it's coming out soon, vee!
are you excited?
It's coming out soon, vee!
It's more that they keep pushing the idea that those two groups are the same. Like a bunch of "conservatives" so further left than the guys who beat the nazis are clearly just like the nazis because they don't want illegals. Meanwhile the actual American patriots who beat the nazis (and stopped their global domination) didn't let women vote, had white-prioritized immigration, and performed Operation Wetback to evict all Mexicans. We're so far removed from the actual nazis that we make the left-leaning "good guys" of WW2 look like nazis. If we had the views of 1940s America the news would have to make up some new term like Hyper Right.
No one has been able to answer my question: Why is this cheaper? And not $60.
probably going to be like a 3 or 4 hour long campaign
whole thing looks rushed
I think that it will be similiar to The Old Blood in length.
>people who fought the nazis didnt let women vote
>average fighting age in ww2 was probably early 20s for US
>womens right to vote is legalized about 20 years before ww2 in 1920
I somehow doubt 1-5 year old boys were trying to keep mom from voting in the 1920s when Mom was legally allowed in 1920
It's already confirmed as the longest Wolf title you stupid fucks. 20-25 hour campaign.
Then WHY is the price what it is?.. I personally wouldn't mind it being shorter. The Old Blood was my favorite.
Not enough demand
nah, nu-stein is dogshit
blah blah blah, shut the fuck up fag I didn't read a thing
I like the idea of a 2 player FPS. Reminds me a lot of Half-Life Decay to a point where I think they purposely were using that as an idea for the game.
If it's like that at all, then I'm buying. Even as much as I'd like to preorder cause I know I'll like it, I'm holding off.
Haha ethnic homogenous nations for white people are so evil, atleast we aren't speaking german and enjoying our Pie and Mash in England!
If there's really a decline in the west it's that there are retards like this who mock veterans with "arguments" like "muh nazis" and genuinely believe they're making a point about how everyone other than them is bad and that they don't think they're the biggest failures on the face of the earth today
wolfenstein franchise is so well known for its 80s nostalgia pandering
Ally Veterans deserve to be mocked relentlessly for killing civic nationalism and are responsible for the hordes of smelly brown people cuerently arriving in their grandchildrens nation in hordes instead of being ethnically homogenous like the Germans.
Yeah, but the gameplays pretty good.
i don't like nu-wolfenstein. bethesda bogged everything down with stupid lore shit just like they're trying to do with doom.
Crazy how Yea Forums is now filled to the brim with people who act and talk in the exact same way as the 85 year old relative on facebook nobody likes do. And they're probably 16.
Nah. Don't like the aesthetic at all and I'm not exactly confident after New Colossus. I liked New Order and Old Blood though. But unless people really rave about this one, it's a pass for me.
>bogged everything down with stupid lore shit
Okay, with Doom I get that but with Wolfenstein it seems kinda easy to get that "oh the nazis were really advanced and they took over the world and also the jews are spiritual as fuck and make flying shit."
It's just your standard Wolfenstein romp honestly.
i miss back when wolfenstien wasn't just some liberal wank about shooting nazis
I'm tempted to buy the game because of Arkane studio and the co-op... But I need to save some money. Fuck.
The buddy pass is pretty good and let you play it with a friend for free.
No. NC killed Wolfenstien. There no way i would play as jew.
Buddy Pass lets you play with a friend for free, but they can only play it WITH YOU and still have to buy the game full price.
not really it is a hitscan corridor shooter with humanoid enemies
If you don't think this is absolutely epic then you are an incel, plain and simple.
That's every FPS.
>are you excited to fight dieselpunk nazis with ridiculous accents for the fourth time in a row
no not really
not saying you can't have nazis in your vidya but it gets kind of stale when you restrict your antagonists to the same people over and over again when there is a rich variety of scumbags to choose from in that period of time
>Yea Forums is mad that they have to actually talk about politics in a game about a political ideology.
There aren't even any zombie Nazis or sexy lady Nazis. This series used to be fun.
>sexy lady zombies
whoa grandpa, tone down the sexism
this isn't your dark and dystopian 90s anymore, sheesh
A standard Wolfenstein romp is BJ running around weird WW2 era Nazi forts/labs/whatever collecting treasure and popping krauts with occasional cyborg/supernatural monsters mixed in. Now it's a Deus Ex alternate future where BJ is a cyborg god and all of the cool paranormal elements are gone because the new devs are up their own asses about writing an "empowering story" or whatever.
A friend of mine is interested to play only with me. And the buddy pass can be shared with multiple people. So it's a win win situation.
This is the only point I agree with. Not the zombies part because that's in Old Blood, but the hot nazi ladies part.
Good thing I have Shadman still.[/url]
>all of the cool paranormal elements gone
There's literally a fucking UFO in the game and in New Order they went to the bottom of the ocean to find a old Jewish artifact. In Wolf 2 there are side missions where you destroy Sumarian tablets so the nazi's can't learn from them.
>no techno-ustase running around committing war crimes that would make Mengele blush
>no romanian and hungarian mechanized infantry beating the shit out of each other as much as they beat the shit out of random civvies
>no insane iron guard leader hanging people off meathooks
>no mustache-twirling italian blackshirt riding around in a super-heavy tank the size of three baneblades stitched together
>no japanese mecha-samurai running around the west coast beheading people and running comfort brothels
they don't use the setting at all, its so boring
Couldn't care less. After New Colossus, I lost trust in MachineGames.
I'd actually love a game where you could shoot Alt-Right Hipsters and MAGA Goons.
Honestly. I bought it. New collosus maybe was dissapointing but this one look better. It was partially made by Arkane studio so very talented guys, and it's confirmed the game is longer than all the previous wolf games.
Story probably will be a little cringy but I don't mind.
I just hope it will be more optimized than new collosus.
>actual ideas
i would buy this game if you ever decided to make it, user
why is it only $30
Oh my god, a happy family! Oh, the horror!
It's not a full wolf 3. It's similar to old blood.
But it's longer than the previous games and have co-op.
So a whole lot of absolutely nothing.
I want to be but I didn't like TNO. This also being built around multiplayer/co-op s a bummer because I never play co-op. The biggest sin however is how the brunette looks cute in some promo/in-game screens and then like a goblina in others.
What are some games with sexy lady nazies? I'm a week so we get close at times with some of those WWII inspired military outfits.
>women are going to give up their lattes, yoga classes and comfortable passive lifestyle to fight for freedom
lol this hasn't happened in the entirety of human history, and it never will
I'm excited to see nobody buy it
Why would I play a Wolfenstein game if I'm not playing BJ?
only the nigress is smiling
Bought deluxe edition on GMG, have it preloaded right now
Wolfenstein should honestly kept it as the war still going on to justify killing muh nazis. This nu-wolfenstein about being communist terrorist lashing out at a generation born after an Axis victory that isn't responsible or know about the six gorillion is so obviously just a leftist wankfest. Having Klansmen walking around robed when they were used as propaganda and the Democrat Klan hated Nazi's viewing them as unamerican proved nu-wolfenstein is just modern swedecuck political hamfisting instesd of being s fucking game.
How long before the "if you don't like it, you're sexist" comments start showing up? I just want to mentally prepare myself.
Will it have good music? That's what I'll play for
>basic armors and deluxe edition armors look like shit
>pre order armors look cool
No they don't.
Shut the f up.
At least they aren't lesbians... And can't because one need to be doomguy grandmother.
Even if this game turned out to be incredible the Yea Forums meme machine has already decided it's terrible because /pol/ told them killing nazis in games is problematic and gross now
The war was won by Nazi's but it wasn't too long after BJ got out of the coma. Not really enough to be considered fighting a generation that was born into that world instead of the ones who fought it. I agree with the rest though.
>There no way i would play as jew.
You've been a jew since Wolf 3D you dumb fuck.
Didn't played new collossus and the dlcs, played all The previous wolf game. Bought this one like a retard.
Tldr of the wolf2 story?
I'm willing to bet at least one of them is going to be. They just need to cram those good goy points anywhere they can. They would've made them lesbians in an incestuous relationship if it was seen as progressive.
Cringe as fuck
Because it's a spin-off. The visuals and mechanics haven't been changed significantly.
I didn't like the new wolfensteins. It's like they wanted to go oldschool but didn't have the balls to go all the way.
There's something about the way the gunplay feels that I find unsatisfying.
Also, I really dislike that they got rid of the supernatural elements (except in old blood). That's what really set wolfenstein apart from other ww2 shooters
On the other hand, I loved nu-doom.
It's actually not, retard. Maybe you should learn what you're talking about before offering your opinion on things.
where did women hurt you
Why the fuck do BJ's daughters speak like blacklings despite being as purebred aryan as it gets?
Killing Nazi's even after you've lost 30 years ago seems pretty childish if you ask me. A better plot should be a complete opposite of Nazism which is Communism being the global order and instead of ethnic purity people die from mass famine or sent to gulags for thought crimes to the Peoples Republic. Of course it'd never happen because the swedecucks who make nu-wolfenstein LOVE communism.
Oh please, there's been several times where a game's quality proves the early memes wrong. Human Revolution was getting berated by everyone right up until its release. Same for Doom '16. After they only showed the multiplayer part and the generic cover, everyone was already saying how it was going to flop.
If the game is actually good, the majority will be supportive of it. I don't think it's going to be, I think it's going to be a disaster, but I'm willing to be proven wrong.
funny thing the black girl looks the best out of them, maybe race mixing isn't bad for that inbreed island
My heart
You're a racist. Ain't nothing wrong with a nigger fucking a discarded fat woman.
even in oppressive regimes like Saudi Arabia, women won't fight for anything besides more privileges under the oppression aka they don't care that they're cattle, they just want to drive a car etc
>nazi bad
>blacks good
>blasko and gang got cool submarine and now America is in state of civil war
>who knows
BJ is hunted down by the Nazi bitch he caused to be disfigured in New Order. She murders him eventually but the game completely asspulls his death and has him come back to life and he kills her in a cutscene at the end of the game. Nazis are still in charge
can't wait to watch DSP's super boring coop
do it goy
Black haired chick is cute.
The blond is quite ugly. I don't know. Maybe it's the haircut or the jaw..
HR also came out when this board wasn't filled to the brim with Yea Forums and /pol/ tourists spamming wojaks every five posts.
Based nigger. Fucking disgusting fat chicks so we don't have to
>no techno-ustase running around committing war crimes
That would be the techno-chetnicks. Ustashe were the good guys.
she is just the younger, niggers are disgusting.
>instead of the game being against my political beliefs, it should be FOR my political beliefs
get off Yea Forums dude, theres more to life than this.
Bj only taught them to fight and didn't gave them any education sadly.
Make a new franchise for that. Wolfenstein is nazis and the occult. Hell, even the occult aspect only comes due to real life nazi interest in it.
If it's a fun old school shooter, I'd like to see one that takes russian cues for its world, maybe some more specific interest that the ussr had to make it stand out.
t. Communist fag.
The only actual commie killing game I can think of was Freedom Fighter but it never got a sequel and it's pretty niche to be revived.
Modern BJ can't deal with loper.
ha ha ha sure is funny how cultural marxist "progressive" propaganda is almost indistinguishable from racial sexual fetishism huh
They both have terrible models, specially the blond. It looks like the hair is glued on like a Lego piece.
Well, yes. I'll agree with that, but as D44M proved, even New Order, if a game is good, the general consensus goes with it. Despite the contrarism mentality some shitposters have, most people call them out if the game is actually good.
>lol why you mad that wolfenstein threads instantly fall into a constant cycle of "fuck you nazi right winger trumpers!!!"
Politics are fine, but this shit is just nuckle drag tier.
Play New Collossus. It's the best one.
It's because her head is an upside down raindrop.
How come there are no games like these but set in 1984 universe. That way you just fight totalitarians who are basically both Nazis and Commies.
you killed quite a lot of commies in cod blops, and every james bond game
Never played it myself, only know by name. But I would like to see a Wolfnestein/Doom type shooter with a ussr theme and some magical/fantasy element to make it stand out. Just not Wolfenstein. It'd be like if Doom was suddenly talking about Nazi's, it's just not what the franchise should be about.
>see this shill thread
>it's working.jpg
>alright heads off to GMG
> key
>pure kek and 360° walked away
whats funny is that the nu-wolfenstien games barely try to be political cept for the latest one which went off the deep end, but even before it came out Yea Forums bitched about it.
blame /pol/ finally caving to stormfront and the 2016 election.
No. I already rejected the rest of the series after New Colossus's horribly misguided ads insultingly implied that anyone IRL who doesn't support Antifa is a Nazi that should be shot. I don't support game companies who tell me I need to die.
In addition to that, it seems incredibly retgarded that this game is apparently set in 1980s and Nazis are STILL in power. Like, why even bother fighting them anymore? They clearly cannot be defeated if nothing BJ Blazkovicz did in the earlier games even put a dent to them. What's the point?
Just play "You are Empty".
>he browses Yea Forums for free
why are you talking like that
>tfw no commie killing sim
>Start shooting enemies from Eurasia
>Message suddenly shows up saying they're actually from Eastasia and that you've been shooting people from Eastasia all along
>5 minutes later the message shows up again but with the names reversed
I'd buy it. If anything 1984 is more important now than ever before.
looks kinda neat cant wait to play coop with my bf
Would play.
Because communism is supported by most game devs.
horton boone kills bj at the end
Call of duty let's you kill soviets.
would like to do the same, but he doesn't like it
20-25 hours of gameplay, 2-5 hours of story.
It's going to be all padding. Spin-offs have no reason to be longer than their base games.
>previously singleplayer IP goes co-op
>right after a dodgy sequel to TOB and TNO
Yeah, no. I'm going to wait until they make a worthy third game.
I wouldn't even be surprised that MachineGames kills off BJ just to make some sort of useless point.
>pre-order physical because it's cheaper (deluxe edition at the price of the normal on steam)
>just remembers about the bethesda launcher
Fuck me I guess, I completely forgot about this launcher... Will I even be able to play with steam players?
>get to get woke for free because friend is buying the edition that lets a partner play without buying the game
>they make a third game
>yeah no im just going to write this off as shit tell me when they make a good game
Probably. You still need a Bethesda account if you use the Steam version.
it's to set up the soviets as the primary antagonists in 3
>and performed Operation Wetback to evict all Mexicans.
The US was pressured by the Mexican government to evict all illegal Mexicans due to the fact that the illegal laborers would be needed to industrailize and expand the Mexican economy. The labor problems grew so bad that crops would rot in Mexico because so many laborers had crossed into the U.S due to its growing argicultural industry and the demand for labor.
>20-25 hour campaign.
for game journos
that means 4 hours max for the average person
>muh 80s
No, thanks.
If they make it up to par with the quality of the first games, I have no issue.
TNC had way more flaws than just "Muh SJW". The stealth was poorly done and the shotgun basically nullified the purpose of any other weapon. I wish they could just go straight into a sequel and fix what went wrong in that game.
Who knows. Maybe Youngblood isn't that bad, but I'm still iffy on it being co-op focused.
>The stealth was poorly done and the shotgun basically nullified the purpose of any other weapon
So it's TNO all over again.
>Arkane studio made half of the game
Damnit I guess I will play the game then
Nah, it probably will be more like, 10.
But they also said the game have a better replayability of the old titles.
>no this stuff doesn't count!
Just admit you never played the games already and only took the word from butthurt alt-right manbabies as gospel.
Fuck's sake. Well, wait for a sale it is.
words words words cringe
40 years isnt that long to resist user. The Vietnamese fought around that long.
>French skirmishes
>french again
They literally fought almost nonstop against superior foreign powers for at least 2 generations
Gonna laugh then maybe cum a little when it turns out the "open ended" level design is the same tired crawl under a vent to shoot two officers in the face or actually play the game and not niggers. I hate niggers. Hear me mods? Do it. Ban me. I fucking dare you cause you'll only make me stronger.
i think he's unable to understand why people would be mad about living under nazi rule
I just wish those armor designs weren't ugly as fuck. Bring back combat fatigues.
what you don't like the magical jewish power armor?
Nahh, you can't be killing nazis without ancient jewish power armor
fucking BASED
Nazis only control about half of the world now instead of the entire world.
Is that what they are? You'd think the Jews would've picked up a few fashion tips from the Nazis during WW2.
The $30 price makes me believe that its a inferior product with shorter playtime. Also I have not heard any buzz about this game until now.
Hopefully GTA VI has a rampage like that
>even put a dent to them
All that's left of the Nazi empire in Youngblood is Europe. BJ been putting in work.
Bongs are disgusting too
Fucking based god
>TNO is great
>Old Blood is released, less content for lower price
>New Colossus is adequate
>Youngblood is released, more content for lower price
Is this because NC was so god damn short?
>jewish wizards hoard obscenely powerful technology in secret jew caves instead of destroying it
>nazis find the caves
>nazis win the war
jews did ww2, QED
Wolfenstein isnt liberal wank. Its right winger brainlets suddenly started crying that game that was about killing nazis for 30 years suddenly became a liberal wank
These are BJ's daughters right? They don't look anything like him.
Not the guy but I thought he was just polish-american. And those guys are mostly catholic.
Well they're women and he's a man, so
seething incel you game failed 2 times now
Likely cause they're going for that open mission structure rather than the traditional straight path with some minor branching and expecting you to revisit areas for side missions and stuff, organized in linear progression, or replaying missions to go for a solo stealth run cause your co-op buddy can't do anything that doesn't involve immediately hammering down on the trigger the second he enters an area.
Plus all that cosmetic DLC Bethesda probably mandated.
Have sex
blondie kinda looks like mother
Lot of the "tough" enemies look too bulletspongy so I'm concerned about that.
But can't wait for Part 3 with Old Man BJ in his 70s.
>Wolfenstein isnt liberal wank.
The game is LITERAL about killing Nazis. If that's not liberal wank then what the fuck is.
Nope, all my interest died with the E3 footage showing that enemies are damage sponges with health bars now unlike the first two games. Looks fucking awful.
So which one of them is Commander Keen's mom?
Ah yes, you have to be a cock sucking liberal to want to kill Nazis nowadays
Nazis are left wingers though.
"Socialist workers party" sound familiar?
>mfw Yea Forums was too retarded to read a family tree correctly and during the post-Bethesda E3 threads frequently interpreted BJ's daughters as being incestuous lesbians that somehow had a son
According to the dev, it's too emphasized on stealth (you gain bonus things if you clear areas without being detected) and not make the game too easy in co-op.
Probably the brown haired. (the cutest one) considering keen is now brown haired + doomguy is brown haired.
At this point I'm fucking considering the idea that New Order was a fucking fluke
>Old Blood was over reliant on shit stealth
>New Colossus was shit
>Now they are fucking putting in shit lootshooter stats into Wolfenstein
I'm so fucking glad this series is now bombing and these worthless Sweden fucks are gonna be out of a fucking job
I hate this story. Apparently BJ did nothing for 20 years, nazis still in power, he raised his kids in the world ruled by nazis. They turned him into loser that never accomplished anything. He lost war and failed at overthowing nazis.
Why right so buttblasted about it?
>dodgy sequel
Wolf 2 is the best in the series and the best fps of all time.
They completely kicked the Nazis out of the U.S., I'm guessing that was good enough for him for a while. Makes sense that he would try to live in peace with his family for as long as he could.
So why is it only thirty bucks? What's the catch?
>30 years old game series about shootin nazis is made for liberals
/pol/ brains in all their glory
Same. I loved TNO, played through it many times. TOB was ok, but nowhere near as good. TNC was very disappointing, still had some fun moments but was dragged down heavily by a bad story and repetitive, dull levels. This looks like the worst of the lot with damage sponge enemies and obnoxious tumblr girl protagonists. Even the basic soldiers taking upwards of ten headshots to kills looks so fucking awful and unfun.
No, not really...
>New Order comes out full priced
>Old Blood expansion building off existing game mechanics and models for a rapid turnaround is released at a lower price
>New Colossus comes out full priced
>Youngblood expansion building off existing mechanics and models for rapid turnaround is released at a lower price
There's no catch. The game cost less money to make since they still have everything from New Colossus, so they're releasing it for less money. It's lighter on story, so they probably don't have to spend so much money on mocapping either.
It looks fun. Sue me.
i just hope its better than the new colossus
so jewthesda is playing both sides ?
anti white ethnomasichism for the left wolfen(((stein)))
and based white male pew pew (Doom) for the right.
EZ money
Even at $30, I'm going to wait for a steep sale. Would have been a day one buy if the gameplay were like the previous games but those Division-tier health bars are a big no go for me.
get sales
oh wait you cant
>those Division-tier health bars
What does that mean? I haven't played The Division.
seething femcel
Enemy have health bar and levels. Some are harder to kill.
The enemies are damage sponges now and have large health bars, like a looter shooter.
look at them
Wait doesn't the fact that jews had hyper advanced tech that they didn't want to share, make their persecution and accusations of being a shady cabal justified ?
>They turned it into a Borderlands clone
fuck off
There's no weapon rarity so no.
Yes. And if the Swedecuck devs had any sense at all, they'd make the Jews the actual surprise twist villains going forward, just like real life.
The other games had weapon upgrades too you mong.
>Old Blood was over reliant on shit stealth
There's literally one level in the entire game where you have to use stealth while the rest plays out exactly like New Order. Swear to god you faggots who claim this never played beyond the first half hour.
>weapon upgrading which existed in the previous titles is now looty-shooty
They didn't have gun manufacturers or stats
No, they are going FULL JEWISH +10 this time.
It's sad because I know that this is going to happen with Doom soon.
*waits four seconds*
>based white male pew pew
Based? I think you meant incel
It's almost as if numbers and names will help provide meaningful context to the upgrades.
>Stier parts increase damage
>if I want to increase my gun's damage I should hunt for stier parts or buy them with the in-game money
>the numbers will tell me if I'm making meaningful upgrades or should focus on other stuff to prevent diminishing returns
Presumably the Nadel or Tempo ones will increase accuracy or capacity or some other thing.
This isn't saying you should sell your old minigun to a vending machine cause the last boss you fought dropped the legendary Nazi-killing lesbian pussy wetting multibarreled Deathshead collection Venom shotgun-shell firing minigun, it's saying you can customize the one machine gun you have access to, to better suit your needs.
Right now it's hard to say. Supposedly, the bloodline goes by the fathers, being BJ - Arthur, never had a game to himself - Commander Keen - Billy, aka Doomguy.
I can only guess that MachineGames didn't like the idea of Arthur so they'll force it to be a mother.
This is the most reddit post of the year and I'm jewish.
OY VEY he named us.
*waits four seconds*
You damn Yutzi.
>gun manufacturers
You're right that is similar to borderlands but for wolfenstein that's just flavor text to help players easily recognize what upgrades will do
Natural evolution of "upgrading" the upgrade system due to varied weapon parts that you can't equip all at the same time. This again helps the player tell what is changing with their gun.
Does feel like borderlands except for the whole fact that you don't constantly loot weapons throughout the entire game and only have a set number of weapons to play with, making the comparison to borderlands almost moot because you don't have a borderlands game without constant gun looting.
t. Fag
*waits four seconds*
t. Double fag
I wasn't planning on getting it, but my friend bought it for me as a gift, but only the regular edition. Is there a way to upgrade to the deluxe edition so I can invite him? On Steam
The premise gets sillier the further it gets from WWII. By that point Nazi rule is going to be well and truly consolidated - 99% of people and things on the 'to purge' list will be long gone, most people alive would have lived their entire lives under Nazism (and therefore the majority of people making up the Nazi state apparatus would fall under that category as well), so how are our plucky underground heroes supposed to bring it all crashing down when they failed twice before against a weaker Nazi empire?
They managed to push the nazi's back to just Europe after the new colossus, so BJ's daughters grew up in the US under nazi-free control. It does feel like it's dragged on for way too long though.
>TNO: A conversation is overheard where one woman reveals she saw her son trying on makeup while the other encourages her to report it to the police
>TNC: "Well golly gee a fine nigger-free day to you Bill. Boy I am sure glad we got rid of that nigger music and those nigger movies because I god damn hate niggers! Would you like to buy a slave, kind sir?"
>TNO: Two nazi soldiers have a benign conversation about whether one should get his cough checked out.
>TNC: Two nazi soldiers lament about why the resistance must resort to violence and can't just be civil with the nazis. Ha, take THAT drumpfies!
>TNO: While traveling through a sewer, BJ reminisces on his childhood and alludes to having an abusive father, while contrasting it to the solemn hopelessness he feels
>TNC: BJ walks to several cutscenes where his rough traditional father is racist, beats him, beats his mother, makes him kill his dog, and sells his mother out to the nazis. THIS IS YOU, WHITE AMERICA!
>TNO: BJ fights through the upgraded 1960s version of Deathshead's compound while a remixed version of the main theme plays while Deathshead mocks you, fights and puts to rest the brain of the person he chose to die at the beginning of the game, then kills Deathshead before ordering the destruction of the compound
>TNC: BJ fights through Frau Engel's airship, which is like the last time you fought on her airship but your health isn't capped at 50, then fights waves of elite enemies. He watches in a cutscene as Anya gets naked and fires guns, then sneaks up on Frau Engel and kills her in a cutscene, then in another cutscene different from the first one stands in the background and silently watches as a communist and a black nationalist tell America to rise up. DAS. FUCKIN. RIIIITEEE!
Where did it go so wrong Yea Forums?
It was pretty fucking bad. It was almost like every single writing decision was bashed over the head, without any of the subtly it had before.
Exactly my thoughts.
Success happened. They got an ego and revealed their power level and ruined the whole fucking franchise
Fuck Sweden. Cant wait for 2050 when no one speaks Swedish
Let's hope they will fix some shit at least a little with youngblood.
At least the nazi still look cool I guess.