays of her favorite SNES RPGs right up to the end. We also played cribbage, but that's not vidya.

My dad and a friend used to play GTA 3 and San Andreas together a lot, I was "banned" from watching but when my mom wasn't around I could. They also played Black (great ea shooter btw) and PS1 Space Invaders. We also played a lot of Banjo Kazooie Later in life I gifted him a ps3 with GTA5 but he never played it. On the plus side he never updated it either so when I got it back a few years later I was able to hack it

I’m did this. I became good enough at pretending I was normal to dodge any sort of special ed program and now I am a completely nonfunctional adult.

probably ssx tricky like 16 years ago, they don't really like games

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Considering he married my mom when he was 19 because she got knocked up and then proceeded to live vicariously because apparently getting married at such a young age stripped him of his bachelor life, I wouldn't be surprised if he's dead. The only person on his side of the family I have contact with is my cousin (my father's sister's oldest son) but his mom was a total fat slob bitch of a woman so he cut off all ties to that side of the family and fucked off halfway across the country from them.

>dad's parents divorced when he was young
>sister divorced husband after two kids, had three more with a guy that got her into insurance fraud
>brother is sterile after a childhood illness, had to adopt
>my parents divorced (or whatever you want to call it, since we couldn't contact him) after he left us
>my father has four sons, I'm second
>my older brother is the spitting image of him, umbilical cord partially cut off oxygen in the womb so he's technically retarded, but one of those retards that are savvy to it so they milk it
>I'm my mother's son through and through, besides my eye color being my father's (my brother having mom's eyes, ironically)
>younger brother takes after mom too
>youngest is kind of a mix between them
>sister has two sons, oldest from the first marriage and took his dad's name, younger from second husband, took that one's name too
>so since dad's brother can't have kids my brothers and I are the only hope for passing on his garbage Welsh/German surname
>we all changed it to mother's Irish maiden name

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I too enjoy the popular serious "Video Games".

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>Portal 2

You haven't got urges of shooting up schools thanks to the guns in portal 2? What a fucking pleb.

>Portal 2

This comic edit makes me feel so sad.
Because the second panel is the single most unrealistic thing I've seen all day.

My father did try to get me in to things he was interested in, but that road never went the other way around. I just had to keep my stuff to myself for the most part.

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>Portal 2

Parents tend to be extremely oblivious and self absorbed.
If you ever have children, actually talk to them and teach them about things.
Don't leave them to watch cartoons and video games for 15 years and then go "haha you don't know what this thing from when i was younger is? wow kids these days"

It's tragic how stupid so many people raising children are. Don't teach them morals, philosophy, don't connect with and spend time with them.
Just leave them alone to do whatever if you're not screaming at or around them constantly.

there's a the possibility the things youre interested in are shit and your dad knew better than to engage with you on the topic of your interests

let her die alone, don't pussy out. You have no obligation to suffer for her, you already have suffered enough for her

>dad who grew up on a farm riding horses in a third world country and has never played a video game in his life
>has 0 problem with my anime and video games even though doesn't understand it
>offered to allow me inheritance of the house
Why are White, Black, and Asian families so fucking dysfunctional and unloving?

Your dad isn't some kid at school that doesn't want to hang out because you're a nerd, you fucking retard.
If you have a kid and their interests are "shit", that's your fault, and it's also your responsibilities to engage with them and get them into other stuff.

Otherwise you're a failure.

youre fucking retarded

It's not like I'm holding, or at least trying to, hold some kind of huge grudge or anything. I know he cares, and tried, but often failed to reciprocate. He was really concerned about me, and wanted the best, but was also often dismissive about things around me and would harp on my flaws in ways that seemed excessive.

It's just painful having to admit to yourself that your folks were human too, even if you like them.

I had that same idea in mind for a time, and it only served to destroy me mentally. Not doing that again, but here's a (You) for your effort.

That's why I just play PC/console versions of the game. I also put my stuff into hock just to buy more property, every time I play against other people I always wind up with twice as much property as everyone else.

To be honest I just know the shit I like is stuff my dad will never be into, but we have some common ground.

I beat Jetstream Sam in MGR for my dad when he couldn’t do it and asked for my help

My arm was broken at the time

cringe. go fetch a pail of water, kid

>also his avatar is an anime version of my mom with huge tits someone please help me

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>mfw I have an acquaintance who does exactly that and isn't american either
He's also pretty close to the stereotypical soiboii caricature in all respects and a bit mental (not sure if it's from the drinking or if it comes natural to him).

weebshit has nothing in common with LA noire, no matter how good it is.

Return of the Obra Dinn would be the perfect game for him.

Twenty-five years ago maybe?

oh no wait, Wii Bowling

When I was a kid my dad and I always played Mario Party together. And when I got older he introduced me to Prince of Persia. Its a shame we had a major falling out after I finished Middle School due to his bipolar disorder completely consuming him and I haven't spoken to him in over a decade

I know I'm responding late here, but I seriously doubt that. He can make it to level 40 and completes every bonus stage flawlessly.

Can't apply for autismbux.


my dad got Dragon Warrior for the NES some time ago. I was a DQ fan ever since i played 9 as a kid. i should get around to finishing DW

Your dad should've got good


>my fucking face when I type that in google
Jeeeesus christ what is this

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My Dad and Mom are over 60 they are too old for videogames. My older bro likes pokemon, pokemon clones, and Dragon Quest. We are room mates and shit up on Smash from time to time. My twin bro is really into JRPGs and Rythem games. He's having me play SotN since he's surprised I never played it outside of Ritcher mode. When he and our old high school friends are over we play Mario Kart or Perfect Dark. The last time all of us thres brothers played a gane together was us passing the controller between levels of Bomberman Hero.

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My dad spends more time playing spider-solitaire /hearts and all those default card games (and nothing but) than he ever did with me and my mom. The only thing we have in common is interest in sports, but I actually go out and play while he never threw a ball at me. He just spends all his time on his PC, either playing card games or shitposting Facebook memes. My mom at least takes up my suggestions and plays an assortment of puzzle games, but the old man is addicted to them cards.

Pretty long ago. My mother doesn't play games, and while my father and I love games, he mostly sticks to singleplayer stuff. We do often discuss games together, though - I told him about Wing Commander Saga, and he was quite excited about it (the Wing Commander games were a big deal at our house).

its actually a russian best seller

Last I can recall is playing legend of zelda. He would read the words out to me because I was too young to read. We drew the entire world map out on grid paper. Better times.

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My mom played Just Dance on Switch when I got it on sale for $20

>implying I'll ever get to have kids

Did this fucking retard mistake Portal 2 for Postal 2

OP here. I enjoyed reading these wholesome vidya stories.

That's the most likely explanation.

Yea Forums is so fucking reddit guise except for me I only go on there ironically

become an hero.

>tfw relationship with my parents is just average
We just don't click enough on anything. It's not like we don't talk, we just have nothing to talk about past the usual "so how's life" conversation. I know it could be much worse, but I wish it was just a bit better.

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How can you struggle with RE4 its almost as linear as can be?

>Hate dad growing up
>He leaves my mom for a younger women when im 22
>Pumps out a few kids
>Has not changed his will since i was 15
>He bites the dust in a car accident
>My borther and i get his entire estate (including the house his whore wife lives in)
>My brother and i are the two who collect his life insurance
>His whore wife contest the will
>She loses the case
>Brother and i sell the house she has to move in with her own whore mother and her two bastard kids
>She contacts me and askes me for a share of the will or to sign the house over (its only fair she says)
>I laugh and say her kids could starve for all i care
>I go and buy a brand new dodge 1500 and an investment property
My dad and i played cod 2 together once

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My mom likes a lot of PS1-era platformers, like Crash and Spyro. She's also into shit like Zelda. She's a huge fan of zombies and vampires, so if I showed her things like Telltale's TWD or VTM:B, she'd fall in love with it, I'd wager. She's not hardcore about it, but she doesn't need to be.
Last I checked, my older brother likes games where you can throw the controller down and get mad at shit. So any multiplayer shooter on Xbox, essentially.
My sister likes a lot of life sim games like Animal Crossing and Sims. Also a major fan of Zelda. Too much of a pussy for horror games though.
I don't know what my dad likes, I don't talk to him unless I have to.
Quick time event trouble, maybe. Combat's a lot closer quarters than it was the first three games, right over your shoulder. Can be hard for old-old people to adjust to.

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I want to get my mum into playing games because it might help ward off dementia. Maybe a DS with some puzzle games or something.

Dad never really played games, he gave up on cod in 5 minutes. I don't blame him, I should have tried a 16 bit 2d game instead.

I remember Mom brought home Wii Fit because she fell for the marketing and my dad got mad that it called him a couch potato and made the "Oh" sound effect when he got on.

I was 7 when GTA 3 came out, I had my mom play through the game until the bridge was repaired so I could fuck around in the whole city.

he's faking it but can't actually make it due to being retarded

Yes but apply what you said with literally anybody else

Cope harder Autist.

>can inherently
no you retard, all animals learn from watching their parents and peers. Inherent knowledge is a dumb boomer myth.

Parents had me by mistake. Dad left when I was born, mom left when I was 16.

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>tfw a teacher tried to guilt trip me into standing but replied I was Vietnamese and American soldiers raped my family and left them to die, so why should I show them any respect?
>tfw not even Vietnamese
>was just honestly too lazy and tired to stand up that day

hey fuck both your parents user fight to live until you drop

I bet you wonder why you're a virgin too

The pledge is a fucking joke, by like year 7 of that bullshit every week it just becomes stand up, mumble a bit, and sit down as fast as you can. Nobody actually wants to do it but you feel obligated because nobody wants to die on that hill.

nah, women are disgusting

I want to FUCK that cat

based sour grapes poster

I'll be the second person, in fact Bounce Man's stage might be my favorite of the robot master stages

I've got almost nothing in common with my father and he actively resents every way in which I'm different from him, which includes my preference of videogames over the garbage television he watches with my step mom. But he's somehow psychologically throttled and can only be passive aggressive. I'm not even a neet or a degenerate or whatever. I still get lunch with him out of obligation but I am so sick of his bitterness.

He isn't wrong though

But user, you are the cat.

Okay psychopath

more like aspie or schizoid desu

Then you're based, since the cucked part about having a daughter is taking care of them but not getting to fuck them. If you fuck them, you get uncucked.

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My parents hate video games and always had.

some time during Wrath of the Lich King, I don't remember exactly
she's never played a non-phone game in her life

itty bitty kitty titties

Dad's not really into vidya. He played some arcade stuff when he was a kid, but not much else. He doesn't really engage in my hobbies, but he's never judged me for it since I still spend a lot of time with family and get work stuff done.

My mom doesn't play vidya, but loves to watch and tell me what to do. We've actually gone through tons of games together. She likes open world and story focused games a lot. We've played and beaten all of The Walking Dead, Until Dawn, Fallout 3, the entire Uncharted series, Silent Hill 2, and the Resident Evil 2 Remake. She loves horror stuff since she was a kid, so that's always something we enjoy together. I also introduced her to Tabletop Simulator, in which she freaked out when she found out I could just load up Trivial Pursuit and we could play together. It's become less and less over time since I've moved out, but when I was still in high school we used to play things every weekend.

Excited for Dying Light 2 because we had a blast going through the first one.

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sooner or later your daughter is going to be sucking dick and probably alot of it. you just have to accept that as soon as you become a dad. the thing is if you try to oppress that she'll turn out a giant fucking slut who gets turned on by doing naughty things daddy told her not to do.
the best thing to do for your daughter is to teach her whose dick is good to suck and whose isn't.

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my family stopped playing board games with me because I would always win.


>they got rid of thimble
Wtf that was my lucky piece, I never lost a game with it. I don't think I can ever play again.

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lol, here's how that situation plays out in reality
>be severely bullied for being autistic
>since you're autistic you have very poor emotional intelligence and can't handle stressful situations like bullying and are prone to becoming violently angry
>go home and grab Dad's AR-15 to show those bullies whose boss
>go into school the next day and massacre everyone you see regardless of who actually bullied you

Played Super Street Fighter II with my dad. He was laughing his ass off the whole time at the special moves even though he didn't do any himself. He looked at Ryu's portrait and asked if he was Daniel Boone.

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You're trying too hard to fit in m8

>the best thing to do for your daughter is to teach her whose dick is good to suck and whose isn't
yeah, daddy's.

Catan without trading is on the same level

Not even trying. It's 100% true. Autists are violent mentally ill degenerates that are a drain on, contribute nothing, and actively harm society. Babying and enabling them is the worst possible thing we can do. These people are far too dangerous to allow to be free. They need to be locked up and institutionalized for life. All of them. Both low and high functioning. No exceptions.

>Yea Forums
>having sex
good one

Hey, you just need to be yourself and some rope.

i do. i also read, write, watch films. although to be fair, i suppose i don't actually MAKE anything.

Never really with my mum, she just isn't interested, but my dad got me into playing video games and we'd play through the same ones and watch one another play and such. Played through the original Half Life, Thief 1 and 2, System Shock 2, Jedi Knight 2, and a bunch of other absolute classics that way.

only one time my dad played bbtag with me and stopped playing after one match. i even went easy on him but he just stood there and died

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That’s literally learning user

lol vidya is for manbabies, your whole family is disfunctional