The Casino and Resort Update has revolutionized Grand Theft Auto Online

The Casino and Resort Update has revolutionized Grand Theft Auto Online

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I finally finished the sixth and last casino story mission. Got a nice chunk of change for first time completion and platinum awards. Also managed to get them all in order for a big bonus. Sadly, it seems the other bonus of playing them all as a crew member also requires all in order. Doesn't seem well thought out, as people will avoid random invites until it they've done it all themselves. 3-4 of them are pretty fucking tough; I used all my armours on more than one occasion, as well as most of my snacks.

Congratulations $.05 has been added to your bank account for this post

I honestly didn't know there were missions attached to it.
I logged on, ran into the casino before anyone shot at me, paid for the membership, spun the wheel, then got off.
Are they like heists?

A little bit. They're a cross between heists and the Lowrider missions. They have cutscenes, etc. The trailer pretty much suggested that there was a storyline involved. I think you have to buy a penthouse to unlock the six missions.

Lots of cash bonuses available for first time completion and doing them in order. You have to host them to progress. Wait outside the casino for a few minutes for the phone-call to activate the next mission.

This guy has videos of the missions:

They get pretty tough!!!

Fuck the Casino missions! They take an ass load of time to boot up and play.

hey alright

Casino Missions

#1 - Loose Cheng

#2 - House Keeping

#3 - Strong Arm Tactics

#4 - Play to Win

#5 - Bad Beat

#6 - Cashing Out

>Added more ways to throw away money, both real and fake
>Added a bunch of clothes locked behind yet another kind of in game currency
>"Complete this gay ass challenge for an item in Red Dead Online, which totally isnt dead, we swear!"

I played for maybe an hour last night; deleting the game as soon as I can afford one dress from the shop. Its shit.

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>first did House Keeping, then Loose Chang, then Strong Arm Tactics because they were the first ones to appear on my job list
>can’t get the bonus now

Maybe you can get the bonus if you start from Loose Cheng again. You have to host them to progress.

Yeah, I couldn't give a fuck about Red Dead. I did the Stone Hatchet and gold revolver challenges purely for the weapons and cash rewards in THIS game.

Hot coffee 2.0 incoming.

>Have to host them all then be a client in all
Playing the same shit with shitters is not content. It's shit. I literally just use my friends account and do 2 player missions solo, that's how bad GTA players are.

Yeah, I hate when you can't play solo. Like with the over-saturated Dispatch and Repo missions. Unless you have a good friend who you can trust, it's tough to make it through with randoms, but I managed to pass all the casino missions. #3, #5 and #6 are real bitches to complete. No question of even doing them on Hard, as losing lives is certain.

Sadly, Doomsday Heists are even worse for needing good/trusted players, so once I hosted and completed them, I have no reason to replay anything other than a very occasional Act One. Most of the set-up missions are not enjoyable. Act Three finale is fucking PTSD. The enemies are so over-powered that it is not fun, like the regular heists are. Never liked the need to do Prep missions in freemode, or be in someone's CEO/MC so you can be killed right after the mission by your ungrateful team-mates if they have friendly fire on.

>play to win

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Supposedly there's Casino Work missions available after completing these story missions. Probably skin to the bullshit Nightclub promotion missions.

>Dooms day with random scum
>Any part of prison break with ransoms

>>Added a bunch of clothes locked behind yet another kind of in game currency

Also, no shit that literal gambling is a poor way to earn money, that's why it tells you the return rate is 98.7%. Gambling is a net loss in the long run, no shit.

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>Twitch PRIME offers FREE penthouse and money
>linked account two days ago
>still haven't recieved shit
im not buying this fucking penthouse
fuck you jewstar
3 card poker SUCKS DICK
Where's 5 card stud or even Texas Hold 'em?

I have literally told people that I can solo the entire Doomsday Scenario and I don't need any help and to just sit in spawn if they don't think they can do it without dying, and every time they try to help and just do absolutely nothing and die. It's just mind boggling.

It's really nice the few times you get randoms that are competent and can just sit in spawn while I do everything solo, and while it can be a bit faster with a crew, it certainly beats having to restart multiple times and losing all your snacks and armors

Yeah, I usually avoid the Prison Break finale with randoms, unless they were pretty good in the set-ups. Gotta love a fuckhead host who doesn't keep the same crew and just spams invites to first come - first served. The Fleeca Job is only worth it if the host puts it on hard. I'll avoid Humane Labs - Deliver EMP, Series A - Trash Truck and even Pac Standard finale if the other players are not with it.

Still, heists are a solid moneymaker if you're lucky with finales. It's great for PvE. It's also better than how they ruined contact missions by not giving separate quickjob menus for the over-saturated Dispatch and Repo missions; so now everyone plays the same 10% of the 90-100 missions and of course the AFK scumbags clog up the missions too. Of course now the Casino missions will be tougher to join, as they don't have a separate quickjob menu either.

tfw I got 200k on slots and am living large. You guys just suck at gambling.

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Indeed. I always found it easier to do Prison Break - Station on my own. Either as the cargo ship team - climb up the crane, parachute down to the Casco, kill 2-3 people at most, drive to the destination without shooting and getting a wanted level - or the police team - call 911, jack the car for two stars, hide in one of the underground tunnels until the wanted level is gone, complete as normal. Yet everyone else seems to die. Despite that, I do hate AFK scum. At least come along and help, even if you simply have to make sure you don't die - AFKs usually die when there's a wanted level.

Same kinda deal for Humane Labs - Deliver EMP. All they have to do is snipe the two guards at the barrier and hang in the car park with the Insurgent, while I take everyone else out with a pistol. No, some fuckhead has to fire an unsilenced rifle, or fuck with the enemy Insurgent, or get spotted by it, as it leaves. The worst ones are the ones who refuse to learn from their mistakes.

i got 500k from max bet 3 bells twice in a row, shit was awesome

>tag the post op trucks
>use the phone to id them
>pop up on screen in bright yellow saying "use the phone to id trucks"
>lester talking every 20 seconds "guys use my app to find the truck"
>they never use the phone

Anyone legitimately this dumb deserved to be put into a potato sack and stoned to death.

Yes. While some of us know the Boxville spawn points already and have just drive to the vans. The drivers tend to hate when the navigators just go off themselves and do the mission on their own.

Lmao, his final mission video already has 27K views, while the first one has 8K views and the others are averaging around 4K views.

and this matters why?

i've found the roulette to be the best for money, blackjack on the other hand is rigged as fuck

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>blackjack on the other hand is rigged as fuck
It's really not, it's pretty easy to tell when the board is hot or cold. Just double down and split properly and you're golden.

sadly only 3 heist are good for money

pac/act1/act2. with pac/act1 being legit enjoyable. act 2 is a snoozefest.

act 3 is too long and most people get ass hurt about avon clones because they are too retarded to use incendiary rounds for disabling.

series A/prison/humane/fleeca simply not worth the time, you get shit all money, 1 i/e sale + sight seer gets you the same 100k and you dont need to deal with the primordial ameboid gta "community"

I don't get how GTA Series Videos have more than 2 million subscribers and yet their videos barely crack the 50k views.

i dunno man, i gave up when fucking dealer got blackjack with 2 cards 3 times in a row

One tip for the sixth casino mission is use an Insurgent Pick-Up with a gun turret and protection as your PV. Trip the security, then drive around the fields to the north of the ranch, this draws the enemies out and can make picking off the Buzzards easier.

Just keep moving and take out the enemy Caracara's gun turret from a distance. Keep an eye on the mini-map. Once Avery Duggan evacs on the Frogger chopper, take the Menacer and blow him out of the skies. This was finally the way I got to pass it, with all armour and half my snacks used up from trying to stay inside the ranch area, being the driver and being the shooter.

subscriber count is not equal to viewer count

one can subscribe years ago, forget about it, leave the account, make a new one, and never subscribe again but there's still 1 subscriber to that creator. Not every video interests every subscriber either.

They are legends, I remember commenting on their videos a decade ago. Sadly, even they are getting a little too flashy in how they complete missions. I liked how clinical and straightforward they were. They didn't even bother with outfits. This was also how they took the mantle from GTAmissions, IMO. He got ridiculous in how he played to the viewers.

Still, Indo-J's videos are pretty invaluable at the moment, until GTASeriesVideos finally come out with their definitive version in a few weeks.

Also, they do a lot of R*-whoring with their other games. I don't give a fuck about Red Dead, so will probably never watch those ones.

keep spamming your garbage you nigger.

How I made money in GTA:SA was always make large but equal bets on the second third and last third in roulette. Sadly in this, the max bets in roulette are only $1,000. But you can bet big with blackjack though, in the high-roller section.

>when fucking dealer got blackjack with 2 cards
redundant, blackjack is only with 2 cards, everything else is just 21. Also if you're shit at blackjack just use the basic strategy, it's the mathematical "correct" decision to do for any given hand.

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>tfw got banned from gta online for a month 3 days ago
its not fair bros

Yes. Act One is less of a pain, though I do like the Humane Labs (especially as the pilot, as I know to focus on the enemy Buzzards and keep facing forwards for the gunner, while using shoulder buttons to yaw and miss the rockets) and Series A Funding finales (drive on the wrong side of the road, keep snacks menu open). Pac Standard is a lottery depending how the others make the escape.

Indeed, Mk II ammo is a must in the Doomsday Heist, and I would say with the Casino missions as well. The Mk II revolver with hollow point ammo is pretty useful for generally one-shot kills. It's just a pisser the ammo cap is so slow and you need to get back into freemode for replenishment.

I love how Client Jobs can be dovetailed with VIP Work in Invite Only lobbies; or can be used with I/E, Bunker and Nightclub in a solo Public for over $500K an hour.

guess you shouldnt be a faggot then. all i do is annoy people blasting music from the blimp speakers then Hindenburging them in passive, using a bmx as my heist ride and refusing to fast travel. never been warned never been banned

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How much money do you get in total when finishing all casino missions?

>using a bmx as my heist ride

You still get a rebate within 48 hours of buying it for people that they missed the 1st time around. All the customizations cost extra but you get the Base price of $1.5M knocked off.

Pretty sure you can spend $50k on a round of high roller roulette.

>You have to host them to progress
I was wondering why i wasn't getting any more calls. Why is this a thing?

>finish casino missions
>literally nothing else to do
Haha man dude what a great update lol I'll be sure to login next month to buy the first dripfeed car totes excited for that.

play mario-party-esque playlists with friends


5 missions - $50K each ($250K)

Final mission - $100K

All in order $500K

Complete all missions as leader - $100K

Pass a mission without losing a life - $50K

Complete all mission as crew - $100K (This one seems to be all in order as well)

Total: $1.1M in bonuses.

Mission payouts for the difficulty are pretty garbage though; between $5-15K. It's all on the first time and completion bonuses, so get on them while there's a demand.

Interesting. I'll check again. I went into the high roller area next to the white blackjack/roulette area.

Yeah, it's a pisser. Much like with the Heists and the discounts.

Make sure you're outside the casino and you should get the call to progress within a few minutes.

I can't even access it, because of laws in my country. Just let me spend my life savings on shark cards and gamble it all away ffs

wait, there's blackjack? the intro and description only mention slots, wheel of fortune, horse races, roulette, and 3 cards poker, and even inside all the tables are either roulette or poker, even in the high stakes rooms

I got the PC version a few months ago basically just to fuck around in Online whenever I want to drive around the map. I'm sat on around $900k but don't want to go out of my way to farm, so I guess I should look into the most "natural" ways to make money.

They added blimps in GTA O? They have speakers? Tell me more.

Kind of tired of it already, 6 creator-tier missions is pretty paltry and the penthouse is pointless

just cheat the money user, still have 3bln or so without a ban and it was through a modded menu on PC.

can I finally buy my DeLorean with that?

not him, i cheated money on an old account of mine and i got banned after 3 or 4 days.
i don't know if you have just been lucky, or if it's random as fuck

>Best penthouse in the game costs 7 million gtdollars
>In Shark cards that equals 100 real world dollars

100 fucking dollars for a background

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i wish all the missions had been in singleplayer with online coop option if wanted

It's in the same room, the far most tables in the back are blackjack. I've noticed that despite being two tables, one is usually filled with NPCs doing literally nothing.

>bmx as my heist ride
ive done this on more than one occasion
if you get the bhop down, you can pick up speed easily

maybe you used a popular one desu
but yeah i really didn't want to grind out the boring heists and neither did the online friends i used to play with so we decided to gamble it on getting banned, all of us got away with it surpisingly - even after adding billions to our accounts.
sorry that you got banned user, but i'm sure you could try again if you ever wanted to get back into it (it's not really worth it, though).

I'm surprised people say these missions are hard
They are pretty basic in terms of cover shooting
Hell it's probably the easiest $1M to make in GTA Online

Im going to check later, but if it's in i still don't understand why it's not advertised, neither in promotional descriptions, neither in game

just go into a lobby and ask some modder to drop you money

One could argue you don't need to advertise Blackjack in a casino but I think you're right, the trailer shows no sort of it.

I've played it personally though and know it's in the game, even in the high limit tables. The only thing that sucks is the slow animations you're forced to sit through.

If you want easy money, spam VIP Work, and quickjob into contact missions and heists until you can afford the Bunker. Take note of double money/RP and discounts.

The Nightclub requires several businesses to run (CEO Warehouse/Hangar, the Bunker and MC's Coke, Meth and Cash), but you do get access to well paying Client Jobs via the Terrorbyte.

I'd also recommend Fortified and Transporter for VIP jobs, but you have to buy the corresponding special vehicles first.

Of course Import/Export is one of the best solo moneymakers in the game at ($240K an hour just on it's own), if you can glitch into a solo Public session. Combining that with VIP Work, Client Jobs, Bunker and Nightclub can make over $500K an hour before bills.

wait how do you split? I didnt see an option to

I also hate how minimalist the display is. You have to use the trigger buttons to get close-ups of the cards. Not like the old days

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Split is E when you have two cards of same value

>You have to use the trigger buttons to get close-ups of the cards
That's very annoying, but thankfully the dealer is always stating the current value. Though I've had times where the dealer just doesn't talk at all. might be bugged

>tfw you put max bet on red 6 times in a row but it lands on black each time

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You can buy a blimp in the eliteas website and call it with pegasus. It has speakers and flares on it. The speakers play whatever radio station you have to all players around you for like 2-3 block radius. Do the mexican radio to annoy people.

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I think it only pops up when it's applicable.

>converts many children and teens into actual gamblers
wew lads, and to think people thought microtransactions weren't coming to this point

I'm surprised that there was no mention of Brucie coming out of the closet, given that he made a pass on Luis and was obsessed with Niko a decade before.

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>disconnect wifi
>bet again
>win jackpot
nothing personal kid

i'm so sorry for you.

yeah it's weird, for each game in the casino has been advertized and it's presented to you when you first enter the casino, but not black jack

I hack in money on the regular for months and still have yet to be banned, rockstars detection system is so fucking broken its pathetic

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Apparently if you exit the game when you lose a bet, it won't save. So you could potentially bet 50k chips each time, exit the app quickly if you lose and you won't lose any chips. Haven't tested this out yet, just saw another user post about it

You wont get banned.

They system automatically wipes your bank to 0 if you add enough to trigger it. This is why people fill their garage with supercars and sell them after they get wiped.

Oh my god, it's Hitler's dog!

>ran into the casino before anyone shot at me

you cant stay in there forever, user

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Just tried to play for the first time in years and god the controls are bad

>try with controller, sluggish get insta killed by a single npc

>try with mouse have 50 different controls you need to use on keyboard

>Doesn't seem well thought out
Don't assume you know more about being a jew than the chinks who make this shit. They do it that way so you have to call in all your faggots to play the game with you, turning 1 player into 4. Good game design and direction is not a concern of the online team.

hey alright
somebody shoot this guy

You buy the Penthouse and get a cutscene that starts the campaign
The objectives are simple as shit compared to the heists, only driving and shooting
You get 1.1M if you: Complete all missions, in order, without dying, as host
Plus a new armored car with gun turrets

>>try with mouse have 50 different controls you need to use on keyboard
>WASD, crouch, jump, enter vehicle
>'50' controls

What the fuck? Why does Brucie look nothing like himself?

damn you're worse than me if thats all you use.

You need parachute, quick item, reload, view change, and much much more

>3 more buttons

He seems okay. He looked much less like himself on the Bullshark website and on his phone contact photo.

isn't parachute the jump/shoot button or something?
aren't literally all those buttons closely centered around your movement keys so it's literally a non-issue to move your fingers onto them?
are you physically handicapped?

He looks like a player character. His mouth and eyes are nothing like his look in 4.

>The Casino and Resort Update has revolutionized Grand Theft Auto Online
Why, has it deleted that god awful mmo-lite mode and remembered that GTA has always been and should always stay a single player game? No? fuck off then. Endless loading screens, grind and power creep isn't fun.

He looks NOTHING like he did in GTA IV and he is about as animated as a fucking Chuck E Cheese robot. Compare the way he moves and talks in that video to his missions in IV:

Once again GTA IV > GTA V

>Once again GTA IV > GTA V
well except the car handling in 4. it's terrible.

I like the security chief in the missions, cute little character.

>dude its only 4
>dudes its only 3 more which is 7
>dude I cant read the part of "much much more"

>passive mode automatically locked out for 5 mins when using armed vehicles/shooting people
This is a deluxo/op2 free lobby buddy. Yall best switch session.

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Solo public sessions never seem to work for me, I always get aimbot npcs filling my car with holes when i'm trying to export

People still play GTAV? wtf

Look all you need to do is either cargobob lift that shit or go shoot the 4 waves of spics that spawn.

Man zoomers are dumb...

inject yourself some quick billions and play the game as intended.

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>much more

we can do this all day. Play Arma or any kind of real sim if you want to see a game with '50' buttons. GTA is an arcade game.

>drive until you see the first hostiles on your radar
>pull over and park car behind cover
>gun down the 3/4 waves of enemies in about a minute
>have a nice pleasant drive to the sale location with minimal damage and time to spare
>repeat ad infinitum

Yeah, I felt bad when that prick Thornton fired him.

Jokes on you it's still one of the most played games out there. Pic related doesn't count standalone launchers so add around x2 the player count.

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>How I made money in GTA:SA was always make large but equal bets
>Not just doing Brown Thunder until targets gave hundreds of thousands in cash

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Jokes on me how? Quantity doesn't equal quality you doofus. Enjoy the grind I guess lmao.

oh I see now, you have autism and get hung up on small details and dont understand the concept of exaggeration in conversations.

Fuck off now, literal retard

You got a link to a working trainer? I just want to fuck around without grinding.

why do steamtards post this being proud, when it's fivem RP twitchfags inflating the numbers?

that ended on the 19th if you didn't do it before then you're shit out of luck sorry bud.

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The AI more or less has 100% accuracy and will drop you in like 2 shots. Combine this with the fact that the mission is failed if someone dies when the “Team Lives” are at 0 and that most people who play this game are either children or retardswho will run out into the open and get killed instantly and it makes for a lot of frustration. Especially the 5th rooftop mission since it has no checkpoints at all

theres literaly no more modders

Actually FiveM uses 2013 Source SDK by default to hide itself in Steam, hence why the usercount is so inflated for that tool.

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pretty sure steam ticks as well. fivem no support basedpirate fags. gotta launch steam to launch fivem, or R* social.

>Lying on the internet
Other than starting a solo session i have never ever been in a public session that didnt contain 2-5 modders in the past 4 years.
Since europoors are on summer vacation there are 10x as many script kiddies now.

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The fifth mission does have checkpoints, thank God. Once you get to the roof, you can use the parked Buzzard to take out the Juggernaut and all the remaining enemies. It's Doomsday Heist levels of difficulty and misery.

>tfw console peasant
>Cockstar never wiped my money from the Lester plane glitch
>Bought everything in the Casino and still have a fuckton of leftover cash and supercar bonds

Does Flame Rounds Revolver still drop any NPC in one shot? I know they nerfed the HP rounds so they no longer drop players unless you’re at like point blank range

yeah but they normally dont drop money and if it does the you only get 60k because the system message thing keeps popping up

Idk, I use standalone Social Club launcher and when I played FiveM It said on my steam account that I was using the SDK even tho I don't have my game linked into Steam in any way.
that's a nono, use injectors fresh from the oven (from 0 to 5 days) made in cheating forums, read comments from previous versions before injecting the dosh, you don't wanna download detected stuff.

Is now a good time to buy GTA online? I've played the story but never online. Seems like it could be fun. Do I only need the main game on steam?

>Idk, I use standalone Social Club launcher and when I played FiveM It said on my steam account that I was using the SDK even tho I don't have my game linked into Steam in any way.
that sounds scary as fuck

Remember kids, Rockstar is based. They can't do no wrong. Its Yea Forumsnumber one developed.

>"merely pretending"
a timeless classic

It's always good if you cheat the money, more so if you have friends. If not, prepare yourself for Grinding Hell, GTAO puts cookie clickers, gachas and MMORPGs in shame when it comes to that.


rdo is dead for good, let it go

There's another promotion

Combat is this game is so fucking bad
>play mission
>have to keep opening inventory to eat 50 times
>get shot instantly again and all your armor and life is gone
>open inventory again


Oh yeah also
>if you restart a mission your food and armor stays gone
>have to drive all the way to a fucking store to buy food, then drive to ammunation to buy more armor


you forgot to mention that if doing a mission your custom weapon loadout gets fucked making you cycle through a bunch of shit weaps just to get to the sweet one you prefer.

>go ceo
>health now regenerates 100%
wow fucking russian hacker man

Car handling in V is simplified dogshit. Why the fuck can I drive up chilliad in a sports car with drag race tires?

So does it really reveal anything new about Trevor?

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In the pacific bank job final mission, are you supposed to jump off the bike before parachuting, or does it automatically open parachute while you are off the cliff.

I tried jumping off the bike first and I fell down the mountain before the stupid parachute could open

if you really want a challenge try it with a 4WD lol.

Never used them. I prefer full metal jacket and hollow point ammo.

It also seems they finally fixed that ammo glitch when special ammo is used in the MG weapon class since they introduced the Unholy Hellbringer. There would always be a $13K shortfall in ammo in mission lobby screens at max shooting stat.

heavy revolver + incendiary is 1hko on most players and npcs. it ragdolls juggernauts

heavy sniper + fire is 1hko on players

>Ride off cliff
>Get off vehicle
>Pull the parachute and pull stick up
>Has to be quick

Fuck this garbage, I want a proper offline expansion. Including an extension of the map, maybe a new large city, new landscapes.

Also, GTA V and its online expansions have left any sense of realism behind, so many expensive and exotic vehicles, so many expensive and luxurious houses, so many over-the-top missions, so much money you earn, there seems no place to go to after this.

What could they possible do after GTA V that would be considered an improvement? No matter how violent or how many shoot-outs and explosions GTA VI will have, it's going to feel like more of the same, not like the next step.


i wouldn't mind clocking in as a stripper. i have to play the game like it's a job anyways. fuck it, i mean if they let you be a pimp, have your fave bottom bitch, be like 30 deep..squares wouldn't get it but fuck it would be awesome

There's usually an ammo glitch as well.

>using a bmx as my heist ride
based, fuck randoms

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you're gay user

it's only gay if you're in love.

Can't you just do the mission solo to complete the no deaths and then just put it on easy to do as host?

It's 2-4 players and good luck getting anyone to stick around on Easy. As tough as these missions are, half-pay is still an insult.

or just take a 4 man car and drive to the boat

Yes, or take a SWAT van for better protection. The Lectro's are suicide.