Say hello to the new cancer
MTG Arena
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Based. Lands.dec is one of the patrician archtypes.
Nothing cancer about it and scapeshift is rotating in 3 months anyway
Ahem, excuse me.
What about when scapeshift rotates? Won't this deck be significantly worse?
>Won't Scapeshift.dec be worse when Scapeshift rotates?
Was this a serious question?
>what if the card the archetype is named after rotates out
What do you think, genius
The card is good without scapeshift
You basically run it it in a ramp deck and shit out a bunch of 2/2s each turn
I'm just questioning the reasoning behind whining about Field of the Dead when the deck won't really be a thing soon.
Yeah it might be a fun tier 3 deck
Is it good enough to be used like it? I assume it won't be considered a top tier deck anymore at least.
woah, what a payoff
It's three months away.
"Just don't play Magic for three months" is not a great solution.
Unless followed with "then continue to not play it" I guess.
That said, I do think a lot of Scapeshift's power is still in the fact that people just don't know how to play against it and haven't tuned their decks into a meta that includes such a deck, and only after the meta settles we'll know if it turly is as overpowered as it seems.
>The card is good without scapeshift
No. No it's not. In fact that card is absolutely worthless without Scapeshift.
Only thing that can save it is if WotC introduces some new card in the next set that just happens to be near identical to Scapeshift.
People always bitch. Scapeshift isn't even broken, it just caught everyone with their pants down. Who the fuck expected some meme jank land deck to take the GP?
I don't mind losing to Field of the Dead. It's a decent and cool combo deck. The real cancer continues to be Nexus shitters and Esper niggers.
The deck only functions because it's an instant speed combo that can't be reacted to, without both Scapeshift and little Teferi the deck isn't a real threat, you'd just start running extra copies of Field of Ruin and some more sweepers in the board.
As is, you need to either run Blood Sun, Ashiok, or Alpine Moon, or run disruption for Teferi.
Planeswalkers are the dumbest thing to ever happen to this game
The WAR walkers, in particular, are essentially more vulnerable enchantments. Every color can interact with planeswalkers, so they were able to print more potent combinations of abilities on them than an enchantment could normally have.
I agree in principle that planeswalkers make the game worse, but WAR was an example of them being used in an interesting way, instead of limited bombs and pure value engines.
Literally only deck that can run this without Scapeshift is Gates, and even then more as an afterthought or tech choice rather than an actual solid strategy. The fact that rotation cuts a lot of the necessary land names and fixing for the deck to work doesn't helps matters either.
if your best reasoning is 'th-the broken thing is rotating on the next rotation scale after one just happened', you have a poor argument.
See ya in 3 months I guess.
>The fact that rotation cuts a lot of the necessary land names
Except it doesn't, it just makes you run worse lands. The deck is dead on rotation because Scapeshift is the whole point, but if you wanted to build a grindy landfall deck, it wouldn't change all that much.
What exactly is the implied aesthetic of this card anyway?
>'make a glorious, beautiful landscape of many biomes and aspects of mother nature's various whims. And then zombies come out of it!'
don't ask questions just consume product
I think it's to imply that the dead populate everywhere, and it takes a number of them to constitute the creature token.
>if you wanted to build a grindy landfall deck, it wouldn't change all that much
That deck you're thinking of is a tier 9-10 deck. Realize that Field doesn't do ANYTHING until you have seven lands with different names on board. Seven turns before your payoff card even does anything. Then it gives you one 2/2. The next turn it may give another 2/2 if you're lucky. That's your payoff.
No. No. That deck is absolute unplayable horseshit. Only way to use that card is Scapeshift, or a hypothetical new card that's basically Scapeshift with some minor differences. Without that, Field of the Dead does nothing.
I didn't say it would be good, and i explicitly said the archetype is dead on rotation user. I only mention that list bit in regards to, specifically, the land names rotating comment, because that part of rotation is 100% irrelevant.
I never said you can't get to 7 names, but losing checklands + Memorials in a deck that relies on lands and can't run full 4s of the fixing lands that DO remain hurts the deck.
It seems like one of those cases where a card gets changed so many times in development that nobody remebers what its original concept was anymore. I could bet money that the "different names" requirement wasn't in the original version and was added later as an attempt to lower its power level.
LSV's build doesn't even include memorials user.
...except it does? He runs Memorial to Genius, which is one of the main targets for Scapeshift that allows him to rebuild if things go awry.
He literally dropped it.
so lads, I've just taken up magic and am playing live with friends, never seen a magic thread so was just wondering if you guys had any non obvious tips for beginners
A consistent mana base is one of the most important, and difficult to master, techniques of deck building.
Is mill viable yet? I haven't played in ages but I had fun with my shitty mill deck.
Only in legacy, and that's a combo deck anyway.
We'd need a minimum of a hedron crab or Glimpse equivalent for standard.
in a two colour 60 card deck i just whack in 9 of each colour plus 4 dual colour land. Is this wrong? how do you make a consistent mana base (and what is it) and why exactly do you need it?
also is it neccessary to make decks with lots of different cards or is it important to have lots of 4's of each card?
Honestly, unless you are very good at deck construction its almost always best to steal a manabase from a similar deck.
All of standard is cancer
Quit while you’re ahead, and pick up Star wars destiny
it's almost always right to just steal the whole deck
All collectible card games are scams that try to trick you into paying way more money than you should ever pay for a game.
ali just posted a non rotating deck whit field and golos its performs ok no great but not 100% garbage like you say
lol i already spent about £160 on magic so I'm gonna stick with it for a bit. also star wars has become irredeemable lame and i do not want to be laying down kylo ren or fucking rey with a sense of triumph
Who /simic flash/ here?
How do you deal with Scapeshift decks? Even if I negate/duress Scapeshift sometimes they have several FotD on board and then they make 2 2/2s every turn or even more with their ramp spells and with Krasis they keep drawing cards.
The most embarrassing cancer is Temur elementals. Not because it's overpowered (though when it goes off it does goes off), but because every single one of its cards was supplied by M20. Tribal is always kinda shit for this but rarely do ALL of a tribal decks cards come from one set, especially the set to establish it. This deck is paint by numbers and embarrassing.
Friendly reminder draft is the real way to play Magic
too bad you can only cast spells in your main phase these days
kill them first
if you get to a point where they're shitting out multiple 2/2s per turn you might as well concede
I dare you to post the most cancerous card.
>playing constructed
seems very slow and finicky just to generate some 2/2 tokens with the only upside being that land destruction is uncommon
How is this better than a card like Open The Graves? It's certainly not better than the token generation available just a few sets ago
The original.
Ashiok, Blood Sun, Alpine Moon are all good, Blood Sun being the best because it turns off their answer.
Why did people hate the Amonkhet Invocations so much?
And that’s why we mainboard against all this multi-color cancer