Chie Satonaka's english VA confirmed giga brain

Chie Satonaka's english VA confirmed giga brain

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I always knew Chie was worst girl
In a game with fucking Apple

That sounds like sarcasm to me.

Imagine giving a fuck about persona enough to even follow her.

>english VA

Is this the cute original VA or the shitty nu-VA?

It was confirmed a long time ago, dum dum

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The current one

American voice actors are pure cancer.

I can't wait to see what /pol/ memes up next for these morons to fall for.

this OP is a tranny

>best friends with weedkiko
really makes me think

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dub faggots and politics

Not even once. Cancerous and cringe.

>twitter screencap thread

Whatever, then.

Well we all know /pol/ did this to trick libs and shit but it absolutely became a "hate symbol" once actual facebook tier racist started using it unironically

Kill 50 muslims, and it'll be anything you want. Just make sure it's something you can meme during the trial

Imagine falling for a meme.

This handsign was literally co-opted by /pol/ (even if just in an ironic way). What's wrong with calling it out?

Thanks OP, I'm going to follow her on twitter now

Man if thing keep going on like this then even the Thumbs Up sign will be a gesture for Necrophilia or something.

>facebook tier racist started using it unironically
So regular /pol/tards

>Falling for the meme
Fucking idiot dub turds.

>/pol/ppets butthurt ITT

>OK gesture turned into a nazi sign

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I assume she's joking. Shitty VA, though.


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>cartoon frog is a hate symbol
>OK sign is a hate symbol
I wonder what those nutcases will come up with next

I'm gonna fucking vomit

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This tweet is fake, right?
Erin is already ugly and talentless.
How did she get into the industry if she's stupid on top of that?

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It's just some innocent skinship between friends

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Anyone notticed women are becoming more stupid nowdays?

>giving racists the power to nullify the use of any symbol, word, image or idea by relating it to racism

calling things out is what /pol/ does and is a signal to other white supremacists. don't call things out. find something better to do with your time.


Negative. Trump legitimately fried their brains

*everyone is becoming more stupid

They smashed clams and that's canon.

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Converting this thread into a Chie thread because i don't give a damn about a terrible english VA when all I can hear when I look at Chie is that soothingly smooth Japanese voice

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>nazis breathe air
Is oxygen racist?

Betsy Ross flag. Oh wait, they've already done that.

t. incel

case in point

we actually are getting more stupid

No, everyone. Not just 'muh ebul liberals' or 'muh ebul "fascists"'

Yes, that's why I've started weaning myself off of oxygen and am going to be breathing pure nitrogen from now.

This is your brain after going on /pol/

I'm down for that.

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you could just ask them, they're just a board away

Based. I don't care about some tranny either.

he's prolly right,atleast i wouldn't be surprised if the drop is in the leftwing

We'll get over it.

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Guys we should turn video games into a white power symbol so the left would stop fucking with it.

>the left
muh boogeymen

>knowing any voice actors

Is it autism?

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Rent fucking FREE

>english VA
oh man, nice one OP

Go see a doctor user.

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American and European weebs tend to be ultra far left. This is what consuming another countries media does to young white people

Yeah, enough about how much Trump pays to live in your head though.

While I we're on this subject, I'll go out and say that I prefer Chie's original dub voice.
I know that in her original appearance she hardly sounds like a teenager and seems to speak a bit softly for someone with her personality, but Erin goes way too overboard with her.
It distracts me entirely from the games/anime because my brain can't stop recognizing that it's someone trying way too hard to do a voice. There's some weird accent or inflection she speaks with that I can't take seriously, which is even worse in the scenes that are supposed to be serious. It brings me out of the whole experience. In the back of my mind it always sounded like she was trying to put on a weird Canadian accent, only to find out she's actually from Canada. I'm also a leaf and couldn't pin this part of her voice down.

In her scenes where Chie is showing her compassionate gentle side, the original dub is spot on. She sounds like she cares.
This is where the replacement dub falters the most, she sounds like she's just going to raise her voice and get excited at any moment.
I guess original Chie doesn't sound like an anime character to me, which is why I always preferred it.

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>i cant actually think of why i dont like thing



the most obnoxious nazis are weebs

>M-muh Trump!
Again, rent fucking free.

You don't know that. I could eat babies for all you know.

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>hes so much of a fag that women kissing makes him vomit
go be gay somewhere else

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Reminder to everyone that NAZIS DRINK WATER.
STOP drinking water IMMEDIATELY, since drinking water is equivalent to showing adherence to their RACIST ideology.
Nazis have even been spotted DRINKING WATER shortly after ATTACKING minorities, removing all doubt about what it means to them.


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Autistic people gravitate to the far left and right. In weebs cases it's both


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>Well we all know /pol/ did this to trick libs
Yea and it worked. Do you know what it means? It means that /pol/ has more power over human expression than you give them credit for.
Thay could take anything and make it "racist" and you have to fall in line and not use it ever again. All because of the shitlib media.
If that was true you would not be bitching about it.

not autists but people in circlejerks/loners

we should all drink pokemon creatures instead!

/u/ need to go back

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>Trump pays to live in your head
He evades taxes and the rent too

more like the media makes money by fear mongering

>One guy was able to undo a millenia-old hand gesture into a hate symbol
Damn niggers literally kill each other every day and the only noteworthy thing to come from it is statistic memes. Really goes to show just how not all races are equal.

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I don't think anyone is claiming /pol/ has little influence. I think the point of that post was to illustrate that the people going "lol it was just a joke!!" have no leg to stand on after actual legit racist murderers started using the symbol unironically made it a hate symbol.

I love Chie's puffy vulva

so where is the video game discussion? it's just regular /pol/ shit and one lonely yurifag

>actual legit racist murderers

>defends large breasts in skullgirls
>takes the fake news bait on this
What happened?

Video games?

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Her Junko and Genocide Jack voice was pretty hot so it's a shame. She was always ugly as fuck though, so I never really cared about her outside of her roles

The OK symbol turning into a hate symbol is an example of the predestination paradox, prove me wrong.



>/pol/: Lets turn the ok symbol into a white supremacist symbol to troll the libs!
>Libs: They are using the okay symbol to mean white power
>/pol/: Stupid libs! It was all troll!
When trolling and sincerity are indistinguishable, does it really matter at that point? Since when does "merely pretending" count as a valid excuse for being retarded?