Which one is the best?

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Other urls found in this thread:


this pic is cringey

Crash is just cringe sonic

Mario, Sonic, and literally who


>western "character design"

Mario abd Crash have good games, unlike Sonic




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>ad populum

people call sonic out over furfags, but crash is so much worse for that
>pants to signify he possesses and is hiding genitalia
>defined fur
>defined muscles
Plus the design doesn't correlate at all with what he does in the game and his defining traits aren't his. Hedgehogs curl into to ball so Sonic's mechanics being designed around it makes sense. Boxes? I think of Mario Blocks. Animal mascots and sneakers? I think of Sonic.
Crash's just try hard and awful. Only copping mutts care for him. Barely anyone in Europe or Japan even knows about him, while everyone in the world at least is aware of Mario and Sonic

>good games

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See? The crash people just copied sonic and made a kart game

sonic the edgy teen vs crach the lol so random Xd vs mario the bing bing boomer

Mario >>> Crash > Sonic

Crash has only had 3 good games (1, 2, CTR) when you don’t include remakes, but I like each of them better than any Sonic game. Sonic has been offensively bad for so long that my hate sort of taints my memories of his older games, though.

Mario is obviously an untouchable golden god by comparison to these two jokers.

Classic/Adventure Sonic >>>>> Crash >>> Mario >>>>>> Boost Sonic

This, if this doesn’t prove why crash will never be in smash, then you’re deluded.

Christ, someone put effort into making that shit.

Well I find Sonic to just be more fun. I love practicing at the levels and gradually improving to make them flow better and faster each time.
Crash by comparison demanded overly specific jumps and killed you very easily plus the box hunting just isn't fun to me.
In Sonic you miss a jump? It's ok, you end up on a lower route and can keep going, just explore the level and have fun just try to get to the goal.
You fuck up in Sonic? You lose your rings, but it's fine! You can pick up a few and keep going. Try to hold on to 50 by the next checkpoint or end of the stage for chaos emerald or an extra life.
Miss a jump in Crash? Bottomless pit every time, except for the one time where it isn't and there's shit you need to collect down there.
Fuck up in Crash? Ohnononono you're staying in this level until you jump on the stupid turtle and the exact pixel perfect time.
It's true Sonic Team is ass, but what can I say? You can just not play the bad games. I usually stuck to handheld, so when 06 was coming out I was just chilling with Rush. I never noticed the decline.
To each their own, but to me there's no comparing the two.

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This rofl COTT and MOM where absolute dogshit NST is a cheaply made remake and CTR: NF is literally trash. The last good crash game was twinsanity, it would have been better with the unused content though.

Yep but they copied Nintendo with the original CTR it’s literally mario kart with marsupials.

>Barely anyone in Europe or Japan even knows about him
Don't know about Japan but that is just not true for Europe, even my fucking mom knows about him even though she does not play games and I never owned a Crash game

There's literally nothing cringeworthy about Crash.
He's just a goofy, retarded bandicoot.

Sonic, he can fucking speak

A goofy retarded bandicoot who’s probably on the verge of death again. It’s time to let him die now people, his PS1 games have been remade and he’s got lots of cool new merch for y’all you should be happy now and let him rest.

But the voice is one of the most recognisable things about Morden sonic.

it's been confirmed he's getting a brand new game

no Sonic is Cringe Sonic
You fuckers cause us to cringe
case and point CWC

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I like feeling like a pinball

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Crash is popular as fuck in Japan and Crash's goofy dance was actually something that was popularized in Japan before it was added to him officially in Crash 2

Anecdotal, but people around me will now Mario, Pikachu and Soinc no problem. Swap Zelda and Link, but have an idea of who they are. Also occasionally Ratchet and some Spyro. It's very rare to meet someone who knows Crash.
Regardless, Sonic is as recognizable as Mickey Mouse, even his side characters like Knuckles and Shadow are very well known and is entirely the reason he manages to survive despite a lobotomy being a requirment for working in Sonic Team.
I mean seriously, Sonic Team's the ultimate pleb filter. You think Crash would have survived for almost 3 decades whilst being handled by them? Haha! No chance.

Considering Penta Penguin originates from Crash Bandicoot manga, it's safe to say he was quite popular there or at least back in the 90s

How the fuck would anyone know Ratches but not Crash? Those games were mediocre as fuck and has been dead and forgotten for a decade

The cutscenes and general dialogue were funny. Crash has the death animations, but they're not on the same level.

Strangely enough, this is probably whats gonna happen when Crash does join Smash at the end of his video introduction. That or every mascot character will be chillin out at some beach.

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To be fair, Sonic only has two marginally good games.


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Can someone please explain this meme to me?
It just suddenly appeared without warning

I don't know, never played Mario except for the first one, and the only Sonic I've played is Heroes and 2.

Probably Crash?

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Oh fuck no...proof...oh....is it up your ass?

>The last good crash game was twinsanity
Twinsanity was dogshit

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>Barely anyone in Europe or Japan even knows about him, while everyone in the world at least is aware of Mario and Sonic
Bait or underage?

>Miss a jump in Crash? Bottomless pit every time
is this not the case for all platformers including sonic? and we aren't talking about the remakes user, the turtle shit was fine in the original
>I never noticed the decline
>5 straight years of shitty sonic games after 06
sure you didn't

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Well then there you go! Conclusion: Crash? More like belongs in trash!

>is this not the case for all platformers including sonic?
Most pits in Sonic lead to more level. Read the post or play the games.
>the turtle shit was fine in the original
It really wasn't
>sure you didn't
For real why would I? The Nerd also didn't notice the Sonic is shit meme for decades and he actually has a job reviewing games. Every handheld was game was fun and well enough put together. And they were coming out at about the same time Sonic Team's games were. So if you didn't really care for consoles and never got 06, how would you know that ACKCHUALLY Sonic is terrible?

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>t. Autistic sonicfag
Sonic a shit

Congrats, you're totally better than everyone

>implying Crash is in the same tier as fucking Mario and Sonic

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The one that is not censored.
Therefore, not Crash.

How is Crash censored, what is there to censor?

This rofl trash cunticoot

I just noticed link in the background.

It was thought that the Trophy girls from CTR had been removed for being sexist before they released the game, only for it to be revealed that the reason they were missing from the initial footage of the game was that they were being added as fully playable racers in a massive free DLC. Autists that don't like CTR enjoy pretending the latter never happened

>that mario

feel sorry about banjoker

> 5 straight years of decline
I beg to differ.
Imo colors and Generations were both a step in the right direction.

As well as Unleashed and Mania.

Can't defend forces though, that's just dogshit.

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None of them?

>When you prefer villains and other underdog IPs compared to the popular mascots

I miss when Wario was on the realm, I miss when Sonic was still in his Advance/Rush phase and Crash...

Crash at least is somewhat okay, but even the remakes are dodgy as hell with its slippery slopes and sketchy lighting. Mario gets a hard meh for at least his platforming remaining consistently dull. Sonic nowadays is a mess.

Go try out things like Ristar or Jumping Flash, you'll thank me later and then hate the fact that those were never continued. And not to mention other unfortunate IPs that simply couldn't keep up with Mario, Sonic and Crash craze.

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In what world is sonic not cringe sonic?

Sure as fuck ain't crash. His games are fucking trash.

Why are all the files 404'd? Is Yea Forums broken?

If we're talking track record quality wise, Mario, no questions asked.
However, if we look at each one's impact on pop culture, Sonic's the winner.
And of course, Crash has the least terrible fanbase.

mario for 3d platformers
sonic for 2d platformers
crash for racing

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Crash is more lovable than Mario and not nearly as cringe as Sonic, so he wins.

It also happens to me too. Have you tried clicking the image link?

Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest ones. Thanks mate.

Twinsanity was a bad game. It's THE perfect example of a bad game with SOUL, that and DK64.
Also N. Sane Trilogy is the definitive way to play Crash and you know it.

it's only cringe when anyone else does the dance. some how it just works for crash

coco doing it was just akward

It's a band-aid solution. I do mind not having all the images in one page, especially when you're using Google Chrome and I can only pray another user can solve our problem

Mario has always been consistent in being decent
Sonic has some gems but mostly garbage
Crash trilogy and CTR are always fun but nothing else past those games is worth any thought
so it would be Mario > Crash > Sonic

If we are talking about their best games and personal preferences then:
Crash 2 > SA2 > Mario 64

Colors, Generations and Unleashed are nearly a decade old you fucking idiot.

As for Mania, that was just retreading the same old ground that was already covered in the Genesis days, plus Sonic Team didn't even make it.


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>Not nearly as cringe as Sonic

Well, he did have his "so hardcore" phase in Warped with his motorcycle stunt, but he's pretty much goofy elsewhere and not nearly as edgy as Sonic. Sonic's been inherently "cool" since the beginning and as new friends made it in, it got a bit trickier.

In concerns to characters, Crash Bandicoot actually tries its best not to give not too many friends to Crash. Some chars might feel redundant, but it's not like they're forced as tag-along friends.

Yeah, but Crash actually nails that shit in Warped because he's a wacky, retarded bandicoot pretending to be cool, rather than an edgy character that they try to make cool from the start.
Crash is just likeable, just the right amount of silly and cool. Sonic tries too hard.

It's sort of impressive that despite shitting much more than Sonic or Crash, Mario's Lows were never quite as low as Crash or Sonic's. There have been mediocre to bad spinoffs but no Mind Over Mutant or Sonic 06

Mario's lowest lows I consider to be the later NSMB games, and even those have solid high quality platforming, they're just brought down by a complete lack of originality, style, and personality. Crash got raped to hell and back after Naughty Dog with Twinsanity basically being the only game that really embodied the actual spirit of Crash, I think, and Twinsanity was a buggy unfinished mess.
Sonic was never good so he barely counts.

This. I really mean it. I actually cringed at the sight of this image.

Nintendo has always tried to make sure nothing like that ever happens to Mario, but in doing so, there's not exactly too much risking. The closest I can think of Mario going out of its way to... extremely go wild and try to shock impress is Odyssey oddly. Something about that game feels really flat in that they tried to make Mario more of a collectathon with several moves, which actually reminds me a bit more of Banjo Kazooie. It's hard for me to call it a Mario game. There were other games that felt more like Mario to me.

>sold 10m copies
>HURRR let's not make a new game t. activision

Thanks for reminding me of NSMB2.

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No, the definitive way is certainly by playing the originals, they can’t be beaten, especially by some cheap remake. The more you keep saying the NST is good the more I wish he wasn’t revived.

if odyssey was buggy it would be the sonic 06 of the series instead its just a polished bad game

They only had intentions to bring him back for nostalgia. Not any new games.

>playable Coco
>based Lex Lang
>Time Trials in 1 and 2
>Fixed 1's save system
>Stormy Ascent and Future Tense
>mostly better music
Yeah, sure it is, kid.

>not Ami, Rosalina, and Rouge

Mario got more defined mechanics overall, even the blandest platforming Mario titles are quite enjoyable.
Dunno. It felt pretty much like Mario to me given that aside from Cappy, Mario's movement is still based on SM64 and the only thing that they did was give him more movement options.

sonic is cringe sonic

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>mfw when I click on link but gives privacy warning

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Link up above, perfect form

I love sonic guys

Here is a song I made just for him ;)


Please tell me your thought and how ii can improve as I am truly devoted to making the perfect sonic song.

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just go to Advanced at the bottom and click continue or something. It's not like anyone can post jaypegs with virus

Easily Mario

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why would crash associate with mario when his games way better?


where do you live?

Mario's racing games have been improving bit by bit by copying some boosting mechanics from CTR. It's still got a ways to go but Mario kart offers music and mass appeal as well as some miscellaneous quality of life things and Nintendo money funding the online development process.
TSR is a disgrace, that's the only point that the image was making.

I liked it fine, plays like the stages Transformed had that were taken from the first All Stars Racing, easy to jump into. I'm just now starting Nitro Fueled and I hope to get better over time, because the handling right now feels weird for me

>Sonic has been offensively bad for so long
I see this often but that makes little sense.
The last good Sonic game is Lost World, and there's been a single game from ST after that, it's Forces, which isn't "offensively bad".
Boom U was, but it's a spin-off made by literal who. The mobile games maybe?
And before that there was Unleashed, Colors, Generation, which varies in quality but are still above a lot of Sonic games, and 3D platformers.
In terms of time, yes it's been a while, but in terms of games not really.

>we will never get a massive crossover racing game using Mario kart, Sega racing transformed, ctr, diddy Kong racing, kirby air ride, wipe out, and fzero concepts and mechanics beautifully weaved into a single game.

That sounds too much like a clusterfuck to make into a good game

Obviously not all mechanics from each game would be able to carry over. Stuff like SRT transformations and trick boosts, city trial from air ride, reserves from ctr and its drifting system, mk's mass appeal and funding, and so on.

Is this your first day on the internet? There's no nuance to anything here, everything is either the best thing ever or irredeemable shit.

I love Liz Bandicoot!

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>Implying Mario and Sonic are on the same tier as Crash

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>mostly better music
They ruined every Crash 2 and Crash 3 theme except for a handful of tracks, but the best ones? Fucking butchered.


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you get used to it. Only feels weird because every other kart racer feels similar besides crash, but I've enjoyed the learning curve.

Beenox really should add the ability to race player ghosts though. Even TSR got that right even if they fucked up the music when you do it

Crash and it's not even close.

All of Cortex's themes, Snow Go, Dingodile's theme, Diggin' It, Road to Ruin, all the main Crash themes, most of Crash 1's music, Unbearable, Hang Eight, Komodo Bros, Makin Waves, and Toad Village are all songs I prefer in NST.
The only songs that are blatant downgrades are The Eel Deal, Turtle Woods, Ripper Roo's themes, Boulders, Future Frenzy, Hang Em High, and Bear It, and even those are still pretty great. NST's soundtrack sounds much more varied and unique than the originals, which I think relied on the bass way too hard.

>Makin Waves
This is bait. The the accordians and slap bass are missing in NST.



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