why was Switch able to succeed but the Vita fail, despite the Vita coming out more than half decade before and have better features, qualities and power that far exceeded anything else like it at the time? It makes no sense
Why was Switch able to succeed but the Vita fail...
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Proprietary memory cards.
Sony should have just charged more for the base console, rather than trying to offset the cost of setlling the things at a loss.
Also it needed way more software support. A half assed Dude Raider, Assassin's Creed, and Killzone was nowhere near enough.
The switch has soul
Name a single Vita game
Because the switch has a guaranteed audience. The Sony audience stayed on the playstation. Nintendo didn't offer that alterantive, so the Nintendo home console audience was a lock-in.
Vita means life :)
Nintendo's ips.
Vita price tag with memory cards was too steep when it came out. I think everyone knows this by now. Switch can also be played on a big screen tv to do that with vita you need a 100$ addon
its a very expensive console.
What killer app exclusives does Vita have? Watered down Uncharted, watered down Killzone, or watered down CoD?
You want exclusives or the rest that was ported to PC a couple of years after their initial release?
Ergonomics of the vita are way better then the switch. Play each for 3hrs and tell me what you think
Sony left it to the wolves. Literally all they had to do was keep Monster Hunter and it would have been a runaway success, but it had very few system sellers and couldn't capture general interest. Doesn't matter how good your console is if the company behind it gives up. See the Wii U.
Most of living creatures don't have a soul
Memory cards and lack of games
First party support that keeps the system selling until it reaches an installbase large enough for large and mid-sized publishers/developers to see value in making games for it
because nintendo has worked hard at achieving broad appeal and consumer awareness. their IPs are also in high demand because they're consistently well made.
snoy is confused
snoy is angry
Sony's contempt with the system was the main detractor for me. Look at how they handled this thing.
Because it was sabotaged by Sony of America, like they're sabotaging the entire company right now.
Most of the problems with the Vita, be it the lack of killer app, first party support for normalfags, almost complete lack of advertising (and when they did advertise it they got sued for it) is all SoA's fault.
>power that far exceeded anything else like it at the time?
The Shield was more powerful.
anything with the word nintendo in its name is guaranteed to sell
other companies have to actually try, and sony fucked up several times
Besides the retarded memory cards, even Sony gave up on the Vita in less than a year.
Why did the wii u sell badly then?
Wii U
Probably advertising. The vita to most people was a PSP with another analog stick. Every E3 was the vita being used as a gimmick to sell the PS4. It brought nothing new to the table.
The switch has more in terms of features (rumble on a handheld for one), games that felt like fully-fledged, proper games in the series they are from like mario and breath of the wild which was bigger than Skyrim in terms of how big the map is. It's quiet, there's no moving parts inside (disc), and it's overall just a better console objectively.
>uses standard memory cards
>Has more than one good exclusive game
>Doesn't require hacking to be enjoyable
>Has first party support
Switch has Fortnite
Didn't they kind of give up on the Vita after only a year or something?
>This post
Sometimes it's hard to discern whether people are retarded on purpose or are just genuine mouthbreathers.
>Proprietary memory cards
this. even hacking is a pain in the ass because a lot of games don't fit on my 4gb memory card.
Wii U was a retarded name, but Nintendo also pre-emptively abandoned it when it wasn't pulling Wii numbers, which was a ridiculous expectation. The Switch is selling better both because it's far more aggressively marketed and because it's actually both a Wii U and 3DS replacement. The Switch completely corners the handheld market in a time when no one else is trying.
The WiiU is a failed child because of a lot of similar, but notably opposite problems.
>Poor Marketting, WiiU thought by many casuals to just be the Tablet as some extention of the Wii for years and Vita in general being treated as a stepchild.
>Library. WiiU basically having no third parties touch it and Vita basically having no big first party games.
>Memory problems, WiiU being like 4gb space originally and Vita having stupidly expensive special sony memory cards.
>3DS had bigger marketshare, got more focus, and thus created a bigger gap off each.
Gotta try an SD2vita, get a nice big microsd and load up a ton of games you'll never play
Vita tried to be an iPhone, Switch tried to be a games console.
It’s as simple as that. Why the fuck does a gaming device need a compass?
Well lets see:
>Vita has no worthwile exclusives
>You need way too much shit to make it work ( see overpriced memory cards)
>Had literally a competetor that was cheaper, had more games and had a cool gimmick and was sucesor of the most sold handheld in history
>No marketing for Vita
>No cool gimmick you can advertise
Nintendo and Zelda. That's it.
People bought the Switch for Zelda.
I've seen plenty of people here and on vr shilling the psvita as the ultimate portable emulation machine. Bullshit, it's almost the same as the psp and totally not worth it if you are getting one just to emulate. Nice d-pad tho.
>hardware restrictions
>lack of decent games
>most of the games had better and much more powerful console versions
the vita was aimed at western devs in attempt to capture the brodude audience but they don't give a shit about handhelds
I believe that Sony officially stopped developing first party games for the Vita in 2015. The main issue, as many people have already stated, is that the Vita and its accessories were overpriced. Combine the price with a lack of quality games and you get a perfect shitstorm.
>games vs nogames
easy choice
>Why the fuck does a gaming device need a compass
Could be used as some kind of navigation mechanic in some kinds of games but it would be very gimmicky and unnecessary
The tiny buttons hurt the joints in my thumbs after an hour of playing any game.
Ended 1st party support after 2 years
Imagine if Nintendo just said said no new 1st party games after Pokémon Let’s go
>first party support
>less compromised ports
>standard memory instead of the clusterfuck that was Vita memory cards
>thanks to the dock able to function as a low end home console in addition to a portable
The 3DS could support 5-8 gig games with ease.
Vita was far more limited with an average game being only a gig
The Switch is a console you fucking braindead moron.
>Vita price tag with memory cards
fucking this. Even up to right before the last update they had top tier kikery pricing. What's worse is that there is a rabid group of vitadrones in /vg/'s /vitagen/ that will absolutely sperg out if you so much as mention hacking just to use micro sd cards.
It also didn't help that the 64 gb official memory card had higher failure rates than the smoller ones.
Switch has games, Vita did not
Memory cards bumping the cost beyond 300.
No games.
Uncomfortable as fuck.
It won't hold that title as the Switch already wipes the floor with it and the homebrew support will only improve in the following years.
>No cool gimmick
well using the vita as an extra controller can be pretty fun if you're having friends over or if you're going over to friends
They fucked up with the memory card pricing since no one wanted to pay three times more for a card with a higher failure rate. Plus Sony pulled the plug on first party support early on once sales faltered and they failed to capture the broad western market. Add to competition in general from mobile gaming and you got a system that's relegated to weebs who enjoy niche VNs and Dungeon Crawlers.
>Doesn't matter how good your console is if the company behind it gives up. See the Wii U.
Nintendo tried to push the Wii U for its entire lifespan. It was third parties that actively boycotted the system. The Vita was essentially the inverse where Sony dropped the system entirely post-2014 but it continued to see small jap dev support until its discontinuation.
You should have gotten the message after the new Switch model that can't switch. It's a handheld with the option to plug into a TV.
>Doesn't matter how good your console is if the company behind it gives up. See the Wii U.
Bad example, Nintendo were the only ones supporting the thing until the bitter end.
Jackie Chan
>MFW Muramasa Rebirth is stuck on a dad platform
>b-b-but memory cards!
When did Yea Forums get infested with poorfag wagies? The memory cards were fine.
So fucking weak. Switch is laughed about being weak, but vita was released with a fucking 222-444MHz soc when fucking phones already had 1.5ghz socs. It can't even fucking run ps2 ports without dips. Also half of the revisions had shit laggy display.
Fuck you I’m not paying 60$ for 32 gigs when a 128 gig SD cards were 50$ new
>memory cards
>overpriced for what it gave you
>no games
>priced appropriately
>3d zelda day 1
sony's educated consumers weren't willing to overpay for the vita's memory cards, and the system was useless without them, so hardly anyone bought a vita.
nintendo's manchildren will gladly pay out the ass for replacement joycons every month, $70 cardboard, wii u ports, etc. so they don't mind buying a piece of shit tablet.
>all those dumb youtube comparisons
Nintendo fans are retards and children, they'll buy anything. The Wii U was just the victim of a generation gap.
Sony fans are incomparibly more discerning. The AAA space moved so much forward since the days of the PSP that the Vita simply couldn't provide that type of experience.
sd2vita or that 3g slot-to-sd adapter is the only way to go w/ hacked vita.
You dont have to use a 4 gb memory card user, I have a 60 gb that I got on amazon for 20 bucks.
>will gladly pay out the ass for replacement joycons every month
Most people just do the controller swap and get it for free.
Counterpoint: Sony fans bought the PS4 and still use it to this day.
that's a joke, right? nintendo gave up the wii u after 2014, then spent the next two years stringing wii u owners along with game droughts and empty promises while preparing to launch the switch.
Never mind I'm confusing it with my based 3ds
>Sony fans are incomparibly more discerning
Then why did they buy the ps4 over a PC?
>that's a joke, right? nintendo gave up the wii u after 2014,
You're thinking of third parties especially western ones if Nintendo stopped supporting it in 2014 then it wouldn't have any releases between then and 2017 which it clearly did.
because they enjoy playing games - not pirating them, changing the graphical settings, adding a few le wacky reddit mods, then getting bored after an hour and going back to their discord circlejerk.
Vita took way too long to get cracked is the issue. The PSP was pretty much broken at release and to this day is one of my favorite things to play emulators on. All they had to do with vita was leave it easy to mod and it would have sold better.
no, i'm thinking of nintendo. third parties gave up even earlier because the wii u was such a flop, but nintendo didn't even try to turn things around themselves. all they did was shit out some rancid shovelware like star fox zero in between long game droughts and "delay" botw a bunch of times so they could buy time to port it to the switch.
i'm not sure why you're trying so hard to revise history when it wasn't that long ago. if you want to see a company actually putting in effort to turn a failing console around, look at what sony did with the ps3 and what nintendo did with the 3ds.
>60 usd
Meanwhile you could get 64 gb micro SD on 25 dollar sales. Get fucked kid. I have a full time job, had one when vita came out, I'm still not just gonna get bent over and shafted for a memory card because I can in theory afford it. Why are you so willing to let people fuck you out of money my guy?
>Fuck the handheld audience, give me the console audience! Look at how pretty these graphics are!
>Console audience: We don't like handhelds, I don't care about playing in bed or in my backyard, I only care about big screens for my movie games
>Oh no! Why has my handheld failed! I tried everything!
proprietary memory cards that were 2-3x the price of a normal equivalent, basically almost no games that marketed the damn thing to be worth it, weak console ports that made PS3 games even worse, and self-competing with the PSTV that was a home Vita for your TV without full support for all games. The Vita was an absolutely mishandled mess, it only had a handful of notable first-party titles that were basically lesser sequels to pre-existing sequels, and most third-party support that wasn't niche Japanese games put in less effort than Wii U ports.
Switch may be underpowered, but it has public appeal and little bullshit by comparison.
Just because a system can do good graphics dosen't mean it has to. The Vita's specs was not why it failed
It incentivized the wrong type of customers and games, plus, it made Sony have to pull the memory card bullshit to make back the money. It should have been a bit weaker but still stronger than the 3DS, like the PSP was.
back to your containment thread bootlicker. You're unironically worse than /o/'s HURRR KEEP IT STOCK faggots
they demonstrably weren't, you little shit
Sony didn't try.
Nintendo has had the strongest grip on the portable market since the original Game Boy.
I mean, to be fair, smartphones weren't quite as ubiquitous back then as they are now, and having a lot of features on any sort of mobile device was still kind of novel (this is moreso true for the PSP, where I remember its multimedia capabilities being a real selling point and pretty neato for the time).
The Switch has games, sony does not.
Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>No More Heroes 3
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s
Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced
Marketing. Never once saw a tv ad for the vita but see them pretty much daily for the switch.
>if you have money you HAVE to spend it on absurdly and unjustifiably expensive things, otherwise you're poor
Why are people on this website so retarded when it comes to money
Nintendo bonus.
I feel that the Vita was on the weak spot for being a porting/older games machine. Some games were ported beautifully (MGS), but most of the ports make the standard fps of the shittiest port on the Switch look fluid as mercury downhill. Thus, it didn't fulfill the role of succesor of the PSP, which ran almost all PS1 games straight well. Then, it had a pretty weak set of exclusive/playable games (excellent niche appeal, though, Vanillaware games, some dungeon crawlers, Gravity Rush...), with most things being those awkward PS4/PS3/Vita games. It also was marketed as a sort of personal device (3G, cameras, account system) well after the stablished existence of smartphones, trying to catch the lightning in a bottle that PSP sort of was for that reason, and failing. Also, using a shitty propietary and overpriced memory stick that not even cameras use was a bad move.
People just want to flex and pretend like they have money, even though 3/4ths of this website are teenagers with a minimum wage job at best.
The Vita has no games.
People will say it was the memory cards, which wasn't actually nearly that big of an issue. The thing that actually killed the Vita was Sony themselves. They stopped pushing the system after its second year and all but abandoned it. They stopped pushing the system, stopped making 1st party games, stopped getting 3rd party devs to make games(even the devs who were already working on things but never finished them).
Wii U's first party library was pretty solid. It was third parties giving up on it due to the shit marketing that killed it.
The WiiU had 32gb. Just like the Switch. There was a cheaper version with 8gb, which was quickly discontinued.
Did anyone play Natural Doctrine on the vita? I'm slightly curious about it.
You can watch movies on your phone.
>these are the mature gamers that play mature games
Sony sure does love to drop products like a rock if they don't instantly explode out of the gate, don't they?
it's like they don't realize that they have to put effort in the ensure a product is successful over the long term.
It's not that bad for them, see the PS3, they managed to pull that shit up after a while.
>vita had no boingboingwahoo
next question
Be careful guys, Sony just dropped a new firmware to deal with the exploit(s).
patching dead console
LMAO fucking snoy
vita had her game on it. it also had kino emulators and visual novels. only normalfaggots bought a 3ds instead
>abandon your own console and end its production
>keep patching it because muh pirates
What kind of retard is in charge of decisions like these?
>Vita had no games*
that one was because they had to, look at ANY of their gaming products that didn't have instant success.
PSP: did alright but sony didn't support it will, 3rd party propped it up
Vita: almost dead in the water but kept going because Japan took a liking to it
PSTV: died as soon as it came out and never got important issues fixed like the overzealous whitelist (aside from hacks)
Playstation 3D display: initial run had overheating issues, product dropped without resolving issues or releasing pc drivers when it was an advertised use for it. only 3 or so games supported it's screen share mode.
playstation classic: hahahahahaha
Playstation Move: did the bare minimum then dropped it when it wasn't Wii levels of success, probably for the best though, we didn't need more waggling.
EyeToy: bare minimum effort and dropped then revived every so often for a new console gen with just as little or less effort.
the list goes on and on
i'd say the Move is still relevant, but only because it's the only way to control PSVR, so ultimately the intended waggling got completely discarded for the sake of supplementing a wholly different accessory
For old times' sake, what games does the Vita have? PS4 shared exclusives count if they don't look like shit.
the Wipeout game was pretty good.
>Western shit on a handheld was their "big games"
No shit it failed.
barely, so far i have been surprised by PSVRs support, only time will tell if it will be just like most other sony products other than the main game console.
God that game is so good. It hurts but I’ll probably buy a Vita just to play it again or Wii.
well they've been placing a lot of emphasis on it and it arguably has more solid VR exclusives than the vast heaps of crap on PC. PSVR will likely last to the end of this gen, and maybe get an update for the PS5 if it's not automatically compatible like all PS4 games are intended to be
And now that VW is a studio of Atlus, the chances of an actual rerelease are slim.
Correct answer
Wait what's wrong with the classic? I'm about to go buy one
>60 gb that I got on amazon for 20 bucks.
uh user, i have some bad news for you.
Nintendo brings their A game to portables while Sony throws all their B and C teams at theirs. Then Switch had the added advantage of having all of the A-tier talent that usually only do home console games.
PlayStation owners dont leave their homes
>didn’t us SD2vita or a 64 gig card
the vita has:
>every ys game up until ys 9
>every kiseki game up until sen 3
>every persona game up until p5r (vanilla p5 is compatible with remote play)
>every final fantasy game through x-2
>most psp games in general (unlike the switch, which has no backwards compatibility)
>romancing saga 2, romancing saga 3, and saga scarlet grace
>the entire danganronpa series
>the entire sly cooper series
>gravity rush
>soul sacrifice delta
>freedom wars
>oreshika: tainted bloodlines
>cyber sleuth and hacker's memory, long before the switch got them
>wipeout 2048
>odin sphere leifthrasir
games were never the issue for the vita. the overpriced memory cards were. if the vita had supported microsd cards out of the box, it may very well have beaten the 3ds, or at least made nintendo work for their victory. people forget just how much of a blunder the 3ds' launch was.
Comparing the Vita to 3ds is better. Both of them had a shitty launch for year 1. The difference is that Nintendo kept supporting the 3ds, while Sony left Vita to die
several of the games are PAL versions, even the US versions are unoptimized because they slapped in PCSX Rearmed without properly configuring it, no analog support, PSCs have power limiters soldered into the circuits for the USB controller ports as a half-assed attempt to prevent people from sticking too-powerful things in there, and basically no love or care put into it at all. it's even a cumbersome 720p without proper pixel ratio.
the only way to make it worth shit is to hack it or at least get a compatible USB drive with autobleem and/or retroboot on-board.
they wanted $100 originally for how it is unhacked.
it's worth it now that it's $20 and can be a great little hacked device.
>and have better features, qualities and power that far exceeded anything else
Because that shit doesnt matter and i dont know how many examples you need until you get it.
It's just running an emulator on the worst PAL versions of games
Simple- Sony is run by complete idiots who don't know how to put out FUN games anymore and are instead interested in releasing cinematic slideshows that have (((political messages.)))
A little different because that was the cornerstone product for the Playstation division.
Many of the biggest PSP games were western shit (new entries in popular PS2 series or multiplats) and that one sold alright.
it's okay when nintendo does it.
Wasn't the NES and SNES also running an emulator? Why does Nintendo get a free pass and Sony doesn't?
Though, even more odd is that Sony isn't funding and backing a big single player experience for VR. You would think they'd put big money to produce a VR JRPG or some such and get a big name studio to attach their name to it.
PSVR has more good games than PC VR but Sony seems to be focusing on smaller titles than a single big system seller, the opposite of their normal approach for the PS4
bigger and better game selection out of the box, but yeah they got a lot of shit for it as well, but just like the ps classic it stops being an issue once hacked
Nintendo made their own in-house emulator, Canoe, and even have made specific patches for the various games they put on their mini systems to make sure nothing breaks (outside of very specific situations like the Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy on Yoshi's Island). Sony's intern team of maybe 5 or less people on the PS Classic basically nabbed a free emulator from the net and slapped it in without doing a single proper thing of configuration, so even Final Fantasy VII of all things has fucking slowdown in casual play.
The actual version of the games running on Playstation classic are the worst versions, that's the issue.
Don't get me wrong, SNES and NES classic are overpriced as fuck and it's shitty of Nintendo to hunt down rom sites and shit so that it would sell better.
But the issue is that the versions of the games the Playstation classic runs are actually bad enough that oyu're better off just emulating them directly on a raspberry pi
poor kid
Becomes pretty obvious when you own both systems
Curious that you don't note the best games in the console (Muramasa Rebirth, Dungeon Travelers 2) while piggybacking hard on PSP releases.
Funny thing is that technically speaking, when set up PROPERLY, the PSC should be able to out-edge a Raspberry Pi ever so slightly. Sony was just so bad at setting it up that the thing can't even play Crash Bandicoot right unless you tweak the clockspeed.
Because it has Nintendo games instead of weebshit
the vita didnt fail though
>half assed ports
Sony tried to sell this as a portable that can also play console quality games, which is what the switch is.
The difference is that the vita ports are either mediocre or just straight up trash due to poor performance. The framerate and audio quality is so fucking awful and considering there are decently running and looking games on the vita, seems like the publishers didnt try hard enough to port their games over.
Sony really should have done some quality control with these ports.
Switch. Loading times on the Vita are horrible for some games.
At least I can manage the switch loading times.
>better features
>power that far exceeded anything else like it
Switch is more powerful obviously and Sony shot themselves in the foot with spotty 1st party support, proprietary memory cards that cost nearly as much as the console itself and the system was practically DOA in the west.
Switch is the better console for non VN loving weebs. Vita is only getting viable for big dicked western chads (like myself) in the past two or three years thanks to SD2Vita and PSP emulation.
What's the deal with Sony and proprietary media? The PSP had those shitty 1.8 gb disks and its own memory card
were those cards used in any other Sony devices?
Killzone Mercenary
Uncharted Golden Abyss
Resistance Burning Skies
Soul Sacrifice
Gravity Rush
Yeah, cameras, they were pretty common back in the day and not very expensive. The UMD was not used in anything else afaik.
None of those games (except maybe Sly, Gravity Rush, Wipeout) are moving the western audience which will always be key for a console success. Even handhelds.
One costs a fuckton of money, one doesn't. Are you an actual retard?
Two of the Wii U's biggest successes (Splatoon and Mario Maker) both came out in 2015.
Vita is not 720p
Vita has a smaller screen
Vita does not have local multiplayer
Vita does not have Nintendo games
Vita has proprietary memory cards
Vita has little third party support
Vita doesn't have the option of using a real controller
You always start shit in threads. Go away.
All of the things stated here plus all the time it took to crack for homebrew and piracy.
>Vita is not 720p
>Vita has a smaller screen
if screen size and resolution really mattered the DS would have been a flop of galatic proportions
They tried to capture the western audience multiple times. Assassin's Creed 3: Liberations, Killzone, Call of Duty, Resistance, and Uncharted were heavily pushed. They even had Bioshock and inFamous gearing up to release on it before Bioshock got canceled and inFamous got pushed to promote the PS4. The problem is that they gave what should have been their major western entrypoint with Call of Duty to the absolute morons that made Resistance Burning Skies and thanks to that the game is a complete mess, I have no idea why they did it after Resistance had a terrible reception. Not to mention their big "Revival" was a port of Borderlands 2 that ran horrendously badly and had so many crashes it was detrimental to even play it.
When it came to the Japanese side of games getting localized we barely even got Oreshika 2, Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice weren't going to get physical copies at all until an online petition actually worked, and the rest of the games you can find are pretty much incredibly niche so they would never push the system in the west in the first place. They need their own Final Fantasy, their own exclusive DQ for Japan, and they needed to entire more than just small developers making VNs to make more for their system. P4G is like the only major release from Japan for the thing barring a couple others I mentioned.
Sony's big problem here is that they gave up on it even with what they invested when they should have kept it up, tried appealing to more Japanese developers, pushing for more in the States in general. Past the first couple of months of release the system was basically dead in the water in terms of advertisements, Gamestop still carries games to this day but places like Target and Best Buy stocked like five games at most and systems rotted on shelves because their placement in the stores was abysmal. My local Target's Vita section was literally behind a glass door holding the 3DS', requires you to bend down, and had like two games
developing new media formats has always been a big part of sony's business, and it's hit-or-miss. sometimes they have success stories (blu-ray, the work they did with philips on developing the cd-rom) and sometimes they come up with flops like betamax and memory sticks. the vita's memory cards were in the latter category.
Zelda sold 9.46 million copies
Mario sold 11.71 million copies
35.82 million Switch units sold to date
I don't think you know what you are talking about. At this point Mario Kart 8 is the most selling game on switch. faggot
sony fans expect a little bit of QC in their gadgets. Nintendo fans will buy literally anything with the nintendo branding slapped on it
No games
>Vita is not 720p
>Vita has a smaller screen
That really doesn't matter doesn't it? In fact, the second condition makes the Switch a bit unyieldly on the long run, while Vita is pretty confortable. Of course, this is solved by the Slim.
They don't have drastically different PPIs (difference of about 10? Leaps and bounds about 3DS but that's not that big of a goalpost) either, which is what really matters in this case. Other thing partly solved by the Slim. Other thing to consider is that most games on both run below resolution (with the Switch it's due to res scaling though or certain games that will not be beyond 480p like Crash Bandicoot, while Vita would be consistent)
>success stories (blu-ray, the work they did with philips on developing the cd-rom)
those were successful because there was a need for products like those at the time that they were released
who needs or wants sony's proprietary memory cards when SD cards are already a thing and so ubiquitous? fucking nobody, that's who, and if the Vita had used good ol' SD cards it would been a bit less of a financial disaster
I just want to play Ratchet, Sly and Jak HD on my Switch, bros.
I beat the 3 Jak games on the Vita because I liked those + portability that much. I would buy them on Switch full price.
The majority of games Nintendo put out got ported to the 3DS. That alone shows, that Nintendo didn't seriously try to make the Wii U a success. They released the bare minimum of games to keep owners happy. Mario Maker, Smash, Toad Treasure Hunter, Zelda Warriors and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate all where available on the 3DS, Pokken was just a port, BotW got delayed until the end and stuff like Animal Crossing never happened at all.
>Make two game based principally on textures of wool
>Port them with extra levels for a 240p console with a shit screen where shit all is visible within the announcement and existence of another console with 720p display
The most ubiquitous thing is that the port of a god damn Wii game was released in 2019 in the 3DS!
Most of them were multi-platform though.
Kiseki was on PSP and PS3, Persona was just a remaster, FF was a remaster, Danganronpa was on PSP, etc.
The concept of "crossplay" was a nice idea, but kinda stupid because the majority of games got a PS3 or PS4 release at some point and people preferred that over the worse Vita version.
And none of those games were particular system sellers. You need strong established IPs to move people to your new platform and those games have to be good and not be inferior copies of their home console equivalent (like AC was or CoD, etc).
the Vita has been dead since like 2014, only reason why it stuck around is japanese developers latched onto it and it had a decent life over in japan while it withered everywhere else while getting a few bits of life support via those same japanese devs.
Post your vita and how much you love it!
psvita was too ahead of its time. same with most failed consoles
It was both ahead and backwards. While the idea of "last-gen graphics portably" was forwards, along dual sticks and so on, the whole system to bring it forward was just aping the PSP without taking into consideration basic market research (trying to do a multimedia device with propietary cards well into smartphone era with 3G).
Vita didn't have games people wanted. Uncharted sold pretty good but the fanbase would rather play another homeconsole version instead of one made with the limits of a handheld in mind. The third party launch windows games all pretty much bombed so one by one third parties bailed on the system.
Switch is the only place to get Nintendo first party games now. That's enough to get a fairly decent install base by itself, and Zelda was GOTY tier and a launch title. The third party games it got actually sold so it's continuing to get a steady stream of third party support, even if it's slow.
Memory cards definitely hurt Vita, but what killed it was nobody cared for it or its games. They sold for $250 at launch and nobody wanted one. They had $250 bundles with either Assassin's Creed or CoD and advertised them that holiday and nobody wanted one. They discounted that bundle to $170 with PS All Stars and 3 months of PS+ and nobody wanted one and it took them another year to clear out the stock of it after that. They gave it a $200 Borderlands 2 bundle with an 8GB card and nobody wanted one. They had a fire sale on PSTVs for $20, or $40 for a bundle with a PS3 controller and even those took over 1.5 or 2 years at that price to sell them all. It was literally cheaper to buy a PSTV bundle than buy a brand new PS3 controller and they still couldn't sell the thing.
Sony abandoning it
Shitty expensive memory cards that died and had shit transferring speeds
No R2/L2 buttons
No games for the normalfags
I fucking had a shield. I loved it. Until my junkie gf at the time pawned it for heroin and didnt even share it with meeee. I miss that fucking tablet. I had the controller too, and an hdmi to hook up to the tv.
Nintendo's games push console sales. That's why, even when the 3DS fell on its ass in the beginning, it managed to recover. Sony's games don't push console sales. They sell well if their console does well, but it's still largely reliant on 3rd parties. That's not a bad thing since it gives those 3rd parties the room they need where Nintendo might choke them out, but when a Sony console falls on its ass, it has a much harder time recovering from it, if it does so at all.
For comparison on the Vita side, the top selling Vita game in the US to date was Uncharted with barely 400,000.
Sony pulling out of first party Vita game support is literally because the games were selling like absolute shit and they were losing money on all of them. Hell, the Vita launch underperforming is responsible for killing the Socom devs and the Wipeout devs, and even with the terrible bomb that Unit 13 was that was enough to shut down the studio, it's still the 10th place best selling Vita game in the US to date and sold about 200,000 copies there.
how many times do i have to remind you about this?
>muh poor wagies
yes? ALL consoles are targeted to waggy normies who cant afford more than 400-500$ on a console, its the whole fuckin point of consoles, affordable DRM boxes for the masses
also NO, the vita did not have a killer app like the many switch has
>but zelda is ported from Wii U!
wii u was a piece of shit console no one wanted to buy, people was glad when they find out they could finally play the new zelda without having to buy a disgusting Wii U
proprietary memory and Sony jumped ship almost immediately
>We live in an age in which we can buy 4 TB of HDD for a little more than 100 bucks
Beyond all else, I'm glad for this
they started to call it a "legacy device" pretty quick while in comparison Nintendo supported the 3DS for about 8 years
Switch was marketed better, had more big titles, didn’t have proprietary memory cards, and came with a TV out solution in the box.
I mean, when people are comparing the featureset of the gimped budget model Switch favorably to a Vita, you know Sony dropped the ball somewhere.
I legit didn't buy a Vita purely because of their shitty memory card shit. I'm not paying $100 for 16 gb.
you forgot the lack of triggers, even if you want a vita just for streaming with PS4 you still have to use the dumb ass back panel as R2/L2
the fucking 3DS rectified on this with the New 3DS
>a literal sonignog
The memory card
Lack of games
I have mine and it has henkaku and I've still only played like 5 or 6 vita games because most are just bad or a port I could already play elsewhere. A majority of recommended games are just shitty dungeon crawlers and when the vita already has Dungeon Travelers 2 there's no need to play all the shitty other ones.
>no need to play all the shitty other ones.
Sword City's good. As for stuff like Demon Gaze or that tits game...
Sword city is actually one of the only other ones I wanted to try. just never did and its on steam now anyway. Most of the other dungeon crawlers are compile heart junk though, so they sacrificed gameplay for moe. While DT2 kept gameplay, refined gameplay and has moe