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Blame Valve


I hate it too. Games don't even have LAN functionality nowadays.

>queue for server slots
>paid server slots
>kicked to make room for admin's friend
>meme rules based on faggot admin's preferences

>everything just works but you can't say the n-word to excess or you might take a break until tomorrow
Truly the end times.

Its consoles (CoD kids grew on matchmaking) and ASSFAGGOTS (specially LoL) fault
Valve only jumped on the train after it was moving, like the washed up hacks they are today

my girlfriend uses that stickerpack on whatsapp

>using chinese malware

that's no way to talk about someone's gf

Thanks for the chuckle.

Except almost all of Valve's games have server browsers you fucking nigger, the only ones that don't are garbage like Dota 2 and Artifact

dota 2 does have server browsers though nitwit. you can even host your own damn server for LAN matches.



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doesn't matter when 90% of the community is too retarded to find/use it (TF2) and 90% of the servers are all the same exact map and bad config (CS:S/1.6/TF2)

in case of TF2 you should blame valve for hiding it from newfriends

Then that just furthers my point further nigger. Even Valves worst games have fucking server browsers.


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i hate this

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this, MP could just be p2p or player hosted servers that don't require going through Steam or any centralized servers, but they make it go through Steam or other centralized servers as a form of anti piracy
Notice how people say they only pay for MP games, well if they were properly made and didn't require Steam or other centralized servers then they could pirate MP games too

What I hate the most about devs is that they never admit they just want to control your product, fucking hell quake champions still has no mod support, QUAKE!

What new game actually has need for community servers? If you want to play CSS mod servers you can still do that.

>tfw you will never again relive the glory days of FPS gaming where communities sprung up around servers and developed awesome custom content/mods

Unreal Tournament 4 was the last real attempt to recreate something like this, as a collab effort with the community, but it's fucking dead because Epic decided to abandon it completely when Fortnite took off, and they left the community hanging, despite there being thousands of manhours worth of community content already finished that would just take ONE GUY on their staff to approve and implement.

But I'm afraid those days are gone. There's no money to be made, no season passes to be sold when the community can just make their own maps and host their own servers.

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UT4 died because people don't actually want to play arena shooters anymore. Community was too lazy/non existant to create new content, that's why it died.

>I have no fucking idea what im talking about
Non-steam servers been a thing since 1.6
Valve only adopted matchmaking for Dota2 CSGO (and patched TF2), all around 2012 or so, well after matchmaking been already established.

Its e-sports fault, mostly league of legends, although shooters like CoD MW really helped it too

At least Minecraft still has it's own community servers with their own sense of identity

spot the brainlet

>Community was too lazy/non existant to create new content, that's why it died.

Actually, the community created plenty of content, Epic just sat on their ass and never officially implemented what the community made. From what I've heard, they're just sitting on hundreds of pull requests from the community. Hell, they won't even officially tell anyone that development has stopped, they just starting ghosting the community one night and never returned.

>Minecraft is the last bastion of the true PC gamers

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Reminder that any multiplayer game which doesn't have a server browser and forces you through matchmaking (from which you can be banned) is a scam.

I hate it too. Especially because it killed off all of my favorite games.

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>but they make it go through Steam
no they don't you fucking liar, steamworks is completely optional

>tfw tf2 still has some community servers that refuse to die