*blocks your ult*

>*blocks your ult*
>*absorbs your ult*
>*cancels your ult*

heh nothing personnell kid...

Attached: OVR_H31_Web_SigmaHeroShot_JPA_003b.jpg (1400x1400, 279K)

Other urls found in this thread:


symmetra completely destroys that feet fag

he kinda looks like a mega man character

He's out?

PTR only

on the PTR

Reminder Jeff literally forgot that he can eat ults


You mean like cancels them or like absorbs the oncoming damage or what?

>lmao what if we gave a new tank both a symmetra shield and a d.va defense matrix except it also gives him overshields

Cancels and consumes. It's equivalent to dva matrix.

They haven't stated his sexual preference yet but I'm sure they will when they need some more publicity.

>Playing Overwatch

good point

isnt sigma the shit under your foreskin?

That’s smegma

Nasty ass

For just himself? So I hold onto the ult until someone else does their ult? It;s useless unless someone uses ult?

Are you retarded? If a zarya throws her grav in it, it's consumed just like dva consumes it with her matrix.

nice feet dude, he will fit in well round here

It's the eyebrows and gaunt face

It sounds like maybe you haven't played the game. To elaborate, dva matrix and sigma's consumption only consume projectiles. Some ultimates in overwatch are projectiles, and therefore can be consumed by dva matrix and sigma.

Disgusting male feet.

Attached: 1524056606793.png (874x892, 172K)

They're so scared to make new characters they're literally recycling old skills and stick to tank/support chars

Attached: 1554182421626.png (500x500, 44K)

You have anger problems. You may want to take a break from the internet. I was just asking a question.

I play the game all the time, there's a hige difference between absorbing, nullifying and cancelling.

american education everyone

>They're so scared

stop shilling your tranny game dumb shill

He absorbs through his dva matrix thing, cancels with his knock down, and blocks with his shield. Just look at his abilities, dude.

>footfags want barefoot female characters
>Blizzard adds a 60-year-old European man with bare feet instead
The only based thing they've done with this game

Are you implying your school taught you about smegma?

>just look at his abilities, dude.
Thank you for answering, I'll look at it when I can. I just wanted a quick reply.

>finally a character with bare feet all the time
>it's a man

Attached: 1507436526477.jpg (1024x576, 41K)

I mean more in a balance point of view, support and tanks were originally pretty safe characters to make since they weren't support to alter the meta that much. Problem is that Blizzard fucked even those up and broke the game starting with Ana

It's probably much harder to make a DPS class since you need to make sure their damage isn't too OP

>no female feet skin for summer event
>this shit gets released
I already dropped the game but i'm still disappointed

There's a lot of other factors you're not taking into consideration, but you're allowed to think what you want.

Disgusting design

>is barefoot due to mental illness
>i rarely wear shoes outside unless im going somewhere, meaning i go on barefoot when on walks or when i'm taking my trash out
W-what do I make of this?

Attached: 1487198038872.jpg (326x326, 14K)

>I need to be told to look at something myself

Nigga just google that shit, damn. I miss the days when we told fags that wanted to be spoonfed to fuck off.

>barefoot to "sell the asylum look"
>wears huge fucking metal suit of armour
what really goes on inside these asylums

It means you got baited by that thread, they made him barefoot to give him an asylum look, not because he has a mental illness that makes him want to be barefoot

No user, if you did some reading you'd understand why the designer said that.
>"Thanks for your feedbacks! We decided to keep the feet bare to sell the ‘asylum’ look a bit more; in many institutions, patients are not allowed to have shoes because they might cause harm with the laces. While Sigma isnt neccisarily in danger of that, we felt that having no shoes helped draw that connection. I also had iterations of him with shoes on, and it made him alot more generic, so in the end we decided to leave him barefeet. That’s just what the reasoning internally was though, I’m sure we’ll be making skins with shoes on him in the future!"

No one had to reply, they did, I'm grateful for it. It's not that big of a deal. Figure I'd ask the people who already knew.


I mean,granted his anger may not be warranted? It was probably just a harmless question out of genuine curiosity?

Where the ACTUAL fuck do you think you are fagg?

11 long years have I been on these boards and not even ONCE have I seen a sensitive faggot such as yourself have the audacity to out himself as a summer fag to extent of yourself.

How would you zoomers do it?


Attached: C43CF575-B69E-4534-8ECA-2053A2C9B562.gif (326x300, 852K)

Attached: Qiu-fang-sigma-final-concept.jpg (1920x1080, 362K)

>Qiu Fang

Attached: 1458513967361.png (1001x695, 1.29M)

First of all, I've been here 13 years.
Second of all, just because I question someone's hostility does not make me a child, if anything it makes me more adult to not take someone's childish outbursts very seriously. However, it does not mean I need to tolerate being addressed in any negative way just because you abuse the fact you sit behind a screen. This place is as shithole because people like you allow it to be due to peer pressure from others around you. Simple sociology.

this has to be bait
>the spacing
>boasting about how long he supposedly has frequented this site

>That back bend
What the actual fuck

its not his back bending, its his chest's and back's heroic proportions

Attached: db88iew-2c5362a7-3f7c-48d5-960c-fc281e46ce9a.png (395x700, 82K)

user, look at his proportions again and line it up to his (what's supposed to be ) human anatomy. Do you see the problem now?

Proportions aside, his neck is bending at an odd angle on the front view.

are you really trying to argue about anatomy of fictitious characters?

Sigma balls, lmao!

I want to kiss his feet

Yes, especially when Sigma looks like he's thrusting his cock ahead of his body like he's a Jojo character.

Why isn't he wearing shoes?


A paper-thin excuse by a footfag designer, I'll wager.

Yeah, I've been in wards and they let us wear lace-less shoes so not sure what the hell the designer is talking about.

It's a bit silly. Shoes without laces exist and most mental institutions provide footwear to their patients unless we are talking third world country where beating people with a stick is considered a legitimate mental treatment.

>footfag fags
Fucking hell. Even worse than regular footfags.

Attached: 1525281162447.gif (600x500, 3.27M)

lol yeah, I said it a post above yours.

nobody likes man feet

he levitates so fuck shoes

More legit reason than

His arms look weird. I feel like he's designed to have his real arms still bound underneath the machinery

>>"Thanks for your feedbacks! We decided to keep the feet bare to sell the ‘asylum’ look a bit more; in many institutions, patients are not allowed to have shoes because they might cause harm with the laces. While Sigma isnt neccisarily in danger of that, we felt that having no shoes helped draw that connection.
Patients also usually don't have access to military grade power armor.
Did the engineer just forget the shoes or something? He did build the suit for the entirety of the rest of the body. But not the feet eh?

>someone removed the penis off this image

Hello newfag

he's be Footman

Why doesn't he have shoes.

Attached: HAARP.jpg (600x372, 68K)

>Qiu Fang
so he's a chink?
>that nose
but he's a jew
what's going on

shit that would be kind of cool

Attached: D5kY633W0AIfiK9.jpg (712x687, 64K)

>overwatch character design

Attached: vomit 9.jpg (350x300, 30K)

4channel needs to be advertiser-friendly

so you've been a patient at an asylum? figures
this is basically the lok they're going for

Attached: Hhn2004.jpg (439x411, 10K)

I have nothing against Pixar and cie designs.

But seeing devs copying it for easy zoomzoom money is pitiful.

reading comprehension

Not yet, but soon. Same thing as 76, they'll wait a while.

show us an example of genuinely good design

Psychward, multiple times. In different facilities.

They've tried to make more unique characters and they've either been unbalanced or useless.

Lucio has a movement mechanic that allows him to pick up insane speed and it has to get nerfed because of GOATS

scatter arrow has to get nerfed because it's used as burst damage instead of trickshots

symmetra's original gimmick was that she had autoaim that got stronger the longer she kept it, but they couldn't make it work so they turned it into zarya primary fire

>another fucking tank
>still no substance to the game

Attached: groudon1.png (1068x841, 39K)

based European education and its robust smegma curriculum

shit, I just read the filename, my bad

>No shoes.
>No shirt.
No service.

Attached: 1562545585833.png (245x216, 42K)

His role is tank? Figured he'd be DPS


Attached: 280px-Community_Soldier_Strategy_Header.png (280x510, 171K)

Having grenades on your chest doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

>Ripping off Battleborn AGAIN

Attached: kleesedragon610.jpg (610x343, 79K)

how did I know you're a TF2 fag
soldier's not good design even in his own respective game

Attached: 1491400661160.gif (640x266, 3.26M)


Attached: 1320.jpg (1024x768, 149K)

where else would you keep your grenades

I hate his feet

you're right he should go around barefoot and have a whole bunch of fancy scifi armor that does literally nothing

>Implying I'd be a military anything in the first place.
I wouldn't carry explosives if I could help it.

in his chest like now, so that stray bullets or even fire from pyro can detonate them by accident

>Patients also usually don't have access to military grade power armor.
Doesn't really seem like armor, looks more like bits designed to let him control his gravity powers. Also the thick bits around his wrists and ankles look more like shackles than any kind of armor.
Plus he doesn't have a ton of health or any armor. With that explanation in mind a lot of the goofy bits about his design makes a little more sense.

I'm sure the three people that still play battleborntanic care

>*doesn't play your shitty game*

You mean like the helmet that does literally nothing and the fancy army bits like the grenades just hanging there?

you are a true fucking idiot retard trying to force realism to fictional video games
the dude flies and throws miniature black holes and uses one to consume enemy projectiles, he also conjures a rock out of debris and hurls it at opponents, and you cry about a sci-fi armor
kill yourself

If you get shot in the chest you're probably dead anyway

why doesn't he wear shoes?

Nobody wants man feet.

Attached: 1563863924011m.jpg (1024x728, 135K)

This has to be bait, there’s no way you think like this

Attached: DB3F988F-68B4-40FD-B71F-5A983E64A3BE.jpg (323x326, 26K)

Holy shit, a tank that mitigates damage?
What is this horseshit Jeff?!

Attached: 1401405957681.png (375x375, 138K)

Gay people do exist, fampay. Though I don't know if even they want to get near this grandpa's feet.


No, I'm schizophrenic and he shows nothing that I suffer from. He's not hearing voices, or paranoia. It seems he suffers from multiple personalities, something that is wildly assumed to be schizophrenic trait but is not at all.

>Patients also usually don't have access to military grade power armor.

His gear likely comes from Talon, who broke him _out_ of the asylum where he was kept under wraps. They deploy him as a living weapon, only to take him back in and seal him back away when his mental state degrades again.

Think Suicide Squad.

I have a relative that survived pierced lung in WW2, also friends who've survived shots from a 9mm to the chest
It's a video game where characters have health bars, shot to the chest is anything from 20-150 damage, if they're just decorative grenades, that would be rather ridiculous when trying to boast with good and realistic designs

During high school I knew some girls who were obsessed with male feet they also wanted a foot in her vagina


Attached: Feeeeeeeet... ;_;.jpg (849x763, 230K)


Attached: 666ecb0695aeb9f9f940a9816f38958c.jpg (2894x4093, 1.42M)

Man, what a shitty design. Color scheme is boring, feet are questionable. They haven't had a good character design since Sombra.

why is he so sweaty bros


It's rather silly for people to cry about Sigma when there's Reinhardt, D.va, Orisa, Zarya and Winston

I don't get feet.
Dickgirls? Sure. I'm pansexual, I get it.
Anime waifus? Of course.
Furries? Meh, there's a few exceptions.
But feet? I just dont get it.

i think the guy who drew this knows his shit better than you do

still biologically a man, faggot

It's not multiple personalities. He's the 'nutty professor' archetype, though in this case actually certifiably nutso. He'll mumble and talk to himself about weird little scientific observations, while generally detached from battles he is forced to participate in.

>he levitates so fuck shoes

Literally the reason Chu gave in a Dutch interview. It's meant to sell the fact that he doesn't bother with walking or running.

I'm bi, and I don't call just anyone a man, they have to look like one. Do you call a 6 month old XY baby a man? Of couse you don't, you fucking retard.

To be fair most Americans have a dry crusty dick with no foreskin. I can understand his confusion.

And you'd know this how? Did you not see the concept picture? Or are you offended by what I said?

You mean like Defense Matrix?

you're born with it, you either have it or you don't

Why is kit so uninspired and coimpletely lacking in synergy? It doesn't even thematically tie well into his backstory.

>be all about gravity, space and time
>throw D20s, a rock, a floating rein shield and levitate himself and enemies as an ult

Attached: 1463998733729.jpg (647x594, 71K)

If there's a penis, then it's a boy
if someone is a male but wishes to be called a she and also looks the part, then I comply

I have feet though user.
And that's not true, somethings can be accepted and taught.

i just doubt you're as good as this artist (from a technical standpoint, not saying the design is good) and as such, i don't think you know what you're talking about

>only original part of his design are the bare feet
>mostly because it looks out of place and awkward
The artists couldn't put two and two together and realize that the design was bad since their "fix" was taking of the characters shoes?

That's fascinating to know since I'm pretty sure we never met before.
Also further fascinated by your notion that if I did not do art, I should not be allowed to judge or critique said art.
Is that what you're implying? That I am not allowed to show my personal opinion because you think I simply "don't get it" thus removing my validation of having some sort of opinion?

>If there's a penis, then it's a boy
And I call Astolfo a femboy (feminine boy), or a trap.
>if someone is a male but wishes to be called a she and also looks the part, then I comply
So do I in front of them. In private, depends on who I'm talking to, since I don't really care about this stuff.

You're not supposed to get fetishes you don't have, my dude. Next time you're with a girl, give her a foot rub, if you're good at it you should get her wet just from that.

And they just forgot the shoes?

Unfortunately unless the suit is a patient's, the design makes no sense at all. The orange suit would have to be the default skin and the other, a legendary one.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-24 14-22-58.png (442x349, 194K)

>old male
wtf were they thinking?

>You're not supposed to get fetishes you don't have, my dude
That made zero sense. People develop different fetishes either by exposure or discovery.
>Next time you're with a girl, give her a foot rub, if you're good at it you should get her wet just from that.
I have rubbed a lot of back and feet and yes some do get aroused but what does her arousal have to do with my personal arousal about said feet?

No way, I refuse that other outfit to be "legendary".
I would of liked the asylum suit though.

I usually just wear my loafers, and, they give you socks with grips in intake anyways. The nurses don't want you to slip and fall as high dosages of psych meds can make you disorientated, so they want you to wear them.

Lazy designers don't do their research..

I would have preferred some sort of "impractical" shoe design. I'm not really into old man feet.

>Also further fascinated by your notion that if I did not do art, I should not be allowed to judge or critique said art.
man that was so predictable...
anatomy, proportions and stuff like that isn't subjective and isn't up for debate, you either know how it works because you've studied it, or you don't.
the guy who drew this concept art obviously has a solid technical level and it is very likely that he has a better grasp of what the human body looks like and works than you, that's all i'm saying.
Now, maybe you don't like the color of his clothes, and that would be fine, but objective facts about the human body aren't a matter of opinions

Doesn't matter if it was true or not. His armor is very clearly not that of a patients and he would have no reason to run around barefoot in the field.

Then explain to me what there is to "get" from liking tits, ass, penis and vagina, so I can try to explain it about feet . Or maybe you just want someone to explain what they specifically enjoy about feet?

Well you seem to be enjoying yourself so I'll show outline the pic and you can draw your own conclusions. After posting this I do not see the point in talking to someone so arrogant and narcissistic. Hope you have a fantastic day artist.
If you don't see the problems, I don't know what to tell you. Hope your artist venue is going well.

Attached: forartistsnob.jpg (1920x1080, 372K)

Half of his kit is literally designed around the obnoxious barrier play that's going on.

Tits, ass, penis and vagina are sexual things. Feet is things you walk on and is in the same category as hands. What makes feet more appealing than hands in your opinion?

Attached: hole.png (1699x1920, 758K)

Another interesting concept would have been that Sigma's weapons were made with materials that I had at hand in the psychiatric, ingenious and a bit like Dead Space's hacker suit design, something improvised and homebrew. It would be a good way to manifest the character's intellectual abilities.


Attached: 1998_unabomber_01.jpg (1500x1188, 383K)

wow, red lines... now it makes sense !
and man don't be so mad, i'm not trying to be an ass, maybe you are better than the guy who drew this. I'm just saying that if you're not, it makes no sense criticizing the guy. I don't want to insult you by saying that, i just want to stay objective...

>Tits, ass, penis and vagina are sexual things. Feet is things you walk on and is in the same category as hands.
I actually like hands quite a bit, too.
In any case, how is ass sexual? Because it's close to the vagina? Why are tits sexual then? You're not supposed to be fucking them.

Fat on a woman typically end up around her hips, ass, tits. Some degree of fat (or rather a more hoursglass figure) is instincually attractive to most men because they come off as healthy and fed, which would be important for her to bear healthy children.

>barrier is the smallest one on the game and being completely flat is easy to bypass
>black hole only affects weapon fire in a cone in front of him
>rock is slow and stopped by practically everything

He's fun to use and looks cool, but stop kidding yourselves, he's far from OP or even passable.

>all that freaking armor
>his feet are exposed anyways

>He's fun to use and looks cool
>A typical white male
Oh wow, so "fun" and "cool"

The red lines made it pretty obvious about his posture. I didn't even go indepth about his torso being WAY TOO BIG, his head is not even in alignment with the top. The pose makes ZERO SENSE since he's clearly levitating yet his hip is going foreward but he's not "dangling". his arms are huge for no reason at all (he looks more buff than Reinhardt outside his suit of armor) which makes less sense because even if he has gravity powers wouldn't enhance his strength unless there's something about the character I do not understand yet.
As for the leg areas hes levitating yet his knees are at all bent? there's weirdly going backwards.They look stiff. If you're Try holding your body up by something like a monkey bar and you'd notice your knees would naturally bend naturally. His arms also being outward makes less sense too if he's levitating.
Unless it's his dick that's allowing him to levitate, I have no idea why the artist chose such a bizarre pose. I didn't even begin talking about his head/face yet.
So you're saying, that people are not allowed to critque other people's art work?
So you don't believe in reviews?

It's Talon, why do you think they care about shoes?

Considering literally everyone else uses shoes, yes.

Doy ou people do this ironically for replies, or are you as brain-damaged as the twitterinas?

They can also dress themselves, Sigma is batshit insane. Also the robots and animals don't wear shoes.

His arms are thicker than his torso and he's well over 8 heads tall. I've never drawn anything better than a stick figure and I can still easily tell this is shit anatomy. Not even that user just opened this thread to call you a fucking retard.

Kids are bored. It's what they do.

Gets raped by Roadhog for free

As it should be, and forever will be.
Characters are a part of Roadhog's world. Roadhog decides who stays and dies. It will always and forever be this way. As it is written.

Using the excuse "he's insane" to handwave away retarded design decisions like a dude in a full suit of armor to not wear shoes or armor around his feet is just as bad as Metzen's "corruption" style writing.
It's strictly for bad writers.

He's insane, but not to the point where he'd start wearing his underwear on his head.

doesnt he literally fly? just say he fucking flies around so he doesnt need shoes holy fuck

Why are you saying this to me? I didn't write it I just copy and pasted it.

Are his motives complex?

>it's something I don't personally like so I'm going to scream about how retarded everyone is and how stupid the world is and how angry I am at something i hate's existence because fuck you fuck me i want attention
One day you'll grow up.

He's crazy, so probably not.

Superman can also fly, but his design would look retarded if he was barefoot. Just like how retarded this design looks.

we have skins for that purpose

>‘asylum’ look
he's wearing a full fucking set of armor sans shoes
if they wanted to go with the "mental patient with special abilities" bullshit they should have just given him a straight jacket instead of generic power armor

Attached: 1561037973714.png (338x338, 230K)

Can't wait for the grandma and grandpa art of him and Moira or Ana

holy fuck kill yourself summerfag

Generally speaking, most men are put off by big manly hands and feet. It's preferable to have smaller and more shapely feet. Also it's cuter and more attractive for a woman to have less body hair, and that includes the top of the feet and hands. Same goes for well-kept nails (hands too), and using sandpaper to get rid of the rough skin on the bottom of your feet. These are things that most women desire to have and/or put effort into.
Taking these a stephurhurhur further it's just appreciating all these more.
Then there's added bonuses: If you're into femdom and like feet, these two mix well together, as the feet are the closest to the ground and often get dirty/stinky after like a day before showering, and you get the best body part to humiliate the sub available. The sub can then show how much they're into the power play by worshipping the feet, specially by massaging, which gives pleasure to the dom, or by licking/sucking the feet (which can acutally give quite a bit of pleasure too).
And if you want to go full biology, getting hard-ons from small, womanly parts is always a plus for reproduction, specially considering how two among the most common sex positions (even in a wild setting) would be missionary and doggy style, in which the feet are readily available to be near the man's face.
This is what I could think of, but I don't have any sort of scientific study to back it up.

That didn't answer my question.

If he was a girl I doubt you'd have any problem with bare feet.

>grossly overexagerrated and inaccurate paraphrashing to make your non-existant argument sound better
>then accuses others of being juvenile
Hopefully for your sake you're just ironically shitposting.

You didn't actually counter anything I said. This combined with your juvenile paraphrasing makes you only come across as a close-minded immature child.
But go ahead and give me another one of those replies that counter none of what I said, further proving how right I am.

this. two designs clashing for no reason

Yes I would. Because the design would still be just as retarded.

nothing to do with anatomy, that's just stylization. It's kinda caricatural but that's the style they went with. You're just suffering from dunning kruger

Sorry I am not underage.

You're shitting yourself over a fictional character who's barefoot. I don't care what (retarded) justifications you make to try to make your personal opinion sound like a fact, all I hear is whining and bitching for the sake of it.

Deal with it, bitchbaby, maybe you shouls get into game design so you can prevent atrocities like this from happening.

Ah the classic excuse

Attached: d3ab068b959b7679a613064af044d5006bc27d08v2_hq.jpg (1004x1024, 91K)

>So you're saying, that people are not allowed to critque other people's art work?
So you don't believe in reviews?

i don't think you've read what i've posted.

Yeah this post really oozes maturity.

She's trans
so she doesn't count

Attached: 1561123326391.png (552x688, 358K)

if he was just a nutcase mental patient it would actually be a great design, i love that trope of superpowered lunatic whose restrains don't actually help

Attached: retarded-ass fanart but it serves as a example.jpg (800x1000, 94K)

Holy shit, a fantasy cartoonish style isn't realistic! STOP THE RPESSES!!! You should highlight Zarya as well, 6'6" women defy ALL forms of plausibility, even in fiction.

And I forgot to mention: both hands and feet have specially sensitive skin, and it can feel great to play with them, unless you get ticklish (and even that can be fun, too). Caressing your lover's feet is probably the easiest way to make her feel good besides trying to get her horny by nibbling/breathing on her ear and the back of her neck, kissing under her chin, sliding your fingers around her thighs... even foot caressing itself can also make her horny.

this shit is vomit inducing, western design is a mistake just make it stop holy shit why do you niggers still play this garbage

Attached: 1474645744324.png (551x491, 261K)

Male feet are hot

You don't understand a hoot about anatomy / posture with your squiggly fag lines, if you don't understand art why do you bother talking about it so much?
And you are just a retard in general, wahhh wahhh shit anatomy, 8 heads tall, have you ever heard of stylization? Not every single thing needs to follow some universal loomis style you fucking idiot

You're both so fucking far up your asses with your """""""understanding of anatomy"""""""", it's fucking laughable, you even admit you don't even know how to draw. If you know how to measure body temperature and use a suppository, that doesn't mean you can do a heart transplant you fucking morons.

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1920x1080, 170K)

As predicted, you responded with another similarly shaped juvenile shitpost that didn't adress anything I said.

I laid out arguments that proved your idea of "Sigma is batshit insane" as some kind of valid defence for why he would wear a full suit of armor minus footwear. You consistantly avoid countering this while trying to pretend I'm mad when my reply wasn't even remotely aggressively worded, just further proving how correct I am and how close-minded you are.

So unless you actually start to act more mentally mature and counter my arguments there is nothing more to say to someone so apparantely mentally immature as you.

theres a world of difference between fantasy and unbelievably, suspension of disbelief as its called
same shit with the fallout retcons, the idea that radition causes ghouls to live longer is acceptable but the idea of them being able to survive in a sealed fridge is where most people draw the line
overwatch's bigger high points is its cartoony, disconnected reality but having something thats abjectly retarded or impossible with little to no in-world justification is just stupid

Attached: 412897610.png (196x197, 34K)

Why the fuck is he barefoot.

I bet you like to kiss the feet of the man pounding your backdoor while you're on all fours.

that's stupid, since the anatomy in the picture you posted is obviously unrealistic whereas the anatomy of the drawing we're discussing is realistic even if disproportionate.
Discussing with trolls isn't interesting to me so i'll just leave it at that and go do something else

>dude this insane old man actually has the build of a space marine
ok bro

>maybe you shouls get into game design
I am.
But the problem in this instance isn't his gameplay design, but his character design which ties into being a concept artist. Which has very little to do with game design.

I'm also no upset, I'm simply calling out bad non-sensical designs if I see them. I don't even play this game anymore because of how shallow it is and how poorly designed the levels are.

Yes but I think thats physically impossible to pull off

Apparently you just skipped that huge ass paragraph above those two questions? Or choosing to ignore them hypocrite?

There's a huge difference between cartoonish style and bad everything. Even cartoons have better proportions and posture.

>You don't understand a hoot about anatomy / posture with your squiggly fag lines, if you don't understand art why do you bother talking about it so much?
You keep saying this but not sure where you keep wildly assuming. I've put in more work proving my points than you have proving I don't know what I'm talking about.
That pic alone proves my point. That posture is ridiculous if he's levitating.

You laid out opinions on something you hate because it bothers you. And the fact you're whining about someone's bare feet is hilarious. I wish I had such an easy life that I could focus on such important issues.

So which other company's styles and designs should they ape for it to be acceptable? Dreamworks? Universal's? FOX Kids?

it's kino

Attached: NF-RipperRoo.png (1920x2080, 3.37M)

In sci-fi and fantasy settings it doesn't need to be realistic, but it does need to be believable.
Or, it doesn't "need" to be anything but if you don't make it belieavable it will throw a lot of people off and make them think that it's just plain dumb.

>Defending this
Okay Qiu, we get it, you don't take criticism well.

can you post more feet already

>Even cartoons have better proportions and posture
I'm sure Looney Tunes and Spongebob Squarepants are the pinnacles of proportions and postures.

I take it you haven't watched porn at all.

Actually they are. Those were made by actual talent.

That's a 100% personal opinion, though. For example, the Xenomoprh is lauded as a scary design, but I think it looks ridiculous and implausible.

Then let's redesign all the Overwatch characters as Looney Tunes. Will that appease your autism?

Show me porn that has that, i dont think i ever seen it

i don't think its a issue of general design theft its just they don't seem to commit very hard to the world's consistency that they set up
he's a big bulky guy in armor to explain why he can take a bullet but they also want him to have the frail hospital/asylum patient look, it doesn't mesh very well and as a result just looks dumb even in the game's already strange world setting

There's a major difference in being shit at drawing and calling it art style, and knowing the basics and stylizing your art

Attached: 1492617634027.jpg (1270x724, 627K)

If I was at home I'd be able to, but I'm not at the moment.

What does looney tunes have to do with autism?
Also, cartoony overwatch sounds VERY appealing.

>People sperging out this badly about some character's design.

Attached: Da.png (114x125, 19K)


First day on Yea Forums?

The porn that I have with that going on is in both cases lesbian sex though, so you probably wouldn't like it. It's a girl with a strapon fucking the sub that is on her knees and has her torso and face on the ground. The one doing the fucking extends one of their legs and feet to the fucked's face so she can lick and kiss the foot, and sometimes they even step a bit on their face. I think one of them was from Whipped Ass, and the other was from Ultimate Surrender.

Why are you arguing the build of a fictitious character? There's an 8ft tall 50 year old german giant, a starcraft player piloting a flying mech, a guy who can turn into smoke, a dude with aimbot and a fat pig dude who eats up bullets and heals himself with a filter to his respirator

Attached: 1465995177396.png (826x797, 410K)

He is a senile old man being taken advantage of by a bunch of crazy youths.

>game has too many shields, ways to completely nullify ults, and stuns, and tanks are too powerful in general
>make another tank that does all of these things, and better than most others, all at once

do they even play their own game?

>That's a 100% personal opinion, though.
No it's not. You're saying believability is a matter of opinion.

Is it belieavable that a 100% ordinary girl than lift a 1 ton car over her head? No, it's not.
I mean yes you could be legit delusional and claim that it is indeed believable, but that doesn't magically make that scenario any less belieavable.

Clearly a lot of people don't find it believable that someone that wears full body armor would run around bare-feet. Because why would he? There is nothing to support this.

The fact of the matter is this
>the concept artist thought that he looked too generic will full body armor and shoes, so they removed them to try and salvage the design from looking generic. the argument for this is that he was an inmate at a mental institure, but his armor isn't an inmates clothing nor would he have a reason to keep that one element since being an inmate.
>additionally inmates are in fact allowed footwear, just not ones with hard soles that could be used to hurt themselves or others as a blunt weapon

Again, you're going out of your way to defend something non-sensical for no logical reason. This makes you come across as someone related to the artist (or the artist themselves), alternatively a super diehard delusional fanboy. Neither of which are positive in this scenario.

>wears all this badass armor
>does wear a helmet
>or even shoes

Bigger question: Why are you so set on defending this and not letting people dislike what they want to dislike? Did you design Sigma?

>sperging out
People are just saying him being barefeet is dumb and then fanboys go up in arms in their defence of it.

haha imagine if one of his abilities was a stun where he tickles the enemies with his toes
haha that would be hilarious!

i agree with this image no bullshit it’s fucking true you must be able to replicate reality in order to project your vision

Yeah and they're all equally shit. Overwatch is visual vomit, half the reason I stopped playing is because you can't fucking tell what you're looking at half the time between the cluttered oversaturated maps and the constant barrage of obnoxious particle effects.

Heres what I would change if I could:

>make his skin alabaster white or pale green
>give him a big scar across his face
>yellow eyeballs
>make him completely bald

>thing is poorly made
>No it is not
J-just let me dislike it bro!

Why would you wear shoes if you're not going out somewhere?

What are you talking about with oversaturated maps and particle effects?

if you say retarded stuff with confidence, then people are going to call you a retard. Don't act like you're an authority on what's correct and try to dismiss other people if you literally have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You're top soi.


Attached: overwatch.png (1915x1035, 3.07M)


Attached: jew maze.png (801x801, 78K)

What did I say "retarded with confidence"?
You're using authority incorrectly, no where have I shown any sort of authority.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you shouldn't stick your nose into a conversation that is none of your business to begin with. Agreed?

I have been playing Overwatch for years and I have no idea what this is.

which is worse

Attached: press x to not die.jpg (1024x768, 267K)

holy fucking christ what a shitty ass argument

>jew maze . png
why would you ruin the joke?

It's not about disliking something, you can say you don't like a design, everyone is entitled to have an opinion, but when you make an incorrect statement and talk shit about "anatomy" and "proportions" when in fact you don't have any knowledge of the subject, that's where I draw the line
If you can come up with a drawing that's far superior than this character's design and it's built by the rules that you say are wrong about this one, then you are right, but as long as its just ignorant gums flapping, it can't be taken seriously.

lol sigma...
sigma ballz

Is that the console version? Jesus christ.

You don't know me, stop assuming for the third time you do. You're obnoxious as fuck.
Your argument implies if I don't draw I'm not allowed to critque someone else's work, that's not how the real world works. At all. And I'll critique and judge anything I fucking want to.

I play on console and can confirm that is not console.

>tries to show how he's right
>makes the worst redline i've ever fucking seen

dunning kruger much

it's an image taken from a stream with low bitrate and quality

But the anatomy and proportions are stupid though. He said nothing wrong. Even the pose is stupid if he's levitating.

Don't same fag. That's pathetic.

Sigma dick XD XD XXD XD

Attached: huutarit.jpg (559x556, 19K)

I was just joking.

>Don't same fag. That's pathetic.
just cuz someone else calls you out for being retarded doesn't mean they're samefagging, but uh yeah, I'm guessing this response is samefagging too

What was the punchline?

I don’t think I can overstate how much I hate this character design

That consoles can't run games in general properly, so they end up providing worse visuals to whoever is playing them.

Calls me out on what exactly? I did an outline showing how the pose and posture was retarded. What's there to defend? It's a stupid design, a dumb posture, a horrible outfit, the nose is a god damn beak, his head is small as fuck, his arms make zero sense, his knees arent bending despite being in the air, and his dick is ahead of the rest of his body?
Defend it all you want, it's fucking dumb across the board and nothing you say or the other art snob is going to convince me otherwise. That guy should not be a character designer if he can't even follow the basic steps of designing a human character.

They should fire this Battleborn tier concept artist.

This. He has pretty good burst damage but Korean semi-pro scrims played last night showed how vulnerable he is. He will probably find most success in semi mobile high damage compositions.

I feel like he loses to Reinhardt.
Throwing his shield out can sometimes leave a gap below it for Earthshatter.
His accretion (rock) doesn't stun if you hit them right up close which Rein will definitely be close.

Yeah, you can say all you want, it doesn't mean its valid criticism because you're a fucking brainlet who has never held a brush in his hand
Someone who understands nothing of art can bark opinions and they're entitled to do so, but if you think your ignorant opinions would improve that artist at all, that's where you're wrong, listening to some chickenshit retard like you would only make their art detoriorate and go back multiple steps, because you indeed do not know what you're talking about.
Just because you've been once to /ic/ doesn't make you a world class artist, that takes decades of work and dedication. You are fucking nothing.

Didn’t they already make a hero with a black hole?

That is four fucking times not you've made this assumption. I already told you how obnoxious that is. So I'm simply going to stop replying to your ass. Simple as that. Learn to manners if you want to have actual debate. Making wild assumptions isn't going to keep anyone around to hear your rants.

Are you the one who made Sigma?

Really just a shit design, not much else to say. Overwatch wasn't just better at launch, it was clearly more inspired

the concept is valid no matter where it originates

Not that guy, but you could have just admitted you don't know what your talking about instead of doubling down like this.

Doubling down on what? What have I been wrong about?

This is just that guy from russian TV. Activision-Blizzard is too lazy ,wtf?

sigma balls lol

What guy?

I mean this guy.

Attached: file.png (740x701, 1.25M)

If you pay me, I'll tell you


Considering the backlash you're getting with your "work" I wouldn't be surprised you're already begging for money to keep your head afloat.

Wait people don’t actually still play this shit game, right?

I do
What you gonna do about it?

Compare the proportions of the concept
to this shit
His calves are longer than his thighs. His shoulders are so stupidly far apart for such a scrawny guy. Jesus fuck.

Don't critque, this brush stroking faggot will cry about it.

>tfw ash is the only good and fun character they've released post launch.

that dude's paycheck is fatter than everyone's in this thread combined, I know it's fun to make fun of successful people but no need to get jealous, poorboy

>artist makes loads of money!
In what dimension? How much do you think he gets paid? I can't wait to hear this.

>making money

The concept art is fine imo. The fucking model looks like it was made by a nigger which isn't unlikely.

Attached: OBSESSED.png (700x700, 120K)

That's oddly specific.

what the fuck? why wouldn't you wear shoes when going for a walk?

Overwatch character design was never really that great to begin with but what the fuck has happened since launch?

I doubt he's going to reinvigorate my interest in this game, but his origin trailer was fucking kino I can't lie.

>I love feet

Attached: 73667b129a478499979dbea2bd3b026c6649060da20798aef5b84f7306780c07.jpg (665x800, 157K)

More than you, paco
keep selling those chiclets to tourists in your favela!
Yes? I know of patreon artists who simply draw and make 20-30k per month, what are you making in one month?

hes the only truly dumb looking character so far. moira wasn't too bad she just looked like she was ripped straight from global agenda

Attached: 461b30a64cd10274e93cd695ee0f2431.jpg (1635x3450, 334K)

Oh you're not American, it'd make sense why you'd think a few dollars would be a lot. Carry on then.

Patreons get paid by patrons. Not for their work individually.

Looks pretty tough for a guy that can be easily defeated by a table leg in the dark

>Patreons get paid by patrons. Not for their work individually.
And thus that doesn't make you an artist, when you're not """"officially"""" working at some corporation? True. Even freelancers aren't actually working. You need to slave under Schlomo Goldberg, otherwise you're not actually working in the industry.

What's with the multiple quotes? You only need a pair of quotes to get your point across. You should probably stop typing, you clearly do not understand the art of writing.

And you dodged the question by sticking to something that doesn't matter. Based retard.

Writing means something, even if you clearly do not cherish it. Stick with GameFAQs forums, maybe that'd be up to your speed of conversation with the rest of the children.

I’m so glad footfags got BTFO.

First of all I've been here 20 years and I'd like to say that Mr. Bojangles was a really talented man. He could jump so high and tall and his dancing.. don't even get me started on his dancing. That man can dance better than MJ and could do it for hours! Fuck off newfag.

Yea Forums hasn't been around for 20 years

Literally who in literally what game

>hes the only truly dumb looking character

those are some ugly feet
you wish west cuck

Only 4 more years to go.
Time really does fly.

Attached: tenor.gif (500x323, 454K)

The air quotes accentuate your obsession with everything being official and that you do not represent a profession unless you're slaving under a corporation.
Keep dodging the question, retard.

There's no dodging, your question was irrelevant.

>Are his motives complex?

His motives basically boil down to: "Science!"

Probably think GladOS, except slightly less mechanical and slightly more unpredictible - and you'd not be far off the bat.

How is it irrelevant?

Show me the Battleborn UI.

So what's his plan if his shit breaks down and he's forced to walk? Does he pack his shoes in his massive shoulder pads?

Attached: Gravity Cat.gif (250x173, 1.07M)

>negates ults

Gross, why are his feet bare?

Shut up retard.

Headshots can also do that

Cause he's autistic for staring at black holes too much. No really, that's what Blizz came out with.

If his shit breaks down he turns back into a vegatable and his wranglers have to wheel him off the field

What are flipflops, user?

It makes projectiles disappear
This includes bullets, explosives, and ults that are fired like Zarya's, Hanzo's arrow, Mei's, etc.

>Playing Overwatch

>not playing Overwatch

If only I could kill you.... in overwatch.

Attached: 1562469519647.jpg (1024x963, 111K)

*reads a few numbers
*becomes insane
*insanity gives him a power armor out of nowhere
*still wears the straightjacked underneath his armor for some reason

He's so well written and intelligent guys

Attached: steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jfif.jpg (1024x576, 167K)

Went crazy when stared at a black hole, got imprisoned 'cause he can control gravity after that, got busted out by Talon and is used as weapon by them, may or may not have split personality disorder and Talon may or may not have cause the accident. Wants to bail out of his new employers, maybe
That's about all I got from his video

Dude, gravity, lmao

>tfw the guy that made this hero said he made two other heroes coming soon

>Blizz releases hero for its successful game
>Yea Forums seethes
>footfags seethe
>Hatfags seethe
Based Blizzard

Didn't he go insane after looking at a black hole or sumfin?

pretty sure that this lad levitates. hes a master of gravity after all.

hehe he

I love him already.

Attached: Sigma's Origin.jpg (1200x600, 110K)

oh Yea Forums...


what te fuck are they doing

>Ctrl+F feet
>55 results

never change Yea Forums


Oh yeah? Well tell me ONE unique ability.
ONE unique ability never seen before exclusive to OW.
I'm waiting.
Fucking rekt cuckboy, go home and cry to your momma. All ideas are someones old ideas.

Symmetra's new Ulti hasn't been done in any game ever yet people on/v/ will never admit it is unique.

But where are the strong black women?

Actually no, those are not his motives.


Fucking idiot.


Attached: 1556132819248.png (692x831, 724K)

Why are they still releasing new characters when the characters that are already in the game aren't even balanced

Did they make an ugly dude barefoot just to mock the foot fags?

ok let's put some socks on him.

Attached: EAMjoAaU8AEBtwq.png (879x631, 711K)

A wall?
A wall has never been done before?

Aaaaand...thanks for proving me right!

Actually made me laugh

>the literal shithole is sexual
>why are feet sexual

Congrats, you wrote the stupidest thing Ive seen on Yea Forums today

Liking asses doesn't mean you like anal, faggot.

Bull shit. Nobody likes pussy cuz it looks nice

>Has the redness around the edges.
Someone who knows the good shit made this stinky old man.

I like pussy and I'm still a virgin lol

Innie pussy looks nice tbhqwty.

When I peel it off it really hurts and feels like I'm peeling off skin. Is this normal?

The sign your dick is rotting.

that's not funny!

I love how the fetish of the artist is so fucking obvious they're not even trying to be subtle about it

paladins may be riddled with bugs but atleast it has new ideas

Honestly I wish he did just fly around wearing a straitjacket with the belts all dangling about. Something like the guy from the 'I appear Missing' video

lmao, this is some next level bad

>not wanting to worship daddy’s sweaty feet when he gets home from work

Poor taste

Attached: 0B1AC466-7844-46B7-9FEA-82B3523AFF8A.jpg (400x534, 27K)

what the fuck is wrong with OW artists now?

it's a chance to get paid and create high quality models with their fetish built in so the porn community can create endless free porn on their behalf

He finds human decisions fascinating

new ideas about how to make the game worse with every patch?


He's gonna be pansexual and have a girlfriend (boy)

More like Sugma dick lol

where are his fucking boots

I want to molest him.

Attached: EAOqEQgX4AE9WBt.png (667x874, 853K)

like he didn't get enough of that at talon

literal retard

>helmet blocking sight completely
W-Woow... so great...

Realism =/=/=/=/=/= Good design
Non-Realism =/=/=/=/=/= Bad design
Stop this fucking meme. It's just the special ed entrance for people who don't know anything to attempt to criticize shit they have no right to talk about.

>playing overwatch at any point after beta

Attached: 1502484070978.png (351x500, 532K)


Attached: Sojourn_-_Storm_Rising.png (300x221, 106K)

He went crazy by probably having his psyche shattered across time and space. He has three personalitites judging by the trailer and all of them are trying to take control. I think he still wants humanity to be able to use his tech but he's too busy keeping his personalities under control and Talon is using him.

Sounds like a summerfag middle schooler. This whole posts borderlines "Navy SEAL" pasta.

Imagine being such a fucking faggot you grasp onto any kind of gaming news
You’re literally that desperate to stay up to date with all things vidya games
That or you actually still play Ocerwatch, fucking kek
Kys V

He's not barefoot due to mental illness, he's barefoot because he fuckin floats wherever he goes. What's the point in wearing shoes when you can just float

Ah yes
Overwatch ======= bad
TF2 ======== good\
Get it

I wish more characters had these noses I love them for some reason.