Cyberpunk 20777 will feature real religions

As a Christian I don't know how to feel about this

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Other urls found in this thread:

Are they going to have Muslims though? They always pussy out.

of course they wont. their take on religion will be constant streams of "jesus bad! kill christians!!"

>As a Christian

I'm sorry that you're a fag

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Read: cyberpunk will shit on christianity but wont touch islam or judaism

theyll shit on christians and portray muslims as opressed. jews will be nowhere to be found

They're gonna feature all religeons but as natural and possitive they can to not be offensive at all.
Prepare for peaceful muslims and helpful, caring jews.

>already offending the sensitivity of Christ-tards


>As a Christian

Yeah? Let me guess, you found religion around the time of three years ago? Probably around the same time you started visiting this site.

Why would they say bad stuff about jews right now? WW2 and the holocaust is still a recent wound for jews and I don't see how talking shit about them in a videogame is going to help them from the trauma

I'm atheist, but theyre in europe and I cant think of a faster way to get your funding cut thank talking shit about protected classes

/pol/ has shown me the way and soon it will show you the way too user

Why would you include me? I'm not even Christian? Retard.

Muslimpunk 2077

Oy vey

because based and epic pooland is cool!

you're getting outraged over google translation

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Why the fuck do you play vidya if you get offended by religion or different concepts

Wow user, you're so oppressed.

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Listen, buddy. I browse /pol/ everyday and have been for years. And everyday I laugh. If you take anything there seriously, you are deluded.

>Gry Online WP (English): Sounds controversial. Someone will enter a church to cause havoc.
>CD Projekt Red (English): We do not want to avoid religion as a topic, authenticity of the world is what counts for us. Technically, the situation you mentioned is possible

Fucking retard

>oy vey

Stunning AND brave! CD Projekt does it again!

Based craig
Because of one reason;
Christianity is so big they arent able to lie and say that its a culture or race as its diverse.
But muslim and jewish religious groups are small and dont breed much outside of the religion,causing them to look similar and letting them lie and be like “no we arent a religion we are a race don’t oppress our fairy tales!”
But saying jews are a race is supporting a concept conceived by nazi propaganda and stuff like that
We need to realize muslims and jews chose to be that way and its a religion and not a race

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I'm a Christian and I welcome our brothers from other religions. We all serve the same God after all.

Attached: excuse me this is a christian board.webm (640x360, 1.43M)

Religious doctrine is fictional too, so I guess it's okay for it to exist is a fictional world.

>no mention of joos

there, all you have to know

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Muslims have a shit ton of followers you retard.

>Religious doctrine is fictional too, so I guess it's okay for it to exist is a fictional world.
please do not be offensive.

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They are in Poland, where catholic church is powerful due to concordate and right now like 50-60% of society wants them to fucking burn. Of course /pol/niggers will say that everything is fine, nevermind you can be beaten for not looking Polish enough. I want my country to be nuked, please Trump, nuke fucking Poland.

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>Pointing out the obvious that anti-religious people always opt out when it involves Islam or their precious Chosen People Of Elohim.
You guys aren't as cool or edgy as you believe and will put others under the bus if it means avoid labelled racist. You're hypocrites that only hate Christianity, but won't have the balls to criticize any other religion that minorities adhere to, regardless if it's as detrimental or evil as Christianity.

t. Ex-Muslim Agnostic

>Christianity treated like a punching bag once again while other religions are completely infallible

Damn Craig.

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>only judaism and islam exist
>they somehow coexist together
>there's probably a big bad corporation that uses Christian imagery
calling it

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>t. Chrislamist

imagine dedicating your whole life to an imaginary entity in the sky

>tfw Cyberpunk 2077 will be THE ONLY game in existence where you could shoot up Christian churches
Very daring and brave Poles. Fuck Drumpf!

I dont see Christians shooting up cartoon offices because they were offended at the depiction of Jesus.

God isn't real though

Remember the six gorjillion, please forget all other atrocities in the early 20th century, Oy vey.

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The game is made by Catholics. I doubt they'll be TOO unfair to Christianity.

how was your first time eating a pork bun?

I think you mean Putin and Merkel, Warsawese fruitcake.

Hitomi tanaka before any summerfag asks

its fiction. why would anyone get mad over fiction?

Recently and they mostly come from africa and isolated regions letting them say that its a “cultural and race thing”

Only feature religion if you can have an option to bring it down to the ground.

>Whats Grezzo 2

You're not a real man without a pork bun in your hand.

They already said they won't present them in a negative light.
But they WILL allow you to massacre them in their churches.

>Poles make great effort during WW2 to help Jews hide from Nazis or escape
>fucking Jews say that those were polish death camps
Never trust a fucking merchant, lads. My dad says they are jerks, anyway, he served on Golan Heights.

ITT People salty that other individuals don't have the same world view as them. Who fucking cares?

Church is now in deep shit in Poland due to pedophilia, plus LGBTQ+ rights
of course theyre gon na shit on em

Wow, you got all that from a few words that said nothing to that effect? You must be psychic, Abdul.

>implying they will get rid of buffer zone

You're a shitty christian if you browse this imageboard.

>poles make great effort
all poles? or you mean the 0.5% of people in the "resitance"?

poles iz gud boyz is a meme right now

stop being a retard

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postal 2 zoomie

What the actual fuck are you talking about? Do you even know where you are right now?

Well as a Christian I think it sounds neat. Most games seem to just borrow the most surface-level aesthetic and practices and treat it as the religion. Hopefully they'll do it right here.
Like, I found it it humorous that some people people saw the villains of Far Cry 5 as Christians when at no point do they talk about Christ. It's just a standard doomsday cult with American church flavor. I wasn't at all offended by it.
Would be awesome to have a faction with serious reservations about the theological implications of transhumanism without just strawmanning it into "well God made us this way so I don't think anyone should change anything about themselves".

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Please for get Babylonia, remember we were Egyptian Slaves.

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Perfect post, absolutely sublime. Yea Forums has redeemed itself today for me.

>saw the villains of Far Cry 5 as Christians when at no point do they talk about Christ.
to be fair, ubisoft causes nontroversies to get media attention for their stuff.

The fact that you assume that many of these anons are religious instead of just realizing these anons are only accurately pointing out that devs are only for anti-religious themes if only involves Christianity, means you have a Christian bias. Also, Arabs don't make up the majority of Muslims, you tool. I'm not Arab and you're ignorance just demonstrates your lack of knowledge.

>religions from the east

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Top tier: Paganism
High Tier: Buddhism, Tengrism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism
Low Tier: Protestantism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism
Shit Tier: Catholicism
Beyond Shit: Atheism, Agnosticism

It's always entertaining to see the faith cucks and fanatical atheists that are just as bad screech at each other. Religion brings out the ultimate autism in everyone. Never seen people so autistic about anything else on earth.

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cyber mikos incoming

So I can go around killing muslims?


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>objective: prove that allah is great

Go smoke some more pot, you stupid fucking hippie

I have seen 2 black guys fight over jordans, with one ending up getting head split open from hitting brick steps wrong. DO NOT doubt how low humanity can go.

That's neat. Doesn't change the fact than I'm right though.

Go back to fucking rabbits and trees, you faggot.

I don't really care but christcucks seething always makes me laugh.
Some nerds got mad at Hirez for including Hindu gods in SMITE.

>abandon quest
>entire faction now required to honor kill you

what would jesus say about you playing a game where you indubitably kill people for money?


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fucking retards
this guy is right

Gry Online WP (English): You mentioned religion. Does it still exist in the Cyberpunk world?

CD Projekt Red (English): Yes, and in many forms. As I mentioned, our vision is somehow based on the real world. And religion is a very important part of the latter, society-wise. In our game we’re going to see for example Christianity and its different branches, or religions from the East.
Gry Online WP (English): Sounds controversial. Someone will enter a church to cause havoc.

CD Projekt Red (English): We do not want to avoid religion as a topic, authenticity of the world is what counts for us. Technically, the situation you mentioned is possible, but this is all about the choices made by the player. We won’t encourage the player to do so. In our quests, which involve religious themes, we make sure there’s no disrespect.

>be cyber-hermaphrodite, wear a condom and have an abortion
>protestant and catholic factions ally and call a fatwa against you

I have no qualms about this. People are inherently self centered and will do just about anything to justify being a complete piece of shit.

You think Poland in general gives a flying fuck about LGBTPZ+++ rights? They couldn't care less. There are some Pride Parades being thrown out here and there by LGBT activist groups because Poland is an European country and it is in "good taste" to do so in this day and age and we have democracy, so those fuckers cannot be forbidden from doing so, but nobody in Poland is going to stick their neck out for a gay person. So forget about gay marriages and somesuch anytime soon. Poland has other problems and those issues are the bottom of a barrel. And Church is still held in high regard, because for every "bad" pedophile priest there are five good ones that are just want to do a good job. Media tell people that church is evil, but aside from some really jarring singular examples, normal Pole does not see that on a day to day basis.

Confirmed that you can do a pacifist run. Doing non lethal chokes, incapacitating ammo and talking people out of conflict.

would say "he who dies first pass the controller for 3 turns"


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The commies didn't genocide these traitors hard enough.

He’d probably think it’s a pretty lousy RPG if it forces you into the evil path.
>sips from the holy grail
>"now Deus Ex, THERE was an RPG"

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Cringe, you must be a Pollack

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Yes but they still originally are from africa and aren’t diverse

That actually sounds amazing.

Top tier: Paganism
High Tier: Buddhism, Tengrism, Shintoism
Low Tier: Zoroastrianism, Agnosticism, Hinduism
Shit Tier: Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Judaism
Beyond Shit: Atheism
Absolute Cuck tier: Evangelicalism

there, fixed

Gotta watch out for those fanatical atheists starting holy wars, shooting up abortion clinics and suicide bombing the shit out of people. Protip: religious people themselves are the spergs and you're biased in their favour like everyone else is. That's why everyone has to walk on eggshells around them just in case they get their fee fees hurt. That's why you're okay with these freakshows going door to door to preach at you, or renting out ad space to throw their retarded beliefs in your face, or even just going out into a busy city street and screeching at passers by that they're going to hell.

Atheists don't do that shit. Religious people do. They're the biggest, loudest, most sensetive snowflakes on the planet. You're not being badass or counter culture by pretending atheists are ever even remotely as bad as these people. You're just being a cuck who's scared to trigger the poor little snowflakes with your pseudo-"rebellious" rant, so you have to tack on hatred for atheists too just so they won't get too offended.

Shitting on religion is like the least courageous thing you can do in 2019. (Yes, even Islam as long as you're not being fucking racist about it, /pol/flakes.) If CDPR actually had guts they'd dare to shit on gamers but of course they won't since they're one of those studios who will do anything to appease those little terrorists.

How do we know these won't be fake made-up religions?

self-ascribed christian anons always feel incredibly disingenuous to me.

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Read the article fuckwad

>as a retard*
fixed it for you bro

that makes them cucks

Don't bother. Fanatical Atheists like him will ignore actual threats like Muslims if they could continue targeting Christians. Fanatical Atheists don't actually hate religion, they just hate Christians.

This is PERFECT. Now I can play as Cyber Jesus Dolph

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>fake made-up religions
Uhhh, user...

Not until you apologize

nice try stalin

Better alert the church of scientology and satan.

ahahahah faggot

you know how many people ive seen walking around with those pride parade bags lately?
A whole fucking lot. And I live in fucking Toruń.

Christfags were the original virtue signalling SJWs and I cannot believe that being a whiney biblefag is suddenly cool

Just because bigger snowflakes exist doesn't mean they're not still snowflakes.

Hey man my bad

CD projekt people making Cyberpunk are 99% non-polish.

not a single BASED pole in the dev team

If a Christian tells you they're one, they're definitely disingenuous and using it to earn brownie points. Their fucking god specifically said that being publicly, performatively Christian is extremely skeevy.
>dystopian setting
>it won't have missions where the Russian mafia has you kidnap hare krishnas into a bus and have them ground up into hot dogs

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Only if:
Christians: Good on the surface but vile and rotten at its core.
Islam: Waging a jihad gang war
Judaism: Own the entire city
Buddhism: Monks are peaceful on the surface but are actually all cyborg soldiers
Hindusims: Dudes tripping on acid and whorshipping AI gods
Atheists: degenerates with no morals

So we're gonna praise the Omnisiah, apply sacred machine oils to our car and hope that the engine wont suddenly catch fire because the paint job was not what the car liked?

so arabs are from africa?

>le stereotypes xd
>atheism is a religion

Catholicism is especially retarded though, I wouldn't put it on the same level as most Protestant churches
>has a bunch of relics, often made of precious metals
This is clear idolatry
>thinks bread is Jesus
This is also idolatry
>worships the Virgin Mary
The Bible says she was just a normal woman
>has dead saints pray for themselves
The Bible says there is only one mediator between God and man, Jesus


The poles at CD project are classic liberals/centrists that have been pushed around by trannies to fire the twitter dude from GOG. They're not even close to the average polish street nationalist in terms of looks and attitude.
Trannie npcs will be unkillable, just you wait.

yeah they even have their holy book and prophet

>Yfw the collective mass of religious memes that will come of this game

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>I can be a cyber Muslim destroying thots and others for the good of allah.
Based brown pill

Cyberpunk is inherently a story about morals, it will follow the norm of boring judeo-christian morals = good but the christian organization = bad. If you actually read the Bible and listen in church you'll probably enjoy it, if you're a westboro baptist-drone you'll probably be mad

>Their fucking god specifically said that being publicly, performatively Christian is extremely skeevy

I'm atheist as fuck but we all know how this will end up. Christians (and probably Catholics) will be evil or satirized as idiots or something to that extent. And they won't touch Islam at all. I'll be willing to bet Yea Forums a lot of money that's how it goes. Would be based to see them tackle futuristic Scientology though

Can paganism survive in a cyberpunk world?

the bible

Wait till you study the history of them more. Especially Christmas and Easter with the Vikings. It has just been a business for a LONG time.


>god is perfect
>gotta augment myself coz human life and the planet is a shithole
wewe lad

First page

them and just jokes like 2 people in on bicycles in the way during a chase "Damn mormons"

Ah, you were talking out of your ass. As always.

LOL did you even read my post sperg. Thanks for making my point abundantly clear.

Good goy

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Pagan religions actually have had a recent surge in popularity in young people because of alienation and shit. Cyberpunk takes the excesses of our modern society to an extreme, so I can definitely see paganism and other nonconventional spiritual systems playing a role in the genre.

i don't get it
it's a post you could see in ANY post 2016 Yea Forums thread

Muslims would be extremely against augmentation, by the way. Piercings are frowned upon.

Mutt Zionists aren't Christians. They're Israel's slaves. Like every Amerimutt no matter the religion.

Why did you even bother replying if it was just gonna be this butthurt crybaby shit where you ignore everything I said and then pretend I was the one doing that to you. If there are fanatical atheists out there, I have yet to meet them.

Do people of different faith didn't suffer any ills during holocaust? I heard there was some world war going in the background. I'm not sure if it was significant though. Also aren't most of those people dead? I didn't know there was such a thing as inheritable genetic group trauma. That makes it so that someone say born in upper class in New York suffers unlike anyone else and so should be exempt from mockery.

like the Thorite's in Spider-Man2099

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They attend those stupid pride parades because they are told it's a right "European" thing to do. And young Polish people are obssessed about being European. And a lot of people were turned off from pride parades when their attendants started mocking Christian symbols and customs - that was a bridge too far. Next pride parade was dissolved by an very angry counterparade. And despite all that attendance ask a typical Pole whether he wants gay marriages - the answer will be an overwhelming "fuck no".

Nope. they are literally same.

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>another christianfags butthurt thread
its getting tiresome

>If CDPR actually had guts they'd dare to shit on gamers
fuck you, we are the most oppressed group on earth

This is the face of a man who let himself be fucked in the ass just to get back at mom and dad.

AC2 ended with you fist fighting the pope. This isn't anything new.

lmao I've seen this utter retardation before. Mutts and their grasp of languages is full retard tier.

Christians should be mocked for the horrible hypocrite religion they practice.

I know of a guy who got shot because he got the last bag of popcorn at the movies.

Humanity is fucking retarded.

Remember that goon who gets his legs blown off in the demo and screams for Jesus Christ right before having his head blown off?

Not really. In Poland tranny movement is an alien concept in the same way persecution of black people is. They only included trannies because some chucklefuck in the West will be upset.

based retard

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I don't think you could project harder if you tried.

Talmud was written way after NT.
Go hit a bong already you fucking moron.

because game devs are cowards and don't want to get charlie hebdoed

was meant for

cope harder, christcuck

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Good god this is so fucking retarded. The last time I saw something as retarded as this was when Yea Forums was being spammed by this Zeitgeist movement.

>friend of mine religious
>claims miracles are real

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I'm atheist but Christianity (as bad as it is) has some upsides. For example it helped to keep muslims out of Europe.

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Maybe they should stat getting Breivik'ed then


>book of law
>the actual jewish bible
Learn the terms for your fictional universe before you start using them incorrectly.

based retard

there will be a christian dude
he will be an asshole
business as usual

the only muslims in poland are exchange students from turkey

>what is (((Abrahamic))) religions

The image, the simplicity, the cold hard facts laid out in perfectly efficient meme format. For me it was just kino

>There is a level of cowardice lower than that of the conformist: the fashionable non-conformist.

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They're not following the Torah anymore you degenerated piece of shit. Talmud literally overwrites part of the OT.
There was no fucking hexagram in the OT. It's purely a Kabbalistic pagan adaptation.

Try arguing like a non-nigger you stupid cuck.

>muslim thot patrol aka sharia police hack, hunt and kill trannies watchdogs style
itd be one of those things made to make the average normalfag recoil but the avg user could rejoice and join in on the fun

You dont know how good you actually have It there polbro

Yes, they acted just like this.

If you believe the universe will bring good things to you. Willpower man do you have it?


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Eat semen, paganigger.

It was still made up before Christianity or islam plagiarized it. Stay mad.

The arabian peninsula is considered a part of asia. Diverse enough having a long-time strong presence in the mid-east, africa and south-east asia I'd say.

Stay lost.

Shintoism is a type of atheism

No it's not. They have 7 gods.

Deal with it, kikeslaves

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That's just called luck

Based wewuzer

>As a Christian I don't know how to feel about this
That's how you know it's the least worst religion, because at this point I can think of some other religions that would simply go "let's just threat, or hell, let's just rampage the persons behind this".

I was part of an association who someday shared a documentary video about monetary creation, a few days after during a reunion, some brown and masked guy shows up, claiming he's looking for the person who shared the video so he could break his knees because it displayed an unfortunate depiction of a jew. This was in France. Fortunately the guy wasn't there. Man I swear if I lived in America I'd have shot a few fuckers I met.

Again, you faggots are just as bad as Faith cucks. You literally just wrote me a novel sperged out so hard because my opinion doesn't reflect yours. The very first post that you made an replied with was exactly what i was pointing out. It makes me legitimately sad that people are so diluted.

Ahhhhhh mlm or like spirit's

>t. seething christcuck, who obsesses worshiping the kike on the stick

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Hedonists and moral relativists hate Christianity because it requires accountability and they cannot stand it. However, everybody knows in their heart God is real, and everybody knows they can only run from truth for so long.


>Two monkeys are flinging their feces at each other
>Wow, those monkeys are both fucking retarded arent they?
>Geez, dont be superior user!

Unless god hardens our hearts and makes us think he's not real like he did with the conspicuously unnamed pharaoh? KEK

Careful you might cut yourself on that edge

Yes. God sent you a strong delusion. Fight it off or commit debauchery.

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Or just trust in his plan and continue being an atheist and dab on christfags.

More russians died in WW2 than jews and yet it's okay to shit on them. Why are jews the only ones exempt from all critique? Germans intended to eradicate slavs for the sake of Lebensraum too.

Notice how they didn't mention this at all at E3? This is a last ditch effort to drum up publicity for a game we all already know is just a shit witcher reskin. No interiors, voiced protag, and its barely an RPG at all. Don't be fooled by this shit.


>As a Christian I don't know how to feel about this
there's nothing to worry about lol. Unless you think they'll portray it inaccurately, in which case that's even more realistic since most Christians are Christians only nominally.

I wonder if they'll have the balls to make muslims. The only reason religion is ignored by the most sjw devs is muslims.

Islam stopped being bound by ethnicity/culture the moment it left the Arabian peninsula

>objective: prove that allah is great
>take two steps

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Amerilards don't seem too interested in shitting on Indonesian muslims even though it's by far the largest muslim country.
It's always brown people, even when they're sikh, hindu, jewish, or Christian.

I hope they're in the game
black israelites, hoteps, nation of islam five-percenters, afro-americans are hilarious when they decide to leave christianity

I'm an Amerilard you fool. You blame us for lumping things together and yet you consider all Americans retarded. kys hypocrite.

God only hardens hearts if the individual would never believe in the first place, it's just progressing them to their end result. Pharaoh was given several opportunities to heed Moses' warnings and didn't.

they're hilarious even when they're "christian"

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These tranny cucks wont say shit about muds and we all know it.

i want this in cyberpunk

You act like Muslims haven't been the main villain in gaming the past 20 years. How much games were released which exclusively involves white hero in super advanced military gear slaughtering
Muslims with aks and flip flops. And that's just AAA titles. There are plenty of indie games where killing Muslims is celebrated.

But you're right Christians are truly eternal victims of unfair representation.

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Muslims want to be the villains.

They won't dare touch Islam just like all the self-proclaimed edgy anti-religious types running around. Pro-tip: you're not anti-religion if you're afraid of condemning specific religions. You're a simpering, lying, sycophant at best.

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didnt they already showcase one of the gangs to be a hatian group with elements of vodoo mysticism? Itll probably be shit like that

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Being dead is no different then what it was like before you were born. Prove me wrong and I'll send you a witcher 3 steam key

Nothing in the vast majority if games you're suggesting label the villains as Muslim other than "They are from the Middle East."

You dont have any memories from the time you were a baby. You were still alive.

I already have Witcher 3.

You act like the bad guys no longer being represented as the bad guys in mainstream media is somehow unworthy of suspicion


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Why is leftism being sabotaged and turned pro-religion, pro-tradition, pro-segregation, pro-corporate?

I. Want before conception. Prove that being dead is any different then your experience pre conception

>as a
you have to go back, you false flagging redditor

What? Where?

Oh boy, we're gonna have sand niggers blowing shit up

Of course not. But at least I can kill peaceful christians in my game about degeneracy

You won't care.

Not that suspicious. Certain types of antagonists eventually get overdone. You don't see native American antagonists very much anymore because that Era of Hollywood passed. Now you see more non human antagonist like zombies aliens and robots. Eventually that will run its shelf life as well.

Too bad there wont be luciferian kino

You cant prove the opposite.

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pierdol się Paweł

>Now you see more non human antagonist like zombies aliens and robots. Eventually that will run its shelf life as well.
Because hollywood is intellectually bankrupt

The word cuck has lost all meaning, huh?

That's why the bible says you'll be resurrected at the last day before the judgement.

This is just pathetic, getting political about current religions is just a trope at this point. If they want to get religious they would better off foreseeing the future of religion, which would be worshiping an AI God, something that people are already developing. These vaporwave albums explore the concept in detail if you like that.
pt 1
pt 2

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You're doing it again

>theres no institutiom called the vatican
>theres no muslims
>theres no buddhists

>combinations of pixels in a screen
>game is real

That dosent make sense retard

I noticed some hare krishnas walking around in the first gameplay video

found the Pok guy

Maybe if you're completely blind to context. Also there have been shooters where the villain is yelling Muslim specific phrases. You also have to consider the culture that builds around the games. Don't try to tell me that the MW2 community wasn't filled with heavily anti Muslim sentiments.

Okay... but that's not an answer to my question.

Why does that thing have the face of a dude?

this is a fun read, thanks for sharing

how can pixels on a screen be real if our eyes arent real?

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You cant prove there is nothing after dying.

Is this simple enough?

>Don't try to tell me that the MW2 community wasn't filled with heavily anti Muslim sentiments.
Wasn't most of that game spent killing Russians?

No, you're right. Jesus said being dead is like sleeping.

why indeed.

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rare to see a games journalist trying to put out a fire vs stoking it. where did the shitty translation even come from?

everyone is gunning for cyberpunk if it isn't on their side. very meta

>As a Christian I don't know how to feel about this
I do not feel optimistic. It's been cool and popular to shit on religion in the past 30 years in the West, especially Christianity; just look at the reactions itt or an average thread on /his/, I doubt this game will be any different.

What's so bad about this? In lore there's already two Christian factions with the one with gang of purists and all about being natural, and there's the church in the middle of the city minding their own business, the head priest probably involved with criminals in the past.
The only thing catholics might get riled up is Vatican III.

they haven't played it, user

You can't prove that there is something after dying.


Attached: cyberpunk feminazis.jpg (1532x1028, 959K)

Why are christcucks so sensitive?

But being hated is good.

Ah, of fucking course.

Both sides boil down to faith.

We are not so different after all.


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Fuck christianity. spent 18 years being forced by parents to attend church.

There is no nuance these days. Having a non-dogmatic view on the church is seen as anti Christian for some strange reason

Why would there even be muslims in this type of environment. They probably mean there'll be some weird ones like scientology or some shit.

I have played and I used as an example because I remember a story about how one of the Karachi maps had a passage of the Koran written on some wall or some shit like that and it caused controversy.

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Christians are really oppressed right user? Fucking zoomers

You can stop now, please and thank you.

>atheists have no morals

Meanwhile, the majority of theists in the world don't even live by their own scripture

>make up a bunch of bullshit and declare that it's the truth
>make the fewest assumptions possible

Heard what happened in Sri Lanka?

Attached: benny russell.gif (300x225, 480K)

Actually the ones getting offended are atheists that think that religion would not exist in 2077. They will not necessarily portrait them as bad.

>You tell other people they're annoying just to feel superior to them


Why do Christcucks have such a victim complex?

weird syncretisms like in dune and rehashes of old half forgotten cults seem more plausible than AI worship

Yet you forget the part where russians were portrayed as civilian mass murderers

That's exactly what you are doing

Nobody believes this. Where did you even get that idea?

At least it gives guidance and hope.

Far better than just nihilism.

Because religion is not needed. We evolved past that and we can develop better morals.

According to the British, yes, which is slightly ironic considering their immigration policies.

People don't seem to realize this. The people who shitpost all day about religion and conservitards are almost always nihilists.

Tell you what. If you can give us undeniable proof that there is nothing beyond the confines of reality and human existence, we will gladly take it.

What's that? You have none and are just going with a gut feeling? Hmm. I wonder what that is called?

You mean the attack where Muslims where wrongfully accused by the federal government before a proper investigation. Leading to Muslims being victims of revenge attacks by Christians.

Maybe know what youre talking about first you dumb motherfucker.

If they do, they are probably going to picture them as the good and chill guys.

ITT: sensitive christians

Jeremy Hunt is basically a Victorian workhouse manager. Opinion discarded.

most oppressed religious group, so yeah.

>Tell you what. If you can give us undeniable proof that there is something beyond the confines of reality and human existence, we will gladly take it.
>What's that? You have none and are just going with a gut feeling? Hmm. I wonder what that is called?
I don't base my every day life on it.

Well an give us undeniable proof that there is something beyond the confines of reality and human existence?

See how that works?

Might be interesting to see how religions adapt to the world around them. Like Islam is so about the purity of man but you seem with augs because Allah allow for blah blah. Honestly I just want to see more religious folk revising their texts in the context of the setting.
Oh but don't worry guys, it's the word of God and eternal and blah blah blah.

>being a christ cuck in 2019
I hope you're trolling

Uh oh, who called the muslim terrorism apologist?

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Nice try mudslime.

How does me say Muslims are victims of unfair representation mean that I don't thin Russians are as well.

In the reply chain I clearly say that native Americans have been unfairly portrayed by Hollywood. I'm not saying Muslims are the only victims of this.

Yes. It's called an stalemate.

Indeed Christians are oppressed, you can always view campaign against religion and IT WILL involve Christians.

I make no claim, nigger. I only assert that the chance of a God being real are really fucking low, so I do not believe. Theists will claim that God does exist, so they are the ones who must come forth with proof.

It is not that Christianity is cool. It is just being a obvious as fuck teenage rebellion phase atheist is cringe as fuck now.
Half expect these faggots to start quoting "the four horsemen" at me. News flash fedora faggots quoting them does not not make you as smart as them.

>argument between life after death
>rest is muslim shit
>itt: christians
whats is wrong with you?


And none of these even mention the constant harassment, mockery and dismissal the religion receives in the West, just like what it is getting in this thread.

Jeremy Hunt didn't do the research and you know what they say about broken clocks.
You're aware christians are only really safe in Europe and Eurasia, right? Through out Africa, the middle east and the far east they're under pressure from either the government itself or islam

Not an argument

haha yeah those militantly atheist regimes had great morals

We should just go full maoist china on religion.

Not in America, but worldwide, Christians make up the vast majority of victims of religious persecution. About 80% last I heard.

The most logical choice is the one that makes the fewest assumptions, AKA the one that doesn't have a book full of fairytales. Doesn't sound like a stalemate to me.

>the real reason why people are atheist
>being forced for church
I love it.

God I can't wait to rape and sodomize all the pagan larpers in this game
Maybe I'll play a black male character and impregnate the white pagan girls

Religion makes no claims, thus their stance on the very word of "faith". If they had proof they would be certain.

>atheists here trying to argue that God doesn't exist
>inb4 they believe all lifeforms, flora and such were simply a perfect result of "big bang" lottery
Seriously, this should be the minimum to notice there is something wrong with being atheist

>other cultures rejecting a religion forced upon them via crusades and missionaries
You don't say

>whats is wrong with you?
>doesn't know how to spell
>t. (you)

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>People just trying not to be rude and disturb whatever those guys are doing
>Put some shitty proverb on it
>If some chad just walked through them you'd be spazzing out about chimps or something.

Funny enough nihilism gives me hope. Since immortality scares the shit out of me.
Even if heaven did exist I would prefer the void

Said fairytales so far have proven the most effective method of building and maintaining a civilization though. Do you have anything equally as able to replace it? Of course you don't.

>Religion makes no claims
tattoo that on your dumb fucking forehead

>Say literally anything negative about Christianity
>lol u go guy so cool
>Say literally anything negative about Islam
>Arrested, killed, social pariah

Really makes the old noggin get to joggin

now we have consumerism and celebrities and look where that's taking us

>moving the goalposts
Without those Crusades you'd have been thrown from a roof, faggot.

>but we are the noble followers of christ how dare they not let us gang rape their sons

not all atheists are like that and their focus is not on religion. being atheist is just a footnote on them so its not a fair comparison

>Maybe I'll play a black male character and impregnate the white pagan girls
your average DEUS VULT fag, ladies and gentlemen

Remember when Yea Forums wasn't filled with easily offended christians?

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Do you need me to google the word faith for you?

If you're a Christian you don't belong on Yea Forums.

In a Chad black Israelite actually.

I live in the first world where a religion
was established just so the King could fuck somebody else.

There are people making millions exclusively for their rabid criticism of Islam. When is this dumb narrative going to die.

It's just retards false flagging eachother, nothing new

Not him, im Jewish, you're a faggot, eat the towelhead dick some more.

I have been here since 2005 and religion has always been a hotspot for endless debate.

How about you get out my Yea Forums, newfag?


Attached: christianasian.jpg (810x500, 42K)

this. so much this. old users will remember how the site hated christians and was more liberal

are you faggots already forgot about game screenshot of muslim taxi driver and gang of cyborg people?

He was obviously joking retard, but yet again pagan retards can't take a joke and cry like babies whenever someone mocks them

>moving the goalposts
So we're arguing about which one is most beneficial for mankind now?

>As a Christian I don't know how to feel about this
Imagine being religious and not being able to think for yourself.

Post em, I want to listen

>there's going to be a portion of the story where you have to work for an underground muslim sect
>weapons disabled in their area

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>tips fedora


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>It's just retards false flagging eachother, nothing new
>I have been here since 2005 and religion has always been a hotspot for endless debate.
>How about you get out my Yea Forums, newfag?
bwaaaaa cry more christards

christians have literally ruined /x/ with their fucking christcucking and conspiracy theory posting

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It was more classical liberal / libertarian, don't spin history retard.

I'll bite
so you mean every life on earth is perfect and not the result of random iteration ok
don't need to argue if god exist or not your imaginary friend does exist for you and only for you
if you want to believe in a old fantasy book do as your please it's literally not my problems until you start killing people for disagreeing with you

/pol/ destroyed this website beyond repair, gamergate put it in the coffin and /pol/ nailed it shut

Lets go off of what we know.
We know that there is no conciousness before conception. So with that we can all agree it is possible to go from nothing to somthing.
So now lets ask the reverse. Is it possible to go from somthing (conciousness) to nothing forever.
let's use the scientific principle of Occams razor to answer this.
What requires the LEAST assumptions?

A. When you die a magical being in the universe takes the "soul" out of your body and brings it to a heavenly place where you can interact with all your dead loved ones and relatives?


You go back to the same state of unconsciousness that you were in before conception?

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Islam pushed all the way up to spain, do you think it would have stopped without christianity pulling people together?

>Hi, I'm a comedian and I'm an Atheist and I really hate religion. Religion is so dumb.
>Now here's me making fun of Christianity as a representative of all religion so I can walk on eggshells around religions that are protected

Every fucking time. Somebody recommend me some comedians that aren't completely spineless about this shit.

Yeah the old bait was telling self-described "agnostics" to stop being stupid fencesitters and occasionally the one Christfag on the board would butt in and be ignored by everyone. Those were the religious discussions we used to have.

It's true. Hell there's even muslim apologists in this thread. You guy are baiting eachother and it's hilarious.

Bill Maher weirdly enough is like the only high-profile leftist that openly criticizes Islam that I can think of

Christianity is the dominant religion in Africa you moron.

Again with the straight white male Christian victim complex. Sad.

Arguing about religion on Yea Forums is the same as if you went to church to argue about video games with the priest.

>It's true. Hell there's even muslim apologists in this thread. You guy are baiting eachother and it's hilarious.
>christard cant handle the truth

Attached: dbhsbmp7hmb31.png (720x789, 68K)

butthurt sjw spotted

I hope the CCP bash her head in once they're done with the uyghurs, or sell her organs like they're doing with falun gong followers

Well, we didn't use to have any, so Christfags are obviously massive newfags who brought down the board's quality, and besides Yea Forums is inherently degenerate and opposed to Christian values. Now, I suppose some of them will see that as all the more reason to come here, because they see it as their duty to come and convert the worst of us, but that's exactly the problem. They want to change us.

>if you don’t follow this book you’re not going to “this specific form of good afterlife” and instead going to “this specific form of bad afterlife”

Tell me how that’s not a claim

>Christians will be the bad guy 100%
You don't even know how the game will portray religion. I highly doubt CDPR will go for the Japanese route of demonizing Christianity, since they have a Polish background. If it features Jews or Muslims, it will not be raghad stereotypes or happy merchant caricatures, be assured of that too.

Nigger I'm atheist. It doesn't mean I can't get mad at other atheists for being hypocritical cowards.

Thanks for proving my point

Maybe you shouldn't exclusively listen to white comedians. They draw on their own experiences for material, after all.

>it's literally not my problems until you start killing people for disagreeing with you
But true Christians won't just go out killing people for having different beliefs. One saying that he is a Christian is easy, but being one is a different story. The "perfect" I meant is how flora and fauna works together to simply be a fruit of occasion, nothing on our material world is perfect

You're a Yea Forums poster.
Don't act like there isn't something you get pointlessly defensive and irate over.

On the topic of theology? Depending on your pantheon, both of those statements are true.

Example: Christian/Jewish hell imply oblivion.

At the end of the day, you make your own hell. Or heaven.

stop falseflagging, retard

>easily offended
i don't know where you got this from, i saw thread shittalking about every kind of religions and christians were not offended more than muslims or jews
t. pole christian

They make fun of Christianity because Christianity is the dominant religion in their country, you stupid fucking retard. Besides, as butthurt as Christcucks can be, Muslims kill anyone who bully them.

gamergate brought in hoards of redditors, kill yourself


Swing and a miss

It will just be a pro-muslim comercial.

You know atheist means non-religious right? It doesn't mean anti-religion. Most self described atheists don't believe in or support Islam.


>christians bad
>muslims good
>jews eternal victim

Attached: De ninguna manera, maricón.png (640x675, 200K)

Atheist means irreligious. Anti-theism means anti-religion.

The gap is almost as tight as the Brexit results, lad.

Right, even the globe-trotting anti-religious types who live in cities and know about Islam can't talk about Islam. Hurr. Durr.

Yes. The 2018 gameplay vid had plenty of muslims walking around

>don't believe in or support Islam.
I dunno user. They sure are bent on introducing it into their countries.

jokes on you i dont believe in anything
not even myself

>>no interiors
This is blatantly false.
>>voiced protag
So what?

>Well, we didn't use to have any
I find this doubtful. The only user I knew IRL back in 2009 was a Christian. He'd talk about Yea Forums often. I only came in 2014.
>Now, I suppose some of them will see that as all the more reason to come here, because they see it as their duty to come and convert the worst of us, but that's exactly the problem. They want to change us.
You're not wrong and I see why you'd find that objectionable. I'm here because I love vidya but I'll take any opportunities to spread the gospel with that as a common ground. Had a year-long email correspondence about Christ with an user I met here that way.
>besides Yea Forums is inherently degenerate and opposed to Christian values
How so?

Attached: bonedad.jpg (400x400, 49K)

Says who? Find me a couple of atheists who are pro-Islam.

what the actual fuck are you talking about? they constantly quote the bible and talk about God, every other loading screen is a fucking bible verse
you don't have to namedrop Christ specifically to be a Christian, idiot

Attached: e01-believe-in-me-2.png (1366x768, 522K)

>christard admits he's a newfag

Good. For too long violent Christian's have oppressed us all, especially innocent Muslims.
Glad another game has the guts to tell the truth.

Sam Harris believes that Muslims should be profiled specifically at airports. He is regularly given a voice by mainstream media who labels him as le public Intellectual.

Then you have people like bridgitte Gabriel... And I just realize while typing this that I'm replying to a retard and his retarded question.

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> perfect result

This is the core of it -- you have a narrow vision. You think things were catered for you and not a result of years of symbiotic and independant evolution both. You only know what you saw so you think it was made to be this way.

I bet you cant even name me 10 breeds of rhinos without google, or the types of your cells in your body. You dont know anything about this world and you think it was made for you, despite the fact that without modern machinations most places around the globe are inhosptiable to humans.

That's how retarded you are.

>Used to hate religions cause pole-smoker
>Christian mother and brother were fine with it, irreligious dad was mad for a while but came around
>Old ass church folk were okay with it
>Have a soft spot for Christianity now

Man anecdotal bias is a bitch let me tell ya

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>How so?
The fact that you need to ask shows that you don't belong.

No, it didn't newfag

>implying christians browse Yea Forums
what is this bait meant to achieve?

entered this thread just so i could ctrl+f postal. you didnt dissapoint me user.

It's basically 50 50 with Islam going to eclipse it soon because of reproduction rate and the fact that diseases like aids and ebola almost exclusively affect Christian areas as opposed to Muslim.

>>Have a soft spot for Christianity now
>Man anecdotal bias is a bitch let me tell ya
am Deist but have lived in Christian household for 24 years and can see where they come from even if I don't buy it.

Because Muslims have actual health care and education while Christians just send thoughts and prayers to each other.

Christcucks hate video games and they're offended by everything regardless of what you do, there's no point in trying to appeal to them. The same as SJWs

>Sam Harris believes that Muslims should be profiled specifically at airports

...They shouldn't?

The fuck are you on about? Why do you think you can write and read right now? Why do you think you have free vaccines? Where do you think they came from? Muslims?

You are so retarded.

Well user, they can talk about it if they want, at their own risk. Remember Charlie Hebdo?

When Christians stop acting like professional victims. So never.

lmao at the triggered faggots here already bracing for impact and getting buttmad ahead of schedule

White, Sikhs, and Colombians have all used planes for terrorist attacks should the be profiled to?

Also I thought Muslim wasn't a race, how does Sam plan to profile them?

Think before you post dummy.

>Sam Harris believes that Muslims should be profiled specifically at airports.
Any French or Belgian person would agree. The more you live with that shit, the more you understand there's no way you can consider them equal to the rest.

Quoting the Bible doesn't make you a Christian, dude. It's the most referenced piece of literature in the Western world.
Nor does talking about God make you a Christian. Lots of religions believe in one.
Belief in Christ alone is the thing that makes a Christian. Not references to verses, not rituals, not vague cultural similarities.
Yeah, hence why I said I "only" came in 2014.
My man, I'm asking for evidence or an argument.
My main boards are /k/ /fit/ and Yea Forums. In my 5 years here I've seen nothing that makes me thing there's something intrinsically incompatible between my faith and talking about things I love on a Lithuanian basketweaving collective

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>I'm not afraid of being murdered by adherents to this religion, I just don't mind the religion okay?
>[sweating intensifies]

A+ bait

>Christcuck once again fails to understand burden of proof

>the fact that diseases like aids and ebola almost exclusively affect Christian areas as opposed to Muslim.
no? they affect subsaharian africa which is half christian half muslim and is the part of the world expected to see its population explode in the next century

>Why do you think you can write and read right now?
Because of Muslim genius while the west was rolling in mud and fucking pigs.
>Why do you think you have free vaccines?
Christians hate vaccines and healthcare.

>tips fedora
Is this an r/atheism raid? Atheists are the most leftist demographic in America, so there sure is a lot of cancer here.

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This is truly a low effort bait.

I don't believe we're perfect enough to be called a perfect result.
I'd use the term "cobbled together mess of biological systems that barely work together to let us live 80-100 years but ONLY IF we have state of the art medical tech, otherwise you get maybe 60"
If we were perfect we'd have no diseases or disorders and live forever.

>Christians hate vaccines and healthcare.
>hate healthcare
What does that even mean?
>t. 80 IQ commie

Islam has been in Africa for more than 1000 years and Africans were converted to Islam by indigenous Africans (berber). Islam also connected Africa to all major trade routes they had access to.

Meanwhile christians completely stole all their resources, slaughtered them, called them monkeys, changed their names from obafemi to François, and then built a hospital.

Attached: 1517471836758.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

They're probably homosexuals too.

It's how the leftists like it.

>all the anti-christian spergs here
Why not like chrisitans? They're cute, good people.

>Matthew 6:5
And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.


Never heard of either of them. Are they that successful?

Muslims enslaved millions of Africans. They also castrated all of them so they don't breed in their borders.
To this day they hate blacks.

>every majority Christian nation has a healthcare system that is constantly under attack and getting downgraded
>USA the land of 500 million Christian cults doesn't even have health care and gladly let's people die from easily preventable diseases
Makes me think

No, this is the default for Yea Forums. All the offended Christian posts are boomers who came here from reddit in 2014 or later.

Why are atheists such miserable people?

Attached: aejk4rk.jpg (1936x1936, 545K)

Hang yourself

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Africa is still a shithole though.

And if you knew even an iota of history, you would know that africans murdered and enslaved each others for centuries. The lucky ones were sold to europeans.

Newfag go home

>being a republicuck
yikes, how embarrassing

That speaks about the prayer. Not that you shouldn't say that you're a Christian in public.
Try again?

Monkeys and typwriters

>Muslims castrated Africans
>Christians let them breed and now endlessly whine about them taking over
Based muslims

If you look at the aids in Africa maps their is a clear distinction between Christian and African areas.

Can you name a few things atheists have done to worsen the country?

>>USA the land of 500 million Christian cults doesn't even have health care
You're clearly an idiot. Also, privitized health care is much better for whites, especially for white men.


The mind of an incel weeb is truly incredible

they don't have a philosophical sedative to keep them content while the elites fuck their ass, rape their children and destroy the world

I doubt he is seeking aludation if he is doing it in an anonymous cantonese basket weaking wall engravings forum.

wtf I want open borders and to give all my money to brown invaders and women now

Tell christians to kill themselves?