Congrats Yea Forums...

Congrats Yea Forums, UK defended EA and defended lootbox and turned down tbe ban against the loot box ban so it is now dead.

Hope your happy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

based Bongs letting companies do what they want, as they should be allowed to do

Dont buy it if you dont like it

It's "you're", and I don't care.
Lootboxes are an idiot tax and they're hilarious how butthurt they make fags.

Worst timeline

I don't even buy video games, why the fuck should I even care?

Probably because there's no good argument for banning them.

Leave it to the faggot brits to ruin everything, like usual.

At least the United States haven't backed down from pushing their anti. Loot box law into federal law so you better move to UK faggot

This, now we just need people to realize that the regulations around drugs, alcohol and IRL gambling are just as arbitrary and stupid.
The fucking government shouldn't be able to tell me if I'm allowed to give my 16 year old a beer, the only ones that would be harmed by the removal of these laws are stupid people.

>a fascist state voted against gaining more control over its people
What the fuck UK. You can't buy eggs and toilet paper without an ID but you can buy lootboxes? What manner of nanny-state is that?!

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>he is too dumb to see how lootboxes becoming commonplace affects him
haha what a bunch of retarded niggers, even if you only pirate games it will still fuck you over because if cancerous lootboxes are acceptable you can be sure having to be online to play even single player titles will come soon after

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literally everything you said is correct

It doesn't
If you're playing games where it does, you have shit taste and should commit sudoku immediately

hey you guys, you can always black list EA, Activision and Ubisoft as companies who pollute their games with loot boxes

inb4 wall of replies about "games should cater to me or be outlawed"


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>the only ones that would be harmed by the removal of these laws are stupid people.
Guess what the vast majority of the population is made out of

>Yea Forums defends lootboxes now
zoom zoom

>every AAA dev starts locking real content behind lootboxes
>Yea Forums approves of it
kek, what a bunch of capitalist cucks

>there are actually people on Yea Forums who are unironically pro-lootbox and arent just baiting for (You)s
I hope you know that you're inviting people who think theyre in good company by pretending like this, anons.

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WTF i love redcoats now

This thread makes my head hurt

Because if they were to ban lootboxes they would have to ban things like kinder eggs and only americlap retards are dumb enough to ban kids toys.

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>AAA dev starts locking real content behind lootboxes
>I don't buy their games

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>it then becomes the norm for the industry
>only fringe indie games don't abide by it
Guess you'll buy no games then

> Look at the story.
> UK Ruled that under current guidelines, lootboxes do not meet the definition of gambling due to the items inside them having no real value.
They're technically correct. And there's nothing to say these guidelines won't change.

>digital and physical are the same
user... I...

>Only arguments are buzzwords

Based Belgium, lootbox have been btfo from the country

>waah waah why won't the bureaucrats make up laws
Britain is proper country with responsible government. Unelected executive commissions, like the Gambling Commission, don't make policy and don't make laws. If you want laws against Loot Boxes then Parliament, the elected legislature, needs to pass a new law, as a proper country with proper representative government ought to do.

Law is the responsibility of the legislature, execution of laws is the responsibility of executive government and their bodies. Learn the difference and don't be a brainless low-agency minion to paternal bureaucrats.

except this hasn't happened

But I thought Britain was fighting globalism. The right is so self defeating.

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>it hasn't happened yet so it's fine
nigger-tier foresight

Except you literally said there are games not doing it, so clearly there will still be games worth buying and supporting.

The Eternal Anglo strikes again.

How retarded do you have to be in order to want lootboxes banned?
Just don't buy them or the game retard.

>all games do this
>now i cant buy anything
>now videogames are dead for me

you see why id go against lootboxes

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Yes, please goverment do the thing you exist to do.

even more reason not to ban them, kids would not be able to purchase lootboxes without a card, so once again parents being retarded has created another problem

Based and redpilled bongs

based retard

God I wish the world would just outright ban videogames and set me free.

>lootboxes do not meet the definition of gambling due to the items inside them having no real value.
But since people are paying money to acquire those lootboxes, doesn't it mean that the items inside have value ?

Of course they did. There's too much profit involved here to protect the consumer.

They only said it didn't count because you can't take your money out of the system. They acknowledged 3rd party resellers but also argued that EA was doing enough to clamp down on the second-hand grey market that further intervention wasn't needed.

How this applies to Valve however is anyone's guess, as you can extra the value of your items through selling on the Steam store. But you can't then take your Steam currency out of the store (at least not officially, you could always order some Steam controllers or something and sell them)

>they're addictive
you mean like all video games?
>they're aimed at kids
you mean like all video games?
>they influence behavior
you mean like all video games?
>they're expensive
you mean like all video games?

>governments exist to exert control over the lives of their people
Spoken like a true jeudo-bolshevik antifa. Castrate yourself.

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*extract the value

Money can be exchanged for nothing.

No. You see, you exchange money for goods and services. Pixels are neither.

Most people can't see two minutes into the future. Remember all of the 'lol u poor?" in 2007 when people said that DLC was going in a bad direction?

no, it just means people are wasting their money

>now videogames are dead for me
and that's a good thing

Nevermind I found my answer.

It's okay this just draws attention to the fact that laws and definitions need to be updated to fit with modern times.
They still agree that these things are a serious issue even if not legally considered gambling as they target children and if it's one thing britain will do, it's restrict freedoms for the sake of children, you can count on that.
I foresee games with these types of mechanics being slapped with 16 or even 18 ratings which isn't an outright ban but will be a big blow to these companies as they love putting these in "family friendly" titles.
It'll also taint their image as something okay and good in general.
I'm not even sure I agree with an outright banning, as people should practice some personal responsibility but that doesn't fucking matter when they target children and family friendly spaces.
I'm sure these things will become a black mark on any game or company that continues to try and use them so they'll either want to stop using them or will see reduced sales anyway.

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We are a nation of LAWS. If you want yo change the law, pass an act of parliament. You can not make up laws or misinterpret them however you like based on whims. Loot boxes are not covered under the current act for the reasons the Gambling Commission gave. If you want new laws pass them through parliament the proper way. Law > whims and arbitrary rule.

I mean, if you go this way games have no value either because "lmao 1s and 0s"

You people are so short sighted. The longer this cancer longers in video games the worst its gonna get for the industry and lead us to another video game crash because people are gonna get sick of this shit one way or another. And thats assuming we arent already due for another crash.

The goods are non-transferable, therefore not monetary.

don't pay attention to fucking anyone online when it comes to british politics especially NOT americans.
they go on and on about us being cucks and being invaded by muslims and act like we should vote for epic right wing things and when we do and those epic right wingers start doing stupid bullshit and passing authoritarian laws they just tip their head back laughing at how "cucked britain is" and it's just dude this is what you wanted this is what you were telling people online who live in britain to vote for
just because it's right wing doesn't mean it's like america's right wing ffs

>Another crash

Man, I've wanted to see that for about 13 years now, but at this point I don't think it's coming.

explain this without resorting to "you happy bad, me happy good"

>UK voting in favor to fuck over their citizens
Imagine my shock

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Video games are infantile escapism and phantasmical wish fulfillment.

Industry is already getting stale and lots of people are already losing interest. The stock holders "WE ALWAYS NEED TO GROW" idea isn't gonna sustain itself if not collapse within itself and the nostalgia tactic every company is pulling shit is only going to last for so long until they run out of idea's. Fads are fading out quicker then usual as well see: BRs
Literally irrelevant now especially when zoomers will just hop on to the next big thing.

Imagine being such a brainlet you need a law introduced to stop you buying things you don't want

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Has the UK made a single good decision in the last few years?

No, you bought a product if it's a disc. Software are products.
That's why I'm against digital personally, because I want to have actual ownership rights over my purchases. That's why you see major business-software sellers going subscription and publishers want you slaves to their GaaS.

Good, lootboxes are going to save the gaming industry.

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I don't even play videogames anymore except fightan.

Well, UK is one of those few western countries that decide which videogames you're allowed to play, so...

It is not me they need to stop, it is the people too stupid to be stingy.

Good. Commies need to fuck off to China.

bad videogames*

>they're aimed at kids
>you mean like all video games?
>they're expensive
>you mean like all video games?
Also false

In burgerland you actually can give your kid alcohol in your home, its just not a thing most are aware of

>can't afford DLC
lmaoing @ ur lyfe

>another video game crash

>rich people bad

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The UK government is corrupt as fuck, what did you expect.

why are so many of the pro regulation crew the_donald /pol/shitters?

I wouldn't mind it. I've got more than enough games to keep me busy while the industry gets back on its feet, and even if it somehow never did, maybe I'd finally learn to draw or something. There'd still be enough games in existence that I could keep playing games I've never played before and plenty of old favorites to go back to for the rest of my life.



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>turned down tbe ban against the loot box ban
They banned the ban against the lootbox ban? So they banned lootboxes?

now you have 0 games to play

The right will do literally anything if you can convince them that doing so will somehow "own the libs"

why do anti lootbox arguments rely on completely distorting reality?

Holy shit! Now they're doing loot packs!
Aimed at CHILDREN (won't somebody PLEASE think of them?!)!

There's a rare chance you could get a valuable card worth more than the pack! That's GAMBLING! I can't even.

Please ban this government, I'm too stupid to protect myself!

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Imagine buying lootboxes lol

In 20 years people will be living at their jobs. Is this the future you want?

Physical toys that can be used to play games in real life =/= pixels on a screen
Even though we all know the TCG was shit

im not seeing an argument otherwise

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UK is not EU tho, nobody cares about that shitty little island. In Germany they gonna make a ban and it will bring all the EU countries to ban them too.

>Americans wanting the government to ban things and tell them what they can and can't do.

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Governments exist to control you? "1984" wasn't a how-to guide, my bootlicking friend.

>wanting the government in vidya

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What the fuck is wrong with the UK?
It seemed like it was doing fine for a while but ever since the Brexit, probably even sooner than that, it's all just going downhill for it, every time I hear anything about the bonglands, it's always bad.

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If they became a problem to the extent lootboxes are, then yeah they should be regulated too. But they aren't and you're a big gay.

USA will ban them though. The people pushing for the bans there are going with a very think of the children angle which is always effective.

Facist leaders have never been the brightest bunch.

They're already killing themselves and sacrificing each other for stigginit.

>Worthless paper artificially with an inflated monetary value based on how powerful it is within the pretend make-believe rules of the children's game is totally okay because it's worthless paper aimed at children instead of worthless pixels aimed at adults.

What's funny is it's the "party of small government" that wants the government to control every aspect of everyone's lives.

And look where that responsible method of government has gotten them.

US kids are fucking obsessed with it though, kids just want to grow up to be streamers at this point

>his only argument is that future games will be shit
It's not like there's literally hundreds if not thousands of great games spread across all generations that I can emulate and pass my time with. Keep crying over your unreleased AAA garbage.

At least try to make it look like you’re not samefagging


We'll have to wait and see, Boomers are pretty stupid and lobbyists can buy influence pretty cheap these days.

>If they became a problem to the extent lootboxes are

What the fuck is the difference? "Borrowing Mommy's credit card" for trading cards is as old as credit cards have existed.

How about parents do some parenting instead of having the government ban shit?

Hopefully. I'm just hoping that video game companies don't learn how to grease the politicians in enough time.

>not banning lootboxes = dystopian commie land

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person

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>Anyone who disagrees with my brainlet opinion is a samefag

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Wow its almost like its the Consumers fault or some shit

Videogames do not influence behavior
Some video games are dirt cheap
The absolute state of the bullshit lootbox defenders have to come up with.

Thats it, time to go whale hunting. You have polluted the human gene pool long enough.

>imagine living in a literal orwellian dystopia and all you care about is muh lootboxes

Okay great, when you get reports of kids stealing mommy's credit cards for $7,000+ worth of cards and people with gambling addictions dumping their into life savings into them, then we'll sign your petition.

>Government please ban this gameplay mechanic in a Star Wars shooty because think of the children.

There will never be another crash
People the world over have become increasingly stupid and with that comes lower standards.
People are STILL defending Bethesda after fallout 76
People are STILL watching the live action Disney remakes

>need ID TO buy TP and eggs

>bans Omega Labyrinth
>allows loot boxes
I fucking hate my country

it worked for /pol/ and it will work for Yea Forums.
t. lurker

The stories of "kid stole mommy's credit card and spent $XXXX on bullshit" has been slow news day fodder for decades you dumb cunt.

So if all that actually happened was the gambling folks said they couldn't do anything until the laws were changed why did op make this thread trying to seem like it was the government outright showing support for lootboxs.

The Majority of these purchases are from fucking kids who shouldnt have that kind of money.

People actually Defended Custers revenge back when it released, and E.T, and the countless amounts of shovelware that caused the industry crash.
People are as stupid now as they were then, the only difference is that the numbers are so big that its unfeasable for the industry to crash.

And it'll always thrive on PC

what a bizarre thread, did i miss the memo telling Yea Forums to pretend sucking corporate cock?

I'm pretty sure that guy would support lootboxes, retard. That's kinda the whole point of the meme, he's a corporate cock sucker beyond all belief. Much like yourself.

Well you aren't wrong about the stock market
I wanna go back in time and strangle whatever nigger came up with it.

Right, and increased dramatically over the last few years. I wonder if any particular issue has caused this.

You do realize you are completely correct. In Japan rates are different in every form of random draw cards/toys/gashapon. It's regulated that they have to show what they rates are and they have to be above a minimum.

>people voted for this assclown to be in charge of their country
Clown world. The Germans didn't bombard them hard enough.

>The UK's Gambling Commission announce they can't take action about Pokemon cards or Star Wars weapons because they're not gambling, and to please stop contacting them about it because it's petty autism.

Stop the presses!

>a vote occuring in the united kingdom
What did you expect to happen

Capitalism and communism are two sides of the same jewish shekel, chaim.

I used to be full libertarian but shit like lootboxes has proved to me that we need the government to keep retards from ruining vidya.

that's right

Social media just makes it easier for people to share their stories so you hear about it more often.

>Right, and increased dramatically over the last few years. I wonder if any particular issue has caused this.

That journalism has gotten shitter and some onions at Buzzfeed really wants his Star Wars shooty to not have the same mechanics as Pokemon cards?

Why does nu-Yea Forums now defend lootboxes and microtransaction? We used to laugh at libertarians back when Ron Paul was "relevant".

Until magic introduced mythic rarity you got the same rarity cards in every pack in every card game.
Wizards are probably gonna agree to get rid of mythic rarity as a sort of plea deal to dodge the lootbox ban

Friendly reminder that games should be made solely for gamers, and elements that pollute culture by being made purely for profit to the lowest common denominator should be thoroughly destroyed and their creators executed for crimes against the nation.

They are shills user

Imagine basing your political beliefs on video games.

Le epic trolls and Reddit tourists.

Because Yea Forums is filled with the lowest common denominator in intelligence and OP was looking for some (yous)
There was no vote though, it's the gambling commision saying there's nothing they can do under the current laws.

I don’t have a problem with loot boxes in a game as long as I can farm or grind for them.

Say what you want about the government banning things from you, but I can't get over the fags in this thread actually defending loot boxes. You act like banning loot boxes is a bad thing and we need to avoid it at all costs because muh freedom.

>even if it's an objectively shitty game mechanic we need it because freedom!!!

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>people have to be responsible for their own decisions
>government can't force regulate the gaming industry
>dumb shit eating krauts will soon lose their socialist super state dream for a third time

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>characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[
Sounds like the UK to me matey.

>The only reason Yea Forums doesn't want the government banning shit in video games is because Yea Forums is actually reddit.

Reddit hates lootboxes you retard.

They're the ones who want the state to ban everything they don't like, like selling too much soda or happy meal mechanics in video games.

>playing games where lootboxes matter
Turn that shotgun on yourself, dumb frogposter.

>hating lootboxes is now Reddit
the absolute fucking state of nu-Yea Forums

Pretty sure anybody defending clusters revenge was just doing it because of how mad it made some folk, game is hella unfun.

>lootboxes dont affect me in anyway, i dont buy them or even play the types of games which have them
>but still, lootbox bad

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>Yea Forums defending corpokikes

>Reddit hates lootboxes you retard
oh, so its peak Yea Forums contrarianism

>yuroslimes make fun of Americans for having food standards that disallow chunks of plastic in candy
so this is yuroslop education...

Fuck you, pay to not grind mechanics are utter cancer because they make the game unbearably grindy to compensate.

>Reddit spacing
I might have known.

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>impyling bongistanis aren't going to lose their """"union"""" first
Norn Iron and Scotland are going to leave you, and Wales are turning away from Brexit too. All that will be left is England with it's paki child rape gangs and Muslim mayors. But at least you'll get rid of the Poles!

It's a mix of trolls and kids who legitimately grew up with microtransactions in their games so they accept it as the norm.
I just want lootboxes gone because they encourage lazy game development in favor of whaling retards who are bad with money.

>Bongs saying people should be responsible for their own actions

>Burgers getting upset and wanting the state to ban shit

Is it opposite day?

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>it's objectively shit
>"just don't buy it!!!!!"

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>>I have a lootbox for sale
>I would like to purchase it
why does this infuriate Yea Forumseddit?

>Here is a game. Games were designed to put people on equal terms to test themselves against one another via competence.
>I've purchased all queens instead of pawns

Dur!?!?!? HURRR!?!?!?

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Governments exist to protect me from the bad people in our society.

The people buying lootboxs are harming me by incentivising devs to make the games I play shittier.

try banning gachapon next time retard

Yeah you're just spouting nonsense talking points from the Guardian and besides them leaving would only benefit England economically. If Scotland leaves they'll join the back of the queue and collapse because it's just a welfare state.

>wow, I don't like that so therefore I won't purchase it

>I want the state to ban bad video games to protect me from myself.

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>have a game be a one-time buy with all content
Why does this infuriate nu-Yea Forums?

Still say the clown world is just a meme.

>expecting bongs to not be massive corporate cocksuckers on top of being statist shills
There's a reason the UK is turning into 1984 every fucking day. Their population has been successfully trained into believing that authority figures = good, and always double plus correct.

So when EA comes around with lootboxes, of course they're going to line up to suck their dick. They would have given them free anal if they said that they support muslims, too.

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so just buy games that do this

>free market will solve everything
go to bed ron, we don't want any more mobile gamers like yourself

>what do you mean I could just not by lootboxes
>what do you mean I could just not by games with lootbox mechanics

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who are you quoting exactly

Yea, that's how I've operated for the last like nine years and stupid fucks have kept buying and buying and now here we are - where buying a thousand dollar phone gets you a Fortnite skin. Fun has been monetized in a unique way - games are now no longer about an experience or actual fun, they are about "Look at my rare skin" and "What's in it for me to do X in a game".

Virtually nobody plays games for fun anymore, they all play for ingame rewards. There was a time when people read quests.

Yeah Reddit breathes air too, you gonna stop big boy?

You can ask them what toy you are going to get and even ask if they have a specific one. I guess you just don't know how to talk to other human beings without acting like a retard.

Now let me answer my door, because I think the TV police are around to shoot me for having an extra monitor on my computer.

Which yes, every Bong with a phone and monitor has a TV license because you can theoretically watch TV on them. Remind bongs of that every day.

Oh, I am. Not many left now that companies hooked onto kids and whales and siphon content, sadly.

yikes, go back to your circlejerk.

Epic storefront wouldn't exist today without Fortnite lootboxes. Thoughts?

They're run by the goddamn tories, of course they'd suck corporate dick.

I am basing it on retarded people ruining things for me.

lmao I'm sure government intervention will make videogames fun for you now that you're too old for them

The only country being at the back of the queue is you once you leave. Enjoy being passed around and fucked up the ass by unfavorable trade deals.

>wanting to give more power to a draconian surveillance state like the UK because a voluntary mechanic present only in trash video games makes you mad
the absolute state of Yea Forums

>every Bong with a phone and monitor has a TV license because you can theoretically watch TV on them
myth lmao
You don't even need a licence to own a television and watch broadcast TV on it

There will never be another "Videogame crash"

There wasn't really one in the first place if you want to get technical

I guess it depends on the game, but if I like a game I am going to grind in it to get loot boxes, max out my stats, find secrets, and complete achievements.

Opinion fucking discarded.

I didn't advocate for it, I just explained my opinion.

Why do people defend loot boxes?

Looks like I need to find a new hobby within the next decade.
Vidya is dead.

Fortnite doesn't have lootboxs
Why do I so often see people claiming it does, is it lootbox shills false flagging to make the anti lootbox side look ill informed.

Holy shit you people are retarded. The problem is not the lootboxes themselves, it's that content that normally would be sold as regular DLC or free content is now being locked behind lootbox "surprise mechanics"

hey, want this new gun? you're going to have a gamble to get it. hey, want to play as this new character? you're going to have to gamble for that, goy

it's a shit mechanic employed by greedy cocksuckers designed to take as much money from people as possible

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Doublethink and Yea Forums contrarianism honestly go hand in hand.

Oi m8 do you have an illegal antenna? Imma get the pollywog to shim shammy your flathouse, ya fuckin' wanka!


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Fitting that this springs up in the UK, the home of doublethink.

shite patter lad

>This, now we just need people to realize that the regulations around drugs, alcohol and IRL gambling are just as arbitrary and stupid.

This is none of the reasons why we want to ban lootboxes. Majority of us want to ban lootboxes because it's simply FUCKING STUPID. Any fag who spends lootboxes is a humongous faggot. I don't fucking care about what you say

>group of teenages go to buy eggs and tp at halloween (very obviously to throw at peoples houses)
>shop says no
>americans now believe every shop requires 3 forms of ID and your last payslip to be able to ever buy tp or eggs

I feel like you're just the person Dead Space 3 was aimed at.

>it doesn't affect me, so it's not a problem. Actual retard logic. Hilarious. "When they came with the loot boxes, I did not speak up, for I was not a player of loot box games...."

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It still pressures the user into its micropayments. Free players get less (and shittier) rewards.

Years ago I would have laughed at the idea that Yea Forums contrarianism runs so deep that it'd defend even lootboxes, but I guess this is where we're at now. Just don't let anyone figure out that Reddit eats food, otherwise we might be in serious trouble.

The video gaming industry will invariably stagnate and will be creatively bankrupt if we don't ban lootboxes.

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I think most Yea Forumsirgins could stand to miss a few meals.

I can guarantee you the fag shilling lootboxes is corporate. Considering the rampant pro-Epic shilling on this board and which game primarily makes money off lootboxes, you can guess where it's coming from. The shitposting style is strikingly similar, too.

We would never shill on Yea Forums so obviously. It's probably just Steamdrones, who want to keep Gaben well fed.

I just can't believe not the entirety of Yea Forums cannot even agree that lootboxes is fucking cancer to gaming. Fuck this government shit that's the least of my worries. I just don't want to see this fucking cancer grow into bullshit. in b4 you say, "w-well don't buy it then" no. More retards like you keep supporting this shit. Fuck off.


I have never bought a lootbox, but that doesn't stop whales from doing it and causing things I used to know as unlockables before you were born from becoming relegates to DLC and lootboxes nowadays.


SeeIt’s likely one or two faggots shilling lootboxes

Yea Forums has grown past the childish notion of just shouting down lootboxes because waaah waaah mama won't buy them. They now see the inherent value in putting more money into the system and thereby ensuring the game would continue to grow as a result. Childhood is raging against lootboxes, adulthood is smiling, shaking your head and just buying a couple because you love the company and the licence they provided you with.

As we all know the government never grows like a cancer or takes miles when granted millimeters
Fuck off back to social media

So just your average drooling idiot then. Exactly the type of person they target. At least you're semi-self aware.

>FTC hits Facebook with $5 billion fine
is this a good thing

>Britain is proper country with responsible government.

Nigga, u crazy

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a single person
How convenient for you

Stock up on older games now. I'm sure there's a few hundred older games you would enjoy playing that you haven't yet.

No. Fining corporations just for being successful is a hallmark of capitalism's failings.

Where the fuck do you get your information from? Not a word of what you said is true.

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And the social stigma for a kid who plays with the default skin being made fun of and put down for it. It's psychological bullying to spend money. Bullshit.

He's literally just British Trump

Well isn't this a good thing that the UK isn't part of the EU anymore so they have no say in the matter of speaking of lootbox ban.

Which means in short them saying (oi we defend EA) isn't gonna stop the rest of the new world order from putting a ban on the lootbox anyway because they look at UK and laugh at them.

more like Utterly fucKed hahaha enjoy living in 1984.

Why would you not defend EA though? Do you honestly think the government is a better entity than Electronic ARTS?

Except the EA in USA just tried to bribe and buy out the lobby that usually give government the money to influence on things and the lobby literally told EA to basically (go fuck yourself) and they went and supported the government without the government's intervention. EA is fucked in USA in terms of trying to get them to stop from pushing the bill through federal court.

Never played dead space, but I might try it out just to see what you are talking about.
I mean I will play a game as long as I am having fun. If I get tired of the grinding or anything in a game I will just play something else.


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It's sad that so many people can't see this. I thought it was obvious why people hate DLC and lootboxes, but it seems that such concepts as not liking shitty mechanics because they take away from the game is too advanced for many people to comprehend.

the uk only said that lootboxes are not gambling according to gambling definition. they did not say that they would nothing about it OP.
theres several ways this will continue.
>nothing will happen
>gambling definition is expanded to include loot boxes
>lootboxes get their own law
>games with lootboxes get an AO rating (aka fucking nothing will hapen)

you have to be a genuine retard/american to think anything good will ever come out of lootbox shit, microtransaction jewery and live service bullshit

I rather live in nazi germany than fucking electronic arts company building you fucking shill

Maybe you just need to stop being so narrow-minded. I bet you're only this salty because you never felt the pride and accomplishment of opening a super-rare item.

It littererly says the police will arrest for it
Do they even fucking celebrate Halloween in the UK or is this just the nanny state trying to combat a problem that doesn't even exist yet.

Loot boxes shouldn't be banned, but they should be restricted. Transparency should be an absolute must. Reveal the chances and odds for your "surprise mechanic" results.
And enforce proper age gating. Just do it. Force developers to develop pipelines that allow for this to be done properly.

Fuck all the "No! Don't touch the market whatsoever! The free market will adjust itself! It's perfect the way things are! Muh freedums!" and the "Ban it now! Ban it all! This is corrupting peoples' very souls! Muh childrun!" people.

>unironically posting that image while extending tongue punching corporate asshole

you have to be a genuine cocksucker to think the government should be allowed to control your spending habits

>see lootbox-ridden game
>don't buy it
so hard

even if they did end up banned greedy assholes would just find another way to fuck us over, let's be honest

I'm anti lootbox but for fucks sake fortnite does not have them, why do you niggers find this so hard to understand
If anybody is sending shills it is valve/blizard/ea/Sony music

not if we exterminate all Jews

I wish the UK Government was pro freedom when it came to the citizens of the country.

>enforce proper age gating
I'm anti lootbox but you can fuck right off with this bullshit, it's an actual slippery slope giving the government such easy access to restriction of children.

We vote for parties, not Prime Ministers. The party itself does that.

>Wales are turning away from Brexit too
EU election results suggest the exact opposite.

But there are greedy people from the other races as well, Jews are just the best at hiding it. Which ironicly makes them stand out more in places where people can see through it.

This. Putting age gaps on drinking, gambling or anything merely staves off stupid people from self-imploding for a couple more years. If they want to die, let them.

You got a federal permit for that lemonaide?

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Haha no. Human greed comes from the Jew, without it and the accursed bloodline, 90% of it would just get washed out of the collective DNA pool.

Should children be allowed to play at the casino too?

voting with your wallet doesnt work when idiots still throw money at bad games en masse.

If children aren't allowed to have their own bank accounts, they should not be allowed to purchase in game stuff without said purchase being properly authorized by someone who is.

If they want to destroy themselves, why bother to stop them from doing so? It' their choice. Personal responsibility shouldn't be a meme.

but none of that is true



So? good games won't disappear because trash games are the norm.
It's up to you to find the worthwhile games, always has been.

If by living at their jobs = working from home, fuck yeah

They do not hide it anymore. They don't need to.

EA shills are going maximum damage control.
Before this was a stink on a national skill, hardly anyone defended this mess.

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literally untrue what the fuck have you been smoking? name literally one video game the UK cannot play
its Germany and Australia that do that
fucking retard

>this entire thread

>playing video games that encourage and enable p2w
fucking yikes dude

>Governments exist to protect me from the bad people in our society.
>government imports africans and muslims by the tens of thousands

nice virus faggpt

>webmshare is a known website

>meanwhile Pokémon has straight up been murdered by mobile games and everyone pretends it won't happen to their favorite franchise too, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary

>illegal to sell lemonade without a food permit
>can be arrested simply for possessing eggs or flour
The lemonade stuff is retarded, but they're not the same.

>murdered by mobile games
pokemon go is still printing money though


No one cares about that Islamic shithole.

Except you can and are encouraged to trade them.

Nice wojak spam you cringey incel.

my point is that Gamefreak isn't encouraged by TPC to make good games anymore because the sales of Pokémon Go and soon the new onslaught of mobile Pokémon games is where they actually make the money. SwSh could make much less money than its predecessors and still serve its purpose of marketing shit for whales to buy. The last mainline Pokémon was literally an advertisement for Pokémon Go

>People actually trusted the government

Attached: _have sex.jpg (605x658, 83K)

People have been defending lootboxes year for a while now just to be contrarian. There's even more contrarians now that it's become a big deal.

>calling someone else a cringey incel
why do they always do this?

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the eternal anglo strikes again

Attached: around brits, be on your wits.jpg (720x485, 55K)

I can smell the asshurt of whoever made this pic through the screen

That's complete bullshit, rate aren't audited in Japan outside actual gambling (i.e. pachinko). Gacha (for toys), TCGs, mobile gacha games do display rates but these aren't audited by a governmental body or an independent agencies, so rate are just statements and nothing prevent a publisher from lying. When exposed just claim it was "a programming mistake". Rates can easily be manipulated for digital gacha as for TCG, it's well known that chances aren't full-RNG, but pseudo-RNG as the most expensive cards are evenly distributed across prefectures.

it's literally the opposite of that you braindead slime
are you really asking for the state to control provided services from companies?

lmao what the hell kind of person makes this

The UK government is entirely in the grip of globalists, no other possibility existed.

It won't mean that, though. It means you sleep in the Wall Mart/Amazon dormitory so you can't be late for your shifts. The work doctor will have to make sure you're ill before you get time off. Retirement and pensions will cease to exist. Etc.

spotted the yelping pigdogs

whales aren't typically rich, just really bad with money

Buddy, everything about your pic screams rage
You've gone beyond I AM SILLY to an extent that would make Dobson blush

>"these people are poopy heads"
>*shows crude yet meticulously crafted drawing that oozes psychosis and delusion*
>"lol what the fuck is this image"
>"hark! you are the poopy heads i chose to depict in my image"

>every Bong with a phone and monitor has a TV license because you can theoretically watch TV on them
You didn't do your research at all, did you?

We mostly dont give a fuck about it. The only places that care about it are those with lots of children in the area or posh areas. And even the posh areas (west london is my example here where ive been living in for years) only a small fraction of streets do it. Also the teenagers/young adults do it but its less for halloween and more just an excuse to drink and go out.

The ones who do tp and egg through are normaly the cunts which should be kept an eye on. We really dont tolerate those here. Its not about being free to be a cunt. Its about others not having to worry about troglodytes.

Congratulations. You now understand how money works.


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you gays don't even buy things, why are lootboxes an issue

He says while posting on Yea Forums. You are pathetic.

>it's not gambling
>It's surprise redistribution of wealth
Lootbox apologists confirmed communists

no its just right wing. wealth redistribution is okay as long as it funnels upwards

>>Hope your happy.
That we aren't a commie shithole that interferes with the free market?

taxes for healthcare bad
taxes for bailouts good

Thank God the boomer mentality is dying so people actually realize corporations are bad.

You can also do that in the UK

>crying to the government over shit games

>Being too stupid to realize that this'll spread to non-shit games just like other cancerous industry practices

If the government can stop shit games from succeeding I'm all for it. Literally nothing of value would be lost from lootboxes being regulated

By that logic the US is a commie shithole since it interferes with the market all the time. You're basically saying the FDA and FTC and the department of commerce are communist organizations.

>"shit games"
>the loot box apologist is a retard
it checks out

Why the fuck do people who hate video games browse Yea Forums? No other board does this, Yea Forums likes anime, Yea Forums likes film, but Yea Forums just complains. I'd wager that 80% of Yea Forums says that they hate video games or that they grew out of them and whether they're being legit, just want to complain, want to fit in, or just make people lose faith in the hobby. What the fuck is wrong with you people and what the fuck is wrong with this board? It's pathetic and sad as well as rage inducing. If you genuinely grew out of the hobby or think all video games are trash get off the board, there is no reason for you to be here. Get out and don't come back.

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It's been there for years now. Fifa points have been a thing for at least 5 years, probably longer.

Literally JUST for Lootboxes, then sure.

but that isn't true


also based

>By that logic the US is a commie shithole
Are you saying the blue states aren't?

>I bet no other board does this

This, as long as these companies don't question the Holocaust, and serve fags they're good in my book!

...yes? Are you saying rich people good?

Yeah New York, the home of Wall Street and corporate HQs is well known for being a communist state.

Attached: dumb.png (600x460, 504K)

Nobody here plays videogames

Yes. What's wrong with that statement?

You only see that kind of attitude on Yea Forums.

You don't see pople on Yea Forums saying that they "quit" music, you don't see people on Yea Forums saying that they quit movies, or people on Yea Forums who "grew out of" comics and cartoons, hell not even on Yea Forums you see people saying that anime is infantile escapism.

I don't know if it is because videogames are still too inmature or because the people posting here are still insecure about their hobby, but no other board hates their hobby as much as Yea Forums.

>not even on Yea Forums you see people saying that anime is infantile escapism.
It happens, but it's a bannable offense there.

>or because the people posting here are still insecure about their hobby

I think it's this. For some reason some people here are massively insecure about it.



Back to the cuck shed

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people are always complaining about mainstream cinema (read:capeshit) on Yea Forums, and thats what mobile games and lootboxes are - the mainstream games.

the one place that CCTV cameras are actually a good thing, who knows how many nonces have been stopped by that

Nowhere near on the same scale as Yea Forums. You never see comments on/a/ like:
>Watching anime is pissed away, useless time.
>If pissing away time is the majority of your life, you are a piece of garbage.
>Try doing something productive instead of watching anime, you low lives.

Swap out anime with video games and comments like this are a common occurrence here.

Complaining about a facet of the hobby being shitty isn't the same as hating the concept of the hobby itself. Yea Forums might shit on bad movies but they don't shit on people just for watching film

Irony isn't a self sustaining pastime.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting etc.

Attached: 1irony.png (500x312, 168K)

Oi m8 where's your coping loicense

>Psychosis and Delusion
Not him but it's very obvious that anyone spamming the word "incel" is doing it for goodboy points.

Because they have less normalfags invading them making threads about trying to justify their hobby. Everyone on Yea Forums knows anime is not on par with other hobbies they just don't care and don't seek validation like some retards do here.

Based. Statist faggots BTFO

Nice strawmen

the joke that Yea Forums hates video games have gone too far, pretending to be idiots openly invites actual idiots etc

>seeking validation for playing video games on Yea Forums

I'll take shit that never happened for 500, Alex

catch a bullet pedo

Socialism does not work.

Capitalism works.

If you don't want to buy loot boxes then don't buy them you imbecile.

Attached: capitalism.jpg (300x300, 61K)


>desperate pedo accusation out of nowhere

Based, the lootbox shit i play is going to have 2 new games and i didnt even spend a single dime on it thanks to the whales

I would love for them to be banned simply due to how anti-comsumer they are but I can't really argue they do anything illegal.
I'm not "defending" them and I never would but I can't truthfully call them relatable to gambling in the slightest.

>willingly plays shit games

This. All government regulation is bad, which is why it's okay to pirate games. Intellectual property is communism.

the great depression says otherwise

>socialism bad!
>he says as he unironically pays for insurance

How so you uneducated imbecile

Imagine being so utterly stupid that you equate insurance to socialism

first, you arent defending capitalism because you think it's the better qualitatively, you simply think the status quo benefits you. The "commies" think it doesnt benefit them

capitalism-communism dichotomy is not only outdated, as we're way past the industrial revolution, but it is simply a human artifice to explain something as simple as conflict.
for real, you should stop bitching about da muh gommies11!!1!!
you seem to defend and accept the inter-individual conflict in the capitalist society (successful and inferiors) but wont accept inter-group conflict.
in the same way that capitalist bootlickers are hypocrites, so are commies for thinking the new system will avoid conflict.


>capitalism crashes the market
>social policies and worker unions revives the market
capitalism werks

Take your autism medication


>being subsidized by people who don't use a service with the intention you'll subsidize them while you don't need the service
sounds pretty socialist to me. why not just put in national healthcare already you communist

Not him but letting the free market decide ALL things is a terrible idea and it created the great depression because banks ended up having more control over the country than the government did.

Letting them decide MOST things to prevent the country from imploding is the best decision. It's not a slippery slope to limit sales to children, 1 out of 100 products being controlled is not government control, it's attempted regulation to prevent the bottom line from being exploited.

>first, you arent defending capitalism because you think it's the better qualitatively, you simply think the status quo benefits you. The "commies" think it doesnt benefit them
I defend capitalism because it is the best economic system period.

Marxism does not work.

Communism does not work.

Socialism does not work.

Capitalism works.

Nothing is stable in this world, things come and things go. Things blow up and things cool down, it's nature.

Capitalism makes sure on the whole over a long period of time humanity and society goes forward and upward.

The crisis 07-08 was due to government interference in the housing market. Everywhere the government goes, things become much worse.

All government regulation is bad. It's disgusting that I can't blow up a city hall because "murder is against the law". What kind of commie bullshit is that?! I thought america was a free country?!

TCG are legally required to print the number of cards and the value (rarity) of them on the box or blister. The only random chance involved is in the ones you get, but you're always guaranteed something of each value. They're also physical and exist outside of a video game, so you can do exactly what it says on the packaging, you know, trade them. Or sell them.

reddit spacing

Imagine being so utterly stupid that you equate any sort of market regulation to socialism and make reductive braindead statements like "capitalism works socialism doesn't don't like it don't buy it" like some observation of fact when it's anything but

If anyone here is an uneducated imbecile it's you


Except I pay insurance by free will. I can choose not to pay for insurance. National healthcare doesn't work, just like socialism does not work.

You still haven't explained how the great depression came about and how it's a fault of capitalism, and even if that was the case it's much better compared to the alternative.

You are very naive if you think you can give the government a hand and avoid getting chewed up. Nothing is every singular or temporary with the government as history will tell you. The best regulator is the free market.

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First of all, I would like to thank the wonderful ladies and gentlemen of the UK government. Thanks to our multitudes of financial donations to the wonderful men and women of the UK government, they have decided to rule in our favor. Truly they are a paragon of civilization.

Secondly, fuck you nerds. You thought you would get rid of my diamond-encrusted golden goose? FUCK YOU. My lootboxes are here to stay. And you know what? It's only going to get better. Better for me, of course. I'm going to push Surprise Mechanics harder than you've ever seen. Fuck the Star Wars nerd and FUCK Disney. We're gonna put lootboxes all over that shit and you better believe it's going to be pay to win. You know why? Because you'll buy it. You know you will. Why even deny it at this point? It's already standard. It is NORMAL. You will bitch and moan as is your wont, but at the end of the day... you're gonna buy it. And I'm going to continue being a rich asshole.

Hey... Yea Forums? Fuck you. ;)

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Great argument. Someone like you who spends his days on Reddit surely knows what "reddit spacing" looks like.

>it's just this one thing nothing else
Said no government ever. Give them a slice and they take your whole pie, then the kitchen and soon enough your whole neighborhood.

If you don't want to buy loot boxes then don't buy them, it really is as simple as that.

>its different when i choose to be socialist

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Why do people always use this fallacious argument when it's been explained time and time again that the problem are the whales ruining it for everyone else, since they only incentivize shitting up games with more microtransactions in place of actual content and unlockables?

Yes it's different. I am extremely socialist when it comes to my family and friends. I am not socialist when it comes to my city or my country. The difference is that I am willingly spending my money, time and energy on what I want, there is no one forcing me to buy insurance just like there is no one who is forcing me to buy loot boxes and I want neither to be regulated. Regulations drives up prices, kills competition and makes the matter worse for everyone involved.

>there is no one forcing me to buy insurance
Except you literally go to jail if you don't have insurance for your house, or car.

The time of actual content and unlockables is gone. Get over it. Banning lootboxes isn't going to close Pandora's box.

You don't actually know what any of those terms mean.

Capitalism is the "best" economic system when there is oversight to keep people from fucking each other over. Pure free market capitalism has never ended well and repeating "Socialism does not work Capitalism works" like a mantra just outs you as an uneducated mutt who hasn't read an econ book.

Why do people always use this fallacious argument when it's been explained time and time again that the problem is playing shit games.
Stop playing star wars. Stop playing fifa. Stop playing Call of Duty.

because they are shills

>it's attempted regulation to prevent the bottom line from being exploited.
>selling products on the market is exploitation

>The time of actual content and unlockables is gone. Get over it.


>Except you literally go to jail if you don't have insurance for your house, or car.
Which is why the government getting involved is terrible. Glad you could show yourself towards the light.

>a bunch of non sense
Post again when you have something to contribute you imbecile. Go shill for socialism somewhere else.

Are you kids so stupid that you think it won't bleed over into good games? Were you too young to realize what was going on when DLC fucked up good games?

The time of skill based gameplay and unlockables is gone. Get over it. Banning p2w isn't going to close Pandora's box.

If that's the future of video games then they deserve to be fucked over by lootbox regulations

>Which is why the government getting involved is terrible.
Except you defended that aspect, saying that it's okay for government to get involved as long as you agree with it. Damn hypocrite.

I never claimed anything of the sort. Stop putting words in my mouth. It's dishonest and foul.

>bleed over into good games
Guess what retard, they're not good games if they incorporate lootboxes.

Then why do you defend copyright law and other such communist BS?


When did I ever claim to?

The only games ruined by DLC were a handful of kike run experiences that deliberately withheld content to be sold as DLC.

>I can't truthfully call them relatable to gambling in the slightest

They are LITERALLY digital scratch tickets.

>a bunch of nonsense
Funny when that's literally all you've posted and you've completely failed to address anything I've actually said without deflection. You have contributed literally nothing to this discussion, just SOCIALISM BAD CAPITALISM GOOD droning in defense of lootboxes while accusing other people of shilling. You are a complete economically illiterate imbecile and your next response to this post will prove it, just watch.

This. Just never buy games from shit companies. There always will be EAs, Acti-Blizzards and Ubisofts, but also there will be always From Softwares and CDPRs.

When you defended daddy corporation by calling customers entitled, for instance.

>handful of kike run experiences that deliberately withheld content to be sold as DLC.

That's every game stupid. Every game these days deliberately leaves out content to release as day one DLC.

No one is expecting anything from the UK at all. Nothing good, at least. They should just quietly all die and get replaced by muslims and somalians already, getting sick of their cuckshit being spread all over the news.


Shit games released by EA maybe. Nothing I play has them.

UK deserves to be nuked and have all of its "population" destroyed.
Except Alan Moore. Smuggle Alan Moore out of the country first and then you can just kill all the rest, they deserve it.

And I should be allowed to date cunnies

>you've completely failed to address anything I've actually said without deflection
That's because you've said nothing. You are what, four posts in, and has said absolutely nothing. Fuck off already.

"hurr durr you are economically illiterate" What is this even supposed to mean? Socialism does not work. Capitalism works. As per economics.

Never did such a thing.

The free market isn't free and, even if it was, there would still be enough idiots supporting shoddy business practices to keep those practices going. That being said, the fact that idiots in this thread still spout "muh free Margret" in relation to loot boxes is absurd. The industry is up to its ears in regulations of its own making in this day and age. And it's about time we introduce regulations that benefit the consumer rather than the corporation.

This is a paradoxical argument.

>only bad games have x so you can't say it's bad
>if a game has x that makes it a bad game

Ideally you would want less of x so there's less incentive to incorporate x and therefore more good games that would otherwise be bad.

You fucked up when you said they were there to shoot you. British cops don't have guns. They beat you with spoons

You got btfo beyond belief already, pinko duck

Your post is nothing but insults at this point, give it up

>Piracy is anti capitalist
I'm quoting you btw

>only bad games have x so you can't say it's bad
Why are commies so adamant to put words in other people's mouths? I never claimed this.

If you have a game that >good but then it includes lootboxes in a patch, then it's no longer a good game.

You got me mixed up with someone else, sorry to say.

>actually I love lootboxes and multinational companies should do as they please!

Attached: 1563827735669.jpg (1023x1125, 276K)

Name one.

Mass Effect 3

You can't stop us gachachads.

Attached: Screenshot_20190706-202747.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

Why is he glowing

Welcoming the government into regulating games is never a good idea

company bailouts good
consumer protection bad
free market free market
chapter 11 dindu nuffin wrong

Pretty much any of the dead games under EA's grasp.
Command and Conquer

All dead because they don't make as much money as fifa with its micro transactions.

You've said nothing. You are what, four posts in, and has said absolutely nothing.
>hurr durr socialism bad capitalism good as per economic
Read a book lolbert.

>Your post is nothing but insults at this point, give it up
>Post again when you have something to contribute you imbecile. Go shill for socialism somewhere else.

Keep kicking yourself in the nuts I guess.

Based DChad Edison

Maybe 10 years ago when games were worth it. These days we need this regulation to outright kill shitty companies like EA.

>Yea Forums defending lootboxes
contrarian culture is the worst fucking shit I've ever seen

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This. We need to get rid of copyright law, the geneva convention, and anything involving protecting minors from drugs and alcohol and abuse. If I can't sell a 5 year old cocaine, then we're truly living in a communist hellhole.

Yes you did.
>What is this even supposed to mean?
You would know if you weren't illiterate.

>Finished games having content cut from them and resold as DLC, season pass or expansion content.
Yea Forums is not okay with this.
>Finished games having content cut from them and resold as a lootbox, ingame purchase or store content.
Yea Forums is okay with this.

Attached: DfmtFYwUEAAGafx.jpg (1175x915, 118K)

Lootboxes just show why democracy and capitalism fail. we need government regulations to protect us from the masses of idiots who will unironically throw hundreds of dollars at lootcrates and pay to win.

Feels good knowing capitalism keeps winning.

>muh gonmies!!!!
Your hysterics are cheap

If you have a game that good but then it includes lootboxes in a patch, then it's no longer a good game. Therefore lootboxes are bad and should be deterred if not banned. That's the entire point you dense motherfucker

Those aren't games, you faggot

Either pay up or drop the game. Stop moaning about being poor.

>democracy and capitalism
It's a video game have some scope. Endless capeshit is no better but Yea Forums isn't begging the government to stop it.

Because I know this thread is full corporatist kikes who think company rights are above national laws.

Attached: 1478871359913.jpg (807x605, 112K)

To further expand on this, games now are designing things intentionally to look boring so they can later sell you the "better" looking version for money.

Attached: tumblr_p5xaqamcBq1tsbh6yo1_1280.jpg (715x713, 32K)

It is when the thing in question is demonstrably shit and actual parts of the game aren't being regulated

>buying games
fuck off redd*t

>Feels good knowing globalist capitalism and corporations keep winning.

Fixed that for you

Also the fallacy that the government is fully incompetent and entirely malicious in its activity while they have no problem with things like the FDA evaluating what they can consume.


GAMERS RISE UP *opens a box of surprise mechanics sponsored by ea*

Who cares? The same rules apply, government regulation = bad

>Therefore lootboxes are bad and should be deterred if not banned
>Therefore the government must be given more power over our personal choices
stealthy commie

>It's just a video game
Where do you think you are
Movies are not comparable to video games.


Thread has far more statist boomer lovers who want 80 year olds who have not even heard of Mario to vote on what kind of game they should play based on what their lobbyists say.

I benefit from globalist capitalism so good

This but for pay to win. If you can't afford microtransactions drop the game and stop moaning about being poor

>government regulation = bad
Ah, yes, the infallible corporations know best!

Attached: 1536610396305.jpg (2996x1964, 1.98M)

Government regulating entertainment that people choose to buy is never good
At some point they could easily decide harmless shit like blood is bad, which some have

>*rubs hands*

>plays blatlantly p2w "game"
>"WOOOW why can't I win if I don't pay up? get the fucking gubmint involved here so I can win!"
this is you

Government was the only thing that stopped cigarette companies from putting nicotine in anything they wanted.

So we should stop regulating casinos? Because gambling is entertainment

I'm an upper middle class heterosexual male in America. It's within my best interests to keep globalism and capitalism alive and well.

You're right. Movies can occasionally produce something of meaningful value outside it's intended aim which is to entertain.

Cigarettes are drugs, stop changing the subject

Way misinterpreting the thread, all I'm seeing is corporatist bootlickers ITT. People in the government being aware of the lootbox exploitation only means that the "80 yearolds" you're talking about are dying out and thus your statement crumbles.

remember when companies were allowed to inpect their own meat? absolutely nothing went wrong

Exactly, which is why we have to get rid of all regulations. First they make laws to stop people killing each other, and then who knows what commie hellhole awaits for us?

>once in their life the nannystate chooses freedom
>its for fucking EA
death to all brits

As long as the ones doing it are doing of their own free will and aren't underage I couldn't care less what retards do in a casino

All government regulation is bad, stop arguing otherwise commie. We need to keep them out of vidya and everything.

no need to to regulate. just put trump in charge of them, they'll all shut down from bankruptcy soon enough

>plays game that gets patched with p2w
>"WOOOW why can't you just pay up? Do you need the government to help you win? Just stop being poor!
this is you

There's no point in arguing you people
>Don't want them regulating art? You basically want murder to be legal!

>The ones who do tp and egg through are normaly the cunts which should be kept an eye on. We really dont tolerate those here. Its not about being free to be a cunt. Its about others not having to worry about troglodytes.

As a bong I used to egg houses on halloween.

Was funny at the time.


Fuck off, you get the point

>poormie keeps playing a p2w game out of brand loyalty or something
>he cries for the gubmint to step in
Can't make this shit up!

I remember going into a shop on Halloween with my friend to buy eggs because we were gonna wreck this girls house who'd been bullying his sister and we got refused because it was obvious what we were doing.
Still, the Indian owned shop down the road didn't give a shit and sold em to us anyway.
It's not as bad as faggots make out.

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>a non-member of the EU stopped the EU from banning loot boxes

What country are you talking about? What do you mean nothing went wrong? It's early measures *before* something went wrong. Before people died because of someone's cost-cutting and greed.

>and aren't underage
Why? If the government regulation lootboxes by preventing kids from buy them is bad then the government forcing private enterprises to ban kids from casinos would be too.

>why don't you want the government to regulate art?
>but I want them in charge of my food, the laws of the land, and my healthcare

They haven't left yet


Funny cause you just did.
I bet this sounded a lot more clever in your head

Politicians are older than ever and thanks to medical advances will only be getting older. There's another 20 years to go before boomers start dropping off in large numbers.
They introduce hundreds of bills/motions a year, mostly inane shit that never passes but that doesn't make them knowledgeable or even aware about any of it.

What's a bong?

Thats not what happened though, they said under the current legal definition of gambling in Bongladesh it is not gambling not that they will never do anything about it.

Who cares? Banning them in the US is whats making them shit their pants.

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The "great depression" came about because the free market spiked at a point where life became unsustainable. Loans for corporations failed to be completed by the banks that made bad choices with other peoples' money, and when corporate loss came about they liquidated stock and employees and we ended up with something like 25% unemployment because the corporations that employed the private sector could no longer keep up with the debts piled up by unpayable bank loans.

You scream and preach about the free market and seem to conveniently forget that not even 10 years ago we almost had another great depression that was prevented due to government intervention in the form of multiple bank bailouts.

Yes, the free market is the best market, but even absolute freedom needs the basest amount of regulation. I'm not saying to go full blown capitalism or socialism, I'm saying to control dangerous shit because absolute freedom means you're giving people the ability to destroy themselves and each other, and limiting that is not being a nanny state you absolute trog.

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Yeah but at least the casino owners can just write off their debts while the government pays for it. Good thing that isn't socialism.

The same they said about Battlefield 5

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Socialism is bad!

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So because someone introduces something good to the video-game community, it should be shouted down? I'd rather they'd pass at least one good bill among the inane shit, as you say.

Lootboxes are gay, your plebeian "I'm a NEET but I know how to run a country!" politics opinons are trash, and basically, you're a big stinky doodoo head if you defend lootboxes or EA, ever.

>no u
>being a newfag
your mind on communism


Move to china, they love this state of mind in their consumers.

Wow, it's like they have a place in some things and no place in others

What point? That lootboxes should be protected just like art? Let me guess, lootbox regulations are a form of government censorship

Why? If you trust them with your life, why not trust them with video games? Prove to me that they will destroy video games with regulations, if they haven't done that at any point in the past.

Keep reaching, pinko.

You're the one asking the government to micromanage your purchasing habits, you move to China.

If people want to buy something, why stop them?
Entertainment is not a government issue

extremely based, fuck these corporatist nigger kikes and fuck EA

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>muh gonminism
>crying newfag while defending microtransactions on Yea Forums
Also where the fuck did I use "no u"? Moron

They don't know the difference between good and bad for the "video-game community" and they don't care. Give them that power 10-15 years ago and they would have put draconian regulations on video game violence because that's what their soccer mom voters told them to do.

People are self-harming sheeple that must be ruled by an iron fist.

>Prove to me that they will destroy video games with regulations
Germany, Australia and China have been pretty fucked when it comes to games

Your english is lacking pedro.

Fuck britbongs

wtf nooooo governmet didn't tell me what to do!!!11

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Why? Government is just protecting the people from hurting themselves with violent games, just like how they enact laws to stop people killing eachother.I say it's an improvement.

Yea Forums never cease to amaze me at how dumb some of the posters defending lootboxes are, on top of comparing physical with digital media tied to a temporary online service. This will always be the "full retard" of this argument; an argument that shouldn't even be one in the first place.

>illiterate ESL accusing others of bad English
Now you're just getting desperate.

Except they were going to ban loot boxes now instead of your shitty "what if's 10-15 years ago", fuck off dishonest kike.


>people vote for thing
>government didn’t think they’d vote for thing
>”uh oh, we can’t let them do thing”
>proceed to shit on decision for three years, almost to the point of committing treason and damn near collapsing the government

>They're technically correct. And there's nothing to say these guidelines won't change.

My issue has always been that they are designed to be addictive. I don't have a problem with them providing they come with an 18 label and a disclaimer on the packaging and disc that they contain gambling mechanics that have a real world monetary system to them.

It's almost like we had a supreme court case that literally addressed that. Lootbox regulations isn't censorship.

Yea Forums never cease to amaze me at how dumb some of the posters wanting government intervention are, on top of comparing physical with digital media tied to a temporary online service. This will always be the "full retard" of this argument; an argument that shouldn't even be one in the first place.

>Entertainment is not a government issue
Then why are casinos regulated?


wtf yaaass EA and corporations that wish nothing but exploitation and malice win again!

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>loli femdom

>in comes the 56% with his favourite meme, the gommie meme, because he loves sucking the circumised cock of his masters, no matter if they are Activision or israelis

>oh shit attacking his English didn't work, better imply he's a tranny!
Weak, bud. You're never gonna make it.

I’m 14 and this is fucken DEEP. Man, I’m feeling so WOKE right now.

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Nah socialism (not communism) gets tried all the fucking time and it works, despite the delusional fantasies of circumcised-dicksucking Randroids. The Nordic states, the fascist states of 20th century Europe, Communist China, all say hello.

Trump tried to blame video games for amerisharts shooting each other not even two years ago. This is the benevolent government you are begging to control the industry.

Things are going to be great fun from here on out. I can't wait for the next election and the government collapsing as nobody gets any meaningful majority.

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>Communist China
Whatever you say chang.

I’m 14 and this is fucken DEEP. Man, I’m feeling so REDPILLED right now.

>literally can't argue for EA apart from spouting buzzwords
the social contract will be maintained

I'd very much prefer a renaissance of non-violent video games.

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