Why is Leo so BASED?
Why is Leo so BASED?
Cause he is from the superior Nohrianrace and not an disgusting Hoshidian
He's not a Hoshigroid
what a faggot
>play revelation
>recruit all units
>pair up every hoshido male with every nohr female and vice versa
>create an army of mutts
>can't fuck his butt
At least hoshido doesn't produce faggots
Haha, that's our Leo..
>that cross dressing faggot could be King of Nohr especially in the Birthright universe
Nohr is doomed
Only thing from Fates that I'd describe as "based" is Camille's mommy milkers
I'd consider him based if only he had some fucking SPEED
You know, if there's one thing I miss about Fates, it's that classes are no longer gender-locked.
I was really excited to finally have a Pegasus Knight(Male) back then
I didn’t like Forrest at first, but he’s grown on me.
So in Fates the children are put into a pocket universe instead of coming back from the future like in Awakening. That means the characters canonically had sex at their current ages, and Hayato was canonically /ss/d
>white Aryan
>wants to fuck his older sister(s)
>hates his faggot son
>hates weebs
Could he be, mayhaps, if I might be so bold as to say, /ourguy/?
How the fuck do I beat Echoes bros?
These late game battles are pure anti-fun.
Is Fates worth trying again if I dropped Conquest once I got to the ice tribe because of how retarded the plot was?
Conquest is only worth it for the gameplay, the story doesn’t get any better
Epic. Guess I'll hold out and see how Three Houses is received.
I wasn't excited at first but hearing there's a time skip has given me some hope that it won't just be a generic school simulator a la Valkyria Chronicles 2.
The story for Three Houses seems to be MUCH better
But war criminals, liers and incompetent rulers
>war criminals
look who's talking
His parenting is too blame why is son became a sissy slut
>/ss/ Hayato because cute shota
>Have degenerate daughter that wants to fuck me
I deserve this.