This is a japanese squid

this is a japanese squid

Attached: 359a72046ab5cce719048bf10ce0047e.jpg (400x625, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Splatoon is the most soulful modern game

Attached: 1561208662321.jpg (480x640, 104K)

This is a japanese pancake

Attached: cute pancakes.png (1280x1707, 1.81M)

This is actually a girl

Attached: Tomo.jpg (639x935, 75K)

I want to play videogames with that squid on a warm spring morning while rain lightly sprinkles across a small field butted near the sea of Japan. The constant white noise drowning out the city around us.

Too bad it's on a shit system made for man children
Just give it to Sony already

Attached: 1525391617504.jpg (689x1020, 117K)

And that’s a good thing!

Says the manchild

Is Marina Pearl's bottom bitch?

>give it to sony
>all the female squids are replaced with fat, middle aged trannies
>and all the male squids are forced to wear unisex clothing only

Yes, Pearl is the top

Dicks and crows, you sour grape, console warrior faggot

Attached: Squidborne.png (2024x1130, 1.72M)


Animal Crossing with woomys
you can wander the sea city while enjoy good music, nice clothes, cute friends and plenty of funny minigames

Attached: 1543261881584.png (522x530, 192K)

Why are her shoes so big?


This is a japanese squid boy.

Attached: IMG_20181122_131206.png (500x750, 157K)

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Why in the FUCK don't Squids and Octos have more hairstyles?!

I want to see a splatoon MMO where you can play as an inkling and meet other players and earn money through jobs and have cute inkling sex

i wanna FUCK that squid

And no gyro controls because "serious" gamers don't like them

You did remember to take night time photos of all the stages when you had the chance, right?

You do fight for JUSTICE, right?

Attached: ANTIFA Kelp Dome 71.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Probably has something to do with all the hats in the game

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>gyro controls

Attached: iori.png (844x792, 95K)


>t. pleb

gyro controls are good only with some shooter
try to play bloodborne with that

Well no shit

dead game

Then why do I still find matches?

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user what game are we talking about in this thread

Floplets are cute.

bros i just finished octo expansion, what the fuck am i supposed to do with my life now

Attached: 8.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

this is a japanese goblin

Attached: 1562477905910.jpg (600x600, 276K)

we have threads every day and i think there is a general on /vg/

play until the rank x and then wait with us for a splatoon 3 on switch pro

la goblina...

>actually wanting this shit game
Literally nintendie tier

Oof, i'd rather give it to valve to get better servers

squid country music when

It's the only game I want to play that Nintendo has desu.
That works too, it'll never happen though. Sony either, but they'd probably be more open to another jap company

Did you beat inner agent 3?

These posts always make me wonder what games the person actually plays until I remember he has no actual opinion on Splatoon and is just shitposting

Fuck off from my squid game Antifag retard.

>Give it to sony
>All squids turn into ugly goblinas/ogro del las america
>gyro aiming removed
>Every sexy pieces of equipment removed because problematic
>60fps turned into 30 fps with chromatic aberrations

Kys you jew loving muttoid

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Wrong thread you Dunkard

>the people on this board that you engage in conversation with day in and day out really ARE this retarded
Why do I waste time here. I could be playing games.

>Black clothes and masks are now associated to antifags in America

Fuck this world.

It's summer.

Attached: not_this_one_you_retard.jpg (640x432, 62K)

Summer has nothing to do with it, this board is retarded 24/7 365 days of the year.

>Le 56 precent meme
You must be 18 years or older to post here, looks like you've got about another 3 years to go.


I’d rather see it just die with dignity.

t. Buttblasted muttoid

Attached: download_20190629_000315.jpg (1334x750, 221K)

“Serious gamers” are 14 year old faggots
Who need mature games for mature gamers like myself

I agree.
Last time I had fun on Yea Forums was the splatfest
Now it’s back to your regularly scheduled retardation

X rank is where the real fun starts though

No, that's a kid now.

too bad her game is over now

...well yeah.
Splatoon 2 is a shooter, that's why people like them.

It's not.

Imagine being so pathetic of a Snoyboy that you have to bring up Bloodborne, Snoy's only good exclusive, even when it isn't even remotely relevant to the conversation.
It must be sad to live your life as a pathetic corporate drone.

pearl brings home human guys and then makes marina fuck them while she rides her face

I want to cream in these cakes


I'm just upset I have to share this website with retarded memeword spewing highschool redditors


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I wonder how would they censor it.

No more spats

>anything of value
Why don't their games follow up their other divisions and go bankrupt

Marina would be flat,not hips higher casual pants to cover her ass, not spats, not hip movement

I'm not memeing you lardass.

And Pearl can't make any jokes towards her because it's a microaggression

>there are people on Yea Forums who were in middle school when that commercial came out

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The good thing with gyro controls is that they don't remove anything, only add, so even if you have them in something that doesn't need it it won't detract from the experience in any way.
I for once would love to have gyro camera controls in every game, and PS4 is capable of that too.


Every aggression Pearl makes is micro.

Pearl is not short she is compact

smol squid

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Yeah, her whole body is compact. There's a word for that, it's short.

Only PS4 game I can think of that uses them is Gravity Rush