Would you buy a gaming mouse blessed by an ancient african ritual

would you?

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No only controllers

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let me guess its like $200 too

What difference would it make?

user? You say that like it's a significant markup or something, that price is entry tier if you care about video games at all. If you're more casual or on a budget I can see someone spending closer to $100 but anything below that is poverty/utility level

Yeah I dunno why I would need a mouse that makes me slightly better at headhunting and child abuse.

>ancient african ritual
Nah, I prefer south slav pagan

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yeah but it might come in handy someday, you never know

>child abuse.
because you're a gamer?

It's fucking $120

Higher movement speed and more kills

Whenever you lose you can blame it on your ritual being botched

>implying I could get a wife

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Both of those would help in fortnite

>not a single sports game

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The fact you have this save, show your obsession. Seriously, we're trying make fun of this and you come around thinking we care about that. Can you kindly fuck off and take yourself back to /pol/?

Does it steal your kills?


This is the problem with /pol/tards. They're outsiders who have fundamentally misunderstood Yea Forums culture. They take everything way too seriously and will get all preachy and politicised at any given opportunity. They don't understand the idea of laughing at stupid shit. They just get offended and riled up instead, like the right wing SJWs that they are.

Anyone else will see that webm with the tranny popping out of the gender reveal box with the balloon and laugh at it's absurdity. The /pol/tards will get legitimately upset and lament the "death of western civilisation" instead.

They need to go back to the_donald because they sure as fuck don't belong here.

I'd get an ancient African ritual, and THEN a South Slav Pagan ritual.
Then I'd be unstoppable.

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>not wanting a juju enhanced mouse

>accidentally jizz on mouse when wanking and gets cursed by Akub